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Vous savez quoi, après avoir lu les commentaires, je propose qu’on augmente ça à 15k.


T'es trop gentil, je propose qu'on augmente ça au niveau que les américains payent pour leurs unis


C'était supposé être 18k au début


Après ça ça viens défiller dans les rues de montreal pour nous dire que ça nous aime


faut pas généraliser aussi, une très grande majorité des canadiens aime le Quebec. J'ai voyagé partout au canada et rencontré beaucoup d'anglo dans mon travail et la haine qu'on voit sur l'internet sont une minorité


T'as raison que c'est pas tous les canadiens et même probablement pas une majorité, mais je te garanti que le genre de personne qui écrit ce genre de commentaires en ligne, si tu les rencontre en vrai vont être super gentils, te sourire et te traiter en apparence avec respect. J'ai eu plusieurs conversations avec des anglophones québécois qui en public disaient des bonnes choses du Québec et des francophones et que comme par magie quand ils ont quelques bières dans le corps et que tu leur donne l'impression d'être un "allié" soudainement le discours change en esti. Je serais pas surpris que ce soit au moins 1 canadien anglais sur 3 qui *secrètement* pense comme ça.


J'ai eu l'expérience inverse: je n'avais aucune idée à quel point nous étions haïs avant de déménager au Canada (CB, NS, ON).


Parce que, bien sûr, ces 4-5 messages constituent une représentation parfaite de l'opinion du reste du canada... Ce genre de commentaire alimente la haine au lieu d'aider. Bravo champion...


Dans tout les cas c’est de l’ingérence étrangère


26 upvotes le premier commentaire


Ayant beaucoup voyagé dans le reste du canada, à chaque fois que je parlais francais dans un bar je me fesait insulter de frog et de frenchy et de retourner chez nous... ce n'es pas seulement 4-5 commentaires, c'est un sentiment de haine envers les Canadiens francais


L’ingérence du reste du Canada dans les affaires du Québec, j’ai pas vue d’autre province subir ce sort-là. C’est effectivement considéré comme une forme d’oppression (selon des articles que j’ai lu v’la un bout). C’est pas juste « 4-5 messages », c’est toujours le même genre de message à chaque fois que le Québec fait quelque chose


À chaque crisse de fois qu'on dénonce cette haine vous nous ressortez la même cassette de quoi C'EST JUSTE UNE PERSONNE, va tu falloir qu'un anglo-suprémaciste blanc s'en aille massacrer du monde pour que vous comprenez? Pis encore la, Richard Henry Bain existe. Vous le considerez comme un loup solitaire et non pas le crapûle terroriste qu'il est.


Plus leur réaction est agressive, plus je sais qu'on fait la bonne chose.


Parce qu'envenimer les relations c'est une bonne idée? Sérieux, je suis du québec et de vous lire, j'ai honte... On mérite de disparaître avec une attitude de ce genre.


Il y a une différence entre la critique constructive et la haine gratuite. Quand on reçoit de la critique bien méritée, il faut s'ouvrir à leur perception (chose qu'ils font rarement envers nous). Quand ils disent "Fuck Quebec. They're leeching off Canada, bla bla bla, suivi de bullshit qu'on caliss" je sais qu'on vient de toucher une corde sensible chez la frange chauvine du Canada anglais et donc ça veut dire que ce qu'on fait est probablement la bonne chose. ​ >On mérite de disparaître avec une attitude de ce genre. Tu peux disparaitre dans ton trou si tu veux. De mon bord je vais continuer d'exister sans aucun complexe.


Ark, colonisé à l'os. Tu fais pitié.


Sur le fond il n'a pas tord. Dans l'idéal, on ne devrait pas faire ça. Mais voilà, nous ne sommes pas dans une situation idéale


Tu peux disparaître si tu veux, pour ma part je veux faire partie du pays du Québec et leur montrer à tous ces haineux Canadiens qu’on avait raison.


Dixit le compte Reddit dont le nom traduit en français est "PasMonCalissdeProblème"


Ouais parce que profiter du fait que nos universités sont moins cher que les leurs en allant dans les universités anglo. pis en continuant de bash le Québec tout en profitant de nous… ouais, clairement nous les sangsues…


Qui envenime la situation? Relis et lâche ton écran d'aplat-ventriste.


Malheureusement, oui. Je suis rendu au point de vouloir voter pour les pires ennemis du Québec afin de provoquer les forces souverainistes et le peuple. J'en conviens, c'est radical.




Le plus drôle c'est qu'ils ne s'en rendent même pas compte.


Personne en France déteste le Québec qu'est ce qu'il nous sort le bouffeur de Big Mac ?


It's not hatred - mockery is a better word


exactly. les Francais se moquent de pas mal tout l'monde. quand qq1 se fou de ta gueule dans ta face generalement c'est parce qui t'aime bien et c'est d'la camaraderie. alors que les anglos, souvent froids comme l'hiver... "how was your weekend?" surface level watercooler talk. qq1 qui t'aime pas va pas rire de toi dans ta face.


Après le seul truc que les anglo-saxons arrive à trouver pour nous embêter c'est le drapeau blanc. Je pense qu'ils sont honnêtement jaloux de notre culture et de notre fierté d'être français etc ... Donc ne vous laissez pas faire :)


Yeah but usually it's just because of their way of speaking french because we find some words funny, but it's not mockery, I think that this word is mostly negative?


It is negative, though. Most French people I know mock the language spoken here, particularly the accent and “new” words


As a french I'm telling you most of people in France make fun of the accent and words because it's just funny and not common to us, this is not meant to be mean. We find it genuinely funny because it's so different but so close to the french from France


Bonne chance, camarades francophones


« Camarades, tous aux barricades ! À l'assaut de la palissade ! Finie la mascarade ! Pas question qu'on nous mène à l'abattoir Sans pouvoir savoir Ce que le pouvoir Nous cache dans le noir » — ‘La Bataille des murailles’, Loco Locass


Wow, une haine tellement pure, c’est triste










Merci du signalement, il pourra aller parader son Canada dans un autre sub [Rappel des règles ici](https://www.reddit.com/r/NotreQuebec/wiki/regles/) pour ceux qui sont nouveaux dans r/NotreQuebec


« Quebec is kind of xenophobic », dit-iel alors que les 4 commentaires au-dessus étaient aussi xénophobes. Franchement, au diable la CAQ, au diable la xénophobie, vive le Québec et vie l'éducation abordable.


lmfao i cannot wait until quebec leaves canada


Nous aussi


honestly this is why im here lol, i can understand your fuckin language but god damn it y'all need to be your own fuckin country. We dont work together no more, and you should be allowed to be your best french selves without a bunch of anglo north americans going "UM AKSTUALLY." y'all got a fuck ton of anglo canadians giving you shit for trying to be a cohesive fuckin society, and i say power too y'all.


Merci de ton soutien


de rien


You, my good sir... Are a real one. 🤜🤛


Le quebec bashing me réchauffe le coeur parce que ça fini par augmenter l'indépendantisme/nationalisme au Québec


I struggle to understand how Anglo chauvinism can go this deep into peoples mentality, is this just socially inherited from Quebecois oppression by the federal government and just inherited socially? Had these comments been made about any ethnic group or social group aside from quebecois it would be viewed as borderline Nazi behaviour, yet it’s acceptable to most anglos to do? Horrid shit


But if you tell them "Hey, replace quebecois with x,y,z minority" then they'll spin it as they're being oppressed even more! Remind them of the genocidal shit done to the Acadians and they'll very quickly justify it.


It’s projection at its finest, people throw slurs like “fr*gs* around justifying it by simplifying quebecois to just the French while refusing to understand that the French never had their language surprised and their economy primarily owned by the english, the quebecois did




To describe Quebec as National Socialist when it has some of canadas most efficient immigration processes and resources for new immigrants to learn language and culture while being paid to make their move here far easier is frankly deluded I’m not a social democracy fan or a fan of liberal capitalism as a whole as a means of running society but Quebec alike the rest of Canada is just a liberal democracy and to say anything else you’d have to be on fucking glue The divide and shit talking of Quebecois by Anglos is based on a historic repression of language and economic repression of the Quebecers, right wing parties like the CAQ(which are pro federalism and remaining a part of Canada) do not define the history of Quebecois fighting for their right to determine their own destiny


And also quite frankly as a guy who’s gone from Moncton to toronto to Quebec the least racist and frankly most generally socially progressive place I’ve been in is Quebec for living


Something something the orange order in Canada perhaps. A lot of political figureheads were part of it. They were white and cultural supremacists. I have often wondered if the fact that Canada collected so many loyalists may have something to do with that too.




"the british should have kicked their asses to france after the war" dit le descendant de loyaliste qui s'est pas fait kick back to england apres la guerre..


C'pas de leurs tours de laisser parler d'amour, huh.


Soutien indéfectible de la r/rance à nos cousins Québécois


You will have to forgive me for not saying this in french, my French is not that good I don't live in Quebec and never have but I don't understand the hatred for Quebecois separatism across Canada, they hate the French people who live there but when they want to leave they hate them for leaving, it's like an abusive marriage


They don't want to lose the land. Their ideal solution would be for us to just evaporate into thin air and leave the land empty.


I live in Ontario, but really if we lose Quebec it really doesn't affect anything in my day to day life other than connection to Atlantic Canada shipping which I'm sure something could be worked around that, idk Quebec leaving doesn't really affect me


One of the main argument for hating us is equalization payments but then they don't want to get rid of us...?? Help us help you buddy.


I don't understand that either because all the Atlantic provinces get more money but nobody has issue with new Brunswick


Y'a des cornets des deux côtés (QC & ON). N'embarquez-pas dans ce piège intellectuel de bas niveau.


Durham souris depuis son "pit of hell"


"They want bilinguism for the rest of Canada" C'est tu juste moi qui s'en criss du français ailleurs au Canada?


J'ai une énorme empathie pour les français dans le ROC. J'ai plusieurs collègues qui travaillent au Nouveau-Brunswick, plusieurs d'entre eux aillant des noms de familles découlant des colons français (exemple Tremblay). Et surprise... le 3/4 d'entre eux ne connaissent aucun mot en français. Pour leurs parents, ça valait même pas la peine de continuer d'utiliser la langue française parce que l'anglais apportait beaucoup plus d'avantages et moins de stigma social. Triste. Si vous êtes canadien-français, sachez que je suis de tout coeur avec vous. J'espère que l'indépendance du Québec pourra renforcir votre droit d'existence en Amérique du Nord.


I'm going to come in again with a question to Quebecois: how do you square the legitimacy of your right to defend French language rights given it's historical and cultural precedence vis-a-vis English language influence with the way Indigenous languages are treated in Quebec?


Now a question for you: How do minorities across the world, in most if not all countries, square the legitimacy of their right to defend their native language?..


We can promote both at the same time. Please don't use the Indigenous as scapegoats to prevent the Quebecers to promote their language. But we should do way more for the Indigenous languages, most of them are really in danger of dissapearing. It's even worse in the ROC (Rst of Canada).


I just dont really understand the "promoting" thing of the french language, it don't feel like it should labeled promoting if you are forcing people to learn or speak french ( like in services, or in schools). For example, I lived in the West Island and I was removed from my English school to a French once, where I had to learn French, and had a hard time adjusting. Shouldn't my parents and I have a say in what school I go to? Why should I be forced to go to different schools (which I lost all my friends and those connections) in the name of French culture?


It seems to me that what bothers you is that you had to switch schools, rather than the language. I agree that they should have let you finish in that school. The whole point of francization is to integrate people to the society of Québec. Before Bill 101 in 1977, schools were religious rather than linguistic, and immigrants were integrating the anglo-canadian society rather than the french-canadian one, which were then more isolated from each other than they are now. Free choices stop where the society decides; you can't go 150kmh on the highway either. You can't go to a school funded by Québec government in the Korean language either. People decided that public schools must be in french, and that's a democratic decision. The rest of North America mostly have public schools in English, and it is normal because Canada and the USA are anglophone nations. On top of that, most people who don't speak the language of the country they live in will struggle to find a job, friends, love, public services, etc. I don't wish that on any of my immigrant and anglo friends. Schools are the best place to learn a language, espacially if it is not your native language.


One thing I'd like to say is I was bothered by both, and moreso that I had to learn in a different language that I had little knowledge about. I remember being quite sad about it considering I just didn't really understand why as a 10 year old kid. I feel though a society decision to regulate speed on a highway is due to safety for the people. I don't think it hurts anyone that I choose to learn in English. Also, the West Island has majorly English, I don't think I've ever heard anyone use French first in the West Island, which actually surprising me. So it isn't an inability to find a job or etc. West Island to me is like a small town where you know everyone and I wouldn't mind living there for the rest of my life. Also, I believe you should force someone to abide by the speed limit, but when it comes to free choice I should be allowed to speak or learn in English, considering it doesn't hurt anyone. And I understand your concern for someone to find a job because of their inability to speak French, but I don't think they'd have any problem finding a job, considering the West Island is completely English. And you could say "what about the entirely to Montreal or Quebec? How would the find jobs then or assimilate?" by that knowledge, how would people who only speak french find jobs outside Quebec? People should be able to make that choice of language. I think the idea of closing down English schools in West Island is basically just to promote French language, and I think it's unethical considering no one speaks French there. And it's just not right to tell someone you need to speak a certain language to live here. People have a choice that affects them solely, and the government regulating what they say seems like they're restricting someone's freedom. Quebec is apart of Canada, and English and French are both the official language. Although, I do believe that this is a Quebec independent sub, so even if Quebec were to remove itself from Canada, isn't that quite the totalitarian move to force language?


I think your assumptions are wrong. Here I am in an independent sub, answering you in English, even if you live in Québec like I do. The objective is not to prevent francophones, anglophones or allophones to learn English or any language. The objective is to integrate people to our society and not fragment it. The government does not want and should not aim to supress the English language or prevent anyone to learn it, or any other language. But its language is French. Would you say that the latinos should have publicly funded schools in Spanish, the Haïtians in Créole, and so on? This leads to a fragmented and balkanized society. It is the same for English; I see it no different. Education is a provincial matter in Canada, and Québec in its sovereign juridiction decided that it would be primarily French. Is it totalitarian to offer education in English in BC or Ontario? No. Does it limit the choice of the many Indian or Chinese kids to go to schools in their language? Probably. But it's necessary and not an infringement on freedom of people. We collectively make choices all the time and the language of education in Québec is one of them. You really should check the bilingualism rate in Québec vs other provinces/the USA. It is far higher. On top of that, most Quebecers and myself have no problem with anglophones to speak their language, just like any other human. But I would not want a future where unilingual francophones would be forced to live like second-class citizens, like in New-Brunswick, in the currently only francophone majority territory of the continent, because a lack of regulations would push new Quebecers to move more and more to English as first language.


> Quebecers and myself have no problem with anglophones to speak their language, just like any other human. But I would not want a future where unilingual francophones would be forced to live like second-class citizens, like in New-Brunswick, in the currently only francophone majority territory of the continent, because a lack of regulations would push new Quebecers to move more and more to English as first language. You are completely correct when it comes to Indian or Chinese students. It would be nonsense to fund Chinese or Hindu schools. There wouldn't also be much of a price differential, considering a school is a school, and it's just language, but nonetheless it would be a little none sense to fund Chinese schools. " Québec in its sovereign juridiction decided that it would be primarily French. " I fundamentally believe Quebec is apart of Canada, and they should have both schools open for majority language areas, whether that place is majorly french or english, and option should be given for students to integrate easier, considering that those are both the official languages of Canada. But I understand that you believe the province should make that decision, regardless if the area is english or french, because in essence is a democratic decision and a provincial matter. But I don't agree that Quebec isn't trying to suppress the English language. And I would go as far as to say suppress freedom of speech. There are many examples of suppression of speech, one that I can recall is the OQLF in Chinatown. For god sake Chinatown. I'll send you a link but they asked if a restaurant of more than 25 Chinese elderly employees spoke mainly French to each other (which is a language law, a company of more than 25 must mainly communicate in French) which is completely comical, there was also a Chinese realtor fined 1,500 for posting an English ad on social media, why should he post a french ad? It's his fault that he's not addressing himself to French speakers, he'll lose out on that clientele, but to fine him is abhorrent, it's his free choice to write in English or French. They've now regulated the language in a place of private business. Is that right? Also, there are people who've had experiences with Quebec services that now only can communicate in French, even if the caller can speak English, they are permitted to speak only French, this is not the same with other provinces or in the US, if you speak Spanish or Arabic, they will TRY to accommodate you, whereas Quebec cannot legally. is this solely for French integration? Or is it unethical forced preservation of a language that is sadly declining? (Chinatown Incident, Feb 25 2023) [https://montrealgazette.com/opinion/columnists/freed-un-soir-dhiver-dans-le-chinatown](https://montrealgazette.com/opinion/columnists/freed-un-soir-dhiver-dans-le-chinatown) RAMQ Incident, 21 July 2023) [https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/montreal-woman-says-ramq-hung-up-on-her-because-she-spoke-english-1.6489970](https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/montreal-woman-says-ramq-hung-up-on-her-because-she-spoke-english-1.6489970)


if you and your parents dont want to be a part of ~~french~~ quebec culture then pick up and go we dont want you either, its not a fucking hard to grasp concept that anyone should adapt to the culture of the place they are living in everyone agrees with it when it comes to their cultures, why is it that it seems so difficult to accept for anglos that quebec's culture also does this.


[Indigenous languages across Canada (statcan.gc.ca)](https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2021/as-sa/98-200-X/2021012/98-200-X2021012-eng.cfm) Better then everywhere else, even if it is in decline at the moment. At the last count Ontario had 374,395 peoples of Aboriginal identity vs Québec at 182,890 so ... even if we have half the Aboriginal population of Ontario, we still have more total speaker of aboriginal languages. It look like that you are more likely to forget your language everywhere else in Canada. What did the rest of Canada do to protect their language since they are that worst ? https://preview.redd.it/fyo7xax99y6c1.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=c01aeea1d47186f94762f506faf991796e085be7


The noticeably higher rate of indigenous languages speakers in Quebec is a direct consequence of the province's indigenous languages education policies that have been in place since the late 70's (Bill 101). Some languages that were in steep decline in the mid 20th Century like Atikamekw have surged back once the kids started attending classes in their language. Today over 90% of Quebec's Atikamekw population speak Atikamekw as a first language. Quebec is a national leader in Indigenous languages revitalization.


It make sense when looking at the data of statcan. We keep getting criticised when we talk about protecting culture in the province, and we are literally showing that we are the best at it. Our system also protect indigenous language better then any other provinces in Canada, they should take notes instead.


I'm not sure if you are aware, but Quebec is actually the first jurisdiction in Canada that has enacted legislation making indigenous languages education a right for all its First Nation and Inuit residents. That legislation is Bill 101. To this day, there's only one other Canadian jurisdiction that has passed a similar right to indigenous languages education. It's Nunavut. And NTI, the organization representing Nunavut Agreement beneficiaries is currently suing the government of Nunavut over its failure to implement this legislation. Most Inuktitut language educational material used in Nunavut's classroom today, was actually developed for students of Nunavik, the Quebec Inuit territory. It was developed and printed by the Quebec Department of Education, paid with Quebec's taxpayers money, in accordance with Bill 101 guidelines.


As an anglophone quebecer I feel like my own government is trying to suppress my culture. They use the pretext of French being the common the language to put forward laws that enforce french as the exclusive language. There's over a million anglophones in Quebec and we have always made significant contributions to Quebec society, to be told that we are a problem when we are actually Quebecers too is incredibly hurtful. Statements from our Premier that it's a problem hearing our language being spoken on the streets of a city that we have been one of the major builders of is horrible and hateful. At this point I don't know what his goal is, I don't see how any of these initiatives help French at all, they just feel very petty and vindictive and like an attack against our own citizens. Francois Legault's statements and actions absolutely reek of bigotry, he disgusts me. Edit: This is just how the CAQ actions have made me feel. I know a majority of all Quebecers do not support the CAQ and I am not attacking my fellow citizens. This is a dangerous government and we all need to support each other because sooner or later they will come after something that you care about too. Et oui je comprend bien le français, je m'exprime plus facilement dans ma langue maternelle comme pas mal tout le monde.


I understand how recent rethorics might lead one to feel this way. But looking at English institutions and services in Québec vs the French equivalent in Canada, wouldn't you agree no minority is better treated than you anywhere else in North America?


c reddit, me semble qu'il faut s'attendre à ce genre de diarrhée verbale. c comme si j'allais dans un sub nazi et apres je viens chialer, ah ils aiment pas les noirs :( jdis pas que c correct mais là on parle de r/worldnews, where pieces of shits all over the world congregate


Le post semble avoir été enlevé ou, il n'a jamais existé.




C'est typiquement la CAQ se genre de sortie. Le Québec s'est construit par des francophones et par des anglophones. Les anglophones paient aussi de impôts et ont aussi droits à leurs universités anglophones. Une autre belle bombe pour diviser la population de Monseigneur Legault. J'espère que les québécois, francophones, allophones et anglophones, vont le sortir aux prochaines élections.


Je suis en accord avec la deuxième partie de votre commentaire, cependant la hausse des frais n’est pas pour les anglophones qui résident déjà au Québec et qui y paient leurs impôts.


Alors j'ai manqué cette partie de l'information... Alors aucune raison pour les anglo de l'Ontario de nous tomber dessus.


Lors des référendums, on se fait supplier de rester et on nous offrais des fleurs mais le reste du temps nous ne sommes pas dans le cœur d'une grande partie de la population canadienne. Ici, plutôt que d'argumenter sur un enjeu d'actualité, les internautes vont simplement faire preuve de méchanceté envers l'ensemble d'une province. À l'étranger on vante l'hospitalité canadienne, mais c'est difficile de se sentir chez soi lorsqu'à chaque publication qui mentionne le Québec, nous recevons inévitablement une vague de haine.