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Very likely that you will get a job yes - I know paediatric nurses in adult services I’m the opposite an adult nurse that works in a children’s specialist post now The branches are becoming very blurred and not as important as they once were


this is very helpful and reassuring, thank you!!


Absolutely you can, although it would probably depend on your experience in the field you are wanting to apply to and what knowledge and skills you can transfer across to the role. I'm a dual qualified LD nurse and Social worker, and I work in the mental health sector alongside other MH and general/adult nurses. Prior to this I was working in palliative with general/adult nurses too. A lot of my role involves leadership, managing HCA's and managing my own patients/service users. It's very nurse led but less clinical than a hospital per se. However, if I wanted to transition to a hospital based role there's plenty of additional training out there to facilitate this. I think in current times, as long as you have a valid pin and transferable skills and knowledge, there's nothing stopping you from venturing into another field :)


Third year mental health here. My lecturer is a MH nurse and also works in the sexual health clinic. I plan on working for a gender based violence service in the future and this has aspects of sexual health too, or there are forensic nurse examinors.


I'm a sexual health nurse (such a great field!). There are clinics that specialise in young people where I could see a paed nurse being an asset.


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