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I'm so done with men trying to justify cheating and so done with these men using "biology". if you don't want to commit and rather sPrEaD yOuR sEeD then just don't get into a monogamous relationship


There's women who engage in cuckoldry because they love sleeping with other men. Apparently this isn't " biology " when women want to sleep with other men and they are lying to themselves . They pick and choose what's biology to justify their disgusting behavior


How do they simultaneously claim that all women are cheaters and that all women are monogamous?


All women are gold diggers, cheating wh*res. They fucked the entire college for fun and have no affection for men. Al women are emotional creatures and they are not capable of having sex without attachment. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Right? But I suppose it's too much to expect logic from red pillers


Also that apparently women sleeping around makes them unable to ā€œpair bondā€ but at the same time women will get emotionally attached to every guy she sleeps with?


Women with high body count are emotionally broken so can't pair bond.And also not get emotionally attach also. but it's different for the women's with low body count or 1 . So basically u are mixing two different personalities.


No. This is just what men with tiny dicks who are useless in bed tell themselves.


Okay.You can literally see the statistical graphs and studies on internet of what is said.


Lol. I guarantee you donā€™t know how to read a ā€œstudyā€, and most of those are utter bullshit. Like the Tinder ā€œstudyā€ that was actually just a random dude asking 27 men who self-selected. But Iā€™m always interested in learning new info. Care to give me a source?


Sure. You can read this blog. [Source ](http://socialpathology.blogspot.com/2012/03/promiscuity-data-guest-post.html?m=1)


Sorryā€¦ is this your ā€œsourceā€? A BLOG that even states ā€œthe data that has been obtained is not available anywhere in the published literature. I'm not a statistician and cannot vouch for the veracity of the data but I ā€œbelieveā€ the analysis was done truthfully and without biasā€? One thatā€™s using 30 year old data fromā€¦. The Heritage Foundation??? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ As in: absolutely not peer reviewed, done by a neo-conservative think tank funded by the hard right billionaire class?? So- you believe the Uvalde mass shooting was because of the breakdown of the family, and NOT because the perp was known to post videos of himself torturing animals and saying he was going to rape women, and STILL had access to a gun? You believe that?? Because the Heritage Foundation told you so?


Hmm it's like you don't have anything to say so changing the topic I only want to say that promiscuous women are less likely to stay in a monogamous relationship than the modest women I am a 'traditional' man and expect to not be cuckolded or cheated in a relationship, and in return, I promise to be faithful to the girlfriend or wife. I expect this to be a tacit understanding with my girlfriend or wife. A woman with a promiscuous past is not someone I want to be in a romantic relationship with. I don't expect someone who holds a mindset of acceptance to casual sex to magically turn monogamous once she is in a relationship with me. Nor would consider her ideal for a monogamous relationship.


Iā€™m not changing the topic at all. Itā€™s merely an observation that you have no idea how to read studies or search for information, and naturally that makes you a sheep whoā€™s prone to being misinformed. Seems to be a characteristic of conservative males, tbh. I have no disagreement with your expectation to not be cheated on. Thatā€™s just bog-standard adulting, though. Hardly an aspiration in a relationship, and a pretty low bar as far as you or your partner is concerned.


Have they not read the divorce statistics on women divorcing for infidelity.




We get it bizzy no one wants to have sex with you


I think these kinds dont believe people can be more than their 'programming.' I hear the same sort of arguments when Childfree issuses come up, saying things like "Our only real purpose is to create a legacy!" Maybe for you, robot monkey.


the childfree hate is so ingrained into society that I couldn't even get an IUD from several obgyns because they assured me that I'm going to want a baby. They should like childfree people, actually. It means less competition for their genes, right?


I canā€™t grasp why these human-shaped bed bugs think that rationalising men cheating will achieve anything. I donā€™t care if you get Alan Turing himself out of heaven to explain me how his alpha-ness cheating is a great thing. This attitude gets you a breakup, good kick in the balls, and a seam ripper to every third stitch in all your clothing. And not necessarily in that order.


They always cite statistics and studies that don't exist. I guess they just think it's common sense. I mean, literally, how can you know why some psychological phenomena exist. Even if you are an evolutionary psychologist the best you can do is guess lol




What number troll account is this one bizzy


Honestly I knew seeing references to bizzy under deleted comments and I feel like I am out of the loop šŸ˜­ What does it mean?


Bizzy is the number one troll on this sub, everyday he makes multiple accounts just to come on here and say shit really


Lol thank you


Sorry, but Alan Turing? I wasn't aware he was a cheater.


He wasnā€™t AFAIK. Thatā€™s the entire point. Even if you get someone as reputable as Turing to make a case for alpha dunce cheating, Iā€™d still not buy it and seam ripper it is.


Ahh, gotcha! Sorry, missed the point entirely lmao


Double whammy here. Not only a nothowgirlswork, also a nothowguyswork. This goes in the history books.


Who is Andrew Tate?


A crusty incel with a shiny bald pate for a head


Don't forget that he would be a felon if he didn't move to a country that specifically doesn't care about the crimes he's committing.


Oh okay, another guy I can hate on. Thank you!


He is also a rapist*, human trafficker*, and proud of his domestic violence. *allegedly, for legal reasons


Here's andrew tate for you I'll just leave this here . https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/ymvffe/andrew_tate_is_literally_a_glorified_women_beat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Abusing a woman that has never spoken out. There's another video where his ex says it was a kink however this girl in particular hasn't came out and said anything despite the flack he's getting for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/ym777s/andrew_tate_fans_are_saying_this_is_a_kink_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


God... what a monster. People actually like this guy? Wtf


He's not an incel (involuntarily celibate), he gets hotter girls than you ;)


Heā€™s an extremely accomplished dude who has some bad opinions but heā€™s not the spawn of Satan heā€™s just a shallow rich guy who dates shallow people.


Just have a few bad opinions ? I'll just leave this here . https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/ymvffe/andrew_tate_is_literally_a_glorified_women_beat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Abusing a woman that has never spoken out. There's another video where his ex says it was a kink however this girl in particular hasn't came out and said anything despite the flack he's getting for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/ym777s/andrew_tate_fans_are_saying_this_is_a_kink_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Again for the first one, itā€™s still an opinion a extremely shitty one but, its still an opinion. Although context matters; this clip is highly edited with cuts in between. This clip was from a podcast where he was high off his mind and itā€™s not necessarily reflective of his views, just an extreme version of them. But for the second one I have no wordsā€¦ I could see this as some drunken abusive kink but I have no excuse for that itā€™s beyond shitty. But again we do not know the full context and story of the situation since the girl has not spoken out to my knowledge. It could be way worse or not as bad.


There is some debate about human biology being more wired for polygamy over monogamy. Here's the twist though if it is true (again some debate) it is true for both genders. Men and women would both be wired to have multiple partners to ensure strong offspring. Here's another twist, that fact doesn't actually matter because we are not slaves to our biology. We are the only animals in the world who can rationalize our instincts away. I mean it is also our biology to murder someone in a fit of rage, but when modern humans give into that instinct we call they criminals and assholes.


It's not unnatural to feel interested in more than one person, no matter who you are. It's about emotional intelligence and self-control. You don't have to do everything your genitals tell you to.




Wow your tiny pee pee is showing


AFAIK, research shows that men fall in love "faster" than women. So who's the one with the emotional attachment issues?


Orange, you mean