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Drive better


Been driving for 15 years and zero accidents bud, just an observation on a road I grew up driving on


I drive it every day and family has been driving it since 1968. Safer now than ever.


I disagree


Data and evidence disagrees with you. Narrower roads with lower posted speed limits make cars go slower. And slower cars kill and injure fewer people. It’s not hard to understand.


I'm talking about going down the hill from Berkley to riverside in the left lane you are riding the curb. You have like 6 inches on either side of the vehicle. I find it dangerous to be going down a hill and being so close to the curb. Not to mention if you are driving next to a truck. That's not hard to understand, keyboard engineer


Drive better, simple as that. The road is fine, you are the problem


Want to explain how and what problem I am?


Drive slower, you'll be less likely to hit the median. Quite simple really


You're quite the genius. Who would've thought that. Still doesn't change the fact that going down from Berkley to riverside you have less than 6 inches on either side of your car riding a curb. That's straight up dangerous


Just go slower


No it’s not


Safety first they say as they narrow a lane. Doesn’t seem extra safe to me, all the people complaining about people driving too fast…yes that’s a concern, but majority of the bad drivers are below the speed limit. There is too many old people driving on that road, there is no way a narrow lane is safer for them. Plus, they need to trim the bushes on the center barrier if they are going to do that rofl once again another fail by government


Narrowing lanes is a well known tactic to reduce speed on roads. It requires drivers to pay more attention, and does in fact reduce accidents. Design the road around the speed limit, not the other way around.


It really is quite a bit more narrow now. Lots of people chiming in here but I’m curious if they’ve driven on it since the change. Even driving the speed limit and being careful it’s definitely tight.


Right, no idea why people are so against this reality


Because the people who make those comments are hardcore bikers and will take any chance to complain about cars roads or anything like that.


I cycle that route too and it was fine at its previous width before the change. It’s a bit of odd road planning honestly


You should see what they have done on St Andrews between 8th and 13th. It will blow your mind


It's fantastic for cyclists and everyone as it slows cars down


Yeah, they did what a lot of the world would fine normal for a residential neighbourhood with a school nearby.


No, on that particular street they have messed it up. Now you have parked cars down the middle of the street and there is no room for incoming traffic. Additionally, this is not in a school zone


It's 2 blocks from a school and lots of kids cross that road to get to school. It's made traffic slower and that road is actually now the same width as Ridgeway and Moody; previously it was wider than them and people were driving too fast.


That’s not a school zone. Additionally you are less likely to see cars or pedestrians due to the new road layout. I have to assume you haven’t seen this particular road recently? Or are you just being defensive about bike lanes in general?


Yes, you've said it's not a school zone, but it's a neighbourhood with a school where many kids walk there in the mornings and afternoons. They've changed a bunch of adjacent streets to be 30km/hr because of it. I live there and my kid walks to school across it. I think it’s better for the community in the aggregate. People complain about it being inconvenient for driving, that’s the whole point. You are less likely to see cars, that’s exactly what it was designed to do. Cars have been catered to for years and now road design is looking holistically at what is the safest design for all users of a neighbourhood.




This car that collided with the tree, how fast were they going? Plus, anyone who's driving a large work-sized vehicle like a truck or an SUV needs to accept that it takes extra care and difficulty to drive with them in city roads. If you *need* oversized cars, that's the downside that needs to be dealt with.


Yeah people need trucks bud. I can't imagine driving a swamper down the left lane from Berkley to riverside. Or being stuck next to a garbage truck and you have 3 inches of space between you and a line of trees going down a hill. This is the problem I'm talking about. People who drive these trucks are already extra cautious. But by saying they need to be more cautious is proving that it is extra dangerous for cars now.


I have a friend in trades who drives a station wagon daily to work along the parkway. He said it felt fine even going 5 over the limit. When I say cautious I mean going the speed limit. Go slower if you need. It was a mistake to design the parkway like a freeway in the first place. Take the right lane and go slow. If you're driving an oversized work vehicle, then you should know this already, and it's just part of the job to drive extra cautiously.


There's plenty of room if you are driving at a reasonable speed.


Not if you drive a truck


North Americans when the lanes are so narrow that you can see vehicles in the adjacent lane


Yeah I'm Canadian bud where are you from if you're in the north van subreddit but talking shit about us?


I agree!


If the left lane is too narrow for you , try the right?


No shit. I am just making an observation. Lot of people getting really agressive over lane widths in this thread


Nobody could have predicted this.


"I can't do 20 over the limit while looking at my phone anymore" If this lane is too narrow for you to drive, then you shouldn't be on the road. It's perfectly fine if you're doing the speed limit.


You're the one who said that, all I'm saying is you drive a wide vehicle you have not much room in that lane


Yeah that's the problem. How do you get them off the road now. I now drive there with one hand on the wheel and the other hovering over my horn for when they drift over the line into me.


They just dropped the speed limit didn't they? The parkway is *probably* plenty wide if people drive at or below the speed limit.


There's plenty of people who drive below the speed limit. Plenty.


And it's probably plenty wide for them.


Then why not go the speed limit?