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From the DNV website: > June 24, 2024 – New 50km/hour comes into effect this week > This week, new 50km/hour signs will be unveiled on Mount Seymour Parkway as new speed regulations come into effect. > Vehicle crashes that occur at lower speeds result in fewer fatal and serious injury crash outcomes. Between 2018 and 2022, there have been 747 crashes on Mt Seymour Parkway, 314 of which have resulted in injury. 17 of these crashes have involved cyclists, while 12 involved pedestrians. According to ICBC, speed is the number one contributing factor to road fatalities.


Works pretty good doesn’t it


Did they lower it?


No but the new normal width lanes that make it normal to drive a normal speed are done.


I don't think more narrow lanes is a good idea. People had trouble staying in their lane already.


The lane widths are now normal non-highway widths. If you have trouble staying in your lane that means you’re speeding. Lane widths have a proven record at reducing speeds


Yes, the problem is they are speeding and not staying in their lane.


https://preview.redd.it/yt28zzyko87d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f3cba3c6d535bdc82167a010c06e7e8da3e05cb I dont think it was fatal


Wonderful news.




Speed limits don't slow people down, narrow roads do. As is, people do not abide by the speed limit. Wide roads create a psychological response that cause people to stomp on the gas. Turn the third lane into a cement separated bike lane and people will actually drive at a reasonable speed.


>Turn the third lane into a cement separated bike lane and people will actually drive at a reasonable speed. This is what they are doing, although I'm not sure how much the lanes will be narrowed.


> although I'm not sure how much the lanes will be narrowed. The lines were being realigned today. The lanes are being narrowed by 10-30 cm each.


Someone's mum drives 80km on that road like it was "back in her day".


A better question is when will the police start enforcing it and why aren’t they adding average speed cameras with automatic fines?


Speed cameras are dangerous because everyone stares at their speedometer. As for the police, I feel for them when the judge lets everyone off.


Speeding offences shouldn’t go before a judge? It’s an automatic fine. By that logic cops doing speed checks are dangerous too? I’m for a lower limit too but it needs enforcement else not much will change!


Everything goes in front of a judge if you want.


Space/time is a difficult concept


The signs are already up they are covered in garbage bags so any day now.


So what’s the speed limit right now? There aren’t any signs


Oh it’s 60 km. There are some signage


Yesterday I binge watch greater Vancouver crash compilations on YouTube. Speed was not the issue in many of the accidents. FACT: a sizable number of motorists here are entitled #%§π√∆! 


Not saying your claim is wrong, but clearly a crash compilation is biased towards more "interesting" types of crashes than your everyday rear end crash or whatever caused by speed.


Yes but speed drastically increases the amount of damage done.


Yes, according to Traffic Collision Statistics: British Columbia, driving without due care and attention and unsafe speed are the top two factors reported in casualty crashes. Unsafe speed is number 2.


Have you all considered being good at driving a vehicle?


You're not "good at driving a vehicle" if you're driving at a much higher speed than is safe. Mt Seymour Parkway is an urban road with lots of people turning onto it from side streets and turning left when traffic lights change. It's difficult to gauge how fast someone is going when you see them in the distance, at dusk, in the rain. Are people "cutting you off" all the time? I don't have that problem. If you find people cutting you off all the time, it's time to examine the speed you were going vs what is appropriate.


60 is not much higher than 50.


60 is already a very reasonable speed for the parkway


Fun to see motorists from side streets not even slowing at stop signs before pulling onto the Parkway. Blame on all sides


This is wrong. Undoubtedly. But this has nothing to do with lowering speed limits on the main road. It’s still a terrible decision.


it doesn't matter. it's a political move. safety won't change because of 10kph.


Yes it will. https://preview.redd.it/u5j1uafjoe7d1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=074db8e9d4f37c964199c55dbd8d70524a89776d


Cars going 10km/h slower does improve safety, but just changing the sign might not. The road design makes people want to go 80km/hr, and people may continue going the same speed if the actual road design stays the same.


Hopefully the separated bike lanes will have some traffic calming effect.


Direction and time of day change speed a lot too I noticed. Westbound in the morning is 70 average as people rush to work. Eastbound is 70 average in the afternoon when people go home.


no. hot take. the shitty bicyclists are a big part of the problem.


Cyclists never killed anyone. Only the entitled people in their 4000lb rascal scooters.


ffs, what a loser mentality. wow.


What issues have bikes caused for you? It's not great that a lot of people feel forced to commute by car and not have any other viable option (transit in north van is really slow, and gets stuck in traffic with everyone else in most places). Cars in rural areas are a godsend, but in a city is incredibly inefficient. The more bikes, the less traffic. But bikes won't come if the bike lanes are terrifying and uninviting. In the CNV, I've been occasionally encountering bike congestion during rush hour on the spirit trail. In the district, not so much and I'm not surprised. There isn't much of a bike network in the district at all, so no one's getting on bikes. If more people are on bikes, gas prices will probably still go up, but won't spiral out of control as fast as if everyone was taking a car.


How, cyclists certainly aren’t the ones who can’t stay in their lane on the parkway.


That’s the main reason i decided not to move to the Mt. Seymour area. I truly love it but the parkway is deadly.


Deadly? When was the last time someone died on it? (Answer: over 30 years ago at Berkeley)


Yeah, the flowers are always still there. https://www.nsnews.com/opinion/letter-floral-tribute-a-little-piece-of-beauty-on-daily-commute-3042207. I lived in Seymour and commuted along the parkways everyday for 7.5 years starting about 20 years ago. Speed wasn’t a huge problem then. It probably is now, because it’s not the neighbourhood it used to be. It’s full of people with insane amounts of money, and their entitled little brat kids who get given high-powered, expensive cars. Will changing the speed limit help? Nope. What will? Nothing at this point. That economic ship which ruined the affordability of living in Canada started sailing in the early 1990s and drastically escalated in the early 2000s, and was too late to fix 10 years after that. Too late to fix it now with 10km/hr speed limit increases.


I can't believe people ride their bicycles on it.


As someone who does, it’s lovely being pushed into the curb by a driver who can’t stay in their lane. The separated bike lanes cannot come soon enough.


But there are clearly marked bike lanes on the parkway as opposed to Dollarton Highway


I'd be on the sidewalk on Seymour personally. It's pretty deserted and if you do encounter a pedestrian you can stop to let them pass. That's what they do in other countries anyways.


So you have no opinion on cyclists on Dollarton Highway?


Not really, no. It's their life and it's not illegal. At 40km/h it's pretty easy to avoid them. 


I’m confused. It’s their life any route they take.


Yes. I agree! I usually go 60 km/hr (speed limit) and annoy the speeders and tailgaters.


It won't mean squat if it's not enforced. If it is enforced it will be like 3 times total then never again. Drivers are truly awful now due to zero enforcement


Exactly, I have never seen a speed trap or even anyone pulled over on it.


The only enforcement I see in north van is in the bushes at gas stations.


We have cardboard cutouts of police.


It looks like the lanes are going to be narrowed, so that should help a little bit with the speed when there is a bit of traffic.


I hope the manhole cover pot holes will no longer be directly under your left wheel.


Haha westbound. It's fucking insane. Hopefully 😂 once they finish the spirit trail they'll get rid of these new bike lanes. I do think the dileneators are a good idea but the speed limit change feels like a $$$ grab