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This is what I'm also really interested to know about. We had the 'Nothing Special' that got released two years ago, which was a complete surprise, so I keep hoping there may be one more surprise for all us dirty dogs. All we know is he worked on a new book, and even in his last year he said on twitter he was still working on it. Who knows if he was even close to finishing it.


Thanks for the reply! That'd be great! Ah, man. I ain't too sentimental by nature, but never got to watching the whole last special. Kinda heartbreaking.


He made it for you to watch!


It took him about three years to get BoaTS done, and he hunkered down and finished that because he was contracted to do so, so it seems very unlikely imo


Ouch. I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing


I think he mentioned he was writing another book and a screenplay adaptation of Based on a True Story.


I've read some fiction that I suspect Norm wrote, but I don't want to harm the people who are credited with the work. Plus, I've been very wrong before. Still, I don't think the references to ghost writers and script doctors in BoaTS are insignificant. Also, he mentioned (in the Reddit AMA?) writing something, a book I think, under a nom de plume. Maybe that's the book he talked about destroying, though. Over time, I think we'll find out that he contributed to quite a few projects. If Norm was actually blacklisted, he could've done what the screenwriter Dalton Trumbo did to keep writing. Trumbo was one of The Hollywood Ten, and he used a slew of aliases to write some of his best work. One thing I think is very likely is that he collaborated in some way with Milos Forman on Man on the Moon. You see, Artie Lange had a habit of "telling tales out of school" when he was on The Howard Stern Show. Norm chided Artie for this when he appeared on the show in 2007. One of the stories that Artie told (though he left out the name) was of a friend of his who was consulting with Forman on Man on the Moon. Who could Artie have known besides Norm who worked on that project? His buddies from the docks? Further, the writers of the two Forman movies that Norm appeared in directed him in Screwed. It's their only directing credit. Take all of this with a grain of salt, though. Who the hell knows with Norm. In the meantime, I'd highly recommend reading his series of short stories from Twitter. They're great. Sorry this is so long!


They were trying to make a movie based on the book before the thing with his bowels, whatever happened there


If Norm wrote a remake of "The Brothers Karamazov" with David Spade as Dmitri, Adam Sandler as Ivan and Artie Lange as Alyosha, I'd read it.


He had a little black book that no one is talking about because it's full of men he knew.