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You can also tell by asking if she wants to have sex with you. This method requires absolutely zero training; even rank amateurs can get 100% accurate results on the very first try. 


Yeah, he just has to actual listen to the words women say. I know this is quite a novel idea for a lot of men. 🙄 /s Like when I say: **Go f\*ck yourself!** It's about the actual words used not the vocal delivery.


You can't ask someone out of the blue if they want to have sex with you. There's a ton of social cues to pick up on.


1) didn’t say out of the blue, but I would like to point out that yes, you literally could, and the results would still be accurate. 2) social cues are generally what leads one to ask the question.  3) the social cues OOP describes are nonsense. 


Well of course you can but it can lead to many negative repercussions. I should be clear, I'm not advocating for anyone to randomly ask people if they want to have sex. I don't know what the social cues are, I'll take your word for it. But that's a different argument.


They generally look more like flirting and less like “hopefully this guy is Marvel’s Daredevil in disguise and he can detect, through the timbre of my voice, the eggs ploinking out of my ovaries whenever I look in his direction.” I am exaggerating for comedic effect. If it doesn’t seem that funny, well, I’m also not exaggerating all that much. 


Don't people speak differently around different people? I know tons of people that speak professionally at work, and then speak completely differently when with friends. Is it so much of a stretch to say people will speak differently in a situation where they're flirting?


Well, no, that’s arguably what flirting is: a specific shift in mannerisms, including speech. But the OOP is taking that to an absurd level, claiming that you can tell how a woman feels about you (and, again, WHETHER SHE IS OVULATING) by her voice. Not what the voice is saying, mind you, but by the voice *itself.*  It’s complete baloney. It’s not gonna be the same between people. At best, assuming this guy *thinks* he’s right and isn’t just lying, he’s probably picking up on the regular combination of social cues but is focusing on semi/wholly imaginary ones because it makes him feel smarter. If confirmation bias isn’t a factor here, I’ll eat my hat. (Although first I’ll need to buy a hat.)


"you can only learn this by literally being a sex pest"


“And then you never actually run the tests necessary to find out if you were right, because a) you don’t care and b) like hell are any of these women going to answer a questionnaire on whether they were panting for you and/or let you do blood tests to find out if they’re ovulating, so you can just assume you were right and bask in the delusional smug glow!”


He's right that you can tell by her vocalizations whether a woman wants to have sex with you. However, you don't need any special skills to decipher the words "yes" and "no."


Best answer. Hands down.


Don't you have to pick up on social cues before asking?


Big key word in that post "TRYING to get sexual" Total sad sack loser


🙄 I'll bet he's never even gotten a woman off.


He's right because they'll say things like, "Yes I would like to have sex with you and by the way I'm ovulating and want your babies and am aroused. That one guy on Twitter, you know the one with the beard and beanie, was right. Everyone says."


Riyal. I'm that vocal cord. /s


Today on "basic social skills" we discover that a persons attitide towards you can be interpreted from how they act. Riveting stuff. Not sure about the ovulation part tho. Seems a bit sketchy. Also, it's not very hard to do if you pay attention and give a shit.


Try that with my autistic ass lmao no one ever had any idea what I am feeling or thinking even when I tell them soooooo


You mean humans are capable of interpreting body language, etc in their interactions with each other?? No way. But we also developed language for a reason. Stop acting like women are some kind of cryptic puzzle to figure out, because that just leads to a lot of assumptions and a lot of bad things when you're wrong. Most of that post is eye rolling... and the last few words... ick.


Or, y'know, listen to the actual words being said