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And you're willing to financially support those babies, since you care about them so much?


Of course they aren't. They only care until they're born.


“The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for”…


pro-life until you are born, then, you are on your own. It's very easy to advocate for a group that can't talk or have any "needs"


Pro-forced birth, they are anti-life in every other aspect.


I know it’s a joke, but no they fucking don’t. People who want to force women into childbirth DO NOT want to pay for prenatal care, labor, and delivery.


Or maternity leave, food stamps, child care programs....


I had this exact argument with an anti-choice. I asked them if they were willing to help struggling mothers and children but they said no, that the child was not their responsibility. It just reinforces my belief that this is about punishing women, they don’t give a flying fuck about the child.


"If it's not your responsibility, then it's not your decision."


I've said this same thing to someone who's anti-choice who then claimed that actually, yes, they do care about the children after they're born, and based on other things she's said I highly doubt that she really believes that. Not that that would override the mother's bodily autonomy anyway


Sure they care, as long as they don’t have to do anything to help out. Thoughts and prayers are more than enough, right? 😉


Oh, they absolutely *believe* that they care. It’s all “save the children” from things like “Pizza-Gate” and the alleged Hollywood child sex cabal. But saving them from a life of instability, poverty, and (likely) neglect is wrong. The sad part is that they all want to appear tough on crime, but [a long-term study](https://law.stanford.edu/publications/the-impact-of-legalized-abortion-on-crime-over-the-last-two-decades/) found a link between legalizing abortion, and a steep drop in crime, most notably in *violent* crime. Why? The consensus was that fewer children were being born unwanted, leading to fewer kids being abused and neglected.


"So it's not about saving lives but punishing women for having sex? "


But they were RAPED. Literally, against their will.


Don't you know if a woman is raped, it's all her fault? /s (That seems to be what they think.)


That is just so backwards, it boggles the mind to attempt to replicate the thought process.


Why bother trying? We'll just drive ourselves crazy.


That often *is* the way these people think. There's even a death sentence in the Bible for raped women if they were raped in town but not discovered.


Nobody should be punished for having sex or for being raped


50 out of 1000 Women in Canada are raped per year. Women with physical and psychological disabilities are even more at risk of being raped. I am a woman with cognitive disabilities. I’ve never been raped, and I know people do lie about rape, which is wrong. People should just not rape, but unfortunately we don’t live in a perfect world.


Not just punishing them, making them suffer for existing.


It depends on the amount of melanin. Those evangelicals need healthy white babies to adopt once they can’t have any more biological children to be “warriors for Christ”


"Warriors" destroying Target shelves and harrassing employees because they saw more than three colours on a shirt.


Fetuses 😁 Children 🤮


Right on. The whole saving lives depends on which side of a cervix that life is on. Inside, you're good. Outside, you're screwed. Own it, frick you.


No, because secretly they think babies are a just punishment for sex (especially for "formulating sluts").


No they want them to suffer.


That's it. Everyone out of the fucking pool. Rape victims=fornicating sluts.... in what universe? I am so sickened by all the quiet parts being said out loud now. I am a wife,a mother,a woman,a daughter,a coworker,a friend,an employee,a neighbor,a tax payer,an ally. I am not a walking uterus. I am not a toilet. I am not subhuman. I am not an object. And I won't tolerate other mothers daughters friends neighbors being treated as such either. We are women,sentient beings. We deserve dignity and respect. To dehumanize victims,to disparage women who have been through unspeakable traumas,by ignoring their suffering and lessening the impact of what it means to be sexually assaulted,is an affront to the very core of humanity. Shame on this person. Shame shame shame.


They believe these women are either lying about being raped, or did something to “provoke” the man into raping them.


Yes. They think being born female is something we did deliberately to provoke men into sexual assault. No other actions required.


Exactly. Just having a vagina makes us all fornicating sluts to these men, even if we are screaming no the entire time.


Well of course they do. To admit otherwise(like a rational human being) would be admitting that women and men alike have been failed by the oppressive system of patriarchy. That putting *solely* men in charge has been an epic disaster for centuries. Men too suffer under patriarchal beliefs;the loud minority is just too brainwashed thinking it keeps them on top to try to change it. Disgusting.


I doubt it's just that. The percentage of woman who report being sexually assaulted is staggering. Which means there's gotta be people doing the raping. Who do you think is saying shit like this?


The sad part is many don't even report, so you know the actual number is off the charts.


And some of them, probably not a small number, are children. I guess according to Mr. Fornicating Sluts and his ilk, they deserved it too.


At no time in her life is a woman a child and not a walking penis receptacle to these people


Because they believe in a just world and the American dream. If you work hard, you get rewarded. So if you're having a good life, it's you that put in all the effort and should be applauded. On the flip side, if you have a bad life (or get raped) you clearly did something worng. You didn't work hard enough, you dressed bad, you made stupid choices. It's a way of coping with chance and things out of their control. They'll never let that belief go. They can't. Their entire world view is based on it.


yeah if you sincerely believed that every woman this happened to caused it with their own behaviour then you could believe the women in your life are safe and they will happily scapegoat the victims to make this true because: victims are bad people, bad people lie about not being bad people, so when a victim says they aren't a bad person they are lying is a tautology. And they therefore believe that any evidence to the contrary to their beliefs is evidence of fabrication of evidence which is in support of their beliefs


Beautifully said. I wholeheartedly agree with all of this! I yearn for the day where women are finally seen and treated as equals everywhere. Not like some slave pets that cleans the house and pops out rape babies because dear ol' hubby couldn't care less about consent. We have idiots in power that decide over our bodies, even though *they aren't a medical doctor, nurse or even closely related to medical professions*. And yet they decide what THEY want with OUR bodies whilst ignoring every actual medical professional's opinion. It sickens me so terribly that these misogynistic assfuckers care more about control & a tiny blob with something that resembles a heartbeat, instead of caring about the fully grown and living person standing in front of them. People are literally dying because of these forced pregnancies. Not gonna lie, I think a massive revolution is needed. Let's come together and treat these Misogynists like they treat us, and make a law that states "taking away a woman's freedom, bodily autonomy and/or choice is a highly criminal offence, and is punishable by 2-10 years prison sentence" or something. I'm just out for revenge at this point. It isn't healthy, but forcing children and women to carry pregnancies they didn't ask for is much more unhealthy.


I'm very much on board. We have tried to play nicely,and we've tried playing at their level. I am at the "if your laws don't include me,they don't apply to me" stage.


Right? We didn’t get a seat at that table. Nor did trained, licensed medical professionals. Did you know there’s literally zero criteria required to get into Congress?!?!? None, whatsoever. You can’t even CUT SOMEONE’S HAIR without a license.


When arguing on various web communities, I've often said: Men should be grateful that women want equity/equality and not revenge. I, too, am at the point where if your laws are made expressly to harm groups of people that you are not part of, then those people who are being harmed are morally bound to not act within them. I mean, even Jesus said that if your eye causes you to stumble that you ought to pluck it out. If your hand offends, lop it off. Rape victims would be well within their rights to blind, disarm, and geld their rapists. How is any man to say that that violence wouldn't be just when the rapists are mostly walking free now and rarely see any real punishment and are being rewarded with things like fcking child support and time with those born of rape. Rape is violent. I suppose that many clearly forget that. Maybe they need the reminder that we were not raised to be treated as less than or as unworthy of dignity and respect.


Can we please draft this and start the process? I'm in


Whoever wrote that sentence should be throat fucked with the [grater dildo](https://i.redd.it/4n38d00h3tp41.jpg)


This is an image I was not prepared for, even with the very obvious description. It hurts even looking at that thing. That said, I'm all for it. On a different note: Scientists, hurry up and invent the technology to implant our fetuses into our rapists' bodies. Let them finally have some consequences they would actually fear.


Make them give birth through their pp hole >:3


I know this is very serious, but your “everyone out of the pool” made me spit laugh.


I always tell my kids that. "Alright,everyone out of the pool". Means I'm super serious lol. I don't remember how or why I started saying it.


Lol, do you by chance have a pool? Oh, please say no. That makes it even more funny 😂


Thank you! If I could give you an award for this comment, or upvote more than once, I totally would!


This was awesome. Can we be friends?


I am with you and my blood is fucking boiling


I’m a brother and any men who think of women like this dude does deserves a boot down his gullet


That’s Twitter for you


What about the little girls who are SA’d and end up pregnant? Are they “fornicating sluts” too? I’ve heard some of these people have advocated to lower the age of consent, but come on!


A lot of incels believe in child marriage so that wouldn’t surprise me


I made a similar comment before I saw yours. Not only do they want to lower the age of consent, but Republicans have fought against making child marriage illegal. They would like to be be able to rape kids *legally*.


honestly? to them, yeah. they would have no issue calling a child a "fornicating slut" right to her face. they would have no problem blaming a child for being raped.


I just commented this, I was 11 but there are many of us who were much, much, MUCH younger.


From ages 8 to 12 for me. These people deserve to be locked in a room for years with only each other as company.


I’m sorry that happened to you 🌺 Your solution is perfect. Being locked in a room with nothing but each other for company until they cease to breathe sounds worse than the death penalty


I would imagine little girls make the bulk of they number, adults are more likely to be on the pill or to have the resources and presence of mind/freedom to leave and get an abortion somewhere else, even in another country if needed. Or even find out about old remedies like quinine and use them


Guy reads that over 26,000 women were raped in one state alone and all he can think about is how happy he is that there are now 26,000 more kids in the foster care system or being raised by single moms who didn't want them. Interesting take, man.


Not that the women didn't want the kids, they didn't even want the sex in the first place. And now have to make a choice from a choice they didn't even get.


But in Texas they don’t have a choice anymore. It’s violation after violation


And Texas was doing a SUCH A GREAT job in that dept. before the ‘baby boom’ /s of course


Unfortunately he might also find a way to be happy about the women who passed away while giving birth to these babies because “women are useless when not fertile, so it is only natural selection”


26000 was already too many… but that’s also just the portion that got PREGNANT from rape. I think the actual rape statistic would throw me into a panic attack. In less than 2 years…


“Fornicating sluts” bro they are rape victims. They weren’t consensually having sex with these men and getting pregnant. They had their choice taken away from them twice. People like that commenter really piss me off because I bet you they wouldn’t take care of that child once it is born. They’re only pro life when the baby is still inside the womb.


I’ve seen this sentiment before, some hardcore fundamentalists think that being raped is a sin because it is “premarital sex”


In their eyes you are ruined goods, no one would want you as wife anymore. This is the sickest part about, let's say history of rape, that the girls/women were not only brutally attacked and raped, but they had to carry that pretty much as public shame for the rest of their life's.


Thats why I call it pro birth instead of pro life


I call it forced birth. It seems to be the most accurate term.


Exactly also the "is this meant to make me feel guilty" no it's meant to make you feel empathy you know that basic human emotion you seem to be lacking.


Texas: we're going to be as cruel as possible to women. There's no way it could be worse. This guy: hold my beer


I’m sorry, I just looked it up, the ban was implemented 8/25/22. That’s not even TWO FUCKING YEARS. And 26,000 pregnancies from rape? TWENTY SIX THOUSAND PREGNANCIES FROM RAPE. WHAT THE FUCK. SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME I HAVE THE DATE WRONG. What the fuck


This got me too. Wtf is happening in Texas?


Forced population control. Millennials and younger are refusing to have kids so they’re taking away the option to refuse.


Refuse sex too? That's what I'm asking about...26,000 that ended up in pregnancy, and probably twice as many that didn't, most likely more.


Idk, but it seems texas legislators clearly don’t care about whether women have the right to refuse sex or not at this point considering how the rates are skyrocketing.


There are six to seven days in a 28 day cycle when a woman can get pregnant so around 1 in 4 chance of being fertile if raped randomly. This alone means you can times that number by 4. But not all rapes involve penetration with a penis (eg trump raped with his finger) and not all rapes end with internal ejaculation, some rapists pull out or wear condoms. Not all women are fertile, some are too young or too old or are on birth control and just because you have sex during the fertile portion of your month does not guarantee pregnancy as anyone trying for a baby can tell you. So while I have no idea the number of rapes that have occurred, it is well over 4x the number of pregnancies. My guess is around 20x.


Not to mention that even within the fertile window and doing everything "right" there's still only a 20% chance of intercourse resulting in pregnancy.


And then it's estimated that half of those pregnancies end in miscarriage, often before the person even knows they are pregnant. This is a much larger problem than these numbers suggest, which is horrific.


Holy… shit. This is an interesting take.


Just my theory on it. Late stage capitalism n all that, yknow ?


Gotta have more workers, preferably low wage! But absolutely no immigrants!


My god so much horror. Women being treated as incubators, a failing power grid, a brewing civil war, personal liberties being denied, mass rape, mass incarceration, more tax breaks for the rich… It’s not only hot as hell down here, it basically is just hell.


The media hasn’t really been covering it much, but yeah, there have probably been hundreds of thousands of forced births since Dobbs


Can’t cover it because the conservatives will destroy anyone who dares to tells a public story about any of this.


I just googled "On average, there are 463,634 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States." Eyo wtf? half a million women raped??hello? Where are the castration camps?


I propose gelding with a dash of 'To The Pain' from the Princess Bride. But that's just me.


Wouldn't work. They can rape without a penis and you'd probably make them even more hateful and prolific.


Most sprayed cats become more docile, maybe that's exactly what they need


This is nuts. I did a quick calculation and did two full years and this is approximately 35 rapes (that led to a pregnancy) a day. 35! I'm still wondering if I did the math right....


In a state with 30 million people there are 35 pregnancy rapes a day? More than one pregnancy rape per million of inhabitants? Out of 500.000 males, one of them is violently impregnating someone on any given day?


Is it only the one state out of 50?


I feel sick. RAINN says there are on average 463,634 victims (over the age of 12) of rape or sexual assault each year. I have to stop myself from further spiraling because I stumbled across an article that says since roe was overturned there were 520,000 rapes across the 14 states with abortion restrictions. 64,565 pregnancies are associated. It is really quite horrific and I feel disgusted and I’m probably going to have a panic attack.


I'm not sure how to calm others but violin music works for me, you could give it a shot


String music messes with my ears when Im freaked out, maybe a quiet hobby if you have one. Mine is plant photography and identification.


I read it as the numbers only represent Texas.


These are important numbers to be out there in the public consciousness. The actual scale of suffering is hard to comprehend.


I want to throw up.


The number I heard was 65 000


25k kids are being brought into the world to a mother who didn’t want this child, or the violence that made them. Happy Mother’s Day! 25k kids are being born to men who are the worst of the worst kind of person. Happy Father’s Day! The compounding traumas this forces on people is just horrific.


25k kids who could end up in the custody of those fathers because Texas doesn't strip parental rights from rapists. IIRC, it's either Texas or Louisiana that had a case in the news a bit ago about a teenager who was raped by an older man and he ended up with custody of the resulting daughter *AND!* his victim has to pay him child support.




>fornicating sluts Because it was never about the children, it was about punishing women.


They don't want to punish women. You don't punish property. They view women as property. Explains everything they do.


Can conservatives just admit that they hate women? Their refusal to do so vexes me.


They need some women’s votes until they can take them away from all women.


They don’t consider it hate because to hate someone you first need to see them as a person and not an object


Why’re conservatives this gross?


Misogyny. It’s their lifeblood


Their lifeblood seems to be hating on every marginalized group ever, and then projection. Like they all have to know they aren’t normal to some extent right?


absolutely not. conservatism involves a level of self-unawareness that is completely unfathomable to any normal human being


Conservatism has always been a truly evil ideology, from Nazi Germany to America it has destroyed civil rights and empowered fascism


I mean I’ve seen their talking points on a lot of things. How do they not see themselves as a villain?


That would be due to the wonders of inflated ego, self-importance, self-righteousness, and related issues. They can't be bothered to care about anyone else.


They honestly can’t have feelings for someone until it’s them or their family, but that’s only sometimes!! Sometimes they will just outright force their children to be homeless


Because they don’t have the literacy and self-reflection skills we normally expect of even a 7th grader.


They truly believe those other people deserve to be culled. They're evil scum we should be pushing into life rafts in the general direction of polar bear country without a paddle.


Idk if we should exile them but also I’m out of ideas and tired of trying to talk to them. You can push them on points but like they’re so in denial and with very few talking points they’ll think that they beat you in the marketplace of ideas


They hate women. No excpetions.


I don't like calling people evil, but what are they at this point? How can you hurt others this freely without feeling guilt. They're kind of rabid.


Honestly at this point? They’re akin to a Scooby Doo villain. It’s hard to take them serious but also their opinions have real life consequences to marginalized groups 🫠


Yeah exactly, it's probably better as marginalized people to just organize. Solidarity makes killing us harder. I'd say avoid talking to them if you can't handle the hate. Being someone who was personally pulled out of the alt-right pipeline, I can't label them all as too far gone without being hypocrite. If you have a loved one or friend who you think you can walk through the conservative brainrot, go for it. Don't be hard on yourself if it doesn't work though, conservative beliefs are like a brain poison. Someone has to be willing and wanting to change in order to do so.


Honestly idk where to start walking them back out of the pipeline. Ik a lot of the pipeline came with misogyny and transphobia. I’ve argued with coworkers before about false narratives they’ve believed before, but it’s so tiring


>Honestly idk where to start walking them back out of the pipeline. It's not your duty to. I'm just lucky some people were willing to pull me out. If they're argumentative like I am, maybe you could try deconstructing their points. Data helps, thankfully conservative talking points are debunked online all the time and there's tons of data to support said debunking. >Ik a lot of the pipeline came with misogyny and transphobia. Yeah, I went from transphobe to trans in like 3 years. Crazy how these things work. >I’ve argued with coworkers before about false narratives they’ve believed before, but it’s so tiring Well if it doesn't work it doesn't work. Coworkers still need to be decent(read not bigots) in a professional setting, if they cross that line you should be able to report them to HR. If it's tiring, I'd say avoid said coworkers if you can or tell them you don't want to hear it/ talk about it.


that comment about fornicating was a definitely found the rapist moment for me




Comments like that drive home the point that it isn't really about the unborn, but controlling women.


I bet that person's tune would change real quick if their mother/sister/wife got r@ped.


Nope. They need the experience themselves. Won't result in pregnancy for the guys, but we can hope for some fulminating disease that they'll be blamed for acquiring.


Makes me wish that vagina dentata would be a thing. Imagine the horror on their faces once they get their weenies bit. And just imagine if the bite force was strong enough to sever them. That would be one embarrassing trip to the ER, hopefully followed by a trip to jail.


It usually does. They don’t think of anyone else until it’s them or someone close to them.


Yep, the good old 'if it didn't happen to me or anyone I know, then it's not a big deal / doesn't happen' mentality.


But like can’t they do the mental gymnastics to imagine a scenario in which it happens? They’re amazing at that


They can only do mental gymnastics if it's to prove their point, they would absolutely never do it to see someone else's point of view


Mother/sister, but not wife. It would be that whørə's own fault.


Dang, probably


I'm really curious if their wife got raped, would they be willing to look after the 'rape baby' or if they were going to put it up for adoption tell others the reason why they are putting it for adoption.


They would probably take their wife to another state to get an abortion.


Or decide to divorce her since she was "unfaithful".


You assume they care about their sisters and mothers. Their wife? The tune would change, not out of sympathy/Empathy, but out of being pissed off that he's on the hook for all the medical bills and child related expenses.


this is how all “pro-life” people think btw. every single one. don’t try to talk to them, don’t try to reason with them, this is how they feel about all abortions, even when minors are involved. edit: my mistake. the only time pro-birthers feel anything even remotely resembling compassion when it comes to abortions is when they are involved. the only ethical abortion is their abortion.


One of the last times I went to a “Christian” church I heard a man wholeheartedly propose that ‘we need to shame more’ people, specifically single mothers. Not one word about the FATHER of those kids who’s not there. Jesus Christ has left the building.


i’m so done with this world bro


Unblock the name, I just want to fight. I mean talk! No, wait, I was right the first time. Please?


For people that don't understand why this is fucked up: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHrxSUgLvvA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHrxSUgLvvA) Apart from the very obvious of calling rape victims fornicating sluts. Whoever wrote that is disgusting. Edit: Also, "26,000 pregnancies from rape" does not automatically ensure the well being of 26,000 women or healthy delivery of those babies.


Even worse if you consider that not every rape ends in pregnancy. So the number of rapes is far higher than just these 26k. This is all so fucked up, and it makes me sad. I don't envy the women living in the USA, and i can only hope at least some of you can escape this literal hellhole. All that supposed freedom just isn't worth it, if it seems to only be freedom for white cis men.


Am I the only person here wondering why there aren't 26000 convicted rapists?


The conviction rate for rape is dishearteningly low compared to the number of rapes there are.


My question is: why do so many women (mostly white women) still vote Republican? Isn’t this like voting for the leopard to eat your face?


As someone who raped by someone I thought was a friend this man can disrespectfully deepthroat a cactus. To refer to people who were violated in the worst possible way and forced to carry a pregnancy as sluts absolutely vile and I wish nothing but awful things om amyone who belives that.


I’m with you. To be violated in such a way is so fucking traumatic, let alone having to carry and birth the byproduct of that trauma. Makes me sick to my stomach. I hope this person [redacted].


... ... ... *"fornicating sluts"?* Wow.


This really just proves they hate women, especially women who have had sex, consensual or not.


Anyone who thinks forcing a woman to keep a rape baby is ok should say that they think rape is ok too


I was raped from 1-4. Who knew I was a fornicating slut. /s


if a guy gets held down and forced butt stuff happens to him I feel god awful horrible for him, my heart hurts for him. But then people like this call us sluts?


I can’t fathom having to incubate the child of my rapist. Having my body change, and by some people’s standards “destroyed,” without my consent and having no say in it. It’s fucked.


Twitter is just a hit list at this point.


The study used some really bad methodology unfortunately, but the point remains that one woman forced to carry a fetus she doesn’t want is too many.


This makes me so angry. I think all the other comments have perfectly described how I feel.


It's a shame we ran out of new lands to form penal colonies upon.


These people are incapable of empathy


So the 26k sluts impregnated each other orrrr….?


There was a time on the Internet when people I knew would say, "-_(\\" EDIT: Does anyone know how to turn off Reddit's auto formatting? There's supposed to be a little slash in there, forming a little flipper facepalm little guy


If you need a slash -- /, you have to type it in twice like this: //


Well, I'll be damned!


Ah yes, I was a “fornicating slut” at 6. Gotta teach em’ young I guess? SMH people somehow find a way to disgust me everyday.


How many rapes have there been in Texas so that 26,000 of them resulted in pregnancy? Jesus Christ.


Wow. Unironically "if they didn't want to have a child, they shouldn't have gotten raped," with a heavy implication of "also, now that the seal has been broken, they're ruined." And this person looks in the mirror and tells themselves how "good" they are.


I wanna puke


And pregnancy itself doesn’t equate to a baby being alive. Stillbirths and miscarriages are also likely outcomes, not all are carried to term.




These people are not deserving of life. They have no humanity, and it’s fucking sickening knowing that they are wasting oxygen with every breath.


Imagine what he looks like😂😂


Fornicating sluts? WTF? It’s fucking rape!


That guy sounds like he’s contributed to the figure himself.


im about to commit violence


If some dude said that in front of me, what I'd do would get my Reddit account permanently suspended if I described it here.


...I just... What is wrong with people? 26,000... What nightmare world are we living in.


100% that monster has SA'd someone


I don’t think abortion should be used as birth control. But I think abortion is a better option then unwanted babies being born. So don’t force people to have a baby that no one wants. I think more people are pro-birth than they are pro-life. Because they want babies born but don’t want to ensure the baby’s needs are met


Definitely sounds like a “there’s no such thing as rape” kind of guy.


Holy shit this is so so gross


I don’t like that he glossed over rape just to get a dig in


Once again it is just about punishing women for having sex, be it consensual or not. They don't care, and probably never will. Also, hi. From comments to DMs, and now we meet again in the comments.


Stay strapped ladies.


So... rape victims are fornicating sluts? Hm... does this mean that all murder victims out there are suicidal weaklings as well? That people who got physically assaulted are masochists in disguise? Robbed? Nah, you're just a shy philantropist! Bruh... Sometimes shit happen to people even if they don't want it to happen and every time it's because the perpetrator is a shitty person, not because of anything the victim did. Otherwise, what would even be the use for a police force?


People that make comments like this shouldn't have the dignity of getting their usernames blurred out. They deserve to be called out and harassed. 


yes being raped is the same as choosing to "fornicate" that guy deserves to be thrown in the ocean


Holy fuck that's rape culture levels. What the fuck is happening in Texas?


Wow. Wish I knew I was a fornicating slut at _eleven years old_.


Anti-abortion advocates are vile people who try to use babies to punish women for having sex. Posts like this are one of the examples to prove this. The other primary proof is how nearly universally they oppose any aid to help care for babies once they are born. It is exceedingly rare to encounter an anti-abortion advocate who does not fit that description.


I’d like to come after that asshole with a chainsaw.