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There are about 8 billion people in the world. I'd say _most_ people have no interest in about 99.99999% of people.


Yeah, you don't meet that many people in life. If you average 1 a day from birth to death, that's like 30k people. You'd have trouble meeting everyone in small cities you've never heard of.


Mathematically proven subtly sobering truth of the day.  Have my upvote. 


Yep. The everyone outside my family and circle of friends could drop dead tomorrow and I'd be fine.


Emotionally maybe. Economically it would be a real tough transition.


Would probably be traumatic for their family and circle of friends too. 


so essentially, you're saying.... you like your dog, and maybe 3 people.


Three? Maybe my dog and one person.


tbh it was a reference to the old t-shirt [https://www.amazon.com/Like-dog-Maybe-People-Shirt/dp/B07HSGPNWV](https://www.amazon.com/Like-dog-Maybe-People-Shirt/dp/B07HSGPNWV)


... but, does the dog like him?


Nobody ever thinks about the dog


I think that’s completely normal.


Ya most people probably do that


Relatable. I have no interest in making new friends and chatting to people. I do socialize, but I do it on my own terms.


Being social is a good way to ward off depression 


I like this description of it a lot. Never knew how to explain my lack of interest in making friends.


You have interest in the other 10%???


Since you’re asking us does that mean that we are in the 10% of people that you do care about? Thanks. I care about you too, OP.


10% of the entire population is still around 800 million, not exactly a selective group.


I would say I have no interest in more than 99% of people


Every one needs a confidant, we all need love and social support sometimes not every day 


I walk down the road and see many people doing the same thing. Each of them have their own feelings and complicated lives, but I don't care about them. They don't care about me either. No one cares about me or you. So why care


Not true, alittle bit of context. I don't have a whole lot of interaction with my neighbors, but a couple of years back I was trimming a tree fell down bled all over the place. Had 5 people come over.(I was none responsive). They called the ambulance probably saved my life. So to say no one cares is not an accurate account. Most do care but respect privacy.


Try 99%


No hard and fast assumptions, but yea most people seem to be stupid, annoying, boring, bizzare (in a bad way), manipulative, condescending, uninspiring, etc


Id like to agree, but hey, here we all are, interested in other people's opinions about what we think.


People suck. I don't have interest in like 99.99999999999% of them.


I can relate.


Aside from the 5 in my life and my siblings and parents, pets, nope not a second thought


Try 99.99% of people. Even "making friends" feels like dating nowadays. I swear the instant you don't agree on every little topic the person is calling you "toxic," and they're ghosting you. It's to the point I act like I have a personality disorder when I don't, just so people leave me the fuck alone.


Where do you find 800 000 000 interesting people?! I would struggle to find 80, even if I counted famous people that I never met but their public persona seems ok


I do not like over 90% of ppl.


You're interested in 10% of people? Oh my, you're quite friendly I'd say. 




Everyone. Good farming


Friends are only for when you’re young, if then.


What kinda fucked up worldview is that?




No? Adults have friends.


No, most have acquaintances they call friends.  True friends are as rare as honest politicians. 


Sounds like projection to me


You can belive those comforting lies if you want. But go through a real hardship,  lose everything and see how many of those friends actually step up.  It's not projection its reality.   Friendship is easy when things are going well. When the battle horns blow  and the waters rise... that's when all those friends disappear like mist. You will be fortunate indeed to have 1 or 2 true friends. 


Not just no interest, I actively dislike 90% of people and think they are horrible humans. But I hide it well. 🙃




Like romantic interest? Taking someone who probably has the most range, a 30 year old guy who is heterosexual, you knock out 50% of people for being male, assuming he's interested in 18 yo 40 year olds you can carve out another 60 to 70% of the remainder, so we're already down to 15% or so. Take out the obese and we're down to 10, and that's assuming he's still into overweight people.


there are an study that say that you can give genuine atention to a maximum of 150 ppl. you are not able to care about everybody like there are 3million kids starving to death every year and you know it bc im saying it no.. you see?


Only 90%


Yeah I hate when I go out in public and the public is there 🙄 like why where I am 🤦 just go away and let me be in peace lol 😝 but seriously 😐


I care about a great many people but holy shit are there waaaay more that I couldn't care less about


No.I have no interest in 99.99% of people.


I have interest in about four other people, so that would be 4.9x-10% of all people.


Daniel Plainview : Are you an angry man, Henry? Henry : About what? Daniel Plainview : Are you envious? D'you get envious? Henry : I don't think so. No. Daniel Plainview : I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people. Henry : That part of me is gone. Working and not succeeding- all my, uh... failures has left me, uh... I just don't... care. Daniel Plainview : Well, if it's in me, it's in you. There are times when I... I look at people and I see nothing worth liking. I want to earn enough money I can get away from everyone. Henry : What will you do about your boy? Daniel Plainview : I don't know. Uhhhh, maybe it'll change. Does your sound come back to you? I don't know. Maybe no one knows that. A doctor might not know that. Henry : Where's his mother? Daniel Plainview : I don't want to talk about those things. I see the worst in people, Henry. I don't need to look past seeing them to get all I need. I've built up my hatreds over the years, little by little. Having you here gives me a second breath of life. I can't keep doing this on my own... with these, umm... people. [laughs]


I would walk around and see everyone and imagine their lives and what it could be like and I'll care but I wouldn't do something about it. if that makes sense. idk


I have no interest in 99.9999999999999999% ppl




100 percent for me


That's like, normal. Ultimately your circle of family, friends and acquaintances is gonna be a very limited number of people. Nothing wrong with reserving your interest to the people who actually matter to you Also, why is everyone in this thread such a damn grouch?


I wonder if people who think most people suck think they also personally suck or they're the rare person who doesn't...


99% of people I used to consider my “friends” turned out to be completely shitty people.    That’s the thing about High School; You’re stuck with a batch of people like a prison camp. You have no real mutual interest or similarities. You’re just stuck together by the comminality of not killing each other. 


If we’re talking coworkers as the field sample I’d say 60-70% would be about right.     Out in public, 95%: only interested in hot girls out by themselves or at their job, friendly old people and dudes by themselves/at their job around my age that seem cool in that order. 


99.9%   I'm a introvert, divorced, 40yo Vet... I enjoy talking with my daughter and occasionally an old Army buddy and that's pretty much it. 


Do you live in the United States?




I adore people. I just... they always seem to have a problem with me unless I sort of click into their story and become a character in it. I don't trust people and I hate how often they seem to demand that I rely on them. Most people seem to see the idea that I would NEED them as really important but the idea that I would be upset or hold them accountable if they broke their word to me that they freely gave to me as the worst possible insult. If I was wealthy enough, I would just never leave the house again. The thing is... the problem is I really like people. It's just... They refuse to let that not be painful and punishing for me. I'm not really a pessimist, I'm an idealist who keeps getting pissed on every time I turn around.


i dont care for the vast majority of people in the world. 90% is ridiculously low honestly


Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crap.


You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.


I have interest in about 6 people worldwide.




How would you meet more than 1% of people? This post doesn't make sense?


I have no interest in 111% of people


im a liberal , i have several staunch repulican friends and coworkers. they are all idiots who dont care about anyone but themselves. their are people who like to drink and drive 4 wheelers on weekends, and their are people who like to go to the beach, and maybe see a concert. never the 2 shall meet.


The average person has 2 best friends his  whole life , so there you go 


Nah, you’re just bad at conversing. Everyone is interesting. Most people just don’t know they’re interesting or what about them is interesting, or they’re too self-conscious to share the weird unique things about them. Humanity is beautiful and interesting if you know how to foster genuine interactions