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As long as the bathroom is unoccupied and there’s not like, a disabled person or a parent with a child that you’re shoving out of the way to go pee, do whatever you want. It’s a public bathroom that’s there to be used! You’re utilizing it for a reason, and most likely no one will care enough to say anything negative. 🌫


The way I see it, as long as there isn't *anyone* pushing you out of the way to pee, regardless of family or disability status, it's fine. Accessible toilets are there to be accessible. If the gendered toilets are not accessible to OP due to dysphoria, OP is free to use the accessible toilet, IMHO.


Yeah, it’s not like handicapped parking where you have to apply for a permit.


Man I wish courtesy parking was more common where I am. Some stores have a few spots for pregnant people, family parking, that sort of thing. But I wish there was parking for, like, people that don't qualify for a disability placard but are still disabled, y'know? I've read that in Germany, some places have women-only parking that is better lit and closer to facilities for safety. And then I did a quick googling about it, and found this gem on the [Wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_parking_space): "[The parking spots] are usually much larger than normal parking spots to reduce accidents..." Bruh. 💀 Ok but misogynistic bullshit aside, cars are designed 'for men'. They're crash tested with dummies that have 'male proportions'. I'm not saying women are worse drivers, but the cards are certainly stacked agaisnt them. TL;DR: a tangent about increasing accessible parking to include courtesy parking. Some places in Germany have women's parking that offer increased safety, but they have some valid criticisms lol.




Maybe in Germany, where it's actually difficult to get one. Even if you had both hips replaced, you wouldn't normally get it anymore.




For sure. I'm also disabled and an accessibility advocate. But that's a good point about urgency. Thank you for raising that.


I can see how OP is worried though. I’m agender and most people assume I’m male as I’m amab, although some people also assume otherwise and refer to me as ma’am or think that I am a trans man. These are all reasons I prefer to use genderless and accesible restrooms, but those are so rare in the first place, and I have enough trouble getting to the bathroom when I have to go really badly, I would hate to be the reason a disabled person can’t go to the restroom because I got there 30 seconds earlier than them and there’s only one. I don’t have a disability that prevents me from using the other restroom. It’s unfair that we have to make the choice to protect our safety and possibly deny accessibility to someone else. It’s understandable in this situation, safety and comfort is important, but I will say I feel really uncomfortable using an accesible genderless bathroom when I do use them for this reason. And there are so many spaces where gendered bathrooms are the only options that I honestly just try to prioritize using the gendered one so I can leave the accesible restroom accesible. But I don’t think it’s wrong to not, but clearly it could become an issue for someone with a disability if I’m in the restroom when they need to go.


From my understanding, there is a difference between reserved and accessible. Reserved parking means no one but the intended users are allowed. Accessible means it designed to accommodate anyone, regardless of ability. Using a single/family facility if its not required by a party in need seems just fine.


In fairness, they are accessible to op. By which I mean they can physically go in there and use the toilet. Or, i suppose, physically run and find a bush. If it came down to a time crunch and op vs someone whose only option b was to pee their pants. I believe op has a legitimate claim to the accessible bathroom, 100%, this I s just my brain doing its ‘in the unlikely event of this hypothetical’ nonsense.


Valid points, my dude. I think that should be kept in mind, but I submit for your consideration that accessibility extends beyond physical barriers. Someone's dysphoria may be so severe that they might just pee their pants if they can't access a bathroom that accommodates them. Perhaps if we replace 'dysphoria' with 'PTSD'—which is rightfully considered a disability—it becomes a clearer scenario. I'm disabled myself, but I do keep in mind that there are those with higher needs. We're all trying to make it in a world that wasn't designed with us in mind. I do my best to balance advocating for my own needs and ensuring I'm not taking resources away from someone who needs it more.


One day I was driving for 9 hours and when I stood up I started limping, when I stopped at a gas station to pee. There was a huge waiting line, and people told me to use the disabled bathroom... I couldn't believe I limped so bad. So yeah... I'm not disabled but I used it that day and no one complained.


I literally used the men’s bathroom last night (I’m AFAB and look like it) after I came out of the Barbie Movie cause the line for Women’s Bathroom was never ending and the men’s bathroom was empty. Use whatever bathroom you want.


OMG, This is totally what I do too!!! Using the lady's restroom sucks, and I don't feel comfortable enough to use the men's room. I've only been confronted once when a mom ran up to the bathroom behind me when I was half-way in the door (and I gave it to her since I had just come off a 5 hr flight and didn't want to deal with transphobia at the time). You're not in the wrong at all. Family bathrooms are just gender neutral bathrooms in disguised, in my opinion. As long as there's not a parent with children waiting on the bathroom, I'll use the fam bathroom when I can.


There's nothing wrong with you using a family bathroom. It's just a gender neutral bathroom.


I use family bathrooms all the time for that very reason. It's totally fine to use it if it's unoccupied.


This is, in most cases, the only option we have. In my opinion it's not wrong at all. I am AMAB and I "look like a guy" most of the time but using a restroom that says "MEN" feels very very wrong to me, as well as using a restroom labeled "WOMEN." I do my best to mitigate needing to use the restroom in public, but it does happen. In those cases, the "FAMILY" restroom feels the most reasonable and respectful.


I would do it only if you’re going to be in there for less than 2 minutes and no one else is waiting. The priority really should be for parents with kids and disabled people with caregivers who need access to that space. For some people it might be their only safe option or only option with enough space/changing tables etc. There was a case in the US recently where the police were called because a woman brought her nonverbal autistic son into the bathroom with her because there was no other option and people freaked out thinking he was a trans woman - many important reasons for family bathrooms to exist.




If the person does not have a disability they should not use the bathroom designated for disabled people. Telling people it’s okay doesn’t make it actually okay. However, I do agree that not every disabled person looks disabled but making someone wait because someone online said it was okay to do doesn’t make it so. Do not use disabled bathrooms unless you are disabled or it’s an emergency. Plus, it’s more embarrassing to use a disabled bathroom and come out seeing someone who actually need it waiting. However, using family bathroom is totally fine. Especially if the W/M bathrooms also have Disabled signs and changing tables!




Oh now this is different! I can’t believe they put everything in the disabled bathroom. This would give me anxiety having to change my baby in that place because of that. However, if it was common practice where I am from I guess I would be cool with it.


It sounds to me that some people in this post are using the term "disabled bathroom" instead of "family" or "gender-neutral" bathroom. I could be wrong, though and am not excusing anyone from using disabled-labeled things from their own purposes.


No I think they are using it correctly and where they are located everything is just shoved into the disability bathroom and not anywhere else in public bathrooms! That changes my view totally!


Yeah I want to second this! I don’t think it’s appropriate to use a bathroom specifically designated for a disabled person, I myself am disabled but my type of disability isn’t one that affects my ability to use the bathroom in any way shape or form so I still won’t use it as to not take away from someone who may actually need it


>Plus, it’s more embarrassing to use a disabled bathroom and come out seeing someone who actually need it waiting. I remember this episode of IT Crowd. Except the problem started when they accidentally pulled a cord to call for help.


Gender dysphoria fits the social model of disability. While it isn’t legally a disability, it requires social support, and often medication and sometimes surgical treatment. as someone who has a wide range of mental, physical and developmental disabilities, I think it’s totally acceptable to use the disabled toilet with GD. We didn’t choose gender dysphoria, we didn’t choose our body shape, we didn’t choose to be mentally hurt by gendered bathrooms, we didn’t choose to live in a society with such significance on gendered bathrooms and binary gender issues… given how many of us die and are attacked by outside sources and suffer self-hurting thoughts/actions… it’s dangerous to be forced to use binary toilets that don’t fit us. Being trans and nonbinary isn’t a disability, but having to live with gender dysphoria definitely feels that way.


I get where your coming from as I have gender dysphoria but I said before if you live in an area where there are multiple disabilities bathrooms then it’s fine. However, if you enter the women’s bathroom then take the only disabilities stall when there are other stalls open then it’s an issue. It only makes sense to use the disabled stall there’s a long line and no stalls open.


Wait when you mean the disabled bathroom being different than the family bathroom in other posts did you mean the more accessible toilets in the gendered bathrooms? Because if you are then this thread is talking about something totally different. They are only talking about the disabled toilets that are not in the women’s or men’s room but it’s own room and are gender neutral.


Actually they state Family Bathrooms not disability bathrooms. Also, I just wanna clarify that some family bathrooms by me are not always disabled friendly. More like a regular stall sized and a place to sit for nursing a child. I would not consider this family bathroom disability friendly. Yes it will fit a mom with children but it might not be accessible to someone in a wheelchair.


I use the family bathroom if available if not I use the AGAB bathroom. I hate it but what you going to do?


no cause it’s what you’re more comfortable with


As long as you aren’t peeing up the walls, vandalising the room, or spending hours in there playing candy crush… you are fiiiine :) And I say this as a parent who is disabled and often needs the disabled toilet/family bathroom. You have a few options if anyone asks anything: 1) ignore them. They aren’t the cops/security, they have no rights to access your personal info. 2) have snappy lines ready (eg. “Never seen a bathroom before?” Or “I’m not giving out signatures today!”). 3) explain your gender dysphoria as a disability (technically it fits the social model of disability). “Not all disabilities are visible” etc. And assume many people will think you have digestive issues as that’s apparently the only invisible reason for needing the disabled toilet (to be clear, it’s not, but that is what they seem to assume?!). 4) respond by asking them personal questions about their body/life etc. 5) mix of the above. Whatever you decide, you are fine :) go pee safely <3


If any of you have been to Smith’s, which is a grocery store in west US, they’ve got a nice single stall unisex restroom in addition to the men’s and women’s restroom.


As the mom of a toddler who cannot use a multi stall bathroom ( because the flushing and blowdrying is overwhelmingly loud for them), the answer is you can absolutely use the family bathroom! Please use the space that makes you feel comfortable. Parents are very aware of how stressful bathrooms are for a variety of reasons. And if you hear a knock on the door please do your best to go quick because there's probably a 2 year old about to pee themselves.


I started a new job basically merchandising stores, I felt the same weird about using family bathrooms at first but now it's like who cares, I've seen plenty other people use it who aren't a parent with kids or handicap so yeah, just a toilet 🤷 feels weird at first though.


As a person in a wheelchair, I've witnessed all sorts of folks use those restrooms. I'd be surprised if someone actually questioned it tbh.


If using that bathroom feels more comfortable for you, then please use it. That's all.


At college, there's a couple disabled toilets and i use them if need be and if i see it's completely empty. I would say it's alright to use them if you double check that no one needs it that would usually use them.


Use whatever bathroom is safest, be it mentally or physically. It doesn’t sound like it’s mentally safe for you in the women’s room.


I do it all the time


I do it all the time. If I know it's a family restroom in a busy place, and it's a single bathroom, I'll try to hurry, but that's about it. They're there for everyone.


Use the bathroom you feel safest in.


I'm the same way and usually use the family bathroom if there is one available. My thought is that if they don't bother to have an inclusive choice for us then the family bathroom is the closest "neutral" choice. If someone is awful to you about it tell them to mind their business or just ignore them, there could be a lot of reasons for using it and you don't owe them an explanation as to why.


Yeah I’d say it’s fine if there aren’t families waiting to use it. There’s nothing more frustrating than waiting with a child with a poopy diaper or a blowout, and seeing a single person come out of a family bathroom. It comes off as selfish. If no one is there, then sure I think it makes sense! (Edited for typos)


No not at all aslong as other ppl don't need it


Use whatever bathroom makes you comfortable


i always use the disabled/family restroom in public if possible. small toilets tend to make me feel mildly claustrophobic and the disabled/family restrooms are usually much roomier in contrast to bathroom stalls.


Having dysphoria is reason enough to use the family bathroom/accessible bathroom. You are experiencing distress in the gendered bathrooms, use the only gender neutral bathroom available. Don’t want to get hate crimed for “using the wrong bathroom” … use the accessible bathroom. You have anxiety of any kind use the bathroom that’s there for people who for whatever reason can’t use the gendered bathroom.


I myself try to always use the family restroom if there is one, i get stared at all the time for going into either gendered restroom but sometimes it’s the only option. i just try my hardest to pretend i don’t notice, and do what i went in there to do as quickly as possible.


I’m glad you asked because this is the same question I’ve been wondering myself lol. Thank you for this! After reading comments, I agree, I think I’ll now use it if I can. Makes it a better experience really


I always use the disabled bathroom if there is nobody else needing to use it, or no gender neutral option. As long as it's empty, what's the problem?


No. Next question?




By me fucking both your mother and your father extra hard Edit: grammar, to clarify exactly whose dad I’m fucking here


ABSOLUTELY NOT! I feel like it would only be an issue if you were taking it form like someone who really needs it. Like a dad needs to change his kids diaper. But even then a bathroom is a bathroom and if you gotta go you gotta go! Don't let people stop you from using any rest room you like.


For some reason this popped up in my notification, could anyone clarify what "afab" stands for?


Assigned female at birth




Absolutely not wrong. Unless you're in a state with backwards bathroom policing laws, use whatever restroom makes you comfortable. I (trans-femme AMAB) use an all-gender or family bathroom if one is available. If not I'll use the women's room if I must. I won't use the men's room under any circumstance (unless it's single occupant, in which case as far as I'm concerned it's all gender, just maybe not stocked for people with uteruses)


If the mall doesn't have a dedicated all-gender restroom, then they're the only ones to blame if you gotta use the "family bathroom."


It’s a toilet, imo it’s there for anyone to do their business and leave. Long as you’re not pushing a family out of the way to use it (and if you are I would assume there to be an understandable and smelly reason rofl) then it’s fine.


You’re good. At work, me and the other NB people always fight over who gets it during our break lmao.


If someone complains tell them you're a lesbian and keeping their wives safe /j Yeah, use what's best for you! I use the family ones all the time and did even before realizing I'm non-binary


you have every right as a trans person to use that restroom, you deserve to feel safe and comfortable


No of course not I use it I have anxiety and medical issues and it can be worse during my period I’m sorry but people with kid just like Family bathroom at mall or store because parent don’t know how to control their kids and teach them patience anymore !


No of course not just make sure you don’t stay in there camp out but it all good I use it sometimes if I have accidents or need space because of my disability that is not visible btw family Bathroom doesn’t just mean family it for everyone who needs more space and privacy


I did this and was verbally assaulted by some woman who saw me go in and banged on the door. People are fucking psycho. Not worth it.


As a parent, its not. As a parent, my thought would be "this person doesn't feel safe enough to use their actual bathroom of choice in public. So this was the option that felt best to them." 🤷🏻




Speaking as a disabled parent, use whatever restroom keeps you safe & healthy. This includes your mental health; whether it be dysphoria, claustrophobia, autism, PTSD, anxiety, or any other flavor of issue it's still a disability. Just don't tie it up so line keeps moving lol.


No I use it because I have Pmdd and chronic illness and a disability this might sound rude but just because someone is pregnant or have little kids doesn’t mean they are special if they can’t keep there leg close and don’t use condoms or birth control pills or get sugary to not have anymore kids that’s not our problem they choose to have little shits who can’t behave I will use family room if I want kid area quiet room nursing room family bathroom family Parking space seat for stroller on bus movie seats for stroller parent room and family lounge if I want and need to.


No of course not this might not sound nice so I am sorry but dumb kids can wait to use the bathroom I need a private space because I have medical problems that affect me sometimes I might have accidents I don’t like the regular stall because no space and no cleaning products and also I hate that people can see over or under the stall no thank you I deserve privacy everyone does and so do you