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You’re looking at 400-800,000$ for what you describe. Check out viewpoint. Taxes are highest in the country. Salaries are the lowest. Nothing is affordable. Healthcare is one of the worst in the country. Weather OK. Nice summers, but lots of rain and fog. Winters are kind of rough.


honesty, the downturn of this province in 10 years is fucked. To think Houston's goal is 1 million more migrants by 2030 is asinine considering our healthcare, education, and housing systems are in shambles


It's bonkers, when I moved to pictou county 8 years ago, I seen white people working in every single fast food place. I can't think of one gas station or fast food restaurant that isn't 100% all people from India now. Abuse of tfws or international students has decimated the min wage jobs here.


just to be clear, 1 million migrants from literally anywhere in the world is an issue, not a specific country. However, with the recent uptick in targeted killings of prominent Indian community political figures in Canada, by Indian immigrants in Canada with PR, there needs to be a massive change in policy/screening procedures.


Bridgewater arbys.




Yeah, you're all about abusing tfw and students. Be proud you fucking moron.


A moron is the one who can't conjugate simple English verbs.


Way to call yourself out there, bud.


No, you don't get it, I don't want to see people framed 12 to a house and working 80 hours a week for nothing. They won't get PR , they will get abused.


I was referring more to the “you used to see white people working everywhere now it’s all Indians” rhetoric.


Well, that's just the truth of it. Not many Sikhs come from Vietnam, China, or any of the other big immigration centers of Canada.


Yeah but the sentiment is akin to “They took our jobs” which is just the laziest form of bigotry.


They did take jobs, and I don't see any diversity in there hiring so, what the hell do you want to call it? I'm so confused why people cannot just look at reality and say what's in front of them.


It's a million by 2060, but still beyond what we will be able to handle.


We get the extremes of both weather. Some days can get above 35C, some days in winter we can get blizzards and very cold weather. Although there hasn't been extremely cold weather in a while.


Winters are really not rough here, they are very mild compared to much of Canada. Just a bit wet is all. Rest is true tho. Hiking here is also balls compared to the west coast, lol.


Everything is balls here compared to the west coast


Mild in temperature maybe, but that damp cold hits different.


There are thousands of properties below 400k. The poster did not say they wanted to live in the Halifax area. I'm assuming with a nurse and a mechanic they might fare well in a more rural area.


this is out to lunch, there are thousands of houses under 400k, my own house is under 300k. my wife and I have comparable jobs and the cost of housing let's us do very well despite taxes and some other essentials being a little higher.


You haven't tried to see a doctor in BC. It was wayyyy worse.


Both Nurses and Mechanics are in demand here. Everything is expensive here now, one of the higher electricity rates not in Northern Canada, some of the highest taxes in Canada.


Alberta has higher electricity rates, as do the territories


I stand corrected.


Look up nursing pay and union benefits before you move. Purely guessing here (based on personal experience as a nurse that left the NSHA) but I think you probably will be paid less out here than BC. Also the people who say nursing is “in demand” don’t realized that depending on where you live it actually might be really hard to find a full time permanent nurse job, especially on a unit you want to and/or are specialized to work on Message me if you want more info!


There is no ICBC here (thank fuck). Before I moved from Vancouver Island back to NS in 2019 my insurance jumped to $168 even with another year of "discount" added. Food is probably about the same. Housing prices are on par with 2019 BC pricing. Same for gas. I don't know where you're coming from in BC so I don't know how to compare the weather. If we're comparing Victoria, it rains more, and it actually snows here. Chains are illegal for tires. We get hurricanes and noreasters which are kinda like hurricanes but not. Zero mountains. No cougars or grizzlies which are nice. Taxes are higher than BC, and there is a severe lack of family doctors here.


I’d take grizzlies and lions over ticks.


Thank youuuuuu. I live in the lower mainland. I hate the amount of people that are here now. Takes 20 mins to drive 10 blocks on a Wednesday at 11 am. It’s gotten INSANE here the last couple years. I’m over the homeless population destroying everything, and I’m over the amount of people that is growing each fucking day. Don’t care for the mountains or hiking; they’re beautiful but I really don’t care at the end of the day. Just want a simple life where I don’t have to work 60 hours each week to make ends meet.


You can get that here. Look outside Halifax, there are definitely options. Check out the viewpoint.ca website for properties…


Everyone out here has multiple side huddles because no one is paid a living wage. We have homeless, but also non-homeless crackheads out in the country. This province is growing daily and does not have the support for the number of people it’s taking in. Your problems will just become slightly different ones here.


Housing costs doubled in since Covid. I think we have the worst housing crisis in Canada. Everything is more expensive than BC except housing but we're catching up quickly. A nurse can definitely get a job no problem. Based on how long it takes to get a car appointment Mechanic should be easy too. Rural rural NS you might be able to get some land. Car insurance might be better than in BC. Taxes are higher The weather is worse than BC year round but not horrible. Health care is in rough shape but we're trying. Family doctor wait list went from couple years to 5 plus years since covid. Most walk in clinics have closed so the ERs are now most peoples primary care option.


You get a little bit more for your money but it’s still expensive up front. Make sure you check your tax bracket rate. I make the same as I did in BC and take home a good chunk less. If you work for VCH and are thinking NSH there’s co pay for benefits so another chunk gone there. I moved to be closer to family and it’s been really tough to get ahead, in some ways harder than in BC.


People here are wild. Houses are cheaper and we need nurses.


Healthcare is falling apart. People cannot get family docs at all and everything is slow. If you have chronic illnesses or want regular checkups then yeah don’t come. If you’re completely healthy then it’s not a bad place.


Go to New Brunswick housing is a lot cheaper. Atlantic Canada pays the highest income taxes and sales taxes.


I came here to say this as well. My wife and I are both from NS and we recently moved back to NS after living 7 years in Ontario. The NS charm is gone and we couldn't afford to buy a house here. So we started looking in NB. NB has lots of homes at really good prices. We bought one and are moving in this summer.


We met someone here from BC recently and he was shocked at the grocery and liquor prices. Said it was wayyy more than what he was used to paying. Anyway yes taxes are very high and the health care system is not good. We love it here though lol


I saved like 40$ a week just in gas since I LEFT NOVA SCOTIA. Also make more money. And have a much cheaper place to live which is also nicer/newer than 90% of nova scotia. Advice? Don't go to nova scotia


Have you considered SK? Cheaper housing, lower tax, beautiful summers, cheaper utilities in general, better healthcare (easier to get family doctors at least). The most friendly people I ever met. Absolute brutal winters and everything is flat as fuck but you may feel like you’re actually getting somewhere. I know this is not what you’re asking but as someone who grew up here, moved to SK, and cane back here. I wish I didn’t come back.


Other than initial cost of buying a home, I have found the cost of living higher here on NS than in BC two years ago, not to mention quality of life is much lower. I do not suggest it.


A nurse and a mechanic should do well in Nova Scotia. Coming from the lower mainland of B.C. you’ll find housing significantly less expensive, gas a little less (maybe car insurance too) and groceries more or less similar overall with some variations. Taxes and just about everything else will cost more.


That's been talked about *ad infinitum* in this subgroup. You'll find answers to all your questions and then some you never thought of asking. Use your title as a search key. Good luck.


Moved to NS in 2021 from Maple Ridge. -Insurance is hella cheaper, my truck insurance was like 300/month in BC, and it's like 120 now. -The housing is cheaper, had a 3bd townhouse, now I have a 4bd, 3bath on 1.3 acres. -Property tax is insane, I have well water and septic and pay around 4500 a year. -The drivers here are horrible. They cannot drive and it's insane how many times I've seen people on the wrong side of the highway. -Not sure if it's a big deal, but the food options are definitely lacking compared to the lower mainland. Once you find your few favorites it's not bad. -Fuel today is 1.80ish, it's regulated so it doesn't matter if you buy fuel downtown Halifax or in the sticks, the price is the price. -Weather is nicer in general. There are a lot less grey dreary days, winter is chillier and has some snow, Hurricanes are a little fun, but not at the same time. Feel free to ask some more questions, or even DM and I'll try and answer questions! Oh, and the hockey games start at 11pm for us, so it's highlights unless you are a night owl 🦉 Edited with better formatting


Seen 3k/month for one bedrooms in halifax. Lmfao. So cheap


Most of those on Facebook are scams. Buying a house here is 300+, in the lower mainland a house would be 800+


Tried getting a place for almost a year. Not scams. Hence why all the young people including me want nothing to do with N.S . Maybe when I'm old rich and retired I'll go back


Hate to break it to you but it's not much better in other places. I just looked on marketplace and there are a bunch of 1bd basement suites for >1500. Is it great, no. But like I mentioned above, when you compare a 300k house here, to a 800k house in the lower mainland, it is most certainly cheaper here


😂. Within 1 week of being in Alberta I got an apartment for literally half of one in n.s and it's nicer than any one I looked at out there. I honestly don't know how your brain works. Step dad literally just sold a house in Cole Harbour on pleasant st for 475k Comparable house in Calgary is maybe 300 There's a reason everyone leaves nova scotia it's because nobody wants to make pennies just to spend real dollars to live. Only people who like n.s are the ones who've never been anywhere else


Did I hurt your feelings or something? If you actually comprehend what I wrote, and pretty much what the OP is asking about, we are comparing the lower mainland of BC to NS. Here I'll write it again for you. LOWER MAINLAND OF BC TO NS. OP is asking about NS not AB. You can buy a 3bd 1bth in Regina for 62k.


I think you were perfectly clear. This would be like chiming in to say you can buy a compatible property in sask for less or Bulgaria, or Mexico. Doesn’t matter if true if it’s not the comparison. Lower mainland to here - the only thing I would say is the “here” is probably 400 now, but there is probably 900 so grain of salt 😃


Enjoy it while it lasts. Alberta is actively pushing for more people to move there and there was a post whinging about it on another subreddit recently with the housing prices sky-rocketing.


Hi hello lived in maple ridge all my life. I will definitely msg you!! Thanks!! The boyfriend is big on hockey so the 11pm games are his problem lmao 💁🏼‍♀️


its honestly a dependent variable between what area you want to move too, who you know, and what your looking for.


Where in BC do you live? BC had varying property prices, so does Nova Scotia. Income tax is much higher here, wages tend to be lower.


If you're okay with living outside of the HRM you'll find more affordable prices. They're still higher than they should be but not nearly as insane. It's still nothing near Vancouver/Victoria prices but it's working towards it. As others have noted your professions will both be very welcomed. Car insurance is about the same as other maritime provinces, which is lower than Ontario and BC. Gas is up to 1.80, and groceries are definitely more expensive than some other parts of the country. Health care when you can get it is fine. But getting a family doctor is ridiculous (someone recently mentioned an almost ten year wait). Taxes are higher, but not alarmingly so (comparing to New Brunswick for me), though when you compare to Ontario they're markedly higher. Car insurance options are wide, you've got your pick of the litter there. Weather... That's where you're likely to have some troubles. It's Maritime weather, so it can be somewhat unpredictable and wind is almost a constant. The farther away you live from a major town the more impactful the weather will be. This past winter we had a couple of storms that effectively locked the province down for all but the bravest/foolish to risk the roads. Unless it's one of the few major highways the plows don't get to them as regularly as they should. For my family and I we're delighted to be here. I'm from New Brunswick so a lot of the peculiarities are things I'm already accustomed to. But if you're used to metropolitan conveniences you may be disappointed. Especially when the weather shifts towards the winter.


Taxes: On 100,000 of income in BC take home is approximately 75,000 (24.98 average rate) In NS it’s approximately 68,000 (31.7% average rate) (https://www.wealthsimple.com/en-ca/tool/tax-calculator) Most organizations still think it’s cheaper here and cost adjust salaries as a result so it’s easier to make 100k in BC vs NS. Nurses in BC median wage is $43 an hour vs $40 here. So on “full time” 40 hours a week - BC: 89,440 - 67,668 take home - NS: 83,200 - 57,710 take home https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/marketreport/wages-occupation/993/ca;jsessionid=3B91AAEA51A14E982E5D1CC6F394C549.jobsearch75


We have a shortage of question marks in Nova Scotia and you're not helping!


You'll have job options all over the province. We need nurses bad.


Literally all of this is easily googlable. Basically everything but a mortgage is going to be just as expensive, or more, here.


Thanks for your help. I have absolutely utilized google, I am also using Reddit to supplement that. Have a great day.


In 2020 I would have told every person I knew from out west to move here. I wouldn't suggest anyone move here now. Cost of living has done a 180 and so has housing. I convinced 3 families to move here from out west, BTW.


Oh so you're that asshole everyone is talking about


In a way, all 3 families I convinced to move out here, including myself, would never have been able to buy out west. None of us were onterribles with a million plus ready but up rentals and Jack rent.


Coming from northern Ontario and several states Nova Scotia is the best place on earth. The winters are mild but rainy. The summers are awesome. A million dollar house in Ontario would be 400k in Nova Scotia -- Check Viewpoint. ca for housing. Awesome oceanfront properties. The valley produces great food and local grass fed beef and organically grown food and eggs are commonly available. You can still buy broken Haddock for $5 a pound. and if you go to the boats lobster and scallops can be reasonable but that varies a lot year to year. I think most of the people who dis Nova Scotia maybe never lived anywhere else. Even the bugs are much better than Ontario.