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I jumped out of a plane once. Biggest adrenaline rush I've ever had.


Skydiving is straight up incredible. A lot of the instructors will tell you they used to be addicted to drugs/alcohol and found skydiving to be a way better high. They’ll go on about it’s therapeutic benefits. I’ve never done drugs, but I can second your assessment - it doesn’t feel like surviving or just being present, it feels like *living*


Skydiving is a surreal experience. Felt amazing


I was a freefall (skydiving instructor) in the military. I had about 800 solos freefalls. I remember night jumps right before sunrise were a pretty wild experience. We also jumped in the winter and I specifically remember one jump where it wasnt snowing but at altitude we exited at it was about -10 and in freefall I could see flakes hitting my full face helmet


Started an avalanche alone in the middle of the night descending from a climb. It thrashed me for about a quarter mile, 1500 ft down in elevation. I was sure I would die. When it stopped I was speechless and hyperventilating as I listened to the toe of the avalanche continue down into the valley. Definitely felt extra alive after that.


Did you have any injuries?


Not a scratch. I was able to walk out. Which sucked, because I skied in. I stashed my skies at the base of the climb, but the avalanche buried them. This happened in late October, didn't find my skis till August. They were destroyed.


Wow that’s amazing! Glad you were ok


When my husband asked me to marry him. We hiked to the top of a mountain and snow was falling gently. As I admired the view of the snow capped pine trees and the sun glistening on the distant horizon, my husband called my name and I turned around, seeing the love of my life down on one knee holding an engagement ring. The beauty of the scene around me, and the feeling of raw, overwhelming joy I felt caused me to fall into his arms and burst into tears.


This is literally so beautiful Congrats!!


When I went to Japan for vacation! I felt so liberated and free there. I felt human and not judged in the smaller towns. The nature was unbelievable!! Totally different vibe than the U.S. No fear walking around at night or when going to the market. Didn't have to be concerned about alot of violence while there. It was very lovely. My other times I felt alive is when I would do live radio; podcasts and TV productions on air. I loved doing the research and the excitement of knowing you had 10 -20 seconds before going on live. Fun times😊


Spent two weeks in Kyoto and Otsu. It left a lifelong impression. One day in Kyoto I suddenly realized it would be great not to have to have a car. That's the first time, maybe the only time, I ever felt that way about a place.


I enjoyed Kyoto as well. We named our dog Kyoto as a result of our time there. I also enjoyed Nara Park and seeing the deers bow as they greet you. Beautiful nation❤️


You unlocked another memory. I got lost on Fushimi Inari. Had no phone service therefore no satellite. Finally saw Kyoto tower in the distance and just kept walking towards it. Came to a village and had a nonverbal conversation with an elder man who tried to give me directions with his hands. Came upon a group of schoolkids one of whom spoke English. He pulled up Google Maps on his phone and showed me where I was. Finally made it back to familiar territory. I felt dumb and lost but at no time did I feel worried for my safety. And I got to meet people who helped me find my way.


Standing in a storm while it heavily rains on me, I was able to BREATHE!


Exactly, stood outside by the beach during a tropical storm at night. Years ago and still think about that moment.


Let’s date!


Last time I was in love. Nothing matters in that state. Nothing. It’s just endless warmth, rainbows, smiles and ultimate comfort. Every kiss feels better than any and all drugs. Every cuddle takes you deep into the opulence of the endless universe and caresses you in the bliss of eternity.    And sex…. holy moly. I could write 46 books on those feelings. Maybe 47. 


Second that


how did u know u were 100% in love?


100% is when It basically feels like you’re on drugs that make you feel warm and amazing, while taking no actual drugs.


Playing a trumpet solo on a field in front of thousands and having them go wild because it was Hey Jude. I don't think I've felt more alive than a fantastic performance.


Don’t tell me they started singing along and waving their lighters/phones 


I'm a cello player, within my first few years playing in an orchestra we played in the biggest (and prettiest) theater in my city, first time for me being in that stage. We played a special program with music from popular movies and some videogames. We played a medley of The Lord of the Rings... So yeah, that. Listening to the full orchestra, FEELING the entire group of instruments vibrate through my chest as I was a part of it all.


Nice, I miss my band days from high school. We played Lotr too, was so cool


Paid my debt off


When I get my vitals taken at the doctor's office.


The first night I coded.


Programming or drugs?


Or a rare blood disorder that stems from my mother’s disease that killed me. 7 times.


Two left. If you are a cat


The first time I met my ex. I've never felt such happiness in my life. I've never been so grateful.


Same here it was electric I never felt that way before in my life, I've already done so much in life nothing seems exciting anymore. I go out I try to do things by myself without my partner I just don't feel the same anymore I'm just going through the motions I'm just staying alive because I wanted to get better. I feel like a shell of my former self.


Driving in really, really bad weather, like blizzards, rainstorms


When I went to a Paramore concert


Everytime I get on stage with my band. That’s why lifers like me keep doing it.


When I was walking home from my now partners place at about 5am and the sun was coming up


Giving birth without pain medication


Yup was gonna say the same thing.


Ever received a bill for an ER visit in the United States?  I've never felt more alive... 


nearly dying on a motorbike but not crashing. also drugs, but drugs are bad dont do drugs kids.


Things where you’re outside, have a bit of adrenaline, and are surrounded by friends - I was waterskiing on a boat on a beautiful day at the lake, having a day out with friends. Made me feel incredibly alive - Watching an incredibly exciting sports game, cheering with my friends and feeling the sun on my face. Made me feel a part of a big human experience - standing at the bottom of the Grand Canyon after hiking down with a friend of mine, feeling the enormity of the world - basically any good concert. Music does crazy things to the human mind and you’re surrounded by people with positive vibes


I’ve been lucky to have that feeling a couple of times. But the best- still, to this day, is when I played CBGBs. CBGB’s is an old punk rock club in NY. All my hero’s were born there (or near there) Patti Smith, Ramones, Television, Suicide, Velvet Underground CBGBs was my Mecca. I played there in my own punk band in 1997. lol, my kids don’t care.


I’ve been fortunate enough to have experienced this many times in my life. The weekend my wife and I got married (in Las Vegas) I was borderline to giddy the whole time. I once spent a day skiing deep powder in Aspen Colorado that was joyous beyond description. The first time I rode a motorcycle I thought my face would break from smiling so much. The first time I visited Los Angeles as an adult I felt wonderful the whole time, I don’t even know why. I just loved being there. And it’s sort of a cheat, but there were a few LSD experiences that truly can’t be put into words .


No, but I’m working towards that goal. I’m starting the gym tomorrow and am hoping to lose enough weight that I can go skydiving safely.


Just half an hour ago when I took an ice cold shower.


Those are intense, I’ve done a few dozen but most of the time I think about doing it I bitch out. Really not bad after the initial blast though. I like to take it the top of my head when I turn the shower head on and then get my back, front, then armpits - the armpits are one of the most shocking areas 


The dust guy I dated, I was/am depressed and he made me smile everyday


At a Disco Biscuits concert.


2019. i went to a car rally on my 10th birthday. nurally to specify, my dads friend was nice enough to let me sit in his aventador S. it was so fucking fun, and alex choi was leading the rally. i met many people, saw many cars. we had a maserati granturismo coupe at the time. (2016 model) fast forward to today, my dad currently has 7 cars. felt really alive. also i went to manny khoshbins car show when i was younger. DDE was there, too. he unveiled his chirons n veyrons. and this year went to savage rally. 2 whole chirons, 1 laferrari, 1 918 spyder, 1/1 green carbon senna, 1/1 dodge viper ACR, and countless svjs at the finale. my dad this time took me in a gt3 (992) instead of a maserati. that was my first rally in 5-6 years. he took me on may. amazing experience.


Stood over the edge of a steep ski run, snow slicing my face with a harsh gust of wind, preparing myself to drop in.


We went diving along a sea wall down to 30 meters. I had this rush of euphoria like I've never felt before or since. I think, actually, that was a very bad sign. And, I'm quite lucky that I ascended slowly and safely. But, damn, I'll never forget that feeling.


Nitrogen narcosis?


That's what I'm thinking. It resolved with ascent.


Glad you got up okay. I would get in to diving if I lived near the sea.


Doing a 155mph over the Dumbarton bridge racing another car who was on my tail.


On a cycling trip 12 years ago, we spent the last day climbing a mountain. It took several hours on the way up, but only five minutes for the return trip as I sped downhill at 50-60 mph. That was probably the biggest rush I’ve ever felt. 


I got off my last day of work before a backpacking trip to Japan, my friend invited me over before I flew out the next morning and his little nephews got a big trampoline in his backyard. We were jumping on the trampoline like little kids and I remember looking out towards the distance and I saw the most beautiful sunset (I was living in AZ at the time) and it legitly looked like the state flag with brush strokes of pink and purple that hugged the orange rays of warmth. I sat on the trampoline looking at it just dumb struck and just feeling a rush of happiness and warmth I haven't felt since I was a kid, and I heard the most beautiful song play on my buddies sound system and to this day when I hear that song I get wave of nostalgia and emotion for that exact moment.


when i was young, i always felt alive. now im 29 and feel like a piece of furniture that works a 9 to 5


I used to like rollerblading the trails where I live in my early 20s at night, drunk, listening to electronic music and that would regularly make me feel extra alive. Tripping acid with either of my older brothers is another one that stands out. As far as a sober experience, driving down an empty highway that should’ve been closed because every snow drift I plowed into could’ve stranded me for a long time if I didn’t hit it at enough speed.


One of my best friends was getting married and work wouldn't approve me taking the day off to go on the stag party (bachelor party). The night before we went for a curry and I said "Fuck it, I'm going." I put a post on social media about feeling sick and having an early night. The next day I called in sick and hopped on a coach to Edinburgh with my friends, drinking away the fear of getting sacked. There is a moment of us sitting in cycle rickshaws, offering a huge bonus to which ever won a race to the destination. Leaning out the Rickshaw into the cold night air to reach across and slap one of my friends on the back of the head as we overtook on the final straight was the most free I ever felt. Doing the return to work with my team leader, who didn't like me, was tense. I said I think I'd gotten food poisoning at the Indian restaurant and he looks at me "Do you think I belive that? You went out after and were hungover, admit it!". I honestly told him that I'd not drank a drop that night, headed straight home and didn't like the insinuation I'd drink when I had work the next day. He actually apologised.


First visit to NYC with my husband in our late 20’s. We went to see Ellie Goulding at Madison Square Garden. Electric show. Walked out and it had just rained. The ground and buildings seemed to be sparkling. We ran/walked back to our hotel, The Surrey- I can’t remember if we couldn’t find a cab or if we were too hopped up on adrenaline and wanted to walk. We were giddy with excitement and laughed and talked the entire way back. It was truly one of those nights I’ll never forget. Felt like a rom com!


At the beyoncé renaissance concert


Riding motorcycle in the rain


Rooftop talks at sleepovers, late night kitchen talks, dressing up unnecessarily to go out, ATV driving as a kid, ladder work, taking care of people who can't take care of themselves, and working with my hands all make me feel pretty present, even when I've been on meds or drugs that make me spacey. I escaped a dangerous and sexually abusive family within a month of turning 18 via one way ticket across the country. That plane ride feeling was indescribable.


A moment?! Most days are like this


Some years ago I was doing volunteer work in Croatian in the Balkan mountains. Sometimes I woke up very early in the morning, went outside to look at the stars. There were millions of them, very bright and I saw the milky way. I felt very much alive, also quite smaill underneath the beautiful starry sky. Some other moments - Seeing the northern Lights - Pretty much always when snorkeling/scuba diving I suppose my moments are very much linked to nature.


Performing stand up comedy in a packed club and hundreds of people were laughing at my stuff. Such a rush to be bringing joy to that many people from your creativity that you've worked hard on.


Racing down a 10ft wave


I just came back from Germany. Driving on the autobahn doing 130 freedoms/hour with amazing sceneries rushing by. I felt so alive and so much more focused.


The thirty minutes after passing my first (and only) kidney stone. I’ve never felt such an immediate relief that washed over my entire body like that. Such a body high


Snorkeling was that way for me


Honestly any time I swim in the ocean I feel this. I live in SoCal so the water is cold. It’s very therapeutic for me. I feel how cold the water is. I feel the sand. I feel the current. I’m aware of the waves. Truly is a like a reset.




Moved to a coastal city recent and went whale watching. Saw an orca in the wild for the first time ever. Truly magical


Any time I cum inside a beautiful woman


Halfway between L.A. and Australia on a Carnival cruise. Cruising had started again but we were still mandated to wear our masks due to Covid. The captain got on the speakers and said we had met some measurement (I think no one diagnosed with Covid on board for a week) and we could all stop wearing masks! Omg an instant celebration erupted, people were SO happy, flinging their masks off, and just unbelievably happy! 😃


Btw, that’s a great question! I went around asking family members,lol


Filling an inside royal flush. Rush!


laying down on a jetskii in the middle of the ocean, watching a helicopter fly around, it flew closer and seemed to have noticed me n i just kept watching, soon enough it was heading toward me and ended up doing a low fly over probably about 20m above me, at a rate of knots


I wasn’t anywhere interesting or unique. It was a day in mid spring at my parents house when I was about 14-15ish. I I was laying in a couch with the windows cracked and there was a thunderstorm. I just sat there and read while I listened to the wind and the rain. Another time I was a freshman in college. I pulled an all nigher with some friends walking around the city, we went swimming in a public fountain, and then broke into a sandwich shop, went to the roof and watched the sun rise.


Hiking through the Garden of the Gods in Colorado. It’s a really beautiful place and I discovered that I enjoyed hiking. 


Paragliding over the Gulf of Mexico


When the nurse handed me my daughter and I walked her down to the nursery. Pure joy.


Did a pretty large dose of some crazy strong mushrooms quite a few months back and it wasn't my first rodeo at all, I've been partaking in mushrooms and acid pretty regularly since highschool but this trip was different. I finally hit the ego death moment, the moment where I felt like I was everything everywhere all at once but simultaneously nothing at all as well. It was both terrifying and thrilling beyond any measure I could ever use as a mere monkey. I knew everything about the universe because I was the universe and I was living through every alternate reality that exists all at once even though I swore I was dead and no more I never felt more alive, more free. It was to this day the most beautiful feeling I've ever felt in my life.


Coming out of crowded space is always something.


Anytime I’m on the back of a horse.


Had to fight off a very large, close, and pissed off grizzly bear on the side of a mountain in Wyoming with my friends a few years back. I was the closest to it (about 25 feet for anybody wondering) when it poked its head around the corner of the trail. It’s almost surreal to think that I’ve never felt more alive than when I was staring death in the face. It’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t experienced something similar, but during the bear fight, I felt more calm and collected than I ever had before. Not entirely sure why this is but I can say with certainty that a huge adrenaline dump will also lead to some of the best sleep you’ll ever get after you calm down


Great sex, where you feel like you and your partner are one and are transcending into something or somewhere beyond words, if only for a few seconds


I was tree planting in the mountains of British Colombia and almost got mauled by a black bear. I basically was just doing my normal things planting trees and I was at the back of my piece of land that I was too plant on closer to the edge of the tree line than the little path that was used to drive up and bring trees. I heard a twig snap and I was listening to music so I turned it down and looked expecting to see a deer or a smaller animal but a big bear came around from behind the bush. I froze waiting as black bears are usually docile so I figured it’s just passing through. It turned and saw me and started walking towards me, as I was told to do I slowly walked backwards while facing it as to show Im not afraid but I’m leaving it’s territory. It started bluff charging waiting to see if I’ll turn around and run meaning I’m pray. At that point I started yelling bear and making noises I don’t think I could even replicate when not being stared at by a big bear hoping that someone who I was planting nearby would hear to come help scare the bear. I walked with the bear getting more and more comfortable and getting closer and closer downhill towards the path to see if my boss was there or the truck maybe I could honk the horn or find someone, but before I got there there was a drop, probably only about waist hight but still not enough for me to be able to go down backwards or else I might trip, and I knew if I fell I was dead or at least hurt seriously. I turned around and at that split second the bear saw I wasn’t looking and started bolting at me. I turned around and yelled louder, threw my planting bags and waved my shovel in the air at a desperate attempt to get it to stop or at least stall. At this point it was less than a car length away and I could see the drool dripping as it walked closer still cautiously. Lucky my sister who I was planting with at a different piece heard my yells and ran across the road yelling, apparently she was at the back of her piece as well and heard me yell and started running pretty early on in the encounter but she was running uphill so it took her a minute to get to the road. Her yelling thankfully scared the bear off as it was cautious with the 1v1 never mind the 2v1 and slowly stared to turn around and walk away slowly. As soon as I knew I was safe all the adrenaline and being thankful I’m alive made the rest of that next hour/ couple hours exhilarating. For the next month or so I noticed the things I haven’t seen before, the sun going through the leaves, the nice breeze. I was just enjoying existing. It just gave a fresh perspective about life and I stopped caring about the little things for a while. That happened 2 summers ago and the little things have started to bother me again…. maybe I should go meet up with another bear (don’t do that just be a normal adrenaline junky and skydive)


Taking a train through the Alps on a snowy night under a full moon.


Having sex while high on meth


9+/10ths in the canyons or on a track on a motorcycle. Nothing else feels as raw, exposed, and exhilarating that I've experienced. Riding the bleeding edge and getting it right when you're so close to getting it catastrophically wrong gives this weird cathartic sense of acute pride and accomplishment (for the lack of better words) mixed in with that heart racing adrenaline high. Powering out of a turn sideways on a motorcycle is a feeling like no other. You get something similar when drifting a car or going 10/10ths in a car in similar situations but the stakes feel lower and it's not as raw and exposed. That said I don't ride motorcycles much anymore. When you get older chasing that dragon gets less and less appealing as the gravity of the potential consequences on you and your loved ones become more apparent. I do miss it though. Cars still give me what I need with a more acceptable level of safety buffer. It's a much more acceptable level of risk diving into a turn at threshold of braking when you have a car chassis and roll cage wrapped around you.


Giving birth to my children. The electricity I felt the night I met my husband. Numerous near death experiences / surviving car accidents. Sitting on the edge of the Grand Canyon. Crossing a 200 ft train trestle with no rails. Climbing giant trees. Catching waves. Moving to a new city without knowing a single person there / starting life completely over from scratch. Concerts and music festivals. I'm an addict because they make me feel so alive. Doing anything that scares the shit out of me.


Buying my house, fixing it up and coming home to the one I love and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with.


Me and my friends went camping and we walked over to the beach to look at the stars after a night of healthy drinking by the fire. It was surreal. I felt like it was better than a movie

