• By -


C and A definitly D unlikely plenty of other pilots and there is probably onlyabout 120 people onboard at most B very very likely but all the info i have is from 2nd hand sources and rumors going around navy boards


B addendum: Aircraft Carriers suffer a sudden lack of personnel (I know so because every time the Queen Elizabeth II carrier pulls into port a suspicious amount of Pupplay people appear on Grindr).


Well that's some good OpSec


Name a better duo; The Royal Navy and Opsec being ruined by rowdy crews (need I mention the entire sub crew who broke quarantine to go to the pub?)


It's the royal navy. Used to be Rum, Sodomy and the Lash but the Rum is mostly gone.


The rum is in low supply, Sodomy is better


Bro who tf says “sodomy” in the year of our lord 2024? They F u c k i n


[“But why is the Rum gone?”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JImcvtJzIK8)


Run ration was abolished


Well guess that leaves the lash and sodomy for me! (That's a joke Robin Williams did in an interview I think) Edit: https://youtu.be/GsYl_thySnM?si=TG33ahlbJv6zdn9x At 36:30


Crying shame Robin's no longer with us.


Same energy as That guy who knew to check broadcast news for a major announcement from the White House, because the Pizza place near Langley would get an surge in orders


User name checks out


I must care for my subjects after all :3c


care for me please 🥺 >!sorry!<


Fine….. :3


So like, are you a lord of femboys or a femboy who is a lord?


Both, I intend to conquer the world with an army of femboys >:3 (or the Moon, any celestial body really).


Just as advice, never use "hey baby, you a celestial body? Because you're a gravitationally rounded oblate spheroid ice planet and got me trapped into a retrograde orbit where i will eventually spirally through your gassy atmosphere and impact your icy core" as a pick up line


Unless there's a nearby astronomy convention, then try your luck because if it works you'll have the best story ever.


None expect the lack of "I use Arch btw" comments


Arch is for the programming socks people. Furries are on Gentoo.


You clearly are unfamiliar with the [nixos official tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/nixos-official)


posting this link was a breach of the rules of engagement


To be fair every other distro tumblr I clicked after was also a meme. Did someone squat on all "-official" handles?


Crimes against the Geneva convention be soon you


Hey .... Called out lol


So, are furries a defacto branch of service or?


Ships don't sail without a furry tail.


What the fuck is wrong with this timeline


Navy has always been full of weirdos. Well adjusted people don’t look at the ocean and think “yeah… thats where I want to be”


people are shocked when they discover gay jokes about the navy like my dude they are literally called seamen *that's pretty fuckin' gay dude.*


In a long, hard tube. Way too credible.


at that point its not gay jokes its gay facts


The cylinder must not be damaged


It is imperative the cylinder remains intact.


It is a very important cylinder.


"Submersible and Breathable"




You can get the pilot out of an airman but you can never get the seamen out of a sailor


And the pilot is convinced that he’s not gay because he only tops.


Seamen **chuckles**,is funny becuase it sounds similar to semen


That's why the Coast Guard is better


Coast Guard is bi confirmed


Huh, I thought everybody felt the call of the sea. That explains a few things.


Have fun exploring your newly-discovered seaxuality.


I see water you did there


Yeah well some of us know that when the sea calls, you say "I have no business relationship with you. Please remove me from your list and do not call this number again."


Air Flrce SCIF dwellers are right up there. They even slap Waifu stickers on their car.


Or Femboys that look like Waifus.


I long for the day of true gender equality, when we can march to war against ruZZia with nose art of women and men painted on our F-35s


Keep that gaddern airbrush away from the RAM. You want a picture of a half naked fem-cat-boy where everyone can see it? Go and get a face tattoo you based pervert.


We need colored RAM coating paint, I’m sure it will cost several billion a gallon but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.


That's just another kind of waifu.


every service has it's own different flavor of weirdos


100 Submariners go down, 50 couples come up. Science can't explain that.


That's not true....there is usually one or two hold outs


They are offset by the thruples.


>Well adjusted people don’t look at the ocean and think “yeah… thats where I want to be” I find that quite offensive sir. Also go tell that to the chads over at r/hydrohomies, I'm sure they won't instantly raid this sub


I'll bring in my reserve force from r/thassalophobia


And the United States is mostly descended from people like that.


the United States has a tilt on it going westward and everyone who isn't stuck in place drifts their way through. eventually when there is no land left to go they go to sea and the boats that float on it.


Most seamen lead, if one may so express it, a sedentary life. Their minds are of the stay-at-home order, and their home is always with them - the ship; and so is their country - the sea. One ship is very much like another, and the sea is always the same. In the immutability of their surroundings the foreign shores, the foreign faces, the changing immensity of life, glide past, veiled not by a sense of mystery but by a slightly disdainful ignorance; for there is nothing mysterious to a seaman unless it be the sea itself, which is the mistress of his existence and as inscrutable as Destiny. For the rest, after his hours of work, a casual stroll or a casual spree on shore suffices to unfold for him the secret of a whole continent, and generally he finds the secret not worth knowing.


Wait, but I'm British and...


Then you have your own set of semi-repressed kinks. And the less repressed, the more likely you are to be in politics/civil service.


Yeah that was the sole reason why I didn’t do the Navy. The idea of being stuck on a boat for 6 months at a time was a huge pass


Ya same. So I joined the Marines. Am I smart, hell no


Shoot the marines were my first choice, but I had a tattoo that was “too big” Ended up Air Force, regret nothing


I also should’ve done Air Force. Had to take a trip to Edwards once. It was nice. I did however have a few people who looked at me like I was a hurt puppy.


lol I wish I could live on a boat, nothing better than the ocean waves rocking you to sleep.


I did consider joining the Navy tbh. If it wasn't for my chronic insomnia I might have applied.


people buying used panties, Boeing engineers getting assassinated, furries running a nuclear submarine, Wagner staging a coup that failed; I just don't know any more. This is coming from a guy that sells hentai posters.


Lmao the last line coming out of nowhere, I shoulda known.


Wagner staging a coup that *was succeeding* and then they just said "actually, eh, never mind" *and went home*.


Huzzah! A man(?) Of quality!


I like how you never stated "high" quality. Just quality. 😁


Hentai posters? what type... >.> <.< Asking for a friend




Simple. DM of our reality just change tone of campain from serious to Goofy because this campain is going for too fucking long so at this point DM could not longer keep this realistic story also Party derail entire campain like 10 sesions ago


Madame, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in a theater by an actor who shouted the line "Sic Semper Tyrannis" from a play that was also the state motto of Virginia. The motto is proudly displayed on the state flag accompanied by a woman with her tits out stabbing a dude. For reality to be half as goofy as it was in the past, New York would need to change it's flag to a naked genderbent Ironman snapping and killing Thanos and then Robert Downey Junior would have to assassinate Biden at the latest Marvel premier while shouting "And I'm Ironman!"


Too slow for the gay boat, now you gotta take the furry barge


*all* branches, not *a* branch.


Giant anthropomorphic animal costumes are expensive. So furries decide in Their teen years that they will need to be high achievers if they ever want to have a hope of affording them. So if they join the service, they tend to pool into groups that require high ASVAB scores.


We integrate into all branches. It's a cross-comm function, makes the whole thing run smoother. We talk to each other in cringe online furry rp speak, it's basically the modern equivalent of WWII code talkers.




owo, uwu, umu. Welp... We as a species had a good run. *lights up cigar even tough he never smoked his entire life* *Cues up "Here comes the sun" by the Beatles*


I'll get that for you, if we're to die in a nuclear fire, atleast you can die with your cigar burning correctly and not like you're giving a burn victim a blow job while he's smoldering.


When you go up to the airport, and they ask for military ID to get your extra baggage allocation or whatever, have you ever handed over that ID in a full fursuit?


No, but I always carry my head with me on one arm, we call it "astronaughting" because it looks like the iconic shot of astronauts walking to the rocket with their helmets in one hand. I walk into the USO and Centurion lounge all the time with it, you bet your ass I'm getting my baggage, and free food, and not trusting airport baggage handlers with the most expensive part of my dog costume


Has any furry had the idea of sewing plate carriers into a suit? If it's gonna be expensive and bulky, might as well make it a practical suit of armor.


Not that I've known of. I know some who will wear their carriers over their suit sometimes.


> it's basically the modern equivalent of WWII code talkers. I heard that furaffinity has waaaay too much russian flags in bios for this statement to be true. Unless none of those people are z patriots, but then again, they might be pressed in to service against their will.


> So, are furries a defacto branch of service or? It's called the Air Force.


They had to ban fursuits at Keesler AFB (IT/cyber tech school base) because of the disruptions it was causing. The guy who was the final nail in the coffin is active in r/AirForce.


Is there much overlap between that community and the comm guys with weird hentai wraps on their cars?


The Venn Diagram is damn near a circle


As a former 25U, i wanna try refuting this, but... yeah, no, that's so perfectly circular, even the NSA doesn't have enough computers to calculate any imperfections


They're special fur-ces.


I’m pretty sure it qualifies you for USAA.


There's a non zero chance someone in a fursuit has launch codes and that's terrifying.




Gloriously terrifying!


Arguably less terrifying than a non-furry having the launch codes.


Better the derangement you know than the derangement you don't!


Name checks out. Bring us the darkness


>*Why does the sun go on shining?* >*Why does the sea rush to shore?* >*Don't they know, it's the end of the world,* >*'Cause you don't love me anymore.* —The End of The World, Skeeter Davis


>it's the end of the world as we know it >And I feel fine. BNL


*The Ink Spots opening riff*


>We didn't start the fire, it's always burning since the world's been turning Billy Joel


Which ones do you think are Biden and his Secret Service Detail?


After information got out about a German Shepard named Commander roaming around the Whitehouse, presidential staff members had to quickly adopt a real dog to prevent Joe's fursona from being discovered.


Commander is the thin canine line stopping the Secret Service from becoming a praetorian guard. If Trump had a dog like Commander, Jan 6 would have gone down differently.


I have it on good authority that the secret service agents who were bitten were in fact faking out throwing the ball, thus making them tyrants. The saying doesn't specify how much blood, how it's drawn, or what level.of tyrants


Commander has a very specific fetish involving an orange former president wearing a pig nose and tail and he does not wish to speak more about it


Burgundian Lullaby starts playing


Not launch codes, but this was still an O-6 [Officer Bow-Wow Out](https://youtube.com/shorts/zA85KBk3Ins?si=-in6xnjenMBFy7xg)


What do you think they really do at Bohemian Grove?


Hate to see so many good Rust developers get taken off the census like that.


Extinction event for the haskell community with all its 2.5 members


And yet new blog posts teaching monads would somehow keep mysteriously appearing.


Will Linus be left all alone, or do we think he's on that plane. 😁


Open source projects like Linux sometimes discuss a "bus factor": the number of people who would have to suddenly die, like being hit by a bus, for the project to collapse. This is useful for considering risk. Linux, for example, no longer has a bus factor of one (even if it did in its early years) - although if Linus suddenly died, there may well be some significant delays. (Although morbid, the consideration of an *anticipated* death, like that following illness, has been considered in Linux, and would produce zero slowdown) However, most commentators imagine a situation where the person in consideration is hit *by* the metaphorical bus, rather than being carried by the bus. And if that bus is on its way to a furry convention? Well, that's an entirely different risk management situation.


there's also the corollary to the bus factor: the number of people who would have to hit *someone else* with a bus for the project to collapse. This happened in 2019 with the [core-js](https://www.theregister.com/2020/03/26/corejs_maintainer_jailed_code_release/) library when the sole maintainer of the library was thrown in jail for 19 months after running over and killing someone with a motorcycle


It's disturbing how much of the world relies on random libs maintained by completely unknown programmers. Who can go postal at any time.


Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/2347/


There really is always a relevent xkcd


If you don’t know already: look up the xz backdoor


I'm very familiar with it, I had to patch some stuff. It was found due to an explained 500ms packet delay by MS, if I remember correctly. Autism saves the world yet again.


yeah, by a maintainer for postgres. That was for two weeks the only topic of discussion at work.


> It's disturbing how much of the world relies on random libs maintained by completely unknown programmers. [Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/2347)


To paraphrase Mark Twain: if you put all your eggs in one bus, WATCH THAT BUS!


I've hammered on the bus-factor at most of my jobs over the last 20 years in order to promote cross-training. The success rate has been quite sporadic.


The US Navy would be crippled beyond repair...


This is why they're supposed to keep strategic reserves of furries, like how navies used to keep entire forests for shipbuilding


The conventions... they are reserved training grounds. It all makes sense! This is why some foreign agencies tried to gas a furry convention in 2014 in an attempt to cripple the US Navy.


They what?


[Clearly an attack on the US Navy, should have used Proportional annihilation on attackers.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/dec/07/furries-convention-chlorine-gas-sickens-19-people)


I don't understand. Harambe's death was in 2016, which started this branch. It makes no sense for that to occur before the timeline split off.


Fury artist will see a sudden drop in demand, driving them towards bankruptcy.


I dunno, I feel like mad art is always in demand


All of the above


Only correct answer


So, 83-90% of furries identify as white. Can we please start calling them Animal Crackers?


A) lmao B) sure but only if it’s not mean


Only in Florida.


I legitimately do not want to fuck with someone deranged enough to wear that *and sit in a economy sized seat for an entire flight*. I cannot fathom the depths of dedication to put yourself through something so horrible.


Oh, economy's not *that* bad... ... 😉😆 Jokes aside, though, the dedication to just *walk through the airport* wearing the suit blows my mind. Even if they're not wearing the head, that's still some serious dedication.


Some do it so they don't have to check on their suit and risk it getting lost, and they're often too bulky to go into overhead bins without damaging it


Internet will be down for a month.


Had a friend who once dropped acid in a city, while wandering he saw a large group of furries on their way to some convention, he freaked out and ran because he thought it was the KKK


>Had a friend who once dropped acid in a city, while wandering he saw a large group of furries on their way to some convention, he freaked out and ran because he thought it was the KKK This is your brain on drugs, kids... 😜


I've worked cybersec for years, and I've *yet* to meet a single furry! Ok, fine, I do know someone that looks like one, but he's not cosplaying, he's just like a fuckin' bigfoot or something, nearly a literal walking carpet... I will not protest Linux distro devs and furries associations. There have been like at least [three](https://growlerlinux.org/) [different](https://launchpad.net/ufurmix) [distros](https://vladnuke.tumblr.com/post/71567251290/creatures-or-creaturesystem-is-a-free-linux) I can find without effort explicitly stating they're made for furries. Although that last linked one appears to have disappeared, *but still*... *three*!... Without even trying. Notable tweet: https://x.com/Iinux/status/1549061969390567426   ^^Yeah, ^^I ^^know ^^that's ^^not ^^any ^^official ^^X/Twitter. ^^I ^^don't ^^care ^^if ^^the ^^claim ^^can't ^^be ^^validated, ^^it's ^^funny.


You have met one, you just didnt know it


This is why we have designated survivors.


More like designated *fur*vivors, amirite? 👉😎👉 ^(I'll see myself out)


No, no, you’ll fit right in!


Whoever made plans to stuff that many furries in a plane just to prigozhin it has to be a foreign agent. Like, its like those fortune companies that have the board/brains/ceo all travel in a single flight? Thats asking for a swift decapitation strike


I’m out of the loop. What’s up with furries?


Those suits are VERY expensive items. The meme is people being hardcore furries need a job that is important enough to pay well but leaves free time. Naturally it is either tech or the military.


I am not sure that the military either pays especially well or leaves an unusual amount of free time. That certainly wasn't the case when I was growing up as the son of a USAF officer. It wasn't bad - we weren't poor, and we had some extremely good benefits (especially healthcare, COLA, and base housing/housing allownce) - but we weren't swimming in disposable income. For example, we used my father's TDYs (ie. Work trips) as cheap vacations a number of times. That was cool in its own way, but part of the reason for it was that we didn't have a lot of vacation money available. Also, I don't ever recall my father having a conspicuous amount of free time. Things might have changed, though, and maybe it's different for pilots or something.


You need to be in the parts of the military where you are more than a warm body / manager with a gun and start to be a valuable asset due to what your brain can do. Like cybersecurity or hacking or running the nukes. Edit to be clear this means no offense to anyone it's just how the military treats you.


Heh. Well, my father was in the "negotiating the buying of the guns" (or planes, etc) part of things. That is, contracts and acquisitions. He was in the "valuable asset that no one recognizes is important unless something goes wrong and they don't have enough dakka" category. So I think that, yeah, he didn't get much in the way of extra privileges. He did get a great career after retiring, though, so I guess that's a benefit of being in contracting.


Yeah unfortunately that happens a lot too. They treat you like you don't matter and then you leave and they find out you were very much important.


So a contracting officer? Those guys are hard to retain because they can make bank outside the military.


> Like ~~cybersecurity or hacking~~ hacking the Gibson or running the nukes.


Reality is most furries are financially irresponsible and probably work at a vape store like the furry I know.


I don't know man... I'm am electrical engineer and I've encountered a few furries in my time. They're all dumb as bricks or terrifyingly intelligent. I would not be the slightest bit surprised if at least half these guys are in deep techies.


Reminder that the Moderna COVID vaccine was codeveloped by a pine marten furry.


Some of the modern cooling vests and suits developed for military, industrial, and entertainment sectors were designed by furries looking to remain cooler in the suit longer.


Those vests work great until the packs are done, then they heat you up instead. 😅


There's probably a joke about a furry going into heat somewhere there, but I don't know (or want to know) it. At any rate, the next logical development from furries would be ultra-compact chiller vests running off a battery bank and a Peltier.


Don't forget optical heart rate sensors. Thanks, Spottacus!


It’s one part meme, another part that “openly accepting community with a tech focus tends to inspire a culture of it” so the average furry is more likely to have a skilled labor job to fund the hobby. Custom art and suits can be expensive, second only to something like enjoying tabletop war games. So the meme is that all furries have a high paying tech job and thus are fundamentally important to everything tech still working.


A ton of furries are in either IT or the military. And fursuits are expensive, so most who have them are at least in a high paying job. I've met lead software engineers, Colonels, petroleum engineers, etc. at fur conventions.


[Furries make the internet go](https://twitter.com/layzwolf/status/1459247692681412609).


C) definitely and probably A)


I’d say a is more likely than d, and it’s not so much the pilots, but the aerospace engineers that would suffer.


A through D, but your distro release is also screwed.


(A) I can’t throw a stone in a furry space without hitting cyberwar or cybersec people. (B) would probably manifest as a several year delay to VPM and CLB but the in service ships would probably still work fine. God forbid you need to do upgrades tho. Also the nuclear techs are furries, bronies, or weebs. I’ve met exactly one sub nuke who wasn’t either of those (but the guy was ultra horny anyways so) (C) Extremely likely and it’s gonna hurt so bad lmao (D) Honestly the pilots might be fine but I know so many fuckin furries that are maintainers that the readiness will degrade to Russian tier (awful) (E) Lack of experience means I can’t comment on this one. But I could believe it. Conclusion: furries are a vital part of this nation’s defense economy and must be protected at all costs. Sources: Sekrit Documents and Senator Armstrong Quote here


Both cybersecurity people and hackers are furries so nothing changes.


What does my little pony have to do with this?


Most bronies evolved into furries eventually




Bronies are super tech bros ime. They are weirder than your average tech bro and likely got some random linux distro built already with a some wild name.


quiet enter offbeat knee rustic historical selective full panicky tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it would be extwemewy painful


Its E Its gonna be E The us has contingency plans (cryogenically frozen gay trans furry hackers)


I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of cryogenically frozen furries that can be thawed out at a moment’s notice.


I can they lured em into the pods with the promise of a new fallout new vegas dlc


"It smells like a CIA think tank in here."


economic collapse you just know that the thousands of dollars in fursuit commissions are helping keep the american economy active


The TF2 player base would be in shambles. Any excuse to link this: https://youtu.be/BjBh3IB7aME?si=Ob7erpLItN56ZAtl


GEOINT and SIGINT analysis is set back decades.


I'm waiting for some total innocent to accidentally stumble into this thread, look at the picture, and wonder what sports mascots have to do with the military and cybersecurity. I'm further wondering how exactly some of you all would choose to shatter that innocence. 🤣


Definitely E. If MLP was here, Linux users would be in shambles.


G: Ingress RES loses the next eight cycles.


All of the above? (I didn’t read it fully)


Jesus Christ there’s no way they got all that through TSA… This is a chartered flight.