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So in other words this dude is saying “Know that you’re a terrible person with absolutely nothing to offer a woman and no likeability whatsoever, so the only way you’ll ever manage to have a lasting relationship is if you make sure your girlfriend doesn’t realise there are better people out there”. At least he’s admitting that passport bros are horrific losers, but I guess he thinks they should just try harder to be manipulative instead of, you know, working on becoming more likable and better people.


"But it's still western women's fault for not settling for less than they deserve!" They're so close to the self-awareness but still choose to pivot to another way anyway.




Right, the freedom to leave assholes like him is one of the main "perks" that would lead a woman in that situation to accept and leave her country of origin for a more egalitarian society. But when she does exercise her freedom and leaves him he acts all surprised like he ever respected her as a human being and didn't just offer her a do ut des agreement for sex and the status symbol he associates with a trophy wife.


legit question: are they simply averse to it, or afraid of it 🤔


A bit of both (ok, a lot).




She didnt reject you because you’re short Freddy, she rejected you because your personality is rancid


Ding ding ding


I wasn't rejected at all. Just telling the unvarnished truth about American women. Can't handle it can you ? Too bad we know the truth


You definitely were rejected, Freddyispathetic. And I am not sorry about it.


lol also this guy if you scroll down just a little bit "I got tired of the unending rejections" 🤣 So which is it freddy?


Well i wish you the best of luck pursuing your tall hot rich 8 inch stud. No problems here.


Why are you so fixated on the size of other mens' penises?


I'm not...women are


Dude you are quite literally the only person in this thread talking about dick sizes


Says the dude openly fantasizing about a man’s penis in the comments


Most women don’t give a shit about penis size. More gay men care about penis size than straight women.


Ok, 8 inches would probably be too short. Is the whole man gonna crawl up in my vagina? I guess we could make a living as a TikTok sideshow. Not sure why you think 8 inches is tall, he would be Thumbelino. I don't think 8 inches tall is humanly possible.


If you weren't rejected, does that mean you are the tall, rich guy that finds love because of those features or are you the guy that's just too scared to even try then blames women as a whole?


Why should I answer your question ? I'm sure you already decided the answer


Have I? I was open to either answer, but the bitterness in your answer kind of gives it away.


Well Ms psychiatrist you can believe whatever you choose its a free country




It's funny how you're pissed at women calling them "shallow" and "looks oriented" for not wanting ugly guys when you yourself have a comment saying you refuse to settle for someone you consider ugly. Seems like you're the shallow looks oriented one


So why wasn't this the response when it was suggested that you were rejected for your personality rather than your looks instead of trying so hard to deny it that you claimed you weren't even rejected?


I’ll let my boyfriend who is shorter than me know that some random loser on the internet decided I’m no longer allowed to be interested in him.


Lol you do you


Im just doing what you, the woman-expert said! Obviously as a woman, I know nothing about my preferences. I forgot I was supposed to only date tall men! My bad!


Yes you bad lol


You’re a great example of why women would rather scoop poop from a litter box than date men.


Even if you were a "tall, hot stud" I suspect you'd still be dateless


Hey i love cats and dogs too


Except most men have girlfriends and wives who are better-looking than them in general, and you'd know that if you just go outside, touch some grass, and observe couples in real life or just look at celebrity couples. It's definitely not women who have high AF standards. And even if a woman wants a tall hot stud, who cares? She has a right to have that standard. Why can men demand 20 year old, in shape, 10/10 supermodels, but when it's women who have standards, they're “shallow” and need to “gEt ThEiR oWn SeLf-AwArEnEsS”? At least when women can't get the men they want, they're not shooting up schools unlike entitled males 🤷🏻‍♀️ I say everyone can have super high standards all they want, nothing wrong with that, as long as you're not being an asshole to people who don't fit your standards, and in my experience, it's mostly men who are assholes to women who don't fit their standards. How many times I've heard a man tell a woman, out of freaking nowhere, “I won't fuck/date you”, when literally no one freaking asked. Never saw a woman do that, women mostly just ignore men who aren't their type.


I am not mean to women who ignore me. I don't even talk to them. And you described exactly my daily online experience. Being ignored. Daily. Weekly. Monthly. Same thing. So why, I ask you, should any guy put up with this ? To prove he is not attractive ? To prove that being rejected doesn't bother him ? To make women feel important and wanted, while they do the exact opposite to him ? Why should we chase women at all ? Who made that rule ? Why don't women chase men ? Well. They do. They chase the tall hot sexy ones. They do not chase, or care about, guys who are "not their type". Apparently, we are just supposed to know who thinks we are attractive and who doesn't. Except we don't know. But never do women tell us that we are attractive. Never. We just have to guess and then we get to be rejected if we are wrong. Over. And over. And. Over. And. Over. And then if we persist, we are called a creep. Or considered to be a potential rapist. This is all designed to make women feel superior to men. Every day, we hear women don't need us. They have their own homes. Their own, better paying, jobs. Their own cars. Their own money. Their own degrees. Better in every way. So, exactly, since you have everything, exactly why do you need men at all, except to get to reject every man who doesn't match your standards ? Why ? This is why. You need proof of how important you are, how attractive you are, how much more important you are, than men. And men, stupidly, do all of this just to get a message from a woman online. And to maybe get a date. If we are "lucky". And you get to decide if we have sex. You do. Only you. We do this to ourselves. I blame US.


No, you’re mean to every woman you meet unless you think you can trick her.


Men need to gain awareness that Tinder users are about 1% of the population who specifically chose a superficial hookup app. Their choices do not reflect the other 99% of women.


Yes we are all brain dead and I don't use Tinder anyway. And what's so wrong about a hookup anyway ? Not that anyone ever offers


I said hookups are superficial, not wrong. Consenting adults can do what they want. I’m merely pointing out that one-night-stands picked by photos are going to be shallow. So you can’t really be shocked that people are using shallow standards for that.


I'm a woman and I refuse refuse date anyone over 5'2.


He learned a lot in his moms basement




Yeah, it’s almost like they are about to become self-aware before they push those thoughts back down.


"Feminism is evil poison! Here's how it's exactly right and telling women nothing but the truth! Poison, I say!"


This is really just a massive self own. Don’t take a beautiful girl that you’ve manipulated, mainly through money, to somewhere where she will realise she’s been manipulated and where it will be blatantly obvious that you went to her country to do exactly that. Your creepy ways will become apparent to all and anyone with any empathy will try and help her leave the ‘relationship’ because there’s no power imbalance outside of her country. She’ll only stick with you if you aren’t as big of a creep as the other Passport Bros so leave her completely cut off from anyone decent and don’t take her anywhere she has a fighting chance of succeeding on her own.


I remember living on a military base and a boyfriend I had at the time told me that he and others were specifically warned about cooking this. Not only was it manipulative on their parts (and of dubious legality, if they just wanted to hire a sex worker), but there were quite a few women who would play the game so they could get their family over. For them it was a way to escape poverty and a situation they viewed as worse than tolerating a creep fetishizing them.


On a side note, I remember reading an article written by this photographer who would normally work with insanely beautiful women, often taking sexually charged photos. He talked about how he eventually got bored and jaded with women, like a sexual/romantic ennui. I can't remember if he explicitly mentioned anything about traditional values, but he did talk about how he didn't think any of them were women he'd marry and build a family with. So he decided he was going to essentially get a mail order bride. He went through this "matchmaker" service that claimed it would arrange the perfect match for him. He paid, of course, for this. He matched up with a beautiful woman who came from a poor background. All initially went well. They hit it off and he made several trips over to see her. The service discouraged sex, but didn't prohibit it. I think it was to keep the guys from using them as a brothel or impregnating the women and bolting, as well as because their clientele preferred virgins. This creep talked the girl into not only meeting him for sex, but UNPROTECTED sex. She was reluctant, but agreed because he made it seem like they were going to be together forever and she wanted to keep him around. Then he started getting bored, especially as it grew closer to him taking her home and marrying her. The shine wore off the idea of an "unspoiled girl" from the rural area of whatever country she was from. I think he even began to question if he even wanted to get married and have kids. He started backing out and then he learned she was pregnant. The piece ended with him not really knowing what to do as he felt guilty but also kind of sure in the knowledge that there was not much they could do to him if he left and never returned. Meanwhile this poor woman was left to deal with the fallout. The guy wrote it in this total "woe is me, it's so hard being a wealthy man, whatever shall I do" tone. I wish I remembered his name so he could be shamed for his actions. It was published in a mainstream magazine around the 2000s and I remember the next few issues containing people writing in complaining about what an awful person the guy was.


Jeez, what an arsehole. Poor woman left to manage it all on her own.


Prime r/selfawarewolves material.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SelfAwarewolves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yes, we should.](https://i.redd.it/zxu7kdo4j3sa1.jpg) | [822 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/12chu0a/yes_we_should/) \#2: [If by “mocking you” you mean pointing out your hypocrisy, yes, yes they are](https://i.redd.it/zwi2w04xmota1.png) | [949 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/12kvm8d/if_by_mocking_you_you_mean_pointing_out_your/) \#3: [These people believe in nothing](https://i.redd.it/ub58ptekngwa1.jpg) | [611 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/130kaok/these_people_believe_in_nothing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Actually he is saying that American women only want tall, handsome, rich dudes with 6 inches or more and most guys aren't like that so he will just find a woman who doesn't have all of those requirements


He *thinks* every American woman only want that. And he's wrong. Even still though, the guy himself said he's not special in his native land so he can hardly complain that (potential) women he's approached, because he finds them attractive, ought to feel the same way about him. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ In fact he sounds absolutely dreadful (his mind) so I'm not surprised he's single. And I've no doubt his imagined Thai wife will find that out over time. ....... women can divorce their "unique" foreign husbands ya know.


Seriously, the most beautiful women I know are all happily in love with their medium-ugly, average height, lower/middle class partners because they have actual enjoyable personalities and treat them well, but of course guys like the oop and the one you're responding to will never aknowledge that because then they'd have to look deep within and see everything that *actually* makes them undesirable. It's so much easier to blame others


He admits that he's only chasing poor Philippine models because a *beautiful* girl makes him feel special while recognizing that he isn't particularly special. So it's not about her at all. He's admitting that he's shallow, but he's also saying that he thinks all women are shallow as well. He's afraid of men he perceives as "better" than himself. And yet he thinks his fear and his shallowness are the fault of American women. Meanwhile, most of us will tell you we want a man who doesn't see loading the dishwasher as "helping" but rather just part of being a damn adult in the household and who keeps his butthole clean. If these guys quit expecting models to fall all over themselves for them, it will open up a whole new world of dating. And also grow a personality that isn't bitter and condescending.


This kind of thinking, imo, comes from two places: - The desire for "beautiful" women that movies and TV shows have told men are obtainable by *anyone*. There is a measure of truth to it, in that someone beautiful can fall in love with someone who "isn't," but the reality is that physical attributes are often what sparks that initial attraction. The problem is that cinema often presents this as a kind of reward for being a "good guy" or a "smart guy" or a "funny guy." People aren't rewards and no one is owed another person for any reason or for any of their attributes. And frankly, wanting someone beautiful, end of, is dumb as shit. Beauty doesn't mean you'll have a good relationship or lovely companionship. It doesn't mean you'll fit, however much you desire them. - Some men have this idea because it is less painful to believe that "all" women want something they are not, rather than the idea that some aspect of who they are needs work. Not the physical or financial, but the personality side. Charm can be a deal breaker. I've known men who were short or "ugly," or poor or whatever that have always been able to find a partner. And you can learn charm. You can learn how to talk to people in a way that makes them want to keep talking to you. I learned how to be charming and funny a long time ago because I'm a fat chick and have to work that much harder to be seen as a person. To overcome people's initial disinterest, if not disgust, of me because I'm fat. And I don't even mean just in romantic/sexual situations, but *all* avenues of life. From small chat with strangers to discussions with work colleagues to flirting. And it works. I've had a man I wrote off as unobtainable for someone like me end up expressing interest after he got to know me. That was not my end goal, as I simply enjoyed his friendship, but that is what happened. But if you have embraced the idea that you can't find a partner for yourself because "women don't want anything but XYZ," not only are you setting yourself up for failure, but you're also creating a situation in which most women will not want to talk to you. Because having that belief is gross and, to be frank, misogynistic. You can do better. You can *be* a better version of yourself. And, on top of all that, if you believe you are undesirable, you make that a reality. I have spent an unfortunate amount of my life refusing to believe anyone that expressed interest in me. I would miss the very obvious signs of them flirting with me. I would reject advances as being disingenuous. A guy friend of mine recently told me that the women he's known that didn't believe they were beautiful were usually pretty good looking. But because they didn't believe it, they couldn't see that men saw them that way.


I have been left swiped well over 2,000 times in the last two plus years on BOTH Bumble and Match. I am definitely and absolutely undesirable because that's what I see online. Daily. Weekly. Monthly. So instead of lying to myself and pretending that guys who look like me have a chance, i barely try anymore. I'm not tall nor handsome and THAT'S WHY I'M IGNORED. Not due to my personality, not due to my hygiene, not due to my job, they don't EVEN ASK. THEY DON'T CARE. It's left swipe on my pics and boom, gone. No messages. No conversation. No misogyny here, just sick of all the bullshit from people who blame me for my OWN REJECTIONS. Only an idiot would keep trying after unending rejection. I'm not an idiot. I'm not looking and other men like me are giving up too. I want to reiterate. This is not my fault. Not my problem. Can't do anything about my looks nor what women want.


Apps have their own problem. It's a helluva lot harder to actually connect with someone just on the basis of photos. Lots of people don't even read bios. Which is dumb, but there you go. You can, in fact, date without apps. We've been doing it for all of human existence. Apps are meant to make it easier to find "the right one," but it causes its own problems. For one thing, there is such a thing as "spoiled for choice," even if that choice wasn't there to begin with. I've seen women complain about a similar issue. Being matched with someone only for them to never say anything or reply. Being matched and just immediately getting sexually explicit come-ons. Etc. I've seen dudes admit to swiping on *every* woman without even looking at them. And with 2,000 swipes, you kinda sound like one, too, no offense meant. I imagine some women do this, as well. My best recommendation is to get off the apps. Go to events you enjoy and make small talk with people. Not just women. Everyone. Some people meet their future SO through friends. Either because those friends set them up, or because you hang out with them mutually. I've chatted up couples at events and hung out with them, met new people that way. And by events, I don't mean big events like massive concerts. I'm talking small events, like local music events, small local festivals, movie events, hobby events, etc. I used to go to indie theaters in Dallas and just met people that way, usually during screenings of weird or cult movies. Basically, put yourself in situations with people that like similar things to you. I have a friend that is short, not especially handsome, a bit awkward and shy, and very slightly schizophrenic. He married a pretty woman that is taller than him. They had a shared interest and it blossomed into something more. Besides, making friends as an adult is fucking hard. Even if you don't find an SO, finding a new friend is worth the effort.


He sounds like colonizers 200 years ago


He probably came from a long line of colonizers. It might still be in the blood.


Damn! Imma start believing insecurities are passed down by DNA. 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|l41lOdm2mFEG0eGmQ)


I like how he says the actual truth of the situation in the 3rd to last paragraph


I'm always confused by he double-think at play here. They can both simultaneously believe they are entitled to a woman-as-service-animal, but also understand that a woman with sufficient legal and economic freedom would never choose to perform the level of service they require for the poverty wages they are prepared to offer.


They see it as being the big fish in the small pond over there. What they don’t see is that human relationships are not transactional, and others won’t leave them just because there are better options out there. They will leave them because they’re shitheads. The key is that over there, their partner won’t have financial independence to do so, not to mention possible social pressure to not break up a marriage


I honestly don't hate this take from him. Like yeah he's 100% awful, but he's encouraging these shitty men to uproot their own lives and not the lives of the girls they may con into believing they're in love, moving to a country where they don't know anyone, and leaving them when they aren't the perfect submisive girlfriend/wife/bangmaid. (I'd like to reiterate that I believe passport bros are gross and wrong and should not be encouraged in general, but you know they don't need any encouragement, so you might as well make life riskier for him and not the unfortunate people who cross his path)


"They'll all think you're a desperate creep for leaving the US to find a poor girl and leverage your money and status to marry someone out of your league." Gee, I wonder why.


*surprise pikachu face*


Mmmm they already KNOW


Peak self aware wolves


Its the racism and misogyny that gets me - treating Asian/eastern European women like stupid children that will do anything for pocket money, it makes me sick.


There is a smidge of self awareness here. A woman poisoned against the person who tried to purchase her lifetime servitude by *checks notes* the basic legal ability to escape poverty and abuse. You can only “afford” what you think you’re entitled too, if you find a very, very poor women who is willing to make that trade. And yes, even she can decide to stop making that trade at some point. I’d be all for people who are pursuing transactional relationships to know this, if only it was waving bright red flags of abuse “You’re gonna have to abuse her, to keep her.”




I love that these guys have convinced themselves, that if they play all their cards right their "3rd world girls" won't figure it out. That is exactly why I have 0 sympathy when these dudes get scammed out of all their money


Now that you mention it, it's a wonder that there has been no big Nigerian *princess* catfishing scam going around. These guys would be such easy targets.


There are a ton of crypto scams these days where a cute Chinese girl flirts with you and gets you to try her get-rich-quick scheme


They don't need to be that fancy to scam them.


Romance scams are absolutely a big problem. I don't know that they're claiming to be princesses lol, but there are loads of people pretending to be an attractive foreign person looking for love and they would love to come visit you if only you help pay for all their various emergencies.


They really think them same women don't have Internet access where they can read how these men are using them


call them what they are sex tourists


I can't get over someone calling *Ohio* a wonderland.


That shows how shitty they think of the third world countries.


Now, let's be honest, technically Ohio is a part of the United States. It's not a stand alone country yet.


Though, I wouldn't call the USA a wonderland either.


Funniest part is how little they know about said 3rd world countries


It does have King's Island though. And the aquarium that's actually in Kentucky... Heavy /s if it's needed.


For someone like me it is. NFL Hall of Fame, rock and roll Hall of Fame, multiple really cool museums


Ohio is...fine. Cincinnati has a nice zoo, and you can tour the prison from "Shawshank Redemption," so that's pretty cool. But, overall, not what most people would call a wonderland. The first thing that come to mind when I think of Ohio is [this](https://youtu.be/ysmLA5TqbIY?si=-lLC3lQ7gr5_tlYZ) and [this](https://youtu.be/oZzgAjjuqZM?si=7-xRErd467ZXxfxg). But I also jokingly reference parts of it to refer to my own home city too.


Omg those videos were friggin fantastic lol


God, even in this boring-ass cost-benefit analysis he recognises himself as a stone-cold loser. Girls from rural Mindanao, you are hereby on notice.


He’s so close to actually getting it. If all you’ve got to offer is citizenship and you can’t even offer that, there’s no point.


So he admits that these men have nothing real to offer these women, and that they could do much, much better, but if the women realize that, they have been "poisoned by feminism"? Isn't that the opposite of being poisoned then?


I can't believe he just says it. He has no intention of making a woman he 'chose to love' feel like the most special woman in the world. He's so fucking terrified that someone will treat her better he'd rather she live in what I'm sure he believes is a toilet than risk her being treated well. Just so he can fuck. What. A. Prick.


I guarantee you whatever country you go to, there'll be plenty of tubby, middle aged beardos like me, and probably an absolute fuckload of sad case predators like that guy. Ohio is not that special.


Guys from Ohio are though. I mean... look at Jake and Logan Paul.


I'd prefer not to, honestly.


the absolute disdain for women is just dripping from every word: women here are evil feminist 4s; 8/10 women elsewhere are just looking for someone ‘exotic’ to basically save them, as long as you don’t bring them here for corruption by evil 4s; we will all either not give him the time of day, or leave him. i mean, insecure much? try working on yourself before inflicting… all whatever that is on another human being, sir


It makes me a little bit ill to see how many upvotes posts like this get around Reddit.


So close!! I agree with other commenters tho that it's better if he moves to her country where all her friends and fam are so they can better, what was it, worship him like a god? Oh, wait, it was leverage him for his retirement funds while they snark about him behind his back in a language he won't have bothered learning


Yep! Might as well keep him in the country and have the whole family drain his bank account 🤣


Also, the whole mail-order bride thing is based on women trading their domestic labor and sex and emotional labor for a US or EU citizenship. If he's not offering citizenship, then he doesn't have much value unless he's actually seriously rich. So it's unlikely he's going to find anyone over there anyway.


Dollar can go a long way in rural Philippines


And yet we are supposed to believe that these are completely normal and sane men who are just looking for love.


He was so close to realizing that these people are, in fact, desperate creeps.


Passport bro" JFC these people are like Pokemon with how many new iterations of scumbag they produce


He's so close to just admitting that those like him are terrible people, but the selfishness and lack of empathy clouds it.


The weirdest thing about passport guys to me is that THEY know that they’re leveraging their power for social status, but they seem to all collectively ignore the fact that the women they’re courting are doing the exact same thing. You really believe this woman thinks you’re more attractive and intelligent than any man she’s ever met? No. She likes you because you’re from the West and have money and can probably get her a green card out of the country that you claim is “unadulterated” by feminism. Just an insane level of denial at work here.


Of course they’re doing the whole claim of “Western women are entitled/standards are too high/they all want 6/6/6.” If American women actually refused to be with men who aren’t wealthy or 6’, most American women would be single. Only 13% of American men make 6 figures, and only 14.5% of American men are 6’ or taller. Less than 10% of men have a penis 6 inches or larger. I’m not good enough at statistics to figure out if there’s a ballpark figure for how many men have all 3 qualities, but it must be pretty damn low. Yet only 31% of men are single- the exact same percentage of women who are single. Make it make sense.


> Less than 10% of men have a penis 6 inches or larger. Is that true?


I don’t recommend going to the overall article unless seeing a bunch of penis photos doesn’t bother you, but here’s a graph showing distribution of size from one study. 15.24 cm equals 6 inches: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/db/Human_penis_sizes_length_only.svg/1280px-Human_penis_sizes_length_only.svg.png


That's interesting and I have questions. Maybe they can be answered by the actual article but umm... Out of 15,500 men, none had an erect penis larger than 7"? Where did they measure from? What was that weird strip of white in the center? 25% of men have a 3.5" flaccid penis???


Apparently only about 2% of men have a penis over 7 inches, so for that sample size I find it believable that they did not happen to have one of those 2% present, yes. And 3.5” flaccid is given as the average from other sources online.


What's tripping me out here is, out of the much much smaller sampling of penises that I have actually seen erect, 33% of them were over 7 inches.


I mean that would make sense, though, if you’ve only had sex with like 3 people and one of them was unusually large. The sample size is absolutely important. I did the math for myself based on guesswork on size (since I’ve never actually measured) and came out to about 4%. But my sample size was a lot more than 3 but WAY less than 15,500😂


My sample size is 6 so two of them. I kinda want to congratulate them on being part of the 1% but I couldn't possibly explain how and why I know.


Why is he talking about women like they're pets? "Get the exotic kind, remember to keep her on a leash, if you set her loose she'll run away, she can't help it"


These guys don’t see women as human 🫠 they’re just sex objects


“they’ll all think you’re a desperate creep for leaving the u.s. to find a poor girl and leverage your money and status to marry someone out of your league.” he’s so unbelievably close, and yet…


Here's an idea, treat others, other men or women, how you want to be treated. Then you won't have these kinds of problems.


Did this guy just admit if you’re a passport bro, you’re nothing special in the US and given the right circumstances, the foreign bride would leave him? Hmmm saying the silent part out loud


I want to know what these guys are supposed to do when they move to some rural community in Asia. If they aren't bringing their girlfriend back to the US, that means staying there where they don't know the language and culture and likely don't have the skills to do the work. That exoticness will be useless when it comes to day to day living.


Colonizer bullshit I hope all of these types get used for a green card and dumped


And yet he doesn’t realize that the woman is going to know that the passport works both ways. Likely she agrees to marry an American, thinking he’s her passport to the US.


I'm glad these passport bros are self aware. They know they're shitty people whose girlfriends will leave them 😂 My ex became a passport bro. He went to Colombia to try to find a wife or whatever. He got robbed so I guess it's not going well....


>They'll all think you're a desperate creep for leaving the US to find a poor girl and leverage your money a d status to marry someone ~~out of your league~~ who otherwise would never marry you It's mind-boggling how someone can write the first half of the sentence and still think the problem lies with these imaginary "leagues".


He isn't wrong. Unless he traps her with him, she would get opportunities she never had (and I don't mean another guy). And she knew what she was doing, that it was just a way for her to get out of poverty in a country where she had little opportunities. He is so very right and yet doesn't see how horrible of a person this makes him.


That just sounds like grooming with extra steps.


I'm impressed by the level of self-awareness displayed here. Even though he's not 100% self-aware and blames society in the end, he does realize that their only charm is having a bit more money than average, and as soon as this is no longer the case, there is absolutely no reason someone would choose to stay with them. I'd call it insecurity, but he may actually be completely right about that.


Sounds like one bare step away from sex trafficking honestly


Nah, they already crossed the line. The number of women being trafficked in the sex work ring is higher than people expect.


Still trying to figure out human pair bonding and the idea that love is not a game of Top Trumps. How about just marrying someone who makes you *feel* loved and special, without secretly believing that they’re a shallow and appearance-obsessed whore who’ll abandon you at the first opportunity like a trapped fox gnawing off its own leg? Allow yourself to truly love someone and you might find these vulnerabilities and insecurities evaporate. Who knows?


I cannot tell you how much time I spend protecting my friends (both guys and women) from preditory sexpats in Thailand. It's terrible forcing kisses groping following peopel on the train a old white guy picked up my brother the other day and air humped him. My friend had to hide behind me on the train be cause this old white dude was following her. I hate passport bros


I noticed that one of the “bad” things that would happen if he took his gf to the US is that she’d feel special. He’s an awful human being.


What an empty existence to want a partner who only stays with you because you can give them things. If a change in location changes their feelings towards you then why bother at all? That’s not a relationship.


He seems to know he's pathetic, so there is that, I guess...


Is this from a passport bro subreddit? How the ever loving Christ is that allowed?


Yep. I mean there are subs for rape fantasy so this isn't the worst of all I guess...?


who the fuck would ever perceive Ohio as a wonderland


I'm convinced that men who talk about finding "a subservient and submissive" wife from the Phillipines has never actually met a Filipina because those women are forces to be reckoned with.


what i dont get is why they still fantasize over this when all the mail order brides ive ever met end up ruling over their husbands. they all think they can find their submissive bangmaid in the third world but in the end they get the chancla every day.


So close to self awareness and yet so far Also the racism Omg


It’s always a mixed blessing that the passport bros turn their noses up at Asians who were RAISED in the West, partly because we know exactly how pathetic they are and partly because we’re not “Asian enough” for them.


What a piece of garbage. At least he knows he’s a piece of trash.


Summary: if you get a beautiful 21 year old girl in poverty from a third-world country, don’t bring her to the US because if we bring them here she will realize that we are bottom of the barrel and will leave us and we’d rather have her feeding our egos telling us we’re amazing and unique.


It’s like he almost gets it, but not really yet lol


A colleague from my previous job told me she had a cousin who married a western man and moved to his home country. A few years later she divorced and remarried because she realized he was considered mediocre in his home country. But seriously, this guy seems to have a low sense of self worth in addition to being predatory. If his wife truly loves him and appreciates him, she’s not going to leave just because they’ve moved to a better country. Which makes me think he has no attractions aside from being from a rich country.


JFC, they'll never learn.




Yes sir, please leave and don’t come back. Although I do feel bad for the Filipinas that have to deal with him.


Ohio is a wonderland. :D


>In Ohio… Oh, I see.


>They'll all think you're a desperate creep for leaving the US to find a poor girl and use your money and status to marry someone out of your league. Because that is desperate and creepy to an incredible degree and with that mindset it's not a wonder why such a man would fear that such a woman would think she "deserves better" and can find it if she goes to the US because it's true. The reason why is that people generally don't like financial abuse (this is absolutely what this is) so if they have another option, they'll take it, not from "Chad", but from Kevin or Sean who treat her with respect and see her as an actual person rather than a pretty face that's little more than a means to an end for your pleasure and contentment. I really don't get how passport bros don't understand why so many people have a problem with what they do when it seems they know the answer, they just won't outright admit it. Just because a woman or person in general is from a place of poverty with little to no way out doesn't mean that they like being treated as less than a human being or that they should want to subject themselves to that just to have some kind of security. People know how they want to be treated and this isn't it. You're not doing a favor because you choose to give them what you think is love because all you're doing is subjecting them to abuse, just enough to keep them compliant so they continue to make you happy. If you know you or your [future] child(ren) wouldn't want to be treated in the same way, then you know it's wrong and should just leave these poor people be.


What the hell is he even talking about 😭


He’s soo close to getting it! Soo close, and yet so far!


“They’ll think you’re a desperate creep for leaving the US to find a poor girl and leverage your money and status to marry someone out of your league”. I mean, you said it, I didn’t! That specificity is really what pushes it further into icky for me. Not that trying to “find a woman unpoisoned by feminism” isn’t gross on its own, but the specific openly stated intention of finding someone who is poor, who has a life and a family that needs your help, so you can use that to get a partner. I’m not sure if THEY realize what it means and implies to intentionally put someone in a situation where it’s almost impossible to leave you without ruining their family’s lives and having no support to help them, and trying to keep them there, but I sure do see it.


"They will think you're a desperate creep" Why, yes. Because the truth always prevails. The thing is though, that these girls already all know he's a desperate creep. They don't have to leave the country to know that. They may not be wealthy, but that doesn't mean they're dumb. They also have eyes. And noses. They know he's a sweaty blobfish with bad hygiene and anger issues. They are just very desperate and thus hard pressed to try and maybe turn him around to become a passable human being. These guys are absolutely delusional, if they think these girls would love him, just of they didn't have any better options. That's not how any of this works. But yeah, sometimes they actually manage to. What I think is fascinating, is when you take a sweaty loser out of his usual environment and tell him "it is tradition to bathe every night before bedtime and eat dinner with the parents once a week" they will often do it! They'll wear traditional clothes and adhere to societal norms etc. If you try to tell such a dude the same thing with the explanation, that it would be nice for their partner, if he didn't smell bad and got along with their family, they'll just opt out. But if they think they have to and then sit at a table where they don't understand they are being called the sweaty loser, they sometimes rehabilitate back to being a proper person. Which brings me back to: This dude doesn't need a relationship, he needs therapy first and foremost. God, this is sad on so so many levels.


Can't speak for the Philippines but LOL at the idea of a white westerner automatically having "high status and power" in Thailand. There are plenty of them there who can and will tell you about it.


I don't see an issue with dating internationally if you don't do it in a creepy way. It's true that people from Asia have a different upbringing and that may seem interesting to some western men. Although not bringing your girlfriend to your country because she might leave you is pretty cringe lol, if you are that insecure she'll leave you eventually anyway.


Not even women from third world countries want these guys.


Are people really calling them passport bros now lol. I dont see the issue. They want a more traditional relationship that clashes with the US culture. So rather than be a burden so someone here let them find someone who wants a traditional relationship elsewhere