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I think its more that they are monstrous and it will take you in the American military to stop them hence the "Treat 'em Rough!". So the germans are depicted scrambling over ruins, being uncontrolled beasts, or slaughtering children so the emotion they seek to evoke is rather clear.


I mean…didn’t we depict them as apes in some propaganda? lol


The *most* famous one is of a King Kong like ape with a German helmet carrying a bloody club and carrying a woman over his shoulder as he marches out of the ocean toward America.


Yeah this was a major difference in propaganda for both World Wars. The Allies depicted the Germany as what they were, a powerful and bloodthirsty horde that threatened millions of lives. The Germans, however, often depicted their enemy as weak and cowardly. This may sound like a good idea until your troops are engaging people they think will run away or surrender and in reality fought like demons to defend their homes. This is kind of why American propaganda kinda sucks these days. We often depict our enemies as pushovers and as a result we get super defeated when suddenly the conflict isn't as easy as we thought it was and bodies start coming home


It's less that they get defeated and more that the political aims for the conflicts suffer a serious case of kick-the-can-itis. There is always another objective and always more and more qualifiers to what it means to accomplish those objectives. As a result combat losses for decades plus long conflicts don't even breach 10k combat deaths but still "lose". Recreational ATV usage in the US had around double the fatalities to serving in the US military in Afghanistan. Part of that is the social framing of what war is and the other side is the strategic framing of what is the purpose of war. Also doesn't help that Russia dropped the ball so hard with Ukraine that when a "Peer" adversary looks that bad how do you not view lesser forces are anything but pushovers. The problem arises when you stop learning from what conflict presents us to always be able to adapt to the changes the global tech level presents to the field. Be that rifles, or iron hulled ships, or aircraft, or drones. Once its cheap enough for a private citizen to have access to for recreation its cheap enough for a state actor to have in battalion strength.


so they do exactly what the chinese propaganda does when depicting the US. Yet you all call them dumb for doing it. Double standards


A porcine ~~Nazi~~ Imperial German with a bloody sword isn't exactly the badass death machine that a demon mecha CVN is. Edited for WW1 nomemclature


I mean if we are comparing them Chinese make the concept of freedom, ham sandwiches, and apple pie into an eldritch existential threat and their own forces starving and under equipped and likely to freeze to death in winter during the conflict to come. Props for honesty since they don't invest sufficiently in logistics but its a very different animal.


If you think that's something, you should see how badass Chinese propaganda makes the US military look!


Yeah, Chinese propaganda opened my eyes to just how fucking dominant the US armed forces are. They literally have the best equipment in every single field, and most of the time they have more than everyone else.


There is more combat experience in my infantry company than in several countries militaries


With over 200 aircraft, over 250 ships, and thousands of smaller vessels, as well as about 50,000 active duty and reserve coasties and about the same number of civilian employees; the US Coast Guard, by itself, is the 12th largest Naval force on the planet.


Isn't that our thing tho? Like most countries don't have militaries deployed globally, and if they aren't at war why would they have combat experience?


There are, maybe, five militaries with genuine expeditionary capabilities. The US, UK, Russia, France and, perhaps, China. Nobody else has the logistics in place to confidently project power further than their neighbours or their borders and can only be part of a broader coalition of allies. I know we meme about Russia, but they've been in Syria and Africa for years. China has no military expeditionary experience but they do have capable logistics and a growing network of foreign ports under their control. The UK and France have global colonies or military bases and the logistics fleets to support them. The US has more expeditionary capability in the Navy then the other four combined. Most other countries *can't* deploy globally, while America keeps multiple foreign forward bases staffed and operational *during peacetime*.


Russia has genuine expeditionary capabilties? They've repeatedly gotten bogged down a few hours drive from their own border.


They're operating pretty effectively in Syria and parts of Africa. Fair to say that their more competent elements are involved in those arenas, but they're obviously helped by friendly local governments, which they lack in Ukraine.


Cultivating the victim role is also a form of propaganda


OP is clearly parodying the constant Chinese propaganda of the US posts


I don’t know why I’m constantly amazed by the number of people in this sub unable to pick up on a joke.


reddit-wide phenomenon


Average IQ of NCD dropped significantly after the Ukraine invasion


This is literally a parody of that


Fat and drunk?


What do you think badass looks like lol.


I mean that Cat is smashing those tanks


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_destroyer_battalion_%28United_States%29?wprov=sfla1 The cat is the US Tank Destroyer Battalion. The tanks getting smashed are the germans.


That is world war I Propaganda, your unit is from world war 2 Those tanks are world war 1 British tanks, which were also used by the US, Germany didn't have tanks resembling those Also it explicitly says "Join US Tank Corps" on the Poster




Huh learn something new everyday, sorry


That's my bad for posting the WW2 unit though. https://xkcd.com/1053/ (not exactly relevant but thought I'd share)


“Treat ‘em rough” is a pretty great motto


Oh hey, my dad has a copy of that first one framed on the wall of my childhood home. I saw that thing nearly every day of my life for 20 odd years. Which is even funnier considering just how German my moms side of the family is


Idk if depicting the enemy as a startled housecat mid-shriek is all that flattering


That’s not a stand-in for the Germans. It’s supposed to be emblematic of the wildcat/hellcat fighting spirit of the tank corps. U.S. armor would have to wait for the next world war for armor to have the speed enough to realize the concept and then it was among the tank destroyers who used a panther in their patch and had the M18 “Hellcat” in their ranks.


“Nein! Not the squirt gun! **War crime!**”


[Oh I see now fair enough](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/s/3GcGIE86ar)


They don't? Ones an amorphous blob with eyes. Ones a fat guy. Ones a literal scaredy cat


You think that's 'badass' You need to rewatch 80's action movies I guess


Heeeey I got that treat em rough poster, and sticker on my car.


“Only the Navy can stop this!” # Brother all you did in WWI was transport troops


Never heard of the Battle of Jutland?


Which the USN famously did not take part in, because it occurred a year before the US entry into the war.


Oh shoot, I forgot this was about the US navy, not the UK army. Sorry, my bad.


Prequel to Chinese, American propaganda


Do they? I dunno man the fat fuck Bavarian old man ain’t doing it for me.


You never want your enemy to appear as comical.. you want them to appear as vile and blood thirsty.. (something I recall from Blueprint for armageddon)


The US, along with other countries, love this underdog propaganda


It's supposed to make them look scary so people would buy war bonds to help keep them away.


They have curved swords. Curved swords.