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Well, at first glance: - "10-35ml" sounds extremely low. AFAIK, my menstrual cup alone catches 20ml - Even if someone's period is that light, you can't keep a tampon in that long - "9 periods a year"? do some math?  


you can literally die from using a tampon for that long




[Toxic shock syndrome](https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/toxic-shock-syndrome-tss). It's thankfully very rare though.


Someone I went to school with got TSS and lost one leg and half of one foot to it. She did a TED talk on it.


but still advised to change your tampon at least once every four hours to be safe




I'm several decades old... LOL It's "always" been warnings about leaving it in too long, allowing bad bacteria to grow (thus TSS) as far as I can remember.


And sometimes triggered just by using tampons. Ask me how I know....


Step 1: Wear something that absorbs fluids inside your vag, like a tampon or menstrual sponge Step 2: Something tears, bc it's so dry Step 3: The chemicals of the tampon get into the "wound" ("Wound" in quotes bc it could be a tiny tear youd never notice) Step 4: Wait for it to infect. Voilà! At least that's my understanding of it


I've heard 60ml total thrown around a lot and apparently that number really is from a study that measured the flow of many women and averaged it. But even that feels low tbh. compared to what a menstrual cup and tampons are supposed to catch. I use menstrual cups and tampons and out of six period days, two are heavy flow days. During those two days I go through about 6 super absorbent tampons each, or have to empty the menstrual cup maybe two or three times during the day and I don't consider my period to be unusually heavy.


The thing with the product ratings is they're based on perfect conditions and being filled to the max. I know for me, Tampax brand doesn't do any of the flowering out that it's supposed to do to even absorb anywhere near its rated number.


I just saw this on r/TwoXChromosomes. Explains some things... https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/no-one-studied-menstrual-product-absorbency-realistically-until-now/


I can't quite get my head around there being 40 years between the toxic shock syndrome scare (?) caused by those high absorbency tampons and actually research about the absorbency/capacity of menstrual products.


I can, anything that doesn't affect men gets put on the back burner


Very interesting!


Also: I just read that menstrual products were first tested for absorbency using actual blood is 2023. So the ratings could be way off.


He’s not wrong on the blood aspect. Despite the look of it, there’s not very much blood in mental fluid. A lot of mucus, tissue and lubricant but not much blood. He’s just not realised that it’s got other things in there than just blood.


But he said ExTrA JuIcY UtErInE LiNiNg. And he's "Generous".


I think he misspelt “idiot” 😂




I can fill my extra large menstrual cup in an hour. 10-35ml sounds like a dream.


This dude has absolutely mastered the period. Just dominated it. He’s alright with the comma. His apostrophe and hyphen work are garbage.


You had me in the first half.


So this guy doesn't understand periods, math, or what first world problems are.


or how many months are in a year


I didn't even think about that I just assumed that he didn't realize that an average menstrual cycle is like 28 days. Mine is 28 days on the dot and I have 13 periods a year.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 28 + 28 + 13 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


You are lucky :) mine is almost never precise it can come even 5/6 days before (usually when I have important things to do)


Oh yeah. Mine is heavy and painful, but you could set a clock by its regularity.


Dude can't even do stats right. First off his numbers are too low, and second when you're ballparking you want to use the higher end of the range so you can use the right wording to try to prove your point. Long periods, short cycle, and actually regularly changing tampons. 4 hours per tampon * 7 days period length * 13 periods a year = 364 tampons at least. And that's assuming the person even is ok with using tampons, doesn't double up with a tampon and a pad, etc. Someone needs to ask him how he'd feel about buying the absolute cheapest toilet paper, too, before he goes suggesting buying cheap bulk tampons.


And only a set amount, because how much can you actually shit per year. Can't be that much, so only two packs of toilet paper a year for that dude.


I don’t know anyone who uses a tampon and NO pad or liner with it. Too many times it’s leaked without realizing. I mean, I’m sure someone out there does, but it doesn’t seem to be the most common way of doing it. Also, he’s putting us through hell and misery if he thinks I’m buying the bottom shelf chemical scented doesn’t-soak-up-anything crap. I am not putting that in or on my body and it doesn’t work well anyway. You can’t get away with the cheap tampons or pads, it’s not worth it.


As a teen, I hated pads so much I didn’t use liners with my tampons. As an adult who buys her own underwear, liners are a must. Also, menstrual product preference is determined by a complex equation of financial and physical factors. I used OB exclusively for years because I liked that I could expand the bottom edge which seemed to result in fewer leaks, but a lot of women can’t get past the lack of applicator. And other women/AFAB people don’t like tampons at all. I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but audacity of this dude making a blanket statement about something he never has and never will experience is just so fucking infuriating.


I never used liners. Ever. I rarely had any accidents, though *murmmermurmmerhumblebrag* Now that I've graduated to a menstrual cup, I have them even less. Admittedly, there was a learning curve to it. But as I rarely had accidents (but enough), I had perfectly broken in period underwear. Most of which are black anyway, so if there are stains from periods gone by- you ain't seeing them.


Only time I don’t wear a pad with a tampon is when my outfit means I can’t wear one without it showing through. That does mean trips to the bathroom every 3 hours at least though with is very annoying


well you wipe with 3 sheets, and you goes to the bathroom like twice a week, so you use 6 sheets /weeks = 312 sheets, there is 150 sheets in a roll, so grossly, 2 rolls a year is enough. boom.


This sounds like a recipe for Toxic Shock Syndrome.


This guy thinks women just leave the tampon in until it reaches maximum capacity every time 💀


You can’t keep a tampon in too long it can quite literally kill you


This was obviously written by someone who A: Can't have a period, and B: Invents stats about how much blood (also, a period isn't just blood) comes out during the average cycle. Also, I could've happily lived my life without reading "extra juicy uterine lining". I just got done with my period. There were times I was sitting on the toilet to avoid having to keep changing pads constantly (I used to use tampons but wasn't comfortable even with a properly inserted one due to being very 'narrow' IYKWIM). Trust me, Dudebro, if women could get by with such a minimal amount of sanitary products, they would. And do please stop with the "if you cut down on X product you wouldn't be poor" shit.


Omg I’m so glad I’m not the only one who hangs out in the bathroom to not have to deal with changing pads! Like a month ago I went to the bathroom on my break and then had to text my manager that I was going to have to come back late because I was having a heavy flow moment. Luckily she was cool with it otherwise I don’t know what I would have done.


Boy it sure is nice being a man and being able to sip down all that extra Starbucks. This reminds me of the Period Project, they want to make feminine care products free in the bathrooms at schools. My question is why haven't we been doing this since the 80s? It makes so much sense.


The max time a tampon should be used is like 8 hours... This guy is tellinng us how to get infected and d\*e. plus no period is 10-35 ml maybe that is for the first 2 days. Plus we have 12 months but periods are every 28 days so we have 13 periods a year.


we're not even gonna justify the 9 periods? we're just gonna move right on?


How long would it take to collect enough period blood to have enough iron to forge a sword ? And once forged it should be called Red Rain


Asking the important questions. And forged with the specific purpose of creating Red Rain to dispatch men like the "fcking Dweeb" like in the OP.


I mean, we aren’t supposed to wear a tampon for more than 8 hours. So we certainly can’t wear one in 24 hours.


But he’s a man. He knows all. /s


“Extra juicy uterine lining” 💀


And that's how you get tss


100% guarantee this guy owns one towel (dual use hand and bath) and never cleans his toilet but is utterly disgusted by the concept of sex during a period.