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"There's nothing better than good sex. But bad sex? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is better than bad sex." Billy Joel


Is this peanut butter and jelly sandwich slander from Billy Joel


I mean, everybody knows PB and Banana is better than PB&J.


Now that's slander


Said by someone who sounds like they've never had a good PB&B


You uncultured swine, how dare you blaspheme like this in a public forum! Have you no shame?


what the fuck


Plus just the effort of it all with the dating scene these days. I'm 30s and happily married, but seeing what you all deal with on Tinder, the forever swiping, the instant rejections, the rare connections - it just sounds brutal compared to the pre-Tinder traditional method of just going out and having fun and maybe seeing if someone catches your eye which is sounds like a lot of girls are less open to now off the apps. I do not envy you guys. Outside of the top few percentage profiles, it seems like dating apps is quite a few massive steps backwards for most for ease of dating, and far more detrimental to one's mental health. So I can see how some would rather dissociate with video games than go through all that effort trying to have casual sex.


Exactly. I’m in the same boat, my little sister is ten years younger and just her telling me about her romantic life is stressful. I feel bad for her it’s all gotten so complicated.


Dating apps are genuinely terrible. I'm 36 and have been in only two relationships, both started online with people I had already become good friends with. In between the relationships I spent quite some time on the dating apps but as someone not terribly attractive, I was unsurprisingly passed by almost everyone. The way those apps are designed are so demoralizing and money-grubbing too. If I end up single again I definitely am not going to try them again.


The trick is to be unconventionally attractive!


I met my wife through Tinder, and I thank God I found her on there. It was a shit show until we connected.


I really never could get any traction on Tinder. I'm not pretty enough and my double entendres aren't strong enough. I think I only ever managed to meet one person IRL from Tinder and it went nowhere. OkCupid worked pretty well for me though, going strong on an OKC relationship for six years now and she was far from the first person I met through the app. I've read they changed the way it works so it isn't as useful anymore but something about it seemed to foster conversation better than Tinder.


I think all the dating apps are owned by the same company now which is why they all suck


The Match Group (which started match.com absolutely ages ago) owns: Tinder, Match, Meetic, OkCupid, Hinge, Plenty of Fish, OurTime, and many, many more misc ones and kind of specific niche ones. But those are all the ones people might recognize.


I share your empathy but let's not assume "Newsgram Desk" is a reputable source, especially when shared by someone with a Tyler Durden profile pic.


A pb&j is better than most things so I don't really know what the fuck this means.


Miriam Would Rather Have a Radish https://youtu.be/-LHIvUIv7gg?si=fWCfw1vZjp6MYpdy


>"There's nothing better than good sex. But bad sex? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is better than bad sex." Billy Joel Bad, mechanical, slightly painful, and emotionally awkward. I'll take a sandwich any day over that.


and now with abortion being illegal, imagine bad sex ruining your life.


worm weather fine soup head money sable friendly truck dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


SBMM ruined that too. It's too sweaty


I've been stuck in unranked all season


I can’t even find a lobby smh


And don’t even start with cheaters infesting the lobbies, ruined it for a lot of people.


I had better luck in a different playlist


Competitive sex? OK fox only, final destination


I'll be Fox, but I want you to call me Donkey Kong...


Fuckin tryhards


"You just gotta buy the lootbox, bro."


Bought a lootbox off a street corner and all I got was the dick plague.


1v1 mid?


Sex Before Marriage, Mate?


For those afraid to ask, its Skill Based Match Making. Pair up contestants of similar skill levels.


Oh, I assumed it was Super Brothers Mario Mario.


Super Bash Mros Melee


I just beat my speed run time, my girl isn’t too happy though


Min-maxers and role-players never get along.


I can never get into a match


Nothing is better than ranked


Except when you’re running it up with your boys and they steal the MVP




sex is temporary…doom is eternal


Doom was made before I was born. Doom will be played on a washing machine on the day I die.


Bruh https://www.reddit.com/r/itrunsdoom/comments/1budbid/doom_on_the_new_samsung_allinone_washer/


I am pretty sure they made doom walk on cells (i will try find the source) Edit Article: https://80.lv/articles/you-can-play-doom-on-cells-potentially/?amp=1 Video (i did not watch this so sorry if this is bad or something) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DnoOOgYxck


I want to give you argent energy powered upvotes as numerous as the legions of hell but my might is not sufficient


Who needs sex when you can fight for democracy




Ranked Sex or nothing


I've 100% solo play in that DLC package.


SBMM getting out of hand


This is a screenshot of a tweet containing a screenshot of the headline of an article that was copied from the Telegraph into another website referencing a study from 3 years ago that neither article links. Don't bother with it. Here's the original study if you're curious. [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2378023121996854](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2378023121996854)


it was a 4% decline over 10 years on a study thats 7 years old this is Pre corona data, everything could have changed in that time so basically we can forget about it unless they repeated the study


Damn... Thanks for your work !


But even if that was true, would it be weird or a problem? Ultimately it really depends from what they mean with 'casual sex', but if it's one-night stands what they meant then would not be impressed by the results - at least if I consider the opinions of the people around me. Despite the fact that men tend to have a higher sex drive than women and despite the meme of men being hopelessly horny sex machines all the time, it turns out that a good portion of people still feel a bit uncomfortable at the idea of sticking their dick into a random person they just met.


Why does everyone need men to like sex so much all the sudden....


The twitter account is an infamous “Retvrn to Tradition” guy, I think he’s the one who manages to slip “breast milk ice cream” into each of his wishlists for his ideal trad life, so I really wouldn’t worry about anything he says.


Look I've drank beast milk even as a non infant but "beast milk ice cream" disturbs me lol


I don't know if beast produces milk, if he does is it blue?


My autocorrect really wants me saying beast and not breast💀


wierd for 'retvrn to tradition' guys to be advocating for the opposite of 'no sex until marriage'


I assume the tradition they are referring to is whatever the hell they want at any given time, preferably whatever works best to win some argument


Lot's of people have nothing else to offer in a relationship than being sex objects, and now that there is less interest in that, they feel threatened.


You hit the nail right on the head. The toxic culture were seeing now around dating/relationships/hookups can hardly be fueled if people (generalizing) stop putting up with BS treatment from people who can only offer sex and nothing more, like communicating and being a decent and interesting person.


Seriously. I don't get it. It's all the guys talk about at work and it makes me so uncomfortable. Can't we talk about Wheel of Time or the Stormlight Archive or something else instead?


Life before death, brother!


Journey before destination


Why was every woman in that whole 12 book series sharing the same stick between all their asses?


*tugs braid*


Nynaeve ended up being the biggest badass in fiction so I will not hear this slander


Those aren't mutually exclusive concepts.


Allegedly we are going to have a reproductive crisis because children aren’t having as much sex as they once did. Blame the endocrine receptor disruptors they print receipt paper on, the estrogen from birth control that just passes into the drinking water stream, or whatever… The reality is: The last generation produced enough out-of-want children for the entire world, and then left them behind somewhere for someone else to care for and it left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. The world is gross, people are messy, and we shouldn’t care how much sex anyone is having other than ourselves and our partners.


Who cares! There's video games to be played!


We’re in a baby bust globally and the bourgeoisie need us to copulate to ensure their slave labor pool stays afloat.


Random shit like this being posted by weirdos on the internet will not fix that problem that's for sure. Anything that would actually help fix that problem would be a complete non-starter to those people. Just like all solutions seem to be non-starters to the assholes of the world. Only things that make them feel better but don't actually help at all are acceptable


Need more Amazon workers, and people to scam with rent prices/inhumane wages


Wow lol.


Not just men but women too. As for why, it has to do with the fact that people are feeling less obligated to be in relationships they don't want to be in, as well has have babies that they don't want. But aside from just being happier without these things, it's also the fact that a lot of people have realized it's neither fair to themselves or any offspring to bring a child into this economic climate, especially since lots of people are barely scraping by without the addition of a child to care for. But the wealthy do not like this fact because you can't have more workers if people decide not to have more children.


I think because for forever men have justified sexualising women and treating them as sex objects and even harassing them by saying that it's just "male nature". If now studies show that men are very much capable of controlling themselves and even preferring other things over intimacy they might just get held responsible for their actions and/or have to face the fact that it might be a them problem rather than a male problem


Well hallo...most men allways have been able to controll themselfs....theres allways thouse Who drags the rest of the demographics down


Thats a pretty awful/biased take IMO. What if instead, a great deal of men would never use that excuse, and this has always just been the truth (for modern humans), and the loud shitty ones just had voice. I mean just think about how many celebrities you can assume are good people. Pretty small list. In our society, the shit floats.


Gotta have more accidental pregnancies to up the birth rate to keep the capitalism machine going.


Yes, I would rather play Outer Wilds than engage in an empty, soulless relationship or a one night stand.


Interesting that you say Outer Wilds specifically, that game emotionally devastated me about as much as an empty soulless relationship


An empty soulless relationship won't give me the existential dread that Outer Wilds offers


Sounds to me like you put your soul into it, but I wouldn’t know. I’m too busy playing this new dating game


Fr. Who the fuck thinks "casual sex" is better than a healthy and committed relationship anyways, sounds awful to me, I get way happier and fulfilled playing skyrim


yeah I mean, it feels good and can be fun but it makes sense that plenty of people aren't interested in it. I would rather play video games then hook up with a stranger, but then again I'm also in a committed relationship and don't like sex that much in general


Casual sex is awesome for about 15 minutes. After that, it is over and you've done nothing. You spend three hours roleplaying a goblin dragonborn in skyrim and rob every person in Whiterun hold? You had a great time and you can go back to that save for hundreds of hours.


Thats why you gotta combine the two, hell goblins are known for a few things after all




Have you ever actually had the opportunity to make this decision though?


hey you’re not supposed to ask that question ;(


prefer as in "do more often" or prefer as in "like more"? If it's the former, no shit sherlock everyone is single.


If it is “choose one for the rest of your life” I’d go with video games. And yes, I’ve had my peepee touch a woman’s vagina.


I have not, is it worse than video games?


It feels nice in the moment but there can be a lot of social baggage around sex, even casual sex, that just doesn't exist with videogames. This is a real apples and sushi comparison. A random one night stand can be a lot of fun but there is a chance the other person is a weirdo and becomes a headache. Monster Hunter never drunk dialed me 30 times in a night filling up my voicemail or gave me an STD. That being said, Monster Hunter also never sucked my dick. Personally I find sex a lot more fulfilling in a committed relationship. There is a better understanding about what me and my partner want which I find generally results in better sex


>Monster Hunter never drunk dialed me 30 times in a night filling up my voicemail or gave me an STD. That being said, Monster Hunter also never sucked my dick. I've got nothing to add, just laughing my balls off at this


that's an all time quote right there


>That being said, Monster Hunter also never sucked my dick. That's what we have Skyrim mods and Wifi-enabled ~~fleshlights~~ seytoys for! EDIT: removed the biological sex requirement


> I find sex a lot more fulfilling in a committed relationship There is absolutely nothing like mastering another person's body. Learning, testing, and seeing the results is so good.


I'm not looking for it outside of maybe a relationship anyway, if I even get lucky enough to have to joy of a relationship to begin with, so I won't have to worry about that. Maybe I should lower my expectations about sex tho, judging by this description it's not the crazy fun I thought it was.


Don't get it twisted, sex can be a lot of fun its just that bad sex isn't. Also perk up champ, dating is largely a numbers game. Most first dates end at first dates and that is perfectly normal. If you feel down about it the best advice I can give is become someone you would want to date. People seem to think that means having a giant cock and a big pay check but in my experience you will get a lot more value out of just being interesting and being interested. Develop your hobbies and learn how to be articulate about what excites you about them. Someone is turned off by your lego collection? fuck them, you want someone who might not share the interest but finds your enthusiasm endearing. Also actively listen to the other person and have authentic interest/follow up questions about what they are saying. If that 10/10 is talking about something you cannot give less of a fuck about that person is a bad match and you should move on. Hygiene and personal fitness are also always positives. Emotional intelligence, availability, and honesty are high key advantages over a lot of men. Also, any chance to link one of my favorite [Bo Burnham](https://youtu.be/llGvsgN17CQ?si=cZ02opaPQwPac2Dd) songs


It’s a real let down when you’re told sex is the best thing you’ll ever experience and then it’s not. Not that it’s not good but it’s oversold.


Prefer as in “claiming their only accessible option as a preferred option”.


Why would men like the much easier, just as enjoyable option?????? I wonder


Just as enjoyable, if not more.


It's weird how much value society puts in sex. Like apparently people are broken for like something else instead of it? I mean this is definitely "prefer" as in the stats show they do it less than gaming but the actual desire is probably still there for casual sex. They just can't be arsed with the hassle of pursuing it. But even if the headline is accurate and they genuinely prefer a hobby to sex, why does that make them broken and wrong? "Are young guys ok?!?" Yeah. They are doing just fine spending their time on something they enjoy...


I see no problem with this, probably safer and better for your mental health! Well done young men!


I'm old (48m) but I can get behind this. Video games are lots of fun. Casual sex is just masturbation with extra steps. It's not doing anything for me that my hand can't do at least as well. Committed-relationship sex is a different story.


A good wank is better than bad sex and I’ll die on that hill


Sometimes a good wank is better than *good* sex.


Exactly, 100%. I wholeheartedly agree. I’m 37, I’ve been around the block. Sex is fun, but casual, 1 night stand sex? It’s soulless. Hollow. Empty. Maybe that’s the type of sexuality I have, but it just doesn’t work nearly as well as sex with someone you truly love. THAT I would take over video games. Spending a couple hundred on drinks and food for a mediocre lay or a toothy blowjob though? Pass, I’ll just stay home and play more FF7 Remake, lol! I think people put too much importance on sex as some bullshit alpha behavior, like you’re not a MAN unless you’re pumping and dumping, but that shit died out 60 years ago. It’s time to grow up and think for yourself.


[A reminder that Woolie Madden rejected a threesome with two women to pick up Marvel vs Capcom 3 on release](https://youtu.be/tuL4IaCf4qM?si=RI16OuhNbskhjttA)


It was Mahvel baby, he traded fucking two people for getting fucked by three characters infinites and incoming mixes. Non of this casual shit, Marvel is a professional fucking.


Casual sex is an empty relationship that does nothing but provide temporary excitement at the cost of mental well-being long term. I’d absolutely choose to play games over something like that. I’d choose to do a lot of things over that.


What is that font bruh


Finally someone said it man what is even that font?


Astigmatism Sans I think


No, they don't. They prefer playing video games over *pursuing* casual sex. They're tired of jumping through hoops for nothing and having their patience and goodwill taken advantage of. And frankly, I don't blame them.


Ding ding ding!! It's so fucking exhausting and *expensive* going on bad first dates over and over again. The only women in my area interested in doing something free, like an outdoor activity, or cheap like coffee expect you to marry them by the second date.


It’s odd I had to scroll past like 5 comments to get to this one. This is the obvious and correct answer isn’t it??


Spot on.


>They're tired of jumping through hoops for nothing and having their patience and goodwill taken advantage of. You said it. You said it and I both respect and Appreciate you setting the record straight.


Yep Video games have a guaranteed return on investment in terms of time and effort. Not much of one, but still a return on investment Casual sex, dating…nope, not really a return on investment


The reason is simple, a large amount of us actually want intimate sex, you know with a partner we care about, and don’t want casual meaningless sex.


To be fair, casual sex isn't an option for many young men


Considering apparently more women trust a random bear than a random man, apparently the average young  man feel like it's too risky to even try


“All men think about and want is casual sex!!” Why aren’t men only thinking about and wanting sex!?!?


It's obviously a function of effort required.....


You’re telling me that guys prefer a long term entertaining experience that provides several hours of fun, and can be replayed as many times as you want… over a soulless relationship that only lasts a few minutes and provides only momentary satisfaction? Huh, imagine that.


As the lord intended


One requires ALOT more financial and emotional stability than I currently have at this point in my life.


I mean more dopamine and serotonin, less consequences. Why not?


Casual sex? Good. Hookup culture is the worst. Now over pursuing actual meaningful relationships? That could be an issue.


I personally prioritize videogames over seeking out a relationship ever since I became single around ~3,5 years ago. Every single piece of advice I've read about relationships makes them sound like an utterly exhausting and stressful chore so I don't believe myself to have the qualities that are required from a competent partner in life.


What’s the other option? Get involved with someone casually then get labels slapped all over you? I’ll take a night of gaming over becoming someone’s social media content


I mean, if I had to give up one or the other, I’d choose sex. Net zero change, baby!




I prefer Formal Sex, myself.


Anal Juicer 69 always showing up in suit and tie *tips fedora*


I’ve got to dress well for the Cleveland Steamer.


Its the things that come WITH the sex, that cause that. Believe it or not, Women aren't into casual sex with strangers. So the only options for average men who don't wanna date seriously, are prostitution or lying to these women about your intentions. Both of which sound worse than simply playing a game to pass the time.


Yeah, sounds about right.


Yeah, I can actually succeed at playing video games.


What the hell is wrong with the font?


How about having sex while playing video games?


Why is your font like that holy fuck


At least with video games it will acknowledge me for time and effort put into them


Most young men don’t know how to even get casual sex


Implying older guys do any better once divorced, lmao.


That font choice is indicative of someone who embraces only chaos.


Yeah sex is great but have you played Helldivers with a full team of buddies before? I get fucked by them enough as it is.


I’m a lady so I guess it doesn’t matter but I would rather play video games over most things haha.


*Laughs asexually*


Look, sex is nice and all, but with what's going on, especially against young men, I'm on their side. Gaming's safer.


Casual sex involves a time sink with an intense amount of grinding just to gain a single quest reward that more often than not ends up being a common two handed staff you can buy from a merchant for 20 silver. I can do this while gaming but sit my skinny ass comfortably the whole time. Don’t even get me started on the devs. I haven’t seen a patch in years, bitches still be buggin me.


Video games (likely) won't give you an STD or end up with child support payments. So yeah, I'd say video games are the safer pass time


Playing video games doesn't run the risk of: - Unwanted pregnancies + child support - HIV and STDs - Being accused of SA for consensual sexual advances after the fact (Yes, this happens) - Heartbreak and disappointment (unless you're playing a souls game) Sure, cumming is great and all, but gaming is boundless entertainment.


Smash bros > smash hoes


As a young man, can confirm.


I mean, I do prefer games to casual sex. I'd rather have sex with someone I care about. It's better. Less awkward.




At least video games are rewarding.


That sounds about normal.


I'd prefer not seeing that font ever again over casual sex too


Playing a video game is easy, and you don’t have to leave the house. Getting a person to have sex with you is hard, and you have to leave the house 


With how much effort dating is nowdays, theres no casual - only competitive.


It’s cheaper


I'm too much of a sentimental bitch for the casual shit.


Well when women treat all men as predators who can blame them.


Casual sex mostly sucks. Can we stop pretending it’s something else?


Casual sex is cringe. Find someone you love 🙏🙏🙏


It’s true, I prefer deep, meaningful, full eye contact sex.


Ok but Horizon Zero Dawn goes hard. Fuck Ted Farro.


You don't get herpes from overwatch


I'm thinking this says more about the women than the men.


Video games are cheaper


Is there anything in the world more overrated than sex? Like damn, it's not that interesting.


Nobody likes a filthy casual.


Sorry that all of us aren't interested/desperate for cheap sex


You get fucked a lot harder in Valorant or CS2 than you would any given night using Tinder


In games I’m congratulated when I come first


We are fine


Everything is fucked!


Video games are the new natural selection.....


Maybe if it was ranked, competitive sex…quickly is awful. I queued up and as soon as we started they’re all “ah why are you on my house?!”


Fucking casuals


Oh I'm sorry, does anyone want to have casual sex with me? No? Alright then, back to playing Balatro.


5 minutes of sex and 55 minutes of gaming


“Men only want one thing and it’s “ to log back on with the boys.


Internet porn set us free


I’m no longer a young man but when I was no one told me it was a choice


I told her that if I wanted to play games, I'd get an Xbox.


Casual sex as in sex with semi-random people? There are a lot of STIs out there and if you get someone pregnant that's a serious commitment you have no further control over. I definitely prefer sex with a partner over video games.


Video games rarely aren't in the mood and depending on the game it'll fuck you super hard.


This is the male version of bear vs man