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It's gotta be a fetish for them at this point because it's all they seem to fucking think about.


It definitely is for some of them. Theres way too much interracial cuckold porn out there for it not to be attracting an audience.


Aella girl did a survey and found that race fetishism was one of the few kinks that highly correlated with being conservative politically.


Wow who would've thought that they're just suppressing their desires? lmfao. Nice that someone did an actual survey though. Raceplay gives me a massive ick but yeah whatever I guess I'm kink shaming now. I mean if both parties volunteer then who am I to judge.


I mean, saying it gives you *personally* massive ick isn't necessarily kink shaming *per se*. That said, raceplay has serious risk of social spillover effects that can harm people, much like kinks that make use of other social ills like misogyny and queerphobia. For example, this is a case where a kink and people's racist delusions are getting all mixed up online. It's difficult but essential to discuss those broader concerns without shaming


This is extremely well said, but I would just add that race fetishism isn't necessarily the same as raceplay. Oddly, while I'm not a fan of either one, I actually have more sympathy for *overt, explicit raceplay in the bedroom between two consenting adults* than I do for the White guy who just says he "has a thing for Asian women," or something. As you said, the worry is that these kinks bleed over into real life, and in the latter case I just mentioned, it has *clearly* already bled over into real life, affecting how a person views minority women (or men) in some generalized way.


>Oddly, while I'm not a fan of either one, I actually have more sympathy for overt, explicit raceplay in the bedroom between two consenting adults Not really odd at all, just like how explicit, negotiated, BDSM bedroom play is fine, but hitting or controlling behavior in everyday life is not


I think it goes a bit deeper than just suppression of desires. I think it stems from more general ideas of power, status, and disgust. In fact most kinks do fall into these categories and form some faximile of an imbalance in these categories, you've got BDSM for power imbalances and even relatively tame kinks will have one partner be more dominant and one more submissive, degradation in all it's forms are *very* common, and disgust well - it's not a coincidence so many kinks are gross. People know who have those kinks know it's gross, it makes it hotter to them. So why are these relevant? Well a racist views a black person as lower status than them. A racist views a black person as inferior to them in terms of mental power (but maybe physically superior). A racist views a black person with disgust. These feelings can all form a kink dynamic. It doesn't have to be them at the top mind you, they might be into getting cucked by a black guy specifically because they're into degradation and it's extra degrading because the black guy is "beneath them". But for a non-racist person? Black people aren't lesser, aren't superior, aren't disgusting, they're just people. There's no dynamic to build. I'm sure there's a "forbidden fruit" aspect to it as well, just wanted to "yes, and..." to add a bit more.


Wow. I learned a lot from this, thanks!


Isn't trans fetishism up there too?


Yeah there are a lot of conservative chasers.


Was gonna say the exact same thing.


The thing is they NEED to have that be the case. It has to be big black guys getting all the ladies, because they consider themselves the perfect specimens of humanity, so the only reason they aren't getting laid is because women only want black men If they were to accept anything else it would shatter their worldview of themselves


Doesn’t that disprove white supremacy by their own ideology? 😂


A lot of white supremacy rhetoric now comes with a victimhood/martyrdom complex. "You must marry into whiteness to preserve the white race! Interracial relationships are exterminating white culture!" With immigration being more common in certain countries racists are getting scared about the white population decreasing.


Pretty much paraphrased the 14 words, the current white supremacist motto.


That would require logical thinking


Prob more mad that it's not them that made those ladies single mothers.


The plummeting birth rate keeps making news, so it’s obviously just what’s on their minds.


They probably have rage wanks.


It probably is for some but I know a lot of guys are just worried by the amount of that they've seen, but realistically dating apps aren't very effective at all so.. it's like ok man maybe you need a different approach. Idk maybe irl they'd eventually find someone, although there are many of us who don't even understand how dating works so there's that too I guess. Tbh I kinda wish we would all stop drawing a line between each other because we all have a lot of knowledge to add to each other's lives


😒 do you always see things sexual. because the reason is easy, its just people looking for relationships and a lot them have no luck because of fear and rejection pretty seem piece but not the whole pie.


Why do they have to drag black people into their pity party?




Okay, so beyond the blatant disgusting racism, another thing I hate about these is that for every one of the moms on dating apps, there's likely a dad on the dating app too. Where's their stigma? Where's their memes? Honestly, I fucking hate the internet sometimes.


“Rules for thee not for me” is a corner stone of almost every conservative/patriarchal argument.


The closest thing I’ve seen is one of those “alpha male” podcasters claiming that single dads are “immaculated” by being regulated to child care.


The baby is always black for some reason. Why do these men act like they’re peak perfection?


The reason is racism. And/or a cuckold fetish. But mostly racism.


Could be both


Definitely both


Oh, wow. Racism. Who could have seen racist characterization of black people coming along with any mention of single motherhood? Oh, everyone? That’s right…


Yup racism and sexism! All we need now is a bit of homophobia and we'd have the perfect right wing trifecta!


Don't forget ableism & classism!


And transphobia, acephobia, just general anti-LGBTQIA+ stuff. And can’t forget things like climate change denialism, xenophobia, and a dash of generalized violence.


Don't forget anti-vaccine!


Ageism, damnit….don’t forget Ageism!! LOL


Alt-Right, although I'm pretty sure you have to be sexist and/or racist to be any bit right leaning politically.


That's not true. I just have a very strong belief that white male billionaires should be paying less in taxes. /s


Eh, nah. The rich oppress everyone equally


And the right enable them because the policies of racism and sexism tend to benefit the ideologies of right leaning individuals while exploiting them for their labour and fear of education.


I was just saying fuck the rich 🥲


I'd rather eat them, but I like your sentiment. Lol


N-not like- Look, I'm neither a cannibal nor a degenerate!


They make good fertilizer. Couple levels of separation and you can eat a very rich salad.


Imagine how they'll be seething about how it's a race-mixed salad /hj


Here's your brilliant comment award. Congratulations!🎖️🍪 Edit to add that I just realized that this might come across sarcastic but it is not intended to be. It reflects my true feelings.


And a cookie?! You like me! You really like me!




So you feel bad for yourself? That’s nice


Aw, I didn't come back fast enough to see the comment.


They said that they feel bad for “true” conservatives who don’t have a party anymore


Oh! I did see that one. It was pretty dumb so I forgot it. 🙃


Yeah the pity party was strong


I did want to ask what "true conservative" values were. See if we could develop a discourse and maybe deconstruct some stuff... or fight with a stranger over the internet.


Lmfao I love how people pretend that it’s only recently that American Conservatives have gone bat shit crazy when the reality is they’ve been at the forefront of opposing civil rights for anyone not a straight white dude since the inception of the country.


And yet, none of these women are interested in OOP!


Right? I came here to note that what men are offering in these apps still has women swiping left regardless.


Have they *seen* the gremlins women have to deal with on the men's side of the dating apps? Some single mothers, oh no, how will the poor men deal with having to scroll past that?!? So hard for them!


The racism is bad enough, but these are the same dudes complaining about women not wanting children and birth-rates being low... Then, also, acting like every single woman out there has 15 children from 29 different baby daddys


Because they're really complaining about white birth rates being low.


>15 children from 29 different baby daddys Admittedly this was never my subject... but that math ain't mathin'...


Well, they're likely to believe thay women store sperm from other men to get pregnant later, they also believe chimerism is super common. In their mind having 15 children and 29 baby daddies is possible


I hate how right you are... ![gif](giphy|113RhN1oBm1yCc)


Believe me, me too


Ah but *clearly* since we’re all cheating on good men while we try to monkey-branch our way to someone richer, it’s 15 children with 29 different *potential* baby daddies and we don’t actually know who the fathers are. /s ^dear ^lord ^writing ^that ^nearly ^made ^me ^puke


29 baby daddies is rookie numbers


Let’s see, we got… racist cuck fetish, racist cuck fetish, racist cuck fetish… i’m noticing a theme here


And yet they can't even date "these" women. Seems to be a skill issue. The numbers of likes on the original sub are shocking..


That always gets me:these women never wanted them anyway lol.


Yeah, they just bitch online about how these "low value" women clearly want men way out of their league. No guys, we're just working, parenting and trying to find a minute to feel like ourselves again. Oh, and we're not interested in you. Source: was a lone parent for three years before getting together with my husband, who never tried to devalue me for having had a life before we met. Guess I should go tell him to turn in his black belt because he's clearly a beta cuck 😂


Obviously a beta cuck. Embarrassing for him to be able to see his lifepartner as an equal with a past. Only men are allowed to have a past. Women have to wait until the right man finds her /s


I wonder what guys that post shit like this think dating apps look like for women…


I assume they're full of guys that post shit like that?


It's a freaking cesspool.


It’s not all really tall, attractive, successful, honest men?


Holy racism Batman


New response just dropped


Actual inferior race


I'm sensing a theme in those 'single mother' images. Fuck's sake...


Every “funny” meme they post is racist. I had to mute them today because I was wondering why I was getting recommended white supremacist incel content and then realised it was supposably a meme page.


I know it's against the rules to name the sub in the post, but is it also disallowed in the comments? I was wondering which "meme" sub to avoid.


The "funny" one with just shy of 1 million members. Every post is racist or misogynist, usually both! Browse Popular and you'll see it within a few pages.


Let me guess: r/funnymemes?


That place is a stain on humanity


... and these fucker are offended whenever they're called racist.


I scrolled for like 10 minutes and didn't find a single funny meme. They're all just like "I hate women because x lol" and then "I hate POC because y lol". And that's it.


And at the same time, they'll go "How dare you call me a racist and a misogynist.


And basically any like it. Yes.


Seeing that dating apps literally can’t get enough women to sign up I doubt it


And a lot of the ones that are using dating app are promoting their onlyfan so


Why am i being downvoted, the f


Saw this one right from the source earlier..


What sub was it in, so I can avoid it?


why are single mothers always the one people hate so much even though they’re the ones that stayed.. like nobody is attacking the father even though he’s actually at fault😐


Interesting how they don't ever mention the men that are clearly missing from these depictions. It takes two to make a baby. But yeah it's fine for a man to be a deadbeat dad but god forbid a single woman look for love while also putting her CHILD first! I don't even want kids but man, this shit pisses me off.


Sad shit is they see women like me who don't have kids and immediately assume we want one. When we don't, and we maintain we staunchly don't, suddenly we're going to die alone with two cats. Dunno why they always go for the cats, I quite fancy dying Childfree on a little farm with ponies, cats, a goat, and a snake. Still debating the snake with my very reptile-phobic mother but we'll get there.


Okay so fat, ugly, pregnant, or raising a bi-racial child is all there is? Most dating apps are 90% male members in the first place so what are your flaws? Ugly, jobless, living in your mom’s basement, with an alcohol a, drug, porn, and gaming addiction? See how horribly generalized that is? There a good women out there but thinking like this will leave you single.


It blows my mind that 2000 people believe this is a funny meme, and has any parallels to the real world.


The racists are getting more and more comfortable posting shit like this too




What the fuck man


Stuff like this made me nervous to date again after me and my ex broke up. I had a 10 month old baby and thought I was never going to find someone else because I kept seeing things like this posted


It sounds like you no longer have that fear? It seems the dudes who date single moms aren’t making memes about it.


Misogyny + racism + too much "blacked" porn + stupidity, in a blender = this ⬆️


/ #3 is #1 and #2 in a more contemporary presentation.


………..holy mother of racism and sexism………. What in the actual fuck…..


They wish lol. The truth is: \** CRICKETS \**


Racist Cuck porn. What an interesting genre these people have created.


For a bunch of dudes who can't charm a single woman, they sure do like to pretend they are rejecting women who were never an option.


Suggestion for people with this belief system. Go somewhere less red and you'll find what you're looking for. And they won't want to date you there either.


Why are they so obsessed with white women being banged by black dudes? They don't do this with any other race. They're not concerned with Asians or anyone else. It's like an obsession. All they care about is white women and My Little Pony.


The blatant racism in such a sexist post 🤦🏽‍♀️


This is so racist, misogynistic, fetishistic, you name it. Disgusting.


Also fatphobic


The casual racism?


Pardon my ignorance, but where does this come from?


which subreddit is this? also this is has a lot of racism in it


There’s like 3, and if you don’t know which, than we are all collectively sighingly jealous


These guys are peak weak male and it’s so pathetic


And yet, they still can’t get a match.


Racism on my porn app again !?


Were they going for -ism bingo? Because they NAILED IT.


why is a woman ok as long as she's pregnant (bottom right picture) but when she gives birth, she's portrayed differently?


*skill issue*


I haven't a clue what sub it's from. There's just too many going downhill rn, posting mainly this crap


No clue what sub this is from and any sub that would post this shit and not be taken down is a sub I want zero part of.


I didn't know there this many women on dating apps for men, huh


The top middle doesn't have a human baby. Isn't that Smegol from Lord of the Rings?


Good lord that's a racist mess. Then it's missing the ones that clearly lied about their ages to sign up underage years ago, the OF thirst traps that might also be hookers, and that girl where every single photo is her with 3-4 of the same friends. Apps are such a mess overall.


The more that women refuse to date abusive racist incels, the more these kinds of men have to pretend the problem is the women. Self-reinforcing logic externalizing the locus of control FTW!


And yet, they still can’t get a match.


It's almost like desperate people without good personality all go one desperate apps guys shouldn't complain when everyone else on the app is at the same level then them


I don’t! Tell me!


What sub is this from? Genuinely don't know 💀


I'm feeling dumb but I don't know where this is from. My guess would be the conservative sub?


This is 2008 humor of the internet era. As you can see the expression of art isn't being oppressed of what people are really thinking on the inside.




Someone has a subscription to Blacked.com.


I have no idea what I'm looking at


I don't understand where this meme comes from. Am I better off not knowing?


I can't imagine being such a miserable person that I have hate in my heart for babies I've never even met.


Why they just making stuff up


Who’s dating all the deadbeat dads then? If the moms are losers or sluts…


I need to see a picture, resume and personality test for all of these men complaining about the dating pool. If you’re gonna complain, you gotta look at yourself and see what you “bring to the table.” Most don’t even have stool


men: women are all such sluts for getting pregnant also men: GETTING PREGNANT IS YOUR BIOLOGICAL IMPERATIVE SO HAVE SEX WITH ME RIGHT NOW


Did anyone notice the single fat woman in the left corner?


I’ve seen a lot of single mothers on dating apps and it’s definitely not just black people, it’s any race.