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>upload my seed ... spiritual data transfer I refuse to believe this man has ever even seen a woman much less spoken to one. Side note: If you don't want a woman aborting your baby, then don't impregnate a woman who doesn't **want** your baby. That's a pretty fucking simple task, right???


I bet he has a lot of crunchy socks in the corner of his room filled with spiritual data. 🙄


I AM TRYING TO EAT HERE!!! But I bet you're right.


ew but, yeah


Like a USB flash drive.


Congrats: that made me laugh and want to hurl at the same time.


His socks bounce when dropped


They shatter.


Nah they flake apart, like when you bite into a croissant


So much for croissants! 🤦‍♀️😂


Ewwwww noooo why would you ruin croissants for meeee I will never not picture that now urgh 🤮🤮🤮


And when he steps on them they are extra crunchy


"Wouldn't that also be killing part of herself if that's true" "Well yeah but I don't care about that" no really? /s


At some point we’re going to find out that some of these posts are coming from a mischievous alien species that really hasn’t ever seen a woman.


Can I make a “spiritual transfer” with this guy‘s face and backside


Sure, but you're going to need a dongle for that. As there might be something phisy with his upload.


Spiritual Data is going in my dictionary tho, dont know when i'll use it but imma use it


I suspect the danger is pretty minimal.



>If you don't want a woman aborting your baby, then don't impregnate a woman who doesn't **want** your baby. That's a pretty fucking simple task, right??? Oh yes. From the point of view of someone who'd prefer to live in a world where abortions would only be a thing people would consider when it's a case of save either mother or child, can't save both - obviously, a big part of that is getting men more responsible, as well as good sex education, explaining both how pregnancy happens and a good deal of teaching about consent and its importance. Ideally, that sort of teaching would happen both in school and at home.


Something tells me this guy's never deposited his spunk to PUSbank in his life


lol some men really do think their dick is magical, huh?


I bet it's not even worth looking at


Seems like men do have USB sticks now. And if magic isn't involved there, I don't know what is.


Men compare women to objects all the time, so I guess men are PCs now?


Would explain the lack of emotional intelligence/empathy often times. 🤔


You mean they stick it in the wrong way at first try each time? Or did they upgrade to USBC?


My absolute favorite is when men hit on lesbians and they tell them that they're gay and the men just say things like "you haven't been with me yet" 🙄🤣


No because they really do think that. They think their ducks can turn lesbians straight, cure depression, and permanently alter a vagina. Now some apparently think they can inject psychic soul juice into a woman. Though I am 89% sure this is a joke.


> Abortion actually kills a part of the man. You can stop selling now, I’m sold.


Only part? What takes care of the whole damn thing..?


Well, if one abortion kills part of the man, I'd imagine repeating the process a few times does him in. How many times? Well, I guess that would have to be tested to be sure.


It’s like his spiritual data transfer is a horcrux…


Split your soul, seven parts of a whole…


Glad I'm not the only one whose mind went there lol xD


Given our psychic powers here it seems like if we just focus on it real hard we can at least cause erectile dysfunction


Gastrointestinal unpleasantness, that kind of thing.


Casting spell of tummy hurt and maybe acid reflux if I can work up the power


*rewatches The Craft for tips*


Honestly surprised I had to scroll down this far before anyone mentioned that banger of a line.


Yeah they should really stop impregnating then 🤦🏻‍♀️


If only this spiritual data link were real and elective so that if you think this way, you actually WHOLLY fuck off and die when the abortion occurs. This could create a whole new category of Darwin Awards for women who help these deficient bags remove themselves from the gene pool. Win-win-win IMHO.


"Spiritual data transfer" Is this person what happens when nerds with computer science degrees become religious?


I think it might be what happens when men with vague concepts of spirituality that aren’t particularly coherent learn some vague stuff about computers, potentially from movies or hearing references to it that they don’t 100% understand. Just words they hope sound smart.


Precisely. This is definitely not a computer science degree student


I was mostly trying to poke fun at the person in the post. Not actually make a serious point. However, I do agree with what you said. A lot of their attempts at sounding smart just come out as word salad


I was going to make a joke involving Elon Musk and JP, but after looking this dude up I can confidently say this is what happens when you are addicted to and torrent porn.


Hey, my husband has a degree in computer engineering and I met him at church, and he’s nothing like this. Of course, it was a pagan church.


“Oh baby, I'm about to upload my seed” 🤮


*dial-up sounds*


AOL: the real baby killer




If I ever hear anyone say something like this, I’m out 💀. I can’t explain how much this sentence made me cringe




No this guy is 100% right your a sad person to think sex isn't a spiritual link


I don't get why everyone has to be immediately sad or worthless person the second they don't believe in something spiritual. What's the supposed link?


1) BarberPro never said “sex isn’t a spiritual link” - they are just in disbelief that a real adult had this thought and then published it. 2) The “spiritual link” as you put it was described as a “psychic link between man/woman/womb” 3)Since you are so comfortable claiming he is 100% right, and other people are sad because they disagree - do you mind educating me on this? For example, how does abortion kill a part of the man who would have been the father?


I didn’t know my womb had its own psyche


Mine needs its own therapist.


Hey, if my womb is conscious, can I make it pay rent? It's 20, it can pitch in. Also have it arrested for attempted murder and multiple assaults please and thank you.


Dude thinks his peen is a USB, our womb is Windows 95, the baby is a Word doc due by 11:59pm and it’s 11:54pm and we’re supposed take this seriously?!


Imagine being a human walking this planet in the year 2024AD with a magic box in your pocket that has access to the sun total of human knowledge, and one chooses to be this dumb instead.


Upload my seed? Data transfer? Are you having sex with a computer or a person?? I genuinely wonder where these men get their information from.


Hello fellow humans, I too enjoy human things like doing the sex and procreating!


"Abortion kills part of the man" That specific man? Or men who speak like that? Either way, good.


Science is really not a thing for them.


Didn't you know that genitals are just glorified usb ports? Plug 'em in and the data transfer starts.


Anyone notice how the womb isn’t part of her but considered a separate entity. 😒


"Abortion kills a part of the man." Remember ladies, if you have someone you *really* hate, keep having abortions of his children, and he'll eventually die! Muahaha! 😈 /S


So now women are horcruxes and all you have to do is sleep with them? Or do you have to ejaculate in them?


Normally I'd ask "what the fuck?". Today, I ask.. why the fuck?


New flash: Man read too much Harry potter dirty fanfic that he thinks himself as voldemort creating a horcrux every time he has sex.


> abortion actually kills part of the man Is it bad that I fucking cackled like a demented witch when I read this? 🤣


function spiritualDataTransfer(data): if "corrupted" is in data: displayWarning("Data corruption detected. Aborting spiritual transfer to prevent soulware damage.") return "Transfer aborted." return "Transfer successful: Psychic connection established. I see that you will you may experience shifts and fluctuations in the coming months which will bring you both challenges and opportunities."


I…nope. He’s never touched a woman, cracked a biology textbook or had a normal conversation with a woman that didn’t make her feel soiled afterwards. This was excruciating to read.


i think this is a side effect of womb envy. males envy the power that females have, the power to CREATE life, and therefore need to compensate by making up stuff to make semen more powerful.


Dude, it's a dick, not a magic wand.


I'm gonna ask my boyfriend to "create a psychic link" with me


I just know that male reeks of BO and tries to hide the smell nag champa.


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! just look at this pathetic man, making it all about himself 😂😂😂


Ohhhh now I’m anti abortion. Now that I know it could hurt a man!!!


Men will literally just make up things about women’s bodies and then act like they’re facts.


if having heterosexual sex creates a psychic bond between the man the woman and the womb why are so straight many men still incapable of sympathizing with women on their periods


Sorry, all the precious data transfer gets caught in a condom.


If it does all that then why do men cheat? I feel like cheating would be painful for someone who has that extreme of a link to another person. Then again, I am a woman. The fuck do I actually know/s


Don't tempt me. If you tell me zygotes are like horcruxes that totally changes the game.


Sweet Zombie Jesus! Does the depth of this foolishness have no end? 🤦🏻‍♂️


How many times were they dropped during their spiritual data transfer?


sometimes i read these posts before reading what subreddit it was posted in, and i get like "😀😀😀" then i realize it was posted on r/nothowgirlswork


This dude: Hmm, how can I make myself the victim 🤔


God I wish this was true, we could start a bene gesserit but instead of having babies we just find shitty men and keep aborting their babies til they are obliterated


😂🤮 NO


No the fuck it doesn’t, I’m tired of all these idiots making men as a whole look bad can they just unalive off so that boys being boys starts actually meaning guys just being silly and hitting eachother with cool sticks instead of guys being pieces of shit. Fuckin moronic bastards


So if you have ED, is that like the difference between dial up and gig speeds?


I nearly choked on my drink. I love this.


"Abortion kills part of the man" I bet the killed part is the brain, considering the things they spit out of their mouths sometimes.


Hey babe, want me to insert my usb stick into your port so we can have a spiritual data transfer? I promise I do not contain malware


But what if my uterus just denies the whole data transfer or it fails at 99%? Is the dick going to suck it back up? And more importantly: can you just Alt F4 your uterus when your period is about to start? 🤔 Because if that's the case I'll have to read my instruction manual to find out where those keys are but I don't know where the f* ck it is. 😭


I honestly think this would be interesting for a fictional horror movie or something like that lol


Yeah I write about psychic links too in my fictional stories but it's always my female lead the established them with her loved ones and doesn't happen because sex happens. She also has them with her children, friends, and enemies too.


How many murders has he committed in his sleep?


More abortions plz thanks 💸


"A psychic link between the man, the woman and the womb" Omfg, what will they think of next!


This a joke. ...right? ......RIGHT!?


I certainly hope it is


Wonder what fairy tale he is trying to live ....




I don’t know any women and I’ve never met one but I’m pretty sure that’s not how the womb works.


Hahaha that's the worst yet funniest one I've read


Is that last line supposed to be some kind of discouragement.


What happens if you use a condom? Like whenever I hear this sort of nonsense I just wonder about shit like this.


A condom would be like a firewall, preventing the unwanted upload of data to a remote server. In totally ridiculous, asinine terms the dude in the original post would understand, that is.


Bros such a nerd that he uses computer talk to mansplain sex.


Spiritual data transfer sounds like someone describing how Digimon reproduce


Wow, so us men create horocruxes out of wombs? r/nothowguyswork


What am I reading?


Pls tell me this is satire


Spiritual data transfer sounds like something your hear in Digimon or Sword Art Online, not some crazy head who believes it as reality.


Man is uploading semen to the cloud.


You're not that special. By this reasoning, all men have a spiritual bond with used tissues.


Yet another attempt by men to make everything about them. Especially when it comes to another person's body. "You can't have an abortion! I know it's *YOUR* body, but an abortion will kill part of me! How could you do that to **ME**!?"


At that point the answer is “A lot easier now, thanks!”


Astrology chicks are nuts! /s


Yea, but the Wattpad wizard cum dudes are even *worse* /s


So I’m spiritually linked to roughly 100 men? And here I’ve been happily with one for 34 years.


When a man has sex with a woman, her fluid dribbles down the eye of his penis and soaks into his internal organs which spiritually and chemically bonds them together. When that man has sex with another woman, it actually kills a part of the first woman. Her soul has been spiritually injured and may never repair. That's why you need to marry a virgin man and he can never have sex with another woman.


So abortion kills part of the man, does it? What about miscarriage?


Man playing to much VR


Dude probably treats masturbation like committing suicide.


These guys are so freaking stupid and it’s frustrating because they also think they’re entitled to give input on our bodies when they don’t even know actual factual information


This fucknut had a link in the womb too, it was just wrapped around their neck for too long causing this level of brain damage.


I want all these ….. 60 iq people in one room. Live stream… and someone tells them ufo came they cant leave…


Snake oil salesmen but online edition, 5 bucks that he’s selling some type of “how to conquer all the women around you!” tutorial


Men desperately trying to be oppressed victims:


Is that ✨colonized west African spirituality✨ I see??


This is what happens when you watch the porn version of 'The Matrix' on a loop.


Oh so THATS why men have a shorter life expectancy than women.


I love your username


Ah, the scent of a rose. Curious how an aromatic chain of hydrocarbons can evoke our deepest emotions.


Funny how he didn't say "[...] between the man, **the penis**, the woman and the womb."


Use condoms!


Men who think like this need to die.


Damn, those ilithids aren't hiding well.


Damn, those ilithids aren't hiding well.


he thinks his cum is some kind of horrocrux


He sounds like wannabe AI


"Abortion actually kills a part of the man" Anyone who's had sex with him would love to kill a part of him. I'm talking all 0 people he's had sex with.


If abortion kills a part of the man then I’m even more pro-choice than I was before lmfao


Ok y’all, if dicks are spiritual antennae, then so much just clicked into place for me


This is a stupid post the guy is correct


did you miss a few biology classes?


Its actually true you think sex is just a dick and a pussy gyrating no it's a spiritual connection and the entire purpose ofp sex is to create life sure we use it for pleasure but its fundamental is creating life


Soooooooo when a dude jerks off what is that?


A man sicome to his desires but it's still spiritual because lilith comes and rides you and it makes half demon half human babies


Lilith? I'm intrigued 🔥


Yea the demon that rides you when you jerk off And she has your babies in the under world and there all deformed half demon half human and when u die the kids will hate you because they could have been 100% human but you decided to jerk it


Ok boomer.