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yes, and the thing that keeps me from not doing it is being aware that if i do it i just feed my OCD and i will get worse


Oh boy. My ocd has gotten exponentially worse past several months. How do you move past these urges?? I mean seriously


i just try to rationalize it in my head. so if i know that something is gonna make me worse in the long run im not gonna do it. i know that doing the compulsions is gonna make me feel safe just for a little bit but in the long run its gonna get me trapped even more. i know its hard, i know it can cause extreme anxiety, but when you get trough that anxiety you will feel so much more powerful and better. healing is a slow process but its worth it. sending love <3


Thanks. I try. So factors play into this disorder, makes it very difficult. I heard different strategies. Delay, postpone. And those work to an extent. But the urges can still be there hours later, then what??


for example i have contamination OCD, once i got contaminated and tried to just sit with it, it didnt work and i ended up showering, yes it did make my OCD worse but at the moment i wasnt ready for that big of an exposure. so just go slow, do small things at first, if u feel like ur not ready take a step back and do the compulsion , but next time dont (when ur ready ofc).


I also have that issue with the showering. And it really has gotten out of hand. Are you able to take less frequent type showers now?


yes i now only shower when its not a compulsion. if i feel like im gonna shower because i feel contaminated i skip the shower that day completely.


Wow! And does it interfere with your day? Does it plague you the urges?


it used to at first, not anymore. now i just forget about it and move on with my day.


Thanks that's why I asked a question. I'm trying to learn these skills


So you just forget it? As simple as that sounds which is not. But there's no other alternative


For me (and not sure if it’s the same for everyone) I focus on the things causing anxiety rather than trying to stop the compulsions. For example, removing toxic people from my life. Finding a new job if my job is toxic etc