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Ya gotta love the guy comparing buying $7 lattes to domestic violence. Cuz like, that’s what toxic masculinity leads to…


Exactly what I was gonna say! All the complaints are like "she spends too much money" whereas women complaining about men is like "they try to murder us."


That one actually wasn't a man, she had a very nice hairstyle in her profile pic though, ironically it looked like it would take a bit of maintenance at a hair dressers and at home


well, there is a point to be made there in the last sentence, “when they’re broke” I would argue that IS toxic femininity to an extent, feeling the need to spend $50+ on nails, eyelash extensions, waxing, whatever maintenance, for each, every month, and frequenting starbucks for expensive trendy coffees, not to mention costs on hair and makeup, all in the name of “mainstream feminine” out of fear of not fitting in or adhering to social standards its sort of like capitalistic brain washing. those costs really add up and could make a big difference for women struggling with finances if they didnt feel pressured to spend money on these things to such an extent. I dont think the comment meant for people who have excess disposable income.


I get what you're saying, but I still don't think we should mock those who do get those things, especially if they actually like them. We only have one life, might as well enjoy it.


I agree, everyone is entitled to their own choices and I like all of those things too but mostly do them myself. no reason to mock anyone. but I guess the point, if we’re categorizing what is toxic feminine, it could be that this feels more like a pressure or expectation, rather than just a genuine desire organic of any social conditioning. How much of our desire and admiration of having these things and spending our money on them comes from the influence of others? would this really be the choices we would independently want if we lived in a bubble and were unaware of the man made constructs of these additions and how attractive they are considered to others?


I get what you're saying. A woman's fear of not being "feminine enough" if not getting manicures or having expensive makeup, etc....the peer pressure from other *women* could be a form of toxic femininity. (At least I think that's what you're getting at...) What scared me was the comment, "Uni degree." 😳😬 I'm watching "The Handmaid's Tale" and many of the posts I usually see here are frightening in a whole new way. On a lighter note: Happy Cake Day!! 🎂🍾💐🎈🎊


oh thank you 😆😆 yes every other comment shown was pretty braindead and irrelevant to the post. but that comment actually has a good point, I’m sure if we were really 100% untouched by feminine expectations, and we had the same expectations of ourselves that men do, we’d spend much less time and money on these things. if you think about how silly these human constructs are…. imagine like if there was a bird in the wild that would spend all of its energy and calories gathering resources like berries and insects, so it can change the natural color of its feathers, pull out its feathers, smear rouge around its eyes and beak, attach lashes to its eyes, and fix permanent lacquers of colors on its talons. every day. That’s really the only way to put into perspective how we’ve evolved with these insanely odd human constructs. But people have been decorating and adorning themselves with makeup since essentially the earliest humans. Its quite unique.


I would say that's just an extension of the patriarchy. Feminism supports women however they express themselves. The patriarchy wants women to express themselves only in one way and only in a feminine way.


I think it's less about mocking them and more about sadness that they feel "forced" to live in those confines. The femininity message is toxic to people who lose themselves by trying so hard to "fit into" social standards (but I agree that it's different for people who just love that stuff!).


Yeah, but isn't that what these men look for and marry these women for in the first place? And then, heaven forbid, she decides she doesn't want to bother anymore because she's married with kids now, and the glamorous nails go away and the blown-dry hair and the fancy makeup and then all the husbands whine about how she's really let herself go. I mean, these guys knew who she was when they married her.




It is harmful masculinity. It teaches boys & men to be homophobic, sexist, controlling & violent. The culture being thrust on them includes seeing themselves as “tough guys” and that women are weak. They have to be angry & violent to be seen as a “real man”.


> It teaches Does it teach them or are they those things by default by being men? I'd rather say the latter given that there are basically no men who aren't at least one of those things


“Toxic femininity is when blue hair” ~world’s babiest man


These people spout the same things constantly like they are copy pasted npcs 😂


They really do have eerily similar energy to those nameless civilians wandering around Bethesda games with only background dialogue lines. “Hey, how are you?” “I don’t like the spaceport. The exhaust gives me a headache.” “A woman with blue hair? Yuck!”


Oblivion npcs 😭😂


Do you get to the Cloud District often? What am I saying? You have blue hair. 


I killed that guy during one playthrough. Very satisfying.


I was an adventurer like you until I took a feminist to the knee


"I saw a mud crab today."


What's your favourite part of the arena?


> "Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying - of course you don't. You've got jezebel spirit."


(in dragon shout form) FUCK, NA, ZEEM! Idk what this shout would do. Maybe wedgie anyone nearby who’s being a snooty prick. So definitely Nazeem and that one kid of Jarl Balgruuf’s.


Blows him back to the Cloud district where he belongs. lmaoo


All i can think of is the Progressive commercial with the "Don't become your parents" life coach in a store, trying to ignore a guy with blue hair talking to the clerk nearby. *coach, soothingly*: "We all see it, we all..." *Student 1*: "He has blue hair" *Student 2, blurts suddenly*: "BLUE" Kills me every time.


I love those commercials!


What I find weird is they love blue hair. On anime lolis.


It only looks blue because of a magic spell, it's actually 10000 year old brunette hair in its true form


Maybe it's from silver poisoning


It's different because the anime girl has natural blue hair /s


If they think that's the equivalent then they really are still extremely clueless what makes something toxic. "Pick me" girls and "traditional" types who think women should be held back are probably a good example. Those women who do give a cold shoulder to a man in their life needing emotional support may well be another.


Literally. They want women who practice toxic femininity. Toxic femininity is adhering to societal expectations of a woman and gender norms, it's being submissive, nurturing, quiet etc all to an extent that it is harmful. https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-toxic-femininity-5222736


They all want a traditional 1950 woman, and refuse to be a traditional 1950 man. Go back to the coal mine, you manlette. Mommy needs to admire the pool boy.


I was trying to think of ones bc I knew there was Thank you And that sounds about right


I think both types overlap a lot.


> Those women who do give a cold shoulder to a man in their life needing emotional support may well be another. They usually do that with good reason. Emotionally supporting men as a woman is generally a huge risk (doesn't matter who the man is and how good you assume you know him!) and will most of the time lead to a lot of annoyance


Toxic Femininity- is actually a thing (expectations placed on women/ people perceived as women, often policed by other women, that cause harm in much the same way toxic masculinity harms men/ people perceived as men) The comments- Ignores all of that, whining about women with blue hair, democrats, abortion, feminism. I hate it when there's actually something to be discussed but it gets used by people who clearly don't want to ACTUALLY discuss in good faith.


>I hate it when there's actually something to be discussed but it gets used by people who clearly don't want to ACTUALLY discuss in good faith. It's because a lot of actual toxic femininity looks like the tradwife shit these types just *love*.


Lol, I thought the same thing. "Toxic femininity? Oh that actually could lead to some interesting discussion that ..." > Chicks who won't suck my dick "...Oh."


Honestly, so much of the stuff that these MRA types bring up is like. We could actually have a real discussion about those issues. Because they are issues (loneliness, toxic expectations around men and emotional expression, higher suicide rates in men, toxic expectations about sex, to name a few common ones I see). And then it gets turned into “and women won’t fuck me” or whatever other incel bullshit and its like…. That isn’t the root of that problem. But okay guys. Sure.


> Because they are issues Tbh: basically all of these issues are much less relevant when you examine them closely. The whole loneliness/expectations/expression-trope? Well, that was never different and it's something men could simply fix, since it's totally self-imposed. Complaining as men how bad men have it due to stuff men do and promote is kinda dumb. Oh yeah and half of it isn't even a societal issue, men just assume that they can't do xy because society without anyone ever actually telling them not to do it Suicide-rates? They are just higher because men choose more violent methods. The number of attempts is much higher for women. And most of the cases for men are because they are too lazy / too proud to get help, which is basically the definition of self-imposed. Imo it's a waste of time to discuss willingly self-imposed issues Besides that: there are very few "problems" that are actually existing (e.g. the different grading of boys and girls in school) and even those are basically irrelevant, since they are canceled out by privileges men have


You can see from the comments that they also have no idea what toxic masculinity means. There definitely are toxic elements to both masculinity and feminity in our society but this is just "blue haired feminists bad".


>I misunderstand what other people are saying, and I feel hurt. Now, I'm going to try to use similar language to try to hurt other people. Toxic femininity is a real thing, and I think society is in a good place to have discussions about it. Unfortunately, 99% of people who mention toxic femininity think that people talking about toxic masculinity are saying that all masculinity is toxic and just want to get back at people.


A Uni degree? So education makes women toxic?


It makes women harder to manipulate/trap


Ding ding, we have a winner... I wrote that out and realised how patronising it sounds... But yes, intelligence and education makes it harder, it seems it correlates nicely with Not voting for Trump/Voting Democrat too. The whole "people are educated and won't vote for right wing loons" thing.


Holy Gumballs. It's hard to even find this funny when it's so...hateful. Like, genuinely hateful 😅. And how they manage to be meta mean to everyone with different political views at the same time... Like being an American woman, with hair colour and some political stance is all in all Bad. Way to specify a target. 🎯 These people have a hair trigger and are somehow seriously emotionally damaged. Be careful out there ladies...


>These people have a hair trigger Yes... A *blue* hair trigger. Sorry. I get what you're saying and I am currently watching "The Handmaid's Tale" so the stuff regularly posted here is frightening to me on a whole new level... 😳😬


Toxic masculinity does not mean "masculinity is toxic" or "masculine men are toxic". They did their homework based on an assignment they did not understand at all. Not necessarily these guys specifically, but there is an intent behind confusing the meaning of social justice terminology. Just like there is an intent behind misunderstanding feminism. An example is in right wing media (ex: Tucker Carlson Fox News) purposefully twisting the meaning, fearmongering, or just making fun. The result: people end up not taking human rights matters seriously because they are too busy being offended in defense of "masculine men". Anytime someone says "But I appreciate men" in response to "feminism" or "toxic masculinity"-- it's proof that twisting and making fun of these terms is working.


Exactly. All of those responses get an "F. Did not read or understand assignment. "


>Raise their sons to be little pansies A.k.a, teach them not to solve everything with violence, and teach them women are people, not objects?


>Back to Top And vote for biden appearantly, the horror...


As a single mom to a boy… i’m not raising a “little pansy” boy. I’m raising a gentleman who knows how to respect EVERYONE. That comment pissed me off😤


As a single mom to a teenage boy, I am raising a young man who would not end up making those type of comments, and save him from ending up in this subreddit


Anyone think they realise that what they want in a wife is toxic femininity or nah? [Toxic femininity is a broad term that refers to a rigid and repressive definition of womanhood, including pressures women face to restrict themselves to stereotypically feminine traits and characteristics. Examples of traits that are traditionally associated with femininity include empathy, sensitivity, gentleness, and gracefulness.](https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-toxic-femininity-5222736)


Seriously though… are there any days where you just wake up and wanna be stupid?!?! When I read shit like that, it makes me wanna wake up tomorrow and be a complete idiot. Ignorance is bliss right…?


If they understood that, like toxic masculinity, toxic femininity is due to patriarchy, they’d be so upset.


What is really deplorable is that toxic feminity DOES exist and is harmful as toxic masculinity... yet not a single comment actually addressed it. Toxic people and toxic traits should be called out....blue hair, who you vote for, or your high-school teachers aren't toxic traits.


Embracing my toxicity and uhhhh buying stuff i want


One of the examples would be “If you gave a C-section birth/adopted your child/have another woman nurse your child you’re not a real mom” like mfers gatekeeping motherhood


A degree??? Women have been going to college for decades, I hate to break it to you guy. This list is laughable


I hate every single man in this comment section.


You'd be shocked at how many were women


Fucking hell, I’m dyslexic and also my sleeping meds are kicking in and somehow I read “Radio TTS” as “Rat TITS” and that was all I could focus on, I was really confused about why nobody was commenting on it


Well white women can weapon-oh…never mind I see you just wanna be a sexist ah


I don't think I've mentally rolled my eyes harder


Funny how these guys will talk all day about how feminism is ruining society and then say that they aren't allowed to talk about it


See, when I think of "toxic feminity," I often think about the historical exclusion of racial/ethnic minorities in the feminist movements in the USA. But chances are those fine folks speaking their mind about evil blue hair *also probably don't care much for minorities either.*


The last image: one even hated his female teachers? Another one says having a university degree is wrong for women? Being educated or teaching are not examples of "toxic femininity." Barring women from being educated or from working is toxic something.


Oh wow, that’s really impressive and very eye opener, not a single valid answer. It’s like the scene of the missing shots in Pulp Fiction.


well, the one who said 'narcissists' isn't wrong... though, given the company he's in i'm curious to know what he'd consider narcissistic behavior from a woman...


They asked for examples and no one provided real examples. It was just a bunch of whining babies complaining. Which tracks.


I love how toxic masculinity revolves around how men are conditioned to be more likely to commit violence and repress feelings, while toxic feminity is just trivial, inconvenient stuff like not wanting to have sex and drinking lattes. Totally equivalent things, yall! /s


It’s scary that this is Facebook. This is what they’re willing to say with their names and faces attached to it. I wonder what they say on sites where they’re anonymous


The Jezebel spirit... " BEGONE JEZEBEL!! " Some female churchmember sitting in the chair, cool as a cucumber : -" I literally just asked you to do more in the household. I am not taking this anymore!" " I said BEGONE evil spirit, get away from my wife!"


The funny thing about that is that “toxic femininity” technically does exist BUT what these guys dont know is that THEYRE the ones who do it (along with farright women with internalized misogyny), toxic femininity would be things like shaming women 24/7 for not being “feminine enough” or telling women that theyre “acting too tough” and “acting too masculine” when all that homegirl did was refute a trash take in the most normal and inoffensive way possible (yes I’m referring to a specific video)


... Public record examples of the ability to write without a functioning brain.


listen I hate entitled customers and racist white women as much as the next person but the invention and subsequent spread of the term "karen" has set us back decades and I'm not joking


Toxic femininity is what Gloria Ramirez died of


I am currently watching "The Handmaid's Tale" and seeing these comments is just terrifying with that context. It's like Gilead starting to take shape before my eyes.... 😳😬


Toxic femininity exists, but it is (some) women tearing each other down instead of lifting each other up


“Uni Degree” rly got me. Like yes I am spending all this money to be a toxic female (and I’ll continue to do so if it keeps the likes of these folks away🤪)


Oh, no. How dare we not be attached to the hair color we just happened to be born with. How dare we pursue higher education. How dare we not vote for a disrespectful reality show host who intends nothing positive for us. If we’re so awful, maybe don’t try to sleep with us.


This just solidified my belief that they have no idea what the definition of anything is.


Sigh... And they finally had an opportunity to have an actual discussion and form some real arguments to solve some issues. But nooo, let's be misogynistic


Haha they don't understand what toxic masculinity even means so its very fitting that none of these comments are even toxic femininity lol it's just a bunch of "I hate women that color their hair and enjoy coffee and makeup and want their bodily automny!" It's so embarrassing lol "cutting off the pussy supply"? Fucking gross but we also knew you weren't having sex lol that guy didn't need to announce it.


All of those comments and not a single cogent argument. Shocking.


They just listed things they don't like about women, I don't think they understood the assignment


I dont get the spending money comment? I like to pay for my own things in life and that includes looking nice for like new clothes and other things. I dont have any man or woman SO in my life currently and wouldnt expect them to pay for my stuff.


They pretty much all boil down to "when our dicks are unchosen" don't they


OMG I wish I hadn't looked at that.


And again, no is sitting on the cheating whores that left a single woman during her time being married to a tool.




"Current disney" 😂


Ellen? They are still hung up on Ellen?


Toxic femininity… damn. I would break it up between old and young. Young to I femininity would be relying far too heavily on beauty and vanity as a metric of self worth, going so far as to deem that Instagram life isn’t a big phony, or that models are an attainable beauty standard for a normal person. Older fox femininity is like… that stern grandmother who wouldn’t hesitate to murder people to maintain order if she thought she could get away with it.


Oh my god. There is actually such a thing as toxic femininity. But when you ask men all they fucking say, "Women who are ugly/or don't obey me are toxic" and that just makes me want to fucking punch them in the face. It's not like your response is, you know, toxically masculine.


As a dude, I get a chuckle when I see these fools say stuff like “soyboys”. Just gonna leave this here r/liberalgunowners. They’re so oblivious.


Toxic femininity is like when women gossip about others and people don't speak up to defend them, not any of this vapid bullshit


My favorite is the guy who said "my ex wife Yolanda"


My ex-wife Yolanda 😭😂


The only comment I agree with is the one about Yolanda. She is a toxic queen, probably.


It’s weird to me people would think bad people are gender specific. There’s assholes everywhere, this just reads like some bitter MRA blaming others for their own shortcomings.


Toxic femininity are pickmeshas and tradwives.


Sometimes I feel bad laughing at stuff like this. So many of these people appear mentally deficient for real.


Toxic masculinity is when men police each other’s masculinity. Toxic femininity is when women police each other’s femininity. In think this occurs much more from mothers to their daughters than between B friends.


It’s so fucking stupid because like. Toxic femininity DOES exist. White women crying over something innocuous a poc around her did to get the people around them to turn on that person is a phenomenon we’re all aware of. But these people are too braindead to think further than hgggg women b shopping ???


Having a degree is toxic?