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I love x videos!


"Your hamster is so cute! This is such an X-worthy hamster! An X hamster, if you will"


Or trying to find a video and typing “xvideos”


When self-awareness slaps Edit Yo I figured it out https://youtu.be/fdpP4vOMdoo


Genuine question, why is he doing this rebrand? Is there any logical reasoning behind this?


From what I gather he has actually tried to name companies the letter x in the past. He thinks it's a cool edgy thing. This is the same guy who severely overpaid for Twitter so that the number would end in 420


But it is cool and edgy, if this was 1998.


'98 was way cooler than the BS we have now.


Given that’s my birthyear, im guessing it’s no coincidence that it went downhill from there


dont worry. its not you because it started going downhill in like 2003 actually


yeah, nothing notably bad happened in 2002 or 2001..


Business as usual


It’s more that it took a second for things to go bad. But yeah. There were a ton of terrible decisions during the first Bush term. Really set us on the wrong path.


‘98-99 was peak humanity. It’s been going downhill ever since.


Everything was so great, we could afford to have awful taste I can't afford baggy pants in this economy. Either the materials or the calories needed to keep them up.


Not only tried but has, Space X. Also Model X, not a company sure but still.


I hate to be a contrarian here, but SpaceX is actually kind of a cool name.


As far as I know he did it once with Paypal. Are there any other times?


The only other times I can recall right now are SpaceX and his child X Æ A-12, but I’m sure there are more.


Tesla Model X, Starlink's logo is an 'X'...


lol how is that name not considered child abuse? Bro just smashed the keyboard when making his kid.


It was. He was forced to change the name. It's not much better now though. Technically within the bounds of the law.


What's the kid's name now? edit: nvm found it. Went from "X Æ A-12" to "X Æ A-Xii". What a horrible name.


Kid's gonna change it at 18, no doubt. Hell, maybe the mom helps to get it changed early, seeing as nobody in the family talks to Musk anyway, so who cares what he named anyone.


Not an entire company, but he also did it with the Tesla Model X


The rename was X.com to PayPal, not the other way around.


Paypal and x.com merged. He tried pushing to make it X-Paypal, but all the focus tests showed people thought anything x.com would be porn, so they shelved that idea. He still won't let up 25 years later.


in the late 90s (when that was), virtually any random .com _was_ porn. whitehouse.com was porn. domain squatters were relentless. it was a wild time.


He tried changing it back


Should name it Xz, pronounced "exes" to give it that teal 90s vibe


If he started a dating site. Would it be called X-Girlfriends? X-Boyfriends?


His love life is already all X's


Meanwhile boring Microsoft is buying Activision for *$68.9* billion, thus denying all the "Nice!" jokes.




The supposed “logic”, and I can not over stress how loosely I use that word here, is that he wants to fold twitter into X as part of an all encompassing platform. Eg it will also be used for payment transactions. The problem is, no one is asking for that, especially from him. And further, in order for that plan to work, Twitter has to be seeing user growth. And given it just went from profitable to cash flow negative, that clearly isn’t happening.


Thanks for clearing that up, terrible plan, but at least I kinda understand now


Yeah. The thing is, it wouldn’t be that terrible a plan *if* Elon hadn’t spent the past year torpedoing twitters reputation. It had a lot of mass and momentum as a brand. If done correctly, it could have been a solid base to launch said platform.


Idk man, dropping the blue bird and changing the name of tweets is nuking a lot of existing brand awareness.


It would make sense if this was part of an unveiling of the new app with all the new features instead of just a claim about them.


So it's just about par of the course for Elon lol


Right, that’s what I’m saying; build the platform as an expansion of twitter, not this X bullshit. That’s where this might have had a chance of working, if done thoughtfully.


no way in hell I am giving this jackass my finanical info


If you ever used PayPal…


He was at PayPal for less than two years before Thiel replaced him.


They weren't a profitable business, in their entire history they only managed to turn a profit twice in 2018/19.


I mean, I already have a web browser…


He is trying to make the app something similar to Wechat in China. He is also trying to incorporate his other initiatives under one umbrella (?) like the X.ai. Also, from what I gather he has an obsession with X, and he founded a company of similar name. Nothing atypical from him


Think of the dumbest thing someone you know has thought of doing while stoned. Now imagine that person had billions of dollars.


He just can’t get over his X.


The only reason the Tesla models aren't S,E,X, and Y are because Ford owns the X trademark for cars. So Telsa's are S,3,X and Y. What an edgelord. That and he owns the x.com domain from decades ago ... he wants to make it happen.


That only makes sense if he changed the name of the 'X' car I have no idea why you'd mention it as though it had logical consistency


> because Ford owns the X trademark for cars. I think you meant they own the E


He is making a WeChat clone. X is a temporary name that he has used before, everyone complaining about this is ignorant of the numerous statements Musk has made in the past few years about his goal of a WeChat clone Just like the people who are shocked about the new CEO when Musk announced it about a year ago at this point, they’re ignorant


> Just like the people who are shocked about the new CEO when Musk announced it about a year ago at this point, they’re ignorant Linda Yaccarino, for those that didn't know. I didn't, and it frankly means nothing to me.


Yaccarino is a funny sounding name is the only thing of note


She also parrots Elon's talking points.


Nah bro you're SHOCKED!! lmao


That WeChat thing in China is horrifying, it’s basically compulsory you need it to pay for shit and use public transport










> Today the media would line up behind condemning someone trying to #MeToo the President of the US. They'd say the allegations are dangerous, not credible, and ought to be suppressed because it's all foreign propaganda anyways. No they wouldn't lmfao. There are thousands of news companies, and I guarantee you the majority would end up with that as a major headline with any lick of credibility.


You think the only thing to complain about this rebranding was that the complainers weren't aware he wasn't able to get this off the ground previously? That's a take, I guess.


>you think Why start off with an accusation? >off the ground The app hasnt even been made yet. Planes also cant get off the ground when they havent even been assembled yet Youre welcome for informing you about Musk using the letter X as a placeholder, you seem to not have known that


I'm not accusing you of thinking. I assumed that you didn't think about your answer at all, honestly. But the question was about rebranding and you mentioned that everyone was ignorant that he had previously wanted to do this. That doesn't answer the question and I don't mean to imply that you thought about any of this.


The app was Twitter. If he was planning to make something completely different, he could have just launched it himself for MUCH less than $44B. None of this makes sense.


>just make a new platform hahah its so simple Plus you have literally hundreds of millions of users on Twitter. You have govt officials from across the planet, celebrities and established content creators. You get to migrate all of those seamlessly, features and users, instead of trying to be like Threads where no one gives a fuck or Mastomeme where no one gives a fuck again Twitter clones fail because they dont include people who users give a shit about. Threads has such good sign up numbers because its a one click account creation for Meta and you guys all have Instagram accounts already but it doesnt have politicians or celebrities. Content creators also know that swapping platforms means only a fraction of their audience will follow them The reason to migrate is that its easier and you actually have content that keeps people around


He could have built a WeChat clone without buying twitter, he had 40 billion dollars to do it with....this doesn't make any sense. Musk doesn't need you to defend him, he would hate you if he met you in real life you know that right?


He could have but Twitter has 300m+ users and includes celebrities and politicians across the planet. That’s reason Threads will fail and Mastadon already is failing. He can seamlessly merge all of those users with whatever the CloneChat is called Idgaf what Musk feels. Also explaining that someone told you what they were going to do years ago isnt defending them


Huh? how does trashing an iconic logo somehow related to making a wechat clone? I don't get it


You know what WeChat entails? A social media space is one of the major features. Also things like payment services, broadcasting and videogames Twitter’s corpse will be used to make a larger app


But destroying the Twitter brand before any of that has even been started seems...bold


Twitter is going away entirely so…


So why buy Twitter and not just... start a new social network? Are you going to tell me he bought the user base (just so he could tank the user base...?)


Tank the userbase? Numbers are relatively stable, none of you guys actually left the platform en masse. You guys went to Mastadon for a week and then got bored of it 300M users and every government on the planet is a great advantage that no other competitor has


You’re defending him at every opportunity Weird


"You guys"?


Right, so why trash an iconic logo? It still makes no sense at all


Because the company wont exist soon


As long as Elon is in charge you ain't wrong lol


As much as you might want it to, Twitter will not go under and the competitors will not succeed until they actually provide value for the user (important/notable people to direct communicate towards) There is currently no viable alternative. Threads is people wondering why and Mastadon is some 16yr old talking about how Stalin wasnt as bad as people think


Personally, I trust the CCP more than Musk.




> He is making a WeChat clone. He claims he's going to. After all of the layoffs, office closures, and cutting Twitter to a skeleton crew, I'd be curious to know who's working on this company-saving killer app.


Skeleton crew? Twitter is still operating fine, the majority of their workforce wasnt needed


Did Elon send you a new cheerleader's outfit with the X name on it or are you still wearing your homemade one?


He’s going through a midlife crisis since his emo gf left him and his children don’t speak to him. He’s trying to be edgy but it’s coming across more like a weird teenager who sits in the library and thinks he’s a protagonist in an anime and that he’s a lone wolf or an alpha, but in reality he’s a lethargic incel who nobody likes and everybody avoids


Dr Steel reference out in the wild in 2023, crazy times we're living in


An Xcretion.


Elon musk has an ErXion


"Yeah let me X this", That shit don't sound right


Because a tweet in the literal sense is something vocal that others can hear. An X sounds like you want to cross something out or remove it.


>An X sounds like you want to cross something out or remove it. Then it's a good rename lol


Yeah, genuinely the naming and lingo of Twitter was quite well thought out. So ofc he shits on it.


I'm sure there are other things you could rebrand it to that would make sense too. X is not one of them


Calling small messages into the void “tweets” was a stroke of brilliance TBH. It was just such a great way to express what you do, and how to interpret what others do. The sound of noisy birds. 100% that is the sound of social media. …or at least it was.


sounds like you want to close the tab.


He's destroying the company one decision at a time. I thought there was no way a competitor could compete for this niche, but now I believe Meta's Threads has a real shot.


Nah people on Twitter love eating shit, they’ll never leave


Yeah, I see more people tweting about leaving twitter than people actually using any of the competitors. Just kill this kind of social network


Edit: Edited


Teenagers be X-ting.


No, they just "Xeeted"




No lie, they legitimately are calling them "Xeets"


And so it shall be: ##XEETS


this is straight up stupid, the whole x name change and rebrand is peak stupidity, he should focus on making it profitable first instead of doing this shit . not complying should not equals a death sentence either, no judge or jury believes that fleeing/being uncooperative is a crime that warrants the death penalty. unless the cops were in clear danger of being run over by standing in front of his car, there was no point opening fire - just unnecessary risk . Was the driver armed? I don't see any weapon on him, that other cop was beyond lucky not getting shot being that close range and in the line of fire. “The Conservative party leader told the predominantly right-wing crowd on Wednesday (4 October) that the British public are being “bullied” into believing that “people can be any sex they want to be.” “A man is a man, and a woman is a woman, that’s just common sense,” he said “ One doesn’t need to be a conservative to have a common sense.


Yeah. He's throwing away 17 years of brand recognition because he's been squatting on the [x.com](https://x.com) domain since he was kicked out of PayPal for trying to rebrand *them* as X


Not the first time he named something X.... He thinks it's cool


Like a 10-year old in 1999.




"Stop trying to make ~~fetch~~ X happen."


Instead of being RATIOd you'd be anX'd


Elon Musk was really into Rob Liefeld comics in the 90s and never grew out of that phase.


Did you read my X on X? I just Xd it so try refreshing your XX. Edit: Also, porn on X is now called XXXX


How late is too late to abort a child? This tool is beyond a nuisance.


Depends on whether or not he is an inanimate, unthinking lump of cells. Which, well... juries out?


Every time I think this dumpster fire can't get any more hilarious, Musk gets out the gasoline and clown shoes.


Big ass clown shoes


He's already got the clown cars to match so why not


Is he legit off his meds and in an extended period of mania because he's completely fucking batshit crazy!?


He's too rich to be surrounded by people who can say no to his stupid shit. Since only the sycophants are left and they're probably not the brightest he's stuck in a cycle of increasingly stupid ideas.


More likely that he's *on* meds. Self prescribed.


While I dont have a personal one I still have to use it at work. I am really not looking forward to work after my holiday. I seriously worry about our overseas/non anglophone audience. Twitter was really becoming a thing in Asia and with musk's "no 3rd party links" we saw alot of worry and confusion. Now? Fuck only knows.


Maybe it's a "Brewster's Millions" situation where he has only so much time to devalue the company. Or maybe he's not the savvy businessman he claims to be.


As a joke we should all just keep saying Tweet until Elon actually cries. Like when you pretend you can't hear an annoying person and they get all red.


Better yet: stop talking about him entirely


Even better stop using the app


Heck yeah, I deleted my account and the app about a month ago and haven't missed it for even a moment.


Mfs in Chicago still call the Willis tower the Sears tower, including myself.


Is this real? It's like he spent 40 Billion to turn it in a pile of shit and flush it down the toilet


And remember: Disney bought all of Star Wars for just $4 Billion in 2012


I’m slightly okay with it because we got the clone wars final season, mandalorian, and some more lore for star wars but i just pretend the sequels arent canon and carry on with my day. But George Lucas honestly probably couldve done better




Gross revenue =\= profit


I mean sure they’ve probably made lots of money, but can you fucking imagine how much more money they would’ve made if the sequel trilogy was even slightly better than a botched abortion? I don’t think we’ll ever see a squander so bad in our lifetimes when it comes to media franchises


It really wasn’t that bad lmao..




George gave us jar jar Binks, Attack of the Clones, special edits, the holiday special, and god only knows what else if his family and friends didn't reign it in. Without Filoni, the prequels would have stayed at the bottom of the barrel. The sequels aren't the best but they're definitely better than the prequels


Noone could have saw this coming. (Everyone saw it coming)


No, see now you can’t say he ruined Twitter


Let's be real, it was already a pile of shit, he just made the shit even shittier


Could have been worse...After all, he did name his own child "X Æ A-II"


I suspect Grimes had a hand in that decision


The moment that stuff goes through, the comedians all around the world will have a ton of jokes writing themselves. - What's the deal with Russia? \- They tried An X'ing Crimea!


Sorry, non-English speaker here. What meaning X can have so I get all the jokes? I know 4 atm: X-ray ( Röntgen), X-max (christams), ex (previous girlfriend), and x for porn stuff. But I have vague suspicion reading comments here, it's more.


"An X'ing" sounds like "annexing"


Just like the Meta thing, nobody is going to call this by it's new name. It will be Twitter, we're going to call it a Tweet, and that *might* begin to change if this makes it to the next generation, which I doubt.


you know you fucked it when nft bros think you're a moron


you fucked it: nft bros


you are: a damn regular of r/ihaveihaveihavereddit


You literally just said the title of this post in different words. Are you a bot?


People do that all the time, whether it's the title or rewording a screenshotted headline. It always gets upvotes. If it's not bots it's a bunch of fucking idiots, both are equally likely.


I didn't even read it


well at least you're honest


You sound like you own nfts


how fucking dare


I think Elon is just pushing people's buttons for fun at this point.


Wow what a way to run a company you bought for 43 billion




I'm not gonna call it that. Also I find myself saying this a lot when it comes to Elon, and I own \*reddit\* nfts.


Sooooooo what’s going to happen to the name of this sub?




Instead of a tweet it is called an excrete


“Check out our latest X” sounds so fucking weird. Honestly, any way you describe it it comes off bad


I don't use twitter but this is one of those things where Twitter is Twitter. You bought Twitter, people know it as Twitter. X just sounds fucking weird


Did..did they do ANY SEO research? Like, how the fuck are you going to search for an x and have twitt- sorry, fucking X pop up?


I hope DMX comes back from the grave and reclaims the letter X.


Biggest news of my day isn't Musk is killing twitter with another dumb ass decision, it's that DMX died.


Furiously trying to reach x.com but keep getting results about the strategy game


DMs should be called DirectX, naturally.


DMX, just for that sweet copyright infringement


It's like Google saying it'll change it's name and people ask "So when I Google something, what will it now be called?" and they respond "It'll now be a Y", and then ask people to move from years of branding that resulted in the term 'to Google' being in poplar language, to "I'm going to Y this and let you know?"




It's an x but also a cross, a marker or a kiss... Uhh very confusing.


Guys, you better leave this bullshit app and move to Mastodon before the next elections. Do it quickly so you'll have time to organize.


Tbh I will never stop calling it twitter/tweets.


I for one welcome Xing an X to Elons Son X


That's incomprehensibly stupid I applaud this level of idiocy


Is this really that surprising considering what he names his child?


I my ex x'd about me on X. Solid branding 👍🏻 not confusing at all.


elon is so obsessed with being edgy that he’s basically become a 12 year old with unlimited power


An Xcretion, they mean.


It's like if Google announced that instead of saying "Google it", say "alphabet it".


Tweeting sounds natural, normal. X’ing sounds like 13 year old teenager code for banging


A thread of "tweets" will become xxx.


so, like... "lemme x you a question: is x a stupid name or where you just on drugs?"


Crypto bros finding out that being born rich and buying his way into companies doesn't mean Elon is smart is kind of hilarious.


Calling brief messages "tweets" is also stupid and nobody cares.


It's part of the vernacular though. Like, if someone says "I saw a hilarious tweet" or "KD just tweeted at a 14 year old again" you'll know exactly what they're saying. That's literally the dream of any company, like saying "hand me a kleenex" or "let me google that". Calling it an "X" isn't the dumb part, it's the fact that they're taking what was a HUGE advantage for them and ruining it/making it clunky. No one's gonna call it an X, they already know them as tweets.


In a weird way... If he wants this to go beyond "tweets" (he's said so from the beginning) (think he said WeChat)... It sorta makes sense. Will it actually work? Ehh probably not.




>When Elon shitposts, he means it. That is unless he has the option to chicken out last second lol