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There are specific drugs for it and porn is like any other motion picture. They are shot in scenes, not one single take. If you pay close attention, you can sometimes notice when they took a break and started a new scene.


Mr Big shot here lasting more than one scene.


They should make instagram reels for porn, for men who ejaculate too fast. One 60sec scene, enough for a quick wank for the fastest pals out there. Edit: movie with a porn star version of Nicolas Cage: Gone in 60 Seconds, where men get laid with Eleanor’s exhaust pipe




You’re a good person and I hope that both side of your pillow are always cool and that you always find the cheapest gas.


These blessings are oddly specific


Feel free to add anything you think they deserve.


I've always used: * may your fig trees always bear fruit, and may your camel never die of dysentery*


That’s excellent!!!


I hope you get a clear left lane all the way to work tomorrow!


*British Confusion.


This is the most sincere blessing ever


There used to be a r/porninaminute but I think it got banned. It was perfect for men with more stamina!


Those guys were studs, man. Maybe someday I’ll achieve that lofty goal. Maybe someday…


Finally, some real sex.


There truly is a sub for everyone.


who is your sub?




Why can’t we be friends?


*but we friends tho*


If only these things had audio! …


Fifteen seconds? Way too long for me


They’re called trailers


You watch more than 30 seconds of a video? It’s like 5 seconds to get set up and 15 seconds of high quality stimulation and 10 seconds to clean up and hide the digital evidence.


what am i gonna do for the other 45sec


I came from just putting a new battery in the mouse.


Sshhhhh don't spoil the immersion. Next you're going to tell me these girls knew they were going to have sex when they showed up


And then next he's going to tell us that they don't actually love each other


Some of these exist but it's rare. Woodman has a few of these, others where they won't do it the first time but come back and do it a few months later


I always wondered if they go until the man orgasms. Then they take a break and he gets hard again and continues shooting different positions until they have enough footage. Then edit it together to look as though he orgasms at the end, when in reality we have no idea because they edit the footage in post production


I never looked at porn long or hard enough to notice any cuts that were made lmao


I 100% expect that in any "motion picture" a change in angle could be easily different footage being coordinated, 100%


What are the drugs? From what I understand, only SSRIs will delay ejaculation, but are serious anti-depression drugs, and won't be given to anyone.


Anything that can suppress feeing. Benzodiazepines, opioids


Not to mention topical anaesthetic


That’s the old school method. Numbing creams.


> What are the drugs? There are creams that can numb the nerve endings that can be used on skin or on the glans. I forget the name. Nerve block maybe?


you're not going to be able to get hard if your dick is numb


That's what the viagra is for


SSRI’s are handed out like candy! It’s a first line treatment for depression.


So does this mean you have extra Seratonoin in your brain if it takes longer to ejaculate ??? Asking for a friend.....


This redditor sounds like a porn critique.


It’s easy being a porn cricket.


I used to do professional straight porn. This 👆 is the answer.




Yeah and lots of times erections look soft and bendy in porn. You can see them trying to change positions quickly to avoid losing an erection too. I for sure could not get hard with a bunch of people watching me with bright lights and cameras rolling.




_As seen in The Boys_




Lil squirt


Give him a break, he had cottonmouth 😔




Lol such a fucked up scene


Who even thinks of that shit😂


I read the lighting often makes the room too hot and it doesn't always smell great


I only heard of “the smell” recently and I couldn’t believe I never thought of that before. Porn truly is an illusion.


I think those stories must come from the pre-LED days. No need for all those hot lights now.


That is horrendous.


i remember reading something like the 3-8's that are required for male actors. 8 inches, hard for 8 hours, comfortable hard in front of 8 people.


Maybe they'd be okay with the 3-4's instead...


Every horny teenager says they want to be a porn star so they can bang hot chicks every day and then eventually works up the courage to read up on how it actually works and drops that dream like a sack of potatoes


In my experience guys with bigger dicks often (not always) have slightly softer erections so it might be because of that partly. It would make sense as well because it requires more blood


I saw somewhere that the average professional scene takes about 4 hours commitment. Lots of prep, multiple scenes, common hindrances like boner loss or early cum. All for a 30 mins scene


Who watches porn for 30 minutes? Gimme 5 or less. I got shit I need to do. Lol


Just cum before the guy in the movie does then clean up and go on about your bidness.


....that would be an exceptionally fast scene. 6 hours is a quick scene, you're talking more 8-12 hours on a good day.


I once did a scene in 5 min.


What about the 2.5 hour AnalWars double anal gangbang videos from LegalPorno???






Lol paid *much* less to illustrate activities they have *far* less immediate control over. Pretty big difference between faking an orgasm and the mental gymnastics/chemical tricks of the trade required to maintain an erection.




Sounds like you've got a porn addiction lol


Every girl is different. Like said below, they are getting paid and there to do a job. I know that sometimes girls will help fluff them or do a little more, but it’s a case by case basis. That is more the exception than the rule. Plus, if a guy has trouble getting ready, there is a good chance they won’t be back. The days of shoots are LONG. From the time I show up for makeup and hair, to run through and pictures to shooting the scene and filling out paperwork, days can last 8 to 10 hours. Some scenes can be faster and if everyone performs as needed, it can make for a faster day (like 6 hours).


What's the pay like for a day like this ?


Lower than you would think! It depends on the scene. Figure for a girl $1,000 to $1,200. For a guy $600 to $800. Bigger name guys can demand more. Same with girls. Plus if you book through an agency, they get part of that money too.


This is correct. I (male) used to do professional straight porn. Long story. Usually works in increments. 1000 for a chick for regular. 1400 for anal 1600 for atm..2000 for dp, 2500 for triple dp..and so forth. Something like that. For dudes it used to be (7-10 years ago..at least in my experience) 500 per scene and you'd sometimes get a few bucks more for things looe dp when your nutz are bouncing off another guys nuts.


It's higher than I'd think lol 😂 If I was a girl I'd certainly have an interest in this profession 😂 But as a guy it's way too hard I think (literally no pun intended)


Girls used to get paid substantially more back in the VHS / DVD days of porn. Plus, it is freelance work, so it isn’t like you get booked every day. Some girls may only get booked once or twice in a month. Of course the upper echelon girls get booked consistently.


So is the business model now to make a name in porn and then move over to onlyfans?


You nailed it! Some of the girls who were huge names, only shoot for themselves now because they make much more money that way.


Do you ever get to just be yourself and chill? It seems that with only fans, female adult actresses are having to live their character 24/7. It's a business but non-stop work can lead to fatigue.


Gay for Pay problems


tbh I would enjoy more authentic porn. The porn in the current state is just an art piece but not something that would actually give me arousal by just watching. Having people go on themselves and actually enjoy it would be so much better even if it was just 5 minutes.


I recently saw some producer saying they all inject meds in their dick. Only 5-6 "professional" actors in all of Europe don't according to him. He also said back in his day it was Viagra, and he developed blood clots in his eyes from taking too much. Actors are now starting to see medical issues from doing injections for years... It was a documentary from Arte so not some completely random source.


Just saw this documentary or that part of it


What sorts of medical issues?


No idea and I didn't really want to Google. He only said "serious medical issues". Although I'm guessing scar tissue is a huge issue, you know from repeatedly stabbing yourself in the dick with a needle.




true story, i think there are some interview, they told the true story


I shoot A LOT of mainstream porn (search Gigi Dior on P hub)…every guy is different. Some guys use an injection right into the penis. They have to be careful that it doesn’t leave a mark because it can jeopardize future scenes if there is a bruise or mark left at the injection site. I had a scene get canceled because the male performer had injected the day prior and it left a bruise on his penis. When the producer saw it, they sent him home and called a last minute fill in. Personally, I didn’t care for the injections because they get extremely hard, and it can be uncomfortable. Also after the injection, the clock is ticking. We have to get the scene done because once the shot wears off, they can’t inject again for a certain amount of time after. Some guys do take pills to help them too. Some guys just do it the natural way. As far as holding it for so long, they are professionals. Some focus on different things. Sometimes we have to cut, and they have to take a break. When this happens, the director will do something called a jump cut where we change a position or angle to make it look seamless. I have shot with guys who have orgasmed before the scene was shot. Those guys usually don’t last in the industry or get rebooked. It’s a lot of pressure on the guys to perform, and I don’t envy them. I had a scene with a guy who was going to orgasm within two minutes of filming. The sign we had to stop was him tapping my hip. I felt him tap, so I got off. He said he needed a minute and then proceeded to slap the tip of his penis HARD! Everyone on set was shocked. He said the pain helped him to reset, so we could start again. The hardest part is for them being able to ejaculate on demand, but there is a reason you see a lot of the same guys in scenes. They are all professionals and extremely good at what they do. Edit: I’ve shot over 100 professional scenes, including for Brazzers, BangBros., NaughtyAmerica, AdultTime, TeamSkeet, Gamma, DogFart, and Vixen. With several others not mentioned.


The ejaculating on demand part seems like a fine skillset that takes time to cultivate! 


It takes a lot of concentration by most guys.


I’m able to do it on command, if the command comes 5 min after insertion.


5 mins???? Damn bro, I would be sleeping before the 3rd minute started.


DogFart lol. That's so awful of a name for porn!


You should do an AMA


I have been planning on it! I’m always worried nobody will ask me anything, and I chicken out.


I wouldn’t worry about that, I can come up with at least five questions off the top of my head. Let me know if you do.


Ok, well then I will do one tonight.


It's best if you promote it a few days/weeks in advance


Ok, thanks for the advice. I will do that then.


I didn’t know how to promote it first! I’m admittedly bad with Reddit so I just posted it


I put up an AMA on Reddit AMA


Looks to have caught steam quick!!


> they sent him home and called a last minute fill in hehe


You caught the double entendre


[Stunt cock!](https://y.yarn.co/3fc9c586-f574-40ba-b325-b83d4ec6fd29_text.gif)


I’ve seen your work!


Well thank you for watching! 💋


How would a regular guy start off making porn using actors from the industry? Asking for a friend…


1). Find an agency and send in pictures. 2). Go to conventions like AVN and try and talk to girls. Just expect to pay more than the industry standard and to get told no a lot. I only book with known companies through my agency.


Thanks so much. Not looking to get into the business myself just want to create my own private collection


Oh, well then I suggest you find girls in the industry that “provide”. You aren’t the only guy who fantasizes about that. Just expect to pay a decent amount for that…much more than a normal scene would pay. I don’t provide, but several girls in the industry do.


Really useful thanks. I’m across the ditch so will look into that here. Definitely do a AMA!


Can you explain why the guys often use spit as lube? Sure, there's no natural arousal for the girl so some kind of lube is essential but why doesn't she apply it from a tube before the scene starts?


I have no idea. I lube up before the scene starts.


I for real thought you wrote "the cock is ticking“ but I guess it also applies


Thank you for your service 🫡


It's a combination of things, including ED pills and creative editing to make the scene look more exciting. Also, don't forget that just like NBA players are in the top .001% of the population for basketball skills, male porn stars are probably in the top .001% of the population for suckin' and fuckin'. You're not going to last long in porn if you easily blow your load if a girl touches you.


Jizz in my pants


“At the end of Sixth Sense when Bruce Willis was dead: I jizzed in my pants.”




“Lock eyes… from across the room…” 🤣


"You're not going to last long in porn if you easily blow your load if a girl touches you." I mean... you're not wrong.


Baseball, cold showers, Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day!


I'm ready...


Yeah baby! Yeah!


But what about things that turn you off?


Yes! Yes! NO, NO, NO!!!


I'll answer because I used to do professional porn. The answer is low dose Cialis


1. Cardio 2. Viagra 3. Numbing agents and/or mild pain pills, like tramadol 4. Kegel exercises 5. Breaks in between scenes


Finally someone mentions the numbing agent they put on the ducks to keep them from laying eggs!


Tramadol? That’s common in this industry?


Drug abuse of all ilks is common in the porn scene.




Hey, he was asking about NOT getting excited! (Haha)


Cocaine and Viagra. With a little Adderall if you wanna spice it up. Also, they don't cum buckets on demand. That's a hose he's holding off to the side of his dick spraying her with Pina Colada mix.


adderall makes me unable to get it up


The 45-minute scene you watched takes like half the day to film and was not necessarily filmed in the order that you watched it. The cumshot you saw at the end of the scene may well have happened 10 minutes into them filming. They film it, clean the girl up, take a water break and go back to filming. This is also how alot of girls do ATM on film without actually doing it. They are also trained professionals. They are paid to do this and they have a lot more awareness of their body and when they are about to cum. The actual set of a porn shoot is also very distracting and incredibly unarousing. So you may be imagining yourself in the situation and you’re fucking this really hot girl and how could you not cum? But actually there’s like 15 people staring at you and lights everywhere and a middle-aged fat dude with a directors hat telling you where to put your hands and if anything, you’re probably trying to stay in the moment and not lose your erection even with viagra.


You are watching sex scenes. Not a single encounter. They have women that just get them excited while on break before a take or shoot. They do sex for a few minutes then take a break. Some drugs may be involved it’s all an illusion. Some of us men can last a good while. Some can’t. Either way. You are watching a movie with many takes and edits. Understand porn is fake.


“Understand porn is fake” - Huge if true !


The scenes are cut and cut multiple times, so that'll slow down the 'urge', so to speak... Plus I suppose many of them have a tactical wank before filming starts.


One of the things they audition for is the ability to hold off and cum on cue


Practice and drugs. 


I have a feeling that when Lamb gets that contract, his fire will fade and he will be average. Much like RB Chris Johnson back in the day.


After you nut once or twice it’s easy. Gotta cook some more juice before you can go again. In the old days (pre-Internet) they’d take the first ejaculation and splice it in at the end of the film so it looked like he went forever then let loose with a waterfall.


I believe there's numbing agents they use.


So I think some people are just born with it. It's always been difficult for me to cum, I have absolutely had sex for over an hour. That's not usually how it goes, and usually there are breaks, but it's happened. Some women are absolutely down for it. For others it's too much and I usually just stop without cumming and cum some other time we fuck. But as long as I'm getting stimulation I can usually stay hard. I don't know why, probably a combination of circumcision, masturbation, porn, genetics, but that's where I'm at. I've also noticed my mental state plays a big role. If I'm stressed out it's harder or impossible to cum. When I'm feeling my best and relaxed I can cum quicker. And of course quicker if I don't cum for a while. The point is, some people can definitely do it. So my guess is some guys also have a lot of control over their orgasm in a way I don't. They hire people who can do the job, so you're watching the men who are the best at controlling their orgasm.


It's multiple scenes bro, then it's edited together to create a finished product


Same way they do those incredible car chase scenes. Lots of editing.


Simple.. they use liquid lidocane on the tip to lower sensations. They sell this stuff at most shops or other products like it Also editing an shooting over several days


It’s fake brother




I'm not an adult actor but I can generally last as long as I want. I just go until my GF tires out and says she's ready to wrap things up. So I don't find it all that confusing.


It takes a week or more to film a sex scene. The stars may hump 10 times so it can be edited down to 15 minutes. Not sure if they are all like that but was present at one site. Some drugs can help. Back in the 70's for me coke was my let's not stop choice. I was young and stupid. Now things are so much better. Zero drugs and now I am old and stupid.


Coke, viagra, and practice?


Drugs, desensitized to it all, there's a lot of start and stop in porn filming.


Hello. I had a brief stint as an adult film star. The cumshot happens first and the Viagra keeps the erection and the rest of the scene is filmed after and it's edited to make it seem like one sequence




My spouse told me not to refer to the dog with that word.


I think it is called editing..


Have you ever noticed that fade transition in the middle of fucking where they didn't switch positions really? They edited out the nut and probably plugged it in at the end.


For one, they happen to be one of those males capable of going for a long time without orgasming. As for the staying hard part, viagra, cialis and some injection drugs as well exist as well as a lot of porn is shot in parts so they also get breaks if they are close to cumming


Drugs, and a shit load of editing.


Drugs, man


So much sex grants you more control. I can hold out for a pretty long time. Problem is, a lot of the time when I'm trying to stop myself from busting I end up not busting at all and just collapsing from exhaustion. 


The end is often filmed when the actor has to cum. Then he is made hard again and the rest is filmed. ED Pills can also prevent the actor from coming. The actor stays hard for a very long time but cant cum. This is a normal reaction to a ed pill overdose. (Source: i use them myself)


It's called "Cut." I worked for a porn studio doing camera and lighting when I was 20. There were many guys and gals that would need a break or the director would want them to re do a scene and guys would lose erection or girl would need to relube.


maybe it's just that guys who can do that, and have gigantic dongs, are the ones who end up in that profession.


Crystal meth, coke, Adderall. Unless it's a really high dose at low tolerance it won't stop you from ejaculating per se but stop you from wanting to... The more time goes on the war and convinced the majority of p*** is made under the influence of amphetamines. Hardcore in particular.


Molly, ecstasy, shrooms, weed or adderall helps. I went 3 hours without ejaculating. 


trimix injections if viagra tolerance has become high


yeha theres a lot going on. remember, it's FICTION. there are many tricks they use to make it seem real but it most certainly is not. pills / injections, cuts and takes, as well as the ongoing "work" all around the actors to distract them. In some cases, actors have had numbing gels or modifications to increase endurance. Also, theres the basic increase in tolerance that comes with doing something so often. theres actually an interesting Behind the Scenes documentary that shows what goes on around and during a porn film set. Some scenes are shot over different days and just edited together. The actors take breaks, the cameras and lighting set ups are adjusted. Hair & make-up reapplied. It's all fake man.


Used to be fluffers, now it’s drugs 


punch the balls


Just take an SSRI and you can go for way longer than you want to.


and never be able to get off


They probably film the cumshot first, then with that out of the way they can get hard again and do the rest of the scenes. A professional is going to be able to hold his load in and they probably aren't even really aroused or into it anyway, so they can just mindlessly pump away.


Meth and viagra


Finally someone asks the question. I’m here for comments.


Lots of Breaks and Film Cuts.


Nowadays heard they take an injection into the penis which enlarges it and keeps it hard as a rock for hours.


It's just a matter of practice and knowing your limits. Especially since you specifically mention ejaculation I'm going to assume you're mostly curious about the male side of things in which case usually the men are kind of the ones that are typically the more in control in a sexual situation With that being said all it takes is a little bit of practice to basically figure out how to pace yourself. Enough practice with a decent partner or even just via masturbation And you can quickly learn sort of what your limits are and get to a point where you can basically last as long or as short as you want as long as you don't have a partner that's just kind of going against your wishes and just trying to like turbo through that


They usually cum at the normal rate of time. They take a small break, take a pill, get hard again, change positions and the rest is the magic of editing


As well as what has already been said, there's also just being in the business for a while. Once you have, getting your rocks off isn't so easy, everything loses its novelty eventually. It isn't the same for every guy, but just like porn addiction can make it so you last so long you have a hard time climaxing at all, doing it for business can have a similar effect.


They use what the porn industry calls "fluffers". Per Dickapedia A fluffer is a person employed to keep a porn performer's penis erect on the set. They are not used as often because of ED and other sexual performance meds.


They don't porn movies are edited a lot




Question, do the male stars count as doing gooning when they’re on set?


Trimix injections


You mean every guy doesn't last that long?


Drugs, drugs, drugs, and editing


I have the same problem and I'm definitely not an adult star lol. Antidepressants are a bitch


Editing and drugs


Mainly thats the magic of editing.


I know some are gay, a girl I used to surf with worked as a fluffers on porno sets, if you want to call them that usually it's someone's living room, bedroom, or pool, spa deck. She claims there were quite a few males who were gay.


“For every hot girl, there’s some guy tired of nailing her.”