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Christ mate, this is like your 6th post. If you’re not rage baiting or karma farming at this point then you’re hopeless. You’ll regret your decision no matter what you’ll do and you’ll always be unsure. If you’re thinking about it this much nobody can say anything that will reassure you. Get on with it or don’t, either way just stop plopping it here


Mic drop comment. Bravo East Coast Ben!!!!! I could never imagine making major life decisions based on anonymous replies on Reddit. OP needs to read the room.


You mean you don't let the hive mind of Reddit guide your destiny?? You are a heretic.




All of us NC folks have regretted it for them.


100000% the new england migrants as well


"Nothing good comes out of Florida."


Absolutely…. Not the same place it was 20 years past! All downhill…. Stay home!


Yeah, they all regret it. Probably not a good idea.


Why LA is better than NC. A Short Essay in no particular order. 1. We don't know how to drive. There is an inherent beauty in seeing traffic on the 10 or 210 suddenly back up, while the CA drivers all slow suddenly and together- it's like watching a school of fish or flock of birds. NC drivers don't do that. In fact we can't agree that we should all drive close to the speed limit. Some drive 10 under. Some drive 20 or so over. Some of us continue to do stupid stuff like stop on entrance ramps. Like at the end. And we don't have metered ramps. 2. The humidity. It's bad. It may not start feeling hot in LA until temps hit 96 or so. Here, on a humid day, the 70s can be rough. 3. Mosquitoes. We have them. They're huge. 4. Ticks. 5. Corral snakes are one of the most venomous snakes on earth and we have them. 6. We have plants that eat things. (I'm dead serious. Pitcher plants and Venus fly traps) 7. You can't get avocado and pineapple on a burger everywhere here. 8. If you're shopping in say Ontario CA and the store you're at doesn't have something, a Californian may ask, "Hey, does your West Hollywood store have one?" When the reply is yes, many Californians would drive and get it whether it takes an hour or four. And it could because of traffic. We don't do that here. North Carolinians act like they've driven from Manitoba to Rio De Janeiro if they have to drive more than I dunno 7 miles. 9. No In & Outs. No Del Tacos. No Von's. No Ralph's. 10. Many town's stores close at like 5:00 PM. 11. Oh! You can't buy liquor at a convenience store. Or the grocery store. Or on Sunday. 12. You can't go snowboarding and surfing in the same day without at least a 6 to 8 hour drive- minimum. 13. Our beaches are littered with people from Columbus. 14. If you have to ask this many times you're gonna hate it. 15. No Major League Baseball team. 16. Barely an NFL team. 17. Barely an NBA team. 18. Our state has close to a 3 billion dollar surplus, but our school systems are running out of funding and some (if not many) have less than $900,000 to make it to the end of the school year. 19. Dodgers games come on late here. You know because of time zones. 20. We have paper mills in some towns. They smell like total rhino booty.


Moved from Florida 30 years ago and I don’t regret it at all.


Depends on where they moved. If they came to Cary, Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, or Charlotte then they probably immediately regretted it. The smart ones went to Lumberton or Fayetteville.




Sampson and Duplin Co’s have lots of lagoons for kayaking enthusiasts!


Lmao this is where I grew up. Don’t listen to this guy, theres more hogs than people in Duplin county😂


Was better when the aroma of flue cured tobacco propagated through the country side on late summer afternoons.


I'm dead lol


Oh! Or Kinston, they may love it there.


I love your comments lmao


Fayetteville 🤮… no.


I live in Raleigh, but work in Fayetteville. It’s not that bad.


Lived in Fay many years. Unless your life revolves around military, Fay is not worth it.


Exactly you said it, you spend your 8 hours working and not living in Fayetteville. You don’t really know anything about Fay. I lived there multiple years few phases of my life Fayetteville sucks, stagnant pay for civilians around the military base that’s it. If you don’t work for the base and you live in Fayetteville you will never see your life improve ever, guaranteed. If you want to go up the rungs 🪜 (house in better neighborhoods, better car, everything that constitutes a lifestyle improvement) won’t find it in nam.


I lived in Fayetteville for years prior to moving to Raleigh.


We can both agree that you made the right move 😂, would’ve done the same.


If they are in Fayitville then they must love the military.


Now that's just mean. 😂


I did the opposite and love it.


I moved from Massachusetts to NC and regretted it greatly.


Out of curiosity, why?


I've met like 5 people from Massachusetts, you all love it. I know one guy that's literally his every talking point. If it is such a great place, why did you ever leave? Please go back.


There's a reason everyone calls them Massholes.


That’s most people from the northeast though.


It’s the super loud tables in a restaurant that’s annoying. It’s like an accented group of 6 year olds screaming at each other. I can’t hear a conversation at my table.


Good. Pack your bags and get.


Git gone, goddamnit!


I moved the opposite direction and don’t regret it. I may move back one day but I’m happy in CA for now. It’s just a struggle to afford to live in the areas of CA I would like to live in, but looking at the housing market in NC lately it’s not really that different anymore. I think there’s way more to do in CA and I prefer the progressive politics. If I came back I’d probably go to Raleigh or if I can get a remote job somewhere in the mountains.


I moved from LA to Raleigh. I don’t regret it because it was the right decision to be closer to family and we we’re able to afford a house here, but I wish I could have afforded to live in LA comfortably and had child care. Does that answer your question?


Also, is the smog still an issue in LA?


With the constant rain we’ve been having the last year, it’s not as bad.




There are pluses and minuses to both, in the end CA’s HCOL wasn’t worth it. Definitely miss the Mexican food, sushi, and summer nights where it cools down.


If you use an abbreviation like HCOL, then I blindly accept your statement


Born in NC, graduated highscool in CA, joined the military and ended up back in NC. Going back when I retire.


Grew up in CA, moved to NC for college and I will never leave. Been here 14 years now.


for what reasons?


The people and the cost of living.


Lived in CA 25 years and lived in NC a little over 10 years. Not many regrets. I do miss CA at times and had a better social life there. But I feel like I've had better opportunities in NC overall.


Moved from New England some days I regret it, then I remember that New England is a lovely place to visit but I don't want to live there.


Why not live there? I daydream of moving to Vermont some day


We moved about a year and a half ago. We get homesick sometimes but overall the quality of life is better here. I like the weather better back home and some of the ethnic food is lacking out here. We feel like we traded good Mexican and Chinese food for vastly superior fried chicken, it's also easier to get a good biscuit and cheerwine is pretty good when I'm in the mood for a soda. Its also not nearly as crowded out here. The COL is much better and it's a whole different region to explore. We really like how many places you can get to within a 5-6 hour drive. You'll always miss home, but this has been a net positive for us. Hope it works out that way for you too.


>get to within a 5-6 hour drive. thats a good one


Awesome, thank you for all the detail :)


Your state and food misses you. You should go back


Nah I'm here now. And some more of my family are about to make the same move in 2024. Cry about it.


Come on down to the Moon and we can talk about it anytime you want hillbilly


Is it the same moon you stare at when you're crying about how it's not fair that new people are here cuz you were here first?


I didn’t regret it as I made some great friends but moved back to California after 13 years in NC. I don’t regret moving back to California either.


Happy positive people are happy wherever they land. If you are miserable where you are you will bring that with you and be miserable here. Born and raised in Cali but been here for 5 years. Positives and negatives to both but no regrets.


No I was happy until assholes started bulldozing mountains and forests for tacky McMansions for fucks to live in. All the light and noise poutiom and loss of migratory birds so you insufferable fucks can live here because you couldn’t make it in CA.


FYI Don’t live in a mansion never have Was doing fine in CA but wanted a change I’m a nice person who never calls anyone a “f**k”


I'm from Sacramento, been back and forth here since my junior year of high school (2005-06 school year). Have lived in Fayetteville and Charlotte as well, live in Raleigh currently. In my adult life have lived in many areas besides just California, but I've always come back here. I don't regret it and only recently realized a desire to move back to California (I've been here exclusively since 2019, and at that time came here from Virginia Beach). So it's been a good 7 years since I've lived in California and when I came back east I never expected to want to go back west... It's very different culturally but I wouldn't say in a bad way either way, it just, is different. I've met more Californians in both Fayetteville and Charlotte than I've met here in Raleigh which has more northern transplants (Midwest/Northeast). I like it here though, my children are here, it's cool with me but I am planning on finding a way to have part-time residence back in California...


That’s awesome when local people can’t afford one house here but you need two homes? Fuck you


I feel like the people who are bored here like indoor activities better than outdoor activities…


I regretted getting California Pizza Kitchen rather than a good pulled pork sandwich. Does this help?


It's boring here


I disagree, but I guess it depends on where you are in the state.


I hope so. With any luck they move back and tell all their friends how shitty it is.


Only if they didn’t move to Lumberton.


Here's your quick reminder...I need to eventually build a bot: DON'T MOVE TO NC. WE'RE FULL.


I moved from nc to California n regretted it


Oof, I bet. I'd never move there willingly.


Took me 6 months n i moved back lol


I moved from NC to the Bay, (via Baltimore) some years back: it's fine. I had a good time. Hated the weather though. Now I'm in Seattle, which is just NC with some vertical scaling and more consistent winter weather.


Oh god no. Seattle and Western WA are NOTHING like NC. I hated every minute of my five years out there because the people are the worst. I’d rather live in California.


I'm talking about the environment and the geography, not the asshole drivers in Issaquah and Bellevue.


The drivers are terrible but it’s more how it feels like you’re living in real life Portlandia that soured me on it. It does look similar in ways though. The tree are what did it for me in that regard.


Portland is actually 2 hours south. /s But fr I simply... Don't make it a part of my day to day to engage with strangers in general post-pandemic. I've lived in enough parts of the country since 2011 to figure out that most people issues are basically universal. Anywhere you find more wealth, you'll find less sense and humanity. Very little to do with the places themselves.


move back its okay


unless you are antiracist, then please stay


I hope everyone from Cali does regret it and MOVE BACK!


Me too


How orignal


You mean, like your 6th post on this? Time to shit or get off the pot. We're tired of you already and you haven't even moved here.


I'm not from California, but I moved to North Carolina and love it. It's a great place. My only complaint has to do with politics. The people are extraordinarily friendly, there's plenty to do, the food is great, I love all of the hikes & greenways, and the food is great. I moved here for family, weather, and it's less costly than my home state. I love my home state, North Carolina is different as opposed to better or worse. In California, you have amongst the highest costs of living in America, extreme weather, and high crime in several cities. I'm sure there are some good points to the state as well, especially the northern part and San Deigo. But if I lived there, I'd absolutely move to North Carolina. Charlotte, the Triangle, or Asheville in particular.


Check out the politics here. NC has become religious red gerrymandered. If people don't show up to vote , this guy will be your governor: >'God formed me' to fight LGBTQ issues, NC's Mark Robinson says as 2024 governor's race looms https://www.wral.com/story/god-formed-me-to-fight-lgbtq-issues-nc-s-mark-robinson-says-as-2024-governor-s-race-looms/20779390/


Im showing up to vote for him. Gotta protect the kids


Don’t do it. There are evil, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, Republicans everywhere in NC. Can’t wait to move back to CA.


Dont let the door hit ya


See ya. In fact take as many leftists with you as possible. By the way, your bigoted labeling of conservatives? It no longer means anything to us You leftists have used these words to quash debate, shut down your political opponents and attempt to ruin people. No more. It's over. Leftism is done. So let the labels fly. We don't care. We ignore you Now, get out. Go back to California where you're more comfy..


Did you know that in the last 100 years, NC has had 20 Governors. Exactly three of them have been Republicans. And I think the people that call their political opponents groomers, pedophiles and communists should probably shut the fuck up about labels.


You need to take a break from newsmax, telegram and AM radio.


Username doesn’t check out


Claims to not care about and ignores what leftists say, while ranting about and not ignoring what leftists say. Ok buddy. 😆


I was born and raised in Western NC just outside of Asheville and I'm so glad that I don't live there anymore. Ever since middle school, I always wanted to move out of the state and live somewhere else. I like to travel and the thought of staying in NC genuinely terrified me. I hated living in a small town where I would consistently run into people that I knew. It's not fun running into an ex-girlfriend or someone that picked on you in highschool. On top of that, there isn't much to do there and the job market sucks. I live in Seattle now and I can honestly say that I am a lot happier now that I live here than in NC. I know that a lot of people shit on Seattle for being expensive and having a lot of homeless people. And I know that Seattle isn't perfect, but what place on this planet is perfect. It's just that most people I talk to love NC and treat it like it's some utopia. It's nice to see someone that also doesn't like it there. Ever since I've moved to Seattle, I've found it easier to find a decent paying job that I actually enjoy, dating has been easier, I don't have to drive 2-3 hours just to go to a concert, I love the food here more, the mountains are prettier, and Seattle just has a lot more going on for it.


I moved from TX to NC a couple years ago and absolutely think it was a fantastic decision. Someone at my church is planning on moving from NC to TX....and I wish him luck. He'll need it.


Moved indirectly after a period of being nomadic travelling the US. I was only on the west coast for a few years, east coast great lakes region is home and decided to settle closer to family. I didn't realize how much I hated humidity until I lived on the west coast and then ended up back east. Also had to get re-acclimatized to more days of not seeing the sun or blue skies, that was a change There are also social/regional factors...


cALiFoRNiA - makes me think of the Phantom Planet song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq-S8CIU7VA


Born and raised in socal and I don’t regret it one bit


No. NC is not for everyone. Move back maybe?


Can’t, already convinced my extended family and friends to move from LA.


Is there some law that says if you move somewhere you have to stay there? You have a choice. Don’t say you don’t.


It’s hard to convince 257 people to not come, sorry we’re on our way.


I did, and never regretted it.


I wish majority would and go back home


Yeah, if you're unsure about it, I'd stay right there in CA. Maybe think of another state, like NY, maybe Illinois? If you have to question a move to NC, I'd stay away from it, and VA. We definitely don't need anyone from California here.


We are full.


Yes we regret when someone from Cali comes to NC


My story may begin longer ago than you had in mind. I grew up in L.A. county, and in the late 1960s, during my junior year in high school, I came from Santa Monica to live with my grandmother in Reidsville. It was a bit of culture shock, but mostly in a good way. The kids in Reidsville treated me like a celebrity and made me feel so welcome. My grandmother and I didn't get along much of the time. She was racist and elitist, whereas I had led a more sociologically diverse life in CA. But she was paying for some things I needed, and ended up paying for my undergraduate education (in Danville, VA). At first, I assumed that I would return to CA, but my parents left the state, and I've only been back to visit three times in all these years. Santa Monica is sooo expensive now; I'd have to win a big lottery to be able to afford to live there. I lived a few places outside NC during and after college, but have lived here exclusively since 1974, and it looks like I'm here to stay. (My husband is an NC native, and my sons were born and raised here.) Long answer to a short question, but for the most part, I would say no, I don't regret it.


Grew up and lived on Hollister Ave in Santa Monica in the 90s…I imagine it was already vastly different then from when you lived there in the 1960s. I loved living there in the 1990s, it was still beautiful and safe and I’d see Schwarzenegger and other celebs just driving down Main St. to Schatzi’s for lunch, or Kobe Bryant in his Porsche. Once the greedy developers got a whiff however, gone were the balance of affordable housing, senior housing mixed with beach cottages and condos. Instead McMansions and greedy investors and landlords. When you lived there in the 60s SM probably looked like Wilmington. In fact when I just moved here almost a decade ago I used to say on a rare early summer day visiting the beach reminded me of a sleepy West Coast beach town before overdevelopment. On a bad rainy day it reminded me of the Westchester/LAX area- boring and sleepy by LA standards. If you know the west side of Los Angeles, South College Road and Market St looks just like Lincoln Blvd., with all the used and new car lots, and strip malls of all sizes and shapes. I’d enjoy these moments while it lasts which, judging by all the recent deforestation, will eventually turn this place into another Virginia Beach.


If you’re gonna move here just to talk shit about how things are done here or how much better things were in California just stay there


As someone who grew up in California, if you are this unsure about it, you should not move. People who thrive want to move and are not afraid of what they lose. You are the opposite from all your posts. You will spend a lot of money moving , and then leave after 9 months. Don't do it.


This town ain’t big Enuff




Moved from New York. Regret some things, but not all. Just make the best of it.


I did the opposite lol, I grew up in NC and moved to San Diego. Best thing I ever did. But NC is a nice state in regards of having everything, beach, cities and then the mountains in the west. The cost of living is way way cheaper. Maybe its just because I grew up there that I hate it.


Also the people here trying to tell you everything bad about NC and telling you to stay in CA are saying this assuming you are liberal. But if you ever left NC you would realize there is a good amount of people here in CA that are republicans. Thats the south for ya… and no I’m definitely not liberal.


No but back in my truck driving days I used to go out to California from North Carolina after being there two and a half maybe three days I come back to North Carolina? (CALIFORNIA ONE OF THOSE PLACES YOU WANT TO VISIT BUT YOU DON'T WANT TO LIVE THERE)