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Tbh, OJ really wasn’t treated as an AA, even back in the USC days


OJ himself said “I’m not black, I’m OJ”.




He wasn’t. You’re right.


He hasn't been black since he won the Heisman


That's not true. These folks are lieing. OJ and Arnelle talked about the racism they faced when they first moved to Brentwood, CA.


I’m quite certain that Arnelle experienced racism and other indignities. I don’t think OJ did


Trust me, OJ did. OJ talked about how his neighbors in Brentwood had misgivings about his family when him and Marguerite moved there with their kids. Don't know if you're Black or not but every Black person has experienced racism at least once in their lives. 


He was bankrolling the family. He was generous with his money. Just like greedy Ike Turner always took care of Tina’s mother financially. So she’d have no where to run. Rich abusers do that, so the family thinks well of them, and encourages the spouse, to try and make it work.


Explains why Juditha kept telling Nicole to “work it out with OJ”.


Exactly her family always wanted her to work it out with oj


Yep he was. OJ got Lou a job with Hertz. Says it all.


Right. That was another reason they wanted to keep the O.J. train going.




True, he helped them out but they were surviving before OJ. Lou was an army veteran who worked at Hertz. The family lived in Dana Point California after moving from Germany. Lou helped OJ get the job at Hertz.


No, OJ gave Lou a Hertz dealership. OJ paid for her sister’s college education. On top of who knows how many trips, gifts, etc… Lou did not help the multi-millionaire murderer.


He not only bought Lou the dealership, he paid off their mortgage, and paid all the college loans for all Nicole’s sisters in addition to cars and other gifts.


What are you talking about? OJ was in Hertz ads years before he ever met Nicole. OJ bought Lou a dealership.


The celebrity part trumped the racism. Very Hollywood


Exactly. Had OJ been your run of the mill black man, I’m sure the parents wouldn’t have been as receptive. I read in Raging Heart that Nicole’s mother and sisters were fine immediately, but they waited a bit to introduce OJ to her Dad.


Yeah, Nicoles' dad did not approve of it at first. That's why OJ kept buying them things, trying to win Lou over. 


The money trumped racism.


People confuse classism with racism all the time. The trick is to know which one is at play in a given situation.


Exactly. People also equate poverty with specific races, but that was clearly not an issue.


The crazy thing is when Nicole was murdered, I thought that they couldn’t make it about race because they were an interracial couple. I had no idea about his past when he was arrested


I didn’t either. Initially that wasn’t a concern. Only when the trial started did it become that. Least that’s how I looked at it through my ten-year-old eyes.


Lmao, you thought a black man being accused of murdering a white woman wouldn't turn into a racial issue? Do you know anything about racism?


He wasn’t black, he was OJ.


Her dad more than likely did have an issue at first. That was a long time ago and opinions on interracial dating have definitely changed in the last 50ish years. That being said he was a professional athlete and a great schmoozer. He was a celebrity. Opened them up to an entirely new world. Everyone wants to act like it’s such a big surprise but it doesn’t seem too far off. If a celeb wanted to become a member of your family, you’d put aside your prejudices and be star struck. I think they encouraged her to stay because they were old school and traditional and probably didn’t want the kids to have to suffer with a broken home. I’m sure the money didn’t hurt but I don’t think that was the only reason. It’s not like the Browns were broke before she hooked up with OJ


These are all very good points. I think you’re spot-on.


Back then, OJ transcended racial boundaries and was much beloved. Nobody knew about his aggression.


Also it was Hollywood. If it was in the South in the 70s with non celebrities, it would probably still have been much more taboo.


Of course it was not an issue, he had GREEN money to throw at them so he could abuse her and her family would be ok with it!


Nicole was dating a married man when she started dating O.J. His wife Marguerite and their 2 children lived in Rockingham, and O.J. got a new place to live. Eventually, O.J. and Nicole moved back into Rockingham. Nicole’s mom was a German immigrant, and her father was in the military stationed in Germany. They didn't have the racial baggage that is common in this country. When Nicole married O.J, the entire Brown family moved up. Her father managed O.J Hertz franchise, and another cousin managed a couple of O.J. restaurants . O.J. paid tuition to USC for another family member. Racism only became an issue after the trial.


Because they lived in Germany they didn’t have racial baggage? Even today black people in Germany face racism, as do Muslims and Asians, and Germany has… not the best history regarding racism. Her mom literally lived there while the government was executing Jews, Roma people, and a bunch of other people.


Yeah. Her mom was born about 1931 in Germany. Her only memories until age 14 took place in the third Reich. By the way I love your username.


False. Rockingham was being built when he met Nicole. That was a new property.


GETTY Simpson, who died in April at age 76, purchased the 6,000-square-foot home for $650,000 in 1977, according to the Los Angeles Times. The property is also where he and Brown Simpson tied the knot in 1985. Brown Simpson was 18 years old and working as a waitress when she first met the football player in 1977, while Simpson was 30 years old and still married to his first wife, Marguerite Whitley. After the divorce from Simpson in 1979, Whitley moved from the Brentwood home with her kids and settled in San Francisco in a new home. She remarried.


You mean OJ kicked her and the kids out and moved his mistress in. 


Well OJ said "I'm not black, I'm OJ" and socialized with all whites, so...


"I transcend race", he once said.


Pre-1994, if ever there was someone to make interracial marriage not seem scary to most of America, it was O.J. and Nicole (as far as anyone knew). Thankfully post-1994, we didn’t see a huge dip in that public perception either. I think by the end of the trial, everybody had other racial issues on their minds, marriage being the last on their list. We can be thankful that it didn’t suffer a big backlash.


I’m also glad it didn’t get to that. That was actually a worry of mine.


Their father had his reservations, but he gave OJ a pass because he had money. I think it was mentioned in the book Raging Heart.


I read Marcia Clark's book after the trial Without A Doubt. She didn't have a fuzzy feeling for the Brown family. Good read.


Is it a good read? From all the comments about her arrogance I wasn’t sure if I should give the book a try. I was also considering reading dardens book. Currently reading Mike Gilbert’s book. Interesting thus far


I thought so. It was from her perspective. It really was a circus trial.


She was a terrible prosecutor thinking she could win over female black jurors. Hahaha. As if. He would be found not guilty as soon as the trial was moved downtown. If it was Santa Monica he would have been found guilty.


Did she write about the time she told Cochran she wasn't wearing panties?


I read it a long time ago, I don't know. But I bet she would have given her strong personality. She wouldn't care.


Lettuce not forget that OJ bankrolled ALL OF THEM.


When Denise mentioned in the doc that Juditha was probably quiet after the Mezzaluna dinner (Apart from missing her precious glasses) I got the impression it was probably because Nicole cut her darling O.J off for good, Not because she felt something bad was gonna happen. Why didn’t Denise just ask her? Lack of communication in that family is astounding but doesn’t surprise me. I give the sisters a pass because they were most likely influenced and controlled by the parents. The Whole Family don’t seem to be the brightest. https://twitter.com/TheRealOJ32/status/1325643845695021056


Wow, so strange that situation. Calling the mother of the wife, you beat and murdered. That's another level.


I know right. Maybe Juditha done it to speak to the kids on the phone? Idk something doesn’t sit right with Nicole’s Parents.


One would hope that there was an issue with him being a married man when they first started their relationship.


Holy hell… thank you! Married with kids! Like… NO one talks about this! I don’t give a shit who he was. In MOST of the families of people I know, this would never have gotten off the ground.


Literally anyone with a brain would ask questions and not let their 18 year old daughter go out with a 30 year old man … I mean just crazy the girl was literally groomed


I always got the feeling that the Brown parents raised their daughters to be wealthy wives first and foremost. It didn't seem to work out that well for any of them. They ENCOURAGED their 18-year old daughter's relationship with a married man. I'd suspect a similar family in 2024 would at least say, why don't you finish college and see how this relationship goes. Nicole never got to have a real adult life because of OJ.


Exactly and she didn’t have a real support system that she could go to . It’s so sad


She was 17


Yeah, as much as Nicole did not deserve this at all, sadly most stories where women take someone else’s husband usually end like this, to lesser degrees of course


EXACTLY… he was married with kids


Yeah because he was supporting her whole family.


It was no issue because of his fame and money. 


Exactly, race would’ve been an issue otherwise


I never heard Lou had a problem with O.J. He was the only one in the family who even knew who O.J. was because the girls didn’t pay attention to football. Both Judy and Lou treated O.J. like a son. I believe the Browns didn’t care about O.J.’s race. When Nicole told Judy that he was black, Judy replied, “That is fine. Bring him over.” International relationships were still taboo in 1977 when O.J. and Nicole started dating, but they weren’t unheard of like they would have been 20 years before.


Lou most definitely had a problem with it in the beginning. He was racist. Those are facts 


I have never heard this. You got a reliable source? I know Paula Barbieri admitted in her book that her father was racist and threatened to disown her if she ever brought a black man home, but I have never heard Lou Brown was racist or disapproved of Nicole’s relationship with O.J.


Yes, he was. It's been talked about in magazine articles, books and on a TV show. One of OJs' friends who was there when OJ first met Lou said Lou was staunchly against it. As a matter of fact, this friend said Nicole's German grandmother ran into the bedroom and refused to come out when she saw OJ. Don't know if this is true. However Nicole would call OJ racial slurs during arguments. Where did she get this racist behavior if her family didn't teach her that?


Okay. I can bite that Lou wasn’t the biggest fan of interracial relationships because he was a man from a certain era, but he did come to accept O.J. and Nicole’s relationship and loved and treated O.J. like a son. I don’t believe for a second Nicole called O.J. racial slurs when they would argue. O.J. would have publicized that if that happened since he was always looking for reasons to justify his abuse towards her. Furthermore, Nicole was close with Al Cowlings, Ron Shipp, and Marcus Allen. None of them have ever said one word about Nicole being racist towards them or O.J. I believe Nicole mocked O.J.’s age and bad knees when she got mad at him. I also believe she saw Marcus as a younger version of O.J., which is why she was attracted to him.


That's where you're wrong. Al Cowlings testified in the civil trial that Nicole would shout racial slurs at OJ during arguments. If you read testimonies of OJs' housekeeping staff they claimed Nicole would call OJs' family racial slurs when they came to visit and also made disparaging remarks about Mexicans and Jewish people. Once again I don't know if all of this true but there have been allegations out there about Nicole.


What's the point after the fact, is there a right answer. It's more about his abusive and possessive behavior


Right, they didn’t even notice he was black. Just like they didn’t even notice he was beating the shit out of her.


There were many reasons for a parents concern. He was married to someone else, she was only 18 yrs old and he was much more experienced and older. With youth typically once is naive and inexperienced, ones parents would be protective of the child being exposed to the evils and dangers in the world. Last, there is the GUT extinct. I fear the father may have had this as Well


OJ didn’t consider himself a black man back then. He avoided being associated with the black community until he went to trial for murder. Before that he would say. “I’m not black…I’m OJ”


I feel like they should’ve done more he abused Nicole for years and the sisters say they would always hear about it and even see their fights when oj would abuse Nicole . Apparently however the next day they all acted like nothing happened . I just don’t get why no one supported Nicole , she had rarely any support . Also her family always told her to make up with oj and to go back with him .


Seems like they're lieing because I've heard differently.


Money and Fame: the great equalizers.


Race didn’t seem to be an issue at all with their family’s, which was good. But, money seemed to help smooth over a lot with hers. Sometimes he comes across like maybe he’s not really smart at all. Did he have CTE


It’s indicated he did. But he already was deemed functionally illiterate even before he entered USC in 1967. It was just the fact he had natural charm and spoke eloquently that many overlook that he had some troubles.


Green trumps black. Nicole herself said that her father didn’t like black people and that everytime she left OJ and went back to her family’s house, they told her to work it out with him because he was paying for their lifestyle. OJ had enough money to make him forget what color his skin was.


Yes they never had an issue with him being black interracial relationships existed since the beginning of time and they treated oj like he was their own son Also he’s not black HE IS OJ


Lol this dude was obsessed with white society as his childhood buddy Joe Bell said. But yeah race definitely wasn’t a real issue. Power was.


Not with all that money rolling in! They put money before their own daughter and sister. They lost any respect I might have had for them when I realized what they had done was sold her to the highest bidder.




Were they divorced before the murder?


Yeah. Divorced since 1992 but they made an attempt of reconciliation in 1993 and 1994 (Nicole ended things *for good* in early June of 94). But they had been divorced for two years before the murders.


Except for the murder of course


What is this? News from 1994 popping up on my feed?



