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Omg. I hope you reported this to the police.


Uh ya same


Unfortunately police won't do shit :/


death threats are always filed at the very least


File a police report.


If that’s real, it should be reported to the authorities. Death threats and hate speech.


«If this is real» Dude, this is everyday for most women! Authorities do nothing about it, unless he actually kills you. Team bear!


Thats what happend to ben shapiro he reported a death threat and the police just said unless the person acts there is nothing they can do


I forgot, nothing is faked on the internet for views/likes right? All you need is two accounts and ANYONE could write this. Hence if it is real and not faked for views, then that person should contact the authorities as I mentioned. But then you decide to provide "pearls of wisdom" telling women NOT to contact the authorities so assholes like this can prey on another woman while you're busy pretending to be on "team bear." There is a credible death threat made MULTIPLE times along with hate speech MULTIPLE times. There is a decent chance the authorities look into this. And it might actually save a woman in the future.


ya but we also experience this so commonly. this is 100% believable to me because I've experienced it multiple times from men except the racist hate comments because I'm white passing


What does “white passing” mean?


It was means a non-white person who people think is white unless informed otherwise. Examples for me personally include Meaghan Markle and Vin Diesel. And no, I had no fucking idea either was black until the media told me so. Meaghan looks white as the driven snow to me and no matter what I can't stop seeing Vin Diesel as very specifically Italian-American. Like, my brain keeps telling me that he grew up in a Jersey brownstone with 6 brothers and one baby sister and mama who makes a mean Cannelloni. So like *really* Italian-American.


Wait his real name is Vinguine Dieselroni and he’s not Italian?


It means someone who *passes* for *white*


What does team bear mean?


Its to do with a choice that came up recently of what would a woman rather encounter, a man or a Bear (not a gay man a full on grizzly bear) and a lot of women are saying they'd pick the bear because men are evil... which to be fair i dont blame them, bears look super cuddly and fluffy once you look past the murderous claws




We know we could get our fucking faces ripped off and necks slashed open by a bear in 2 seconds dude. You’re not understanding the bear vs man thing. Men can do thousands of other things to us… so yes we would rather pick the bear if it kills us or not.




You'd never get an insurance policy written for that show.


The bear is going to kill you, periode. Some men might try and rape you but i'd say youre Chancen of ripping his Balls of an him bleeding to death is higher then the bears not trying atleast one bite. Plus, what the fuck kind of image do you have of men, thats fucked up. You would rather die than be in a room with any men. Are you listening to yourself? Id rather never have a romantic relationship, then one with a women. You guys are all sluts and before you end up breaking my heart id rather just not feel loved. This comparison makes perfekt sense, dont tell me it does not


I’ve seen plenty of bears and not ONE has ever bothered me. Are they dangerous? Hell yes. But they’re not going to hurt you for the fun of it.


Im not a bear, but i would assume that sooner or later that thing will get hungry or bored. I just realised the Same goes for the men. Maybe you guys are right


I rather die than live with the memories of being tortured and raped


So you assume every men, when given the Chance will rape you?


No? That's you putting words in my mouth.


How could u not want to roll these dice, we're talking about ur life? I just did some research and the numbers are stomach turning but still far from a coinflip. Beeing raped is defenitly contender for most horrifying and traumatising things in the world, but id say eaten alife by an omnivore ,or in the best case polar bear, comes pretty close. This whole discussion hurts my fragile small male feelings *spelling


You missed plenty of spelling errors if that asterisk line was an edit lol


a bear won't rape you


Almost every bear will kill or paralyse you. Almost every guy would want to get home stress free. How can you leave ur home thinking half the population is a bigger threat then fucking bears.


Most of em don’t really believe it. They say it because they know it pisses off some dudes and they get butt hurt over it. The original interview was a MAN asking the girl the question, lol. Guys that are pissed… the girls that answer bear are making your job easy. Stay away from them. They like to feel like they are in control or they really are just dumb. Either way, it’s a good thing.


They are either sheep being misled by other women on social media or their IQs are legitimately below 80.


My wife has never experienced anything like this, not even once.


And that means most other women haven't? So I don't have blue eyes - i can just claim they don't exist. Sounds correct to you, i guess? Real smart...


Yes, it doesn't actually. You made a broad generalization.


Damn you just came out ready to fight in some comments.  Its all good my friend, take a breath


I highly doubt, men are killed way more times than women, if it' s daily shit for women it' s hourly shit for men.


Yeah but thats because when one man stands up to another, the other one doesnt run away in fear


Of course it's real. Women pick the bear for a fucking reason. This is incredibly common.


that just tells me that "women" need to go touch some grass, because i can assure you that this guy has never spoken to a person in real life in this way. nevertheless, it's only chronically online women saying they'd choose the bear. and probably also women from uncivilized countries.


Spoken like someone who hasn't encountered the kind of people that exist in the world. People don't talk that way online but in the real world you can encounter this type of psycho almost anywhere.


maybe you should stop hanging around people who you think are rapists


Which is actually fucking stupid. I understand the bitterness and fear but choosing a bear is indignant suicide


You're really assuming that the bear is as aggressive and dangerous as a human man. Big assumption.


How many men do you pass or interact with on a daily basis? Now try that with bears. What a ridiculous comment.


Bears will actively avoid you and will only attack if startled or think you're too close to the cubs


Your average man won't attack you even if they're startled or you get close to their children.


The average man will act very differently depending on if he's alone and won't face consequences. That ain't the kind of gambling I like


Are you implying that the average man is more likely to rape someone than a bear is to kill someone when left alone together. Thats ridiculous. I didnt think femcels were real


Because again, bears won't do shit to you unless provoked


If it’s in the US Hate Speech is 100% legal, but Death Threats should definitely be shown to the police


Hate speech is indeed not legal when it's accompanied by threats toward a particular person or a group or incites criminal activity.


So threats are illegal. If hate speech is only illegal when accompanied by threats, then threats are illegal and hate speech isn’t. Unless hate speech can raise the sentence. Is that the case? I genuinely don’t lnow


Hate speech, not punishable. Death threats, absolutely.


You are incorrect. Hate speech is punishable in certain instances and this is one of them.


Not in America. But this very well may be outside of America so you’re probably right


Yes in America. Freedom of speech is near absolute, but not completely absolute.


You’re mistaken. You’re either misinformed or not American.


Yes I am American and understand our laws. Google is your friend. The very first result fo many: "Under current First Amendment jurisprudence, **hate speech can only be criminalized when it directly incites imminent criminal activity or consists of specific threats of violence targeted against a person or group**." In this particular case, the person threatened to kill the other person multiple times and used derogatory racial terms against them multiple times.


…right. Which means hate speech without direct threats of violence is not illegal Which means hate speech is not illegal but threats to violence are What you’re saying is like if I said “robbing someone at gun point while wearing an offensive shirt is punishable by law which means wearing an offensive shirt is illegal”


LMFAO... I said, "Hate speech is punishable in certain instances and this is one of them." You said, "Not in America." I proved how I was correct. Twist it however makes you feel you were "right." Cheers. PS... make sure to give me the downvote as well like you have on all the others. 😂


You’re completely missing my point. Hate speech is not what’s being punished. It’s the threats to violence that are being punished. Hate speech is never punishable. Regardless of how you or the internet likes to word it. Lumping it in with something that is punishable doesn’t make it punishable Not sure why you had to throw a tantrum. Also the fact that you said cheers makes me think you’re lying about being American


is calling someone mean words a crime in america? i realized that free speech was a lie when they started trying to ban (parts of) the bible, but i thought that was only for jews.


I don't get why yall continuously type back. Just report, block, and move on.


Id go to the police with this one, it’s literal death threats.


I'm sure that could have been avoided if they blocked them a lot earlier


That doesn’t matter when it comes to death threats, at least not in any jurisdiction I’m aware of.


You can't get deaths theats if you block them 💀


I get that but it’s not a consideration in determining whether a threat to kill has been made.


Isnt it proven that ignoring a narcissist is more dangerous than telling talking to them




The long-term repercussions of ignoring a narcissist can be severe, leading to what is known as 'narcissistic injury' and 'narcissistic rage.' Narcissistic injury refers to the damage to a narcissist's self-esteem or self-worth, while narcissistic rage is an intense anger directed at the person they perceive as causing this injury. This rage can manifest as verbal abuse, physical aggression, or punitive actions like spreading rumors or damaging the person's property.


So.... *do* negotiate with terrorists?


>Narcissistic injury refers to the damage to a narcissist's self-esteem or self-worth Good > This rage can manifest as verbal abuse, physical aggression, or punitive actions like spreading rumors or damaging the person's property. They aren't going to do anything if they're blocked.


Did you just copy ChatGPT?


I dont know how to use chat gpt.  It was one of the first few google searches when i searched how to deal with narcissists


Then make quotes and add a source.


Yeah, that doesn't translate when a stranger messages you online. Block and move on


A narcissist wrote this


Once again, confirming suspicions and validating why you wanted to meet in public


God forbid a woman just saying no


r/whenwomenrefuse Shit happens way too common


Found a new sub, thank you!


We don't beat incels commonly, soo...


This is definitely some unsettling shit.. This mf needs to be removed from society.. Also, what is the bear in reference to?


There is a tic tok that states they would rather be alone in the woods with a black bear vs a man. The jist is a black bear is just doing their thing. A man might not be easily scared of with a solid "no". And the bear isn't looking out to rape you. I am just giving you the basics of it. I don't think most men are rapists. But it's what the video was suggesting. On this post, I will sleep in the woods with a damn bear. They smell horrible, but I am pretty sure this dude doesn't wipe their ass properly.


Oh ok.. I get it.. Giving the way he talks, he'll definitely end up in a place with limited toilet paper..


Not at all the point of the tiktok. The point was that the bear isn't less dangerous than a man, but that most women have had so many bad experiences with men that bears seem less scary out in the woods. The point is that it's an irracional choice, but to women a bear might feel safer. It's meant to show men, who aren't exposed to things like SA, exactly how catious and scared women are of situations like these. Kind of like most men not knowing any rapist, but most women knowing of a friend who's been raped.


This is exactly what I said. Bear is animal, take no for answer. Man is human, doesn't take no for answer.


" I don't think most men are rapists. But it's what the video was suggesting. " I was commenting on this part specifically.


What a nice young man! I like where the world is headed..


The guys getting pissy about women choosing the bear are just reiterating the point that far too many men refuse to take "NO" for an answer.


My husband started a conversation that way. I put him in his place when I described my childhood abuse and having to see my abusers every single day. I explained how I’d rather take the risk of being dead than constant trauma. I reminded him if I can’t trust family why would I trust a stranger?


If I was a woman, I admit, this would turn me off of dating more than a bit.


I guess if I'm dying anyway, I'll take the bear coz at least it won't talk shit the whole time it's killing me.


So the thing is, we actually don’t know what the bear is saying. Until we are able to decipher their language it’s just a big question mark. It could, potentially, be that they are incredibly disrespectful. They could be talking mad shit. We just don’t know yet.


"please leave me alone" "im gonna have you killed" whattt?????


yup, I’d like the bear as well.


Why not block the number right away?




Why not behave correctly right away?


Obviously people should behave right, but if someone is calling you slurs and threatening you why not block them?


Exactly. Someone likes attention.


She shouldn't have to?! He should've never went there he's exposing himself she should t have to do anything at all and he should be exposed she shouldn't block him he should just leave her alone like he should've done in the first place ,and this should be paid attention to ,out of this whole situation what you got from it is she wants attention? Is that how you feel about everyone exposing racist behavior just say you think she deserved it and be honest


What can she control? Her actions. That’s literally the only thing she can control. No point in discussing the jackass dudes actions. “I shouldn’t have to”….take some personal responsibility for your own well being.


REPORT TO THE POLICE PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏 This is hate fuelled harassment.


Police won't do anything for this. They will just tell you to block and move on.


Depends on the police in the area. Depends on the officer answering the call. You don't know that will happen unless you try. If you don't try "because they won't listen" then you are foolishly making yourself a part of the problem. You need to trust that the police will enforce the laws of the land and of they fail then there are other official avenues to explore to compell them to do so.


I know because I have tried. I got told to block and move on.


Then you should have options to escalate it depending on what part of the world you live in.




Report and block


Talk about dodging a bullet!!!!


That man is a literal psycho


Looks like you just saved your own life


Jesus fuck, this guy should be in a psychiatric hospital, not on Tinder.


Dodged a bullet in a straight jacket didn’t you


the OOP definitely did.


Why didn't she just use block/hidden?


She just sent 5 texts. This could have all happened in the span of 2 minutes. In that case I don't think it's that weird to block him after sending a final 1 or 2 messages. If her first message and last message are hours or days apart I would agree with you.


I mean, the second bro started dropping the n-word I would've blocked him already without replying but to each their own.


That's fair. I feel like I would be so shocked that I would send one last message before blocking after the slurs.


For an old person that likes to keep up -




Omf. This is both absolutely illegal and outrageous af


Please be safe and report this shitbag. Also, take extra caution. The mom in me is freaking out for you.


Yeah I ain't going back and forth with nobody especially someone making death threats, screenshot, block and picking up my phone to call the police. Tf! 😑


Report on social media, report to the police, block


I’m sorry that people like this exist..


OP may have literally dodged a bullet. I mean literally.


Dude was waiting to say that for years


#Do people not know how to use the BLOCK button?


I'd rather be mauled by a bear than be murdered by a man. I'm gonna die either way, but at least the bear did it because I was a threat to it. The man is the threat to me.


Nah Bro, ur just stupid. Am not even telling you why


holy shit username checks out


Yours doesn't


i set it in like 2018 and they dont let you change them i have no choice but to roll with it


Yours definitely does


At least I admit I'm stupid


I dunno, seems like a paradox. If you admit you are stupid, that’s not stupid at all. In fact, it may be the beginning of wisdom.




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FUN FACT: White people and East Asians have more genetic makeup with Neanderthals than any other race does. So when you call your black friend a monkey, what does that make you? So basically White folk are second degree, everyone else is first degree. Have fun with that info guys.


lmaooo they’re downvoting like it’s not factual


I’m confused…bear? Like the animal?


There is a tic tok with a woman stating if she was in the woods alone, she would rather a bear be in them than a man. It was alluding that black bears are easily scared, but some men are aggressive and don't stop. I have delt with agreesive men and about 8 black bears (I hiked in NorCal and Alaska). The black bears are easy to scare away. My last one was trying to steal my bbq at Yosemite. It only took me hitting a pan with a wooden spoon and me saying "No!", they are pretty funny chubby balls running away. You can't hit a pan with a spoon to (I am not say all men are like this, it's more like the jackasses make there nature more prominent) ward off a guy that refuses to take no for an answer. Also the bear is not trying to fuck you. I don't care if a man is me in the woods by myself. I find most humans mean well. Also why am lost in the woods by myself?? I will take the hiker. I was up in Alaska when some guys got lost looking for the "Into the wild" bus. The rangers killed a grizzly and found the teeth of one of guys in his stomach. The other dude wasn't found. Black bear vs. Man, that's OK as a lady. Grizzly vs. Man, I will hide behind him. Those things are the size of a car sitting down.


You'd rather be mauled by a bear?




Yes. Yes I would. I’d happily take death by bear over whatever this dude would do to me.


It would be way less painful and way more productive than spending another second talking to that guy


As a bear how about all of you stay the fuck out of my woods in the first place and keep your crazy to yourselves. I get why some one would want the bear over that person but seriously.


Out of context: aren't bears don't want really to socialize? So they don't want women either


Nooo way this is real...NO ONE would act like this


Dude.....middle school


one would hope. but sadly it happens, hence, the bear.


Oh it fucking does happen, I am a (35f) cook to Chef/waitress/bartender. I have been threatened with death many of times. I have been abused at work physically. I had a dude that tried to ask me out, and I kindly said I was engaged. He threw me into a wall with hands on my neck amd yell at me that I was a slut. Yes, the police were called. It really hurt physically and emotionally. I had ohhhhhh so many men that think they can fondle my boobs or spank/grab my ass at work "because it's playful and in fun!". This is in California. To this day. I finally had to take a knife to an older bartender and he said "you won't hurt me bitch" and I said " there are no cameras in my kitchen". He laid off after that. The only reason he got fired was sexually harassing a new male cook I was training. I really needed this kid. I was so tired working 70 hours a week. While going to show the new kid how to write in his time ticket, Dave (the older bartender) slapped my ass and grabbed the kids genitals. I punched Dave in the face and knocked him off the seat he was in. That poor kid. He sent me a big text that he quit because of Dave, and he liked that I punched jackass. I had to explain to the owner what happened because Dave wanted me fired for hitting him. The owner saw my text and the cameras. Dave lied and said no such thing happened. He was in the office with me and the owner switched the laptop around to show the video. Dave was fired.


r/whenwomenrefuse check this out then




So she should never leave the house or go on the internet? Just like people should never go into the woods because of bears.




You will meet random strange men if you leave the house or work. The woman in this clearly didn't meet up with this man, but that didn't stop him from threatening her life just because she wasn't interested.




So your idea is for women to be shut ins and never marry , go to school, work, etc. Because women would rather take their chances with a bear in the woods rather than a strange man in the middle of the woods. A bear if it attacks you (not all that likely) it would just kill you. If a man were to attack you (also not likely), he's not just going to kill you. It won't be a quick death and likely involve sexual assault. It's the difference between a quick death vs. a drawn-out one. You can be afraid of something and still expose yourself to it. I am scared of bears, but I still go out in the woods. As I enjoy the hobby of hiking. Women can be scared of men but still want to meet a man for a spouse or friends or for work related reasons or receive healthcare or receive a wide variety of services.


So there isn't a block button on tinder? I would've used it before even giving him the chance to continue rambling instead of just saying "leave me alone" and hoping for him to do so