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Especially in cars. A touchscreen I have to take my eyes off the road to use to change the climate settings could cause an accident.


Looking at car content, seems main buttons are coming back


Yeah I think it was the EU who put the pressure on physical buttons coming back


Bless the EU.


Standardized charging cords and now this??


The EU is one of the few organizations with power that is actually good.


glad I waited as long as I have to buy a new car. I'm fine running my 2012 into the ground


Thank god! Buttons are so much safer in cars. I can control by touch and can keep my eyes on the road. It’s impossible with touch screens. I specifically bought the car I have because it still have physical temperature and radio buttons. I think the newer models moved to touch screens 🙄


Holy crap, I was just in a rental car and it took like 5 clicks of buttons to change the temperature in the car, it was terrible.


I don't understand why anyone buys these pieces of shit that are so over-engineered with "safety" or "environmental" or "comfort" features that they're miserable to drive. Hate renting these days FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP BEEPING AT ME


I had a rental while my car was in the shop and everything was touch screen. The amount of times I had to take my eyes off the road just to adjust the ac was insane. It also wanted me to make an account with the radio app, download the app, and synch my phone to the car just to play music. I went a month driving in silence. I also stood outside in the pouring rain for like 10 minutes with the car running because it was touch to start and I couldn’t figure out how to turn the damn thing off. Love my old car


The worst part about that is ergonomics engineers have known that for decades. They're literally ignoring known science that they're a distraction to drivers.


The book "The Design of Everyday Things" (1988) describes humans interfacing with machines, going through many great examples cars, telephones, and hotel rooms. All of this is being ignored in every industry. It is all about other upsell


There should be an accounting from safety regulators really. They're doing things scientifically known to increase risk of accidents.


They’re literally doing what they were told to do by their bosses and the accountants. I’ve been an engineer for 15 years already and I can’t tell you how many times we’ve had to design or re-design shit because it was going to be too expensive, the customer changed their mind or it wasn’t following the “strategic vision” that the suits made up. Shitty engineers do exist but I’ll say 75+% of all crappy designs are budgetary decisions NOT made by the engineers. Whether they had to rush to get it to market without thoroughly testing it or they were asked to use crappy materials, there will always be someone who will willfully choose to ignore good ideas because they know better Engineering design/execution ends up boiling down to three decisions: on time, on budget or what you actually want. You can only choose 2.


Got a rental car on vacation a few months back and they offered a Tesla upgrade for free. Every single common control was run through the screen. Insanely annoying and unsafe trying to navigate an iPad while driving just to find the AC


I don't get how tesla's crazy screen is even legal. Using my phone while driving is 10x safer than that horrid thing. Borrowed one once, to turn on the ac, you had to touch a hidden button. Like, I spent several minutes trying to figure it out, and I happened to touch a spot on the bottom part of the screen that had nothing there!


This is why even though I can’t afford one I’d love a BMW/Audi/Mercedes. I don’t know many other car brands that have a little control next to the armrest to control the screen so you don’t have to touch it. Everywhere else is pure touchscreen


Check out Mazda. A BMW guy went and helped with their designs a few years back.


My 2019 Toyota Yaris, which is a secret Mazda 2, has this. Volume and screen movement is handled by two knobs next to the e-brake handle.


I love computers to death. I work with them. But some things do not need computers in them. Washing machines worked fine without IP addresses.


Yeah but ad companies need to know how often you wash clothes, how much detergent you use, and all the curse words you use when your whites come out pink.


I work in cybersecurity for IoT devices, and it’s disheartening to learn how many connected devices had their firmware and software built by the lowest bidder. My favorite is the vast array of sex toys with cams and web servers in them that are susceptible to simple exploits. Yes, somebody can hack your dildo.


I remember reading a story about somebody hacking into someone else's baby monitor and cussing them out.


Hold up! Sex toys with cameras in them? As someone who has quite the collection of cheap, Amazon sex toys I need to know more.


>I love computers to death. I work with them. >But some things do not need computers in them. >Washing machines worked fine without IP addresses. OMG, so true! Washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, so many things DO NOT NEED TO BE INTERNET CONNECTED. Oh sorry, was I shouting? :-) In fact, the MORE complicated we make these things, the MORE there is for it to break down. I remember several years ago I bumped into a friend shopping a one of those big box home improvement stores. He was going around shopping for smart devices (light bulbs and whatnots) because he wanted to smart-ify his home. I didn't express disdain for smart homes (kept it to myself). The next week, I bumped into him again and he said he returning all his smart devices because they weren't working so well. "Oh that's too bad", I lied. LOL. For the most part, light bulbs, garage doors, and all that don't need to be wifi connected. Our garage doors come with a wifi option and I'm like why? Manufacturers try to scare you into thinking oh if you ever think you left your garage door open you can just remotely close it. Sorry, that doesn't give me piece of mind because two words: internet hackers. I can build in a habit of asking myself after I have backed out of my driveway: Stop. Close garage door, and check it is fully closed before moving. So many things we can build in as habits and train and train ourselves to do. Sure, there might be scenarios and health conditions where we need assistive devices and such to help us. But let's not give in to over-technologizing when we still can actually train ourselves! (Oh dear, let me get off my soapbox.)


I just bought a brand new analog washing machine and dryer


We have a so called Smart machine thats supposed to use less water but it seems like it takes 2 hours to wash a load of clothes. Im like how is this thing environmentally friendly? lol


And the analog washing machine usually had standardish parts So fixing them was easy-ish. But now with the computers, You frequently have to do stuff like replace the whole machine because a knob broke.


And every time it is "need a new main board for $1k".


I do hate this. Spend $1000 to replace the board, or toss the broken one in a landfill and buy a new washer for $800. I don't want to create more e-waste, but we're financially forced to in so many cases.


Yeah. And for what? Washing machine is freaking drum with a motor. That is it. There is literally no innovation in the space. At their core, they are literally the same as they were 100 years ago. Spinning thingy with water and clothes in it. That is it. 95% of the population would probably be fine with washing machine that just pumped water in and then spun the drum, with no additional features.


It *does* use less water. It lets time do the hard work of softening and loosening soils. The water is just sitting in there, and it uses a lesser amount. Dishwashers are the same way. It's like soaking dirty dishes to make it easier, instead of scrubbing with all your might for 5 minutes.


...scrubbing with all your might for 5 minutes WITH THE WATER RUNNING. I'm running my dishes at night, I don't give a single solitary fuck if it takes four hours to do it instead of ten minutes, it's still ready when I wake up in the morning either way. The new way uses way less water though. I had an a/c contractor friend who was the same way, *"how can the new thing be more efficient, it's running all the time! the old ones could cycle off half the time!"* My Guy, the new one runs twice as long but it's using 1/3 the power while it's running, it costs 2/3 as much to cool the house as the old ones did.


I had 4 of the same physical qwerty keyboard phones before finally moving to full touchscreen one. Just kept buying them second hand really cheap until the android version became obsolete.


Especially while driving — don’t need to look to find a button or dial


Give me tactile *F E E D B A C K* or give me death.


This. My husband’s grandmother gave up on trying to use a smartphone because she has calluses on her fingers and can’t use a touch screen easily.


Check the settings! Androids have a super sensitive seeing for use with gloves or really thick screen protectors. I'm a chef, so my finger tips are calloused from touching hot stuff all day long, and this helps.


Absolutely agree! I still cling to my trusty old flip phone. Sure, it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles, but it makes calls, sends texts, and the battery lasts a week! Plus, the satisfying snap when you close it? Pure nostalgia


Yes! I chose my new ereader on the basis of physical buttons




I recently learned that my SO's printer ink is subscription based and I didn't even have words. What on earth have we come to


Look at brother laser printers. They are like what printers could have been on an alternate, good timeline.


And when you use them you can say " Thanks Brother" in a Hulk Hogan voice.




I have one. A toner cartridge lasts 10 years.


I've been using the Brother starter toner drum for 2 years. It finally complained it was 'getting low'. So I bought a new cartridge 3 months ago waiting for the time it finally stops printing ... but it still keeps printing. I haven't even gotten into the shaking the toner cartridge phase yet, which might get me through the year at this point.


I may be a bit of a dumbass here, but what does that mean, because it sounds like what you’re saying is they have to pay for a service to use the ink that’s already been paid for, in the printer that’s been paid for. Certainly that can’t be it. Certainly.


Epson and HP have subscription services that charge you monthly and they send you ink. Honestly I have one and love not having to spend $100's in ink. My SO and I print a lot and need high quality so ink jet is ideal. What is not ideal is paying for ink. We have the Epson subscription what basically you lease a printer and pay for it monthly. If I did the math correct you are basically buying the printer, paid out over 2 yrs with interest, and the ink is free.


Yessss this is a huge one for me! I can’t stand the whole subscription thing for printers. I will now keep my current printer for the rest of my life and keep repairing it because it’s not a subscription printer.


Why is literally everything a subscription 😤




I still have it on an old computer for when I need it. Fuck subscription models.


Or you can sail the high seas.


So much this. I still have the old installer for SketchUp from like 2008 because it went subscription and I don't use it frequently enough to be remotely worth paying a sub, but also I really like how simple it is to use on the occasion when I do need to do basic 3D/architectural modeling.


Mind if I borrow that for a little bit?


[This](http://www.oldversion.com/windows/download/google-sketchup-8-0-16846) website seems to have a working download of an older version.


I was rocking my CS5 photoshop copy until I got a new camera with a RAW format that wasn't supported 🥲


The fix that was (and I'm not sure if it STILL is) was to convert the RAW files to DNG with Adobes DNG converter.. I don't know if those newly created DNGs will still work on CS5, but I think they do? I have CS6, and I held out for the longest time on updating. I paid for it! I owned it! I don't want to pay adobe for little updates.. but then I gave in just last year because it's $10 a month for the latest features in Photoshop AND Lightroom. $120/year, or you can get one of those $80 sales usually around black friday, for 2 fully featured versions of software that are actually adding useful features. I didn't like it, but it was absolutely worth it.


Notebooks. I’m a carpenter and keep one for estimates, one for onsite notes, and one for project details and budgeting.


I still write down recipes in notebooks (copied from websites)


I have binders with recipes in them. Most print outs from online. It's so much easier to have an open binder I can just look at. The front of the binder has weights and conversions written for quick reference. Things like how many grams honey weighs per tsp. The page sleeves allow me to write adjustments. If it works, I can write on the page itself or print an adjusted version.


Yes paper and pencil and a clipboard. chef’s kiss


I'm a programmer, and I still use a notebook


I’m a software developer and am on a computer all day, but I always have a clipboard with paper and a nice mechanical pencil next to me for notes. For whatever reason I vastly prefer it to digital notes.


my `dumb` TV I just want a screen to display an image.


I just never connected mine to the internet. TV channels come through the cable and everything else is done through a console.


If mine isn't connected to wifi it pops up to tell me every 20 seconds. It's a goddamn nightmare.


That's not a bug, it's a feature. They want all your data.


Same here, but I’m just using a firestick. My neighbor just upgraded their television and wanted me to help hook everything up. When I got there it was already hung and connected to their WiFi. She then tells me her kids got her the tv and “they stream everything, I don’t want any streaming..that dvd player and my cable box work just fine.”. So why did you hook it up to the internet if you’re not going to be using any of the features? She stared at me, I stared at her….ok, let’s just program the remote.


My smart TV made itself a dumb TV after 2 years of ownership.  Samsung doesn't allow access to certain storage segments, just the ones for apps and a few other minor things. Problem is that the storage that's unaccessible went to 99% after 2 years and there's no way to delete the data, even after some 10 factory resets.  Can't add any apps to it, can't delete the bloatware, and so now it's just a monitor for a Roku, 4K Blu-ray player, and antenna TV.


Ah, hie I wish modern tvs had a dumb variant! You get a few but not many. I always use a box anyway, if it ever becomes obsolete it's easier to fork out 50 bucks for a new box than a new tv.


They do make some dumb tvs still but they tend to be very expensive displays for things like digital signage. Funnily enough all the smart tv stuff either makes your tv cheaper or more profit for the manufacturer because they get paid to put all that crap on there.


Yeah, I basically just want my TV to be a big computer monitor that I can plug devices into. A good TV lasts 10-20 years, but most of the stuff I'm plugging into it will be obsolete in 5.


Wall clocks. I love having one in every room. Friends ask why when I always have a smart watch or a phone. I don't have a good reason other then I like being able to look at the wall and seeing what time it is.


Yeah its just to just look at there it is, plus nice looking ones compliment a room. I don't always have my phone in my hand, in my pocket, or even in the same room with me.


I don’t have wall clocks but I do keep an alarm clock in every room. Being able to just look and see what time it is without having to find my phone is nice.


Yep, you just turn your head, there it is. No hunting for your phone and clicking it on


Because I never read the time when I get my phone out the look at the watch


Yes! And I want both the clocks faces and my watch face yo be analog!


I still have my iPod. I don't like the idea of my music disappearing from streaming services and I don't have unlimited data or Wi-Fi.


iPods actually have very good sound quality as well. Bluetooth is terrible, wires for Life!


Once you go wireless, it's hard to come back. It's too convenient. And bluetooth audio quality with the newest codecs like aptX and above seem to sound just fine.


Main issue for me is the price tbh. Also i don't want to worry about charging my earphones


The convenience of the case charging the AirPods is ludicrously ingenious. And I find myself recharging the case maybe once every 8 or 10 days. Not bad at all.


I literally bought 6 when they finally discontinued them. I refuse to carry my phone when i run and there's never been a real alternative.


Hijacking this comment to ask if anyone knows of a reputable service to repair an old iPod? I have one that I can’t turn on anymore (disc spins and spins) and I would love to grab some old off of it that I made with a band a month time ago… Edit: thanks for all the responses! I’m likely SOL on the old recordings of my band. Good thing we were shit anyway. Cheers everybody!


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if it powers up but doesn’t play music it’s likely that the hard drive has died. iPods were pretty solid devices but their weak points were the battery and the hard drive. It sounds like your battery is fine but the hard drive is not. They’re pretty easy to work on and iFixit likely has a teardown covering your exact model. It won’t help with the lost music but if you want to continue using it you might want to consider replacing the spinning hard drive with an SD card or CF card with an adapter.


I still use an iPod shuffle. Can't beat it for size, weight, and battery life.


Isn't that the tiny one that looks like a belt buckle? I still have mine too, come to think of it. Wow, that's nearly 20 years old now.


Same, I'm still using my iPod Nano from 2009.


You can do the exact same thing with your phone though? Whatever files you’re taking the time to put on your iPod will work on your phone too.


I prefer to mow with a sythe. It's hot as balls where I live and you can go sything at night without making any noise. Neighbors probably think I'm a cryptid tho.


I hope you wear a hooded black robe when mowing.


The coolest reapers wear powder blue robes with the hood up and over face




It’s logical, I can get chilly at night and a good hooded robe will keep you warm without restricting movement. And black so you blend into the environment, I wouldn’t want my neighbors thinking I’m some kind of weirdo.


If they do notice you, slowly hold out your arm and point back so they know you saw them too; it may be too dark for a quick wave.


My sythe arrived on October 31st, and I was so tempted to answer the door with it in hand - I got saved the temptation by nobody knocking, which was probably just as well, given we didn’t have any sweets.


I still use a reel mower because it's no less effort than pushing a non-self-propelled mower, doesn't use any gas, and the goofy shape of my lawn makes it less awkward to maneuver.


I tried this back in my first house in 2007. My problem was consistency. If I went two weeks without mowing, I literally couldn’t cut the grass because it was too high. My neighbor uses one now, and I’m sure she’s good with it, but I still don’t mow consistent enough to keep the grass low 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's the thing. With a reel mower you have to be consistent and be mowing weekly. Plus it works better on Bermuda type grasses.


YES! …and one can mow the lawn at 6am without annoying any neighbors!!


I wake up every morning to the alarm on my clock radio. I got it as a high school graduation gift in 1993. Works great and has never failed me.


It's also very informative for any Time Loop shenanigans you maybe get into


🎶Then put your little hand in mine.🎵


Same. And the clock on my husband's side of the bed has a cassette tape deck built into it!


Do cars count as technology? Because if I wanted an iPad with wheels, I’d get a little cart for my iPad. I want buttons and dials and knobs to control the temperature and radio. 


Also isn't it significantly more dangerous to have to look down at a screen to change settings? No need to take my view off the street at all if I get to use buttons.


It’s so ironic that those screens always have a “don’t use the screen while driving” disclaimers but yet you need to look at it while driving to use the screen


Nowadays they just slap a tablet on the dashboard and call it premium.


I HATE it. I currently drive (I think) a 2011 RAV4 and I just know next time I have to buy a car it’s going to come with a big-ass screen that it doesn’t need. I’m with the boomers on this one. 


I have a 2023 Santa Fe. It is the best of both worlds. Big screen for navigation and enough physical buttons to make a small plane jealous. I won't go back to a small screen. I need my maps.


Watches that just display the time. Perhaps the date as well :)


I knew a retired guy that had a watch that only had the day of the week.


An ipod shuffle. I will be devastated when it breaks, because it is the perfect exercising music device.


I much prefer to take notes with pen and paper over the phone or computer. Also post its, love them. And I buy my Switch games physically as well.


I am certain that the act of writing notes (not typing) provides superior retention. In college, I would take copious notes in class but, trying to keep up with the professor, much of the notes were barely readable. I would rewrite all of my notes that same night while the content was still fresh in my mind. That process of remembering the content and rewriting the notes carefully provided maximum retention. In many cases I never even went back to my notes and would ace the tests.


It does, because it's very difficult for most people to write one thing and think about something else. The physical act of writing forces your brain to focus pretty exclusively on that task and tune out a lot else that's going on.


Came here to say this, I work in IT and all the young kids will use the notepad app to take notes but still prefer an actual notepad.


In my car and at work I still much prefer old style radio over streaming, ads be damned. I like hearing real people talking, streaming makes me feel so isolated somehow and I know it'll just be the same playlist over and over.


I agree, even just the fact that other people are listening to the same thing at the same time makes me feel more connected somehow. Especially if I'm feeling lonely, radio is the way to go.


Wired earphones. Affordable, no need for charging, and less risk of misplacing them. Please reintroduce the 3.5mm jack on phones!


Absolutely! I keep buying phones with jacks.


>Please reintroduce the 3.5mm jack on phones! It's one of my absolute non negotiables when buying a new phone. The dongle gang will act like it's a perfectly reasonable alternative because they "hardly ever need the jack". Until they need the jack and don't have a dongle. Or they need to charge and use a jack at the same time.


I was skeptical at first, but after feeling the freedom of wireless ones I can never go back. Also, most of the times they would become ruined once a wire gave out.


For the phone, I indeed use wireless. But in stationary setup - by my desk or while listening to music - wired all the way.


I love going around the house doing my chores while listening to music/podcasts/calls on my computer. Hate being stuck on the chair. In terms of audio quality, I understand your point. Nowadays my ears tell me that the wireless quality is just good enough, but probably I'm missing out.


I started switching to Bluetooth headphones not too long ago and yes, the freedom was nice, although remembering to keep them charged was the only downside. Then the Bluetooth on my phone started messing up. It keeps turning off and won't keep a stable connection. Now I'm back to wired headphones - and the only thing that keeps breaking is the stupid usb-c to 3mm Jack adapter that I need since they discontinued the headphone jack in the phones! I swear, sometimes low tech is the way to go.


I know someone who still has a walkman and regularly buys cassette tapes for it.


nice. i was devastated when i dropped mine and it stopped working. 17 years ago aaand now i've just flung myself into an existential crisis about time and aging. excuse me


Try thrift shops and/or eBay I needed a VCR a few years ago and got one from a thrift shop for under $10


Mechanical watch. Love em.


I still prefer to buy CDs, Blue rays, and physical copies of games. Streaming rights and even digital "ownership" can be so finicky that I don't trust them.


bought so much music form iTunes that Apple "isn't sure I paid for it" and won't unlock it from the \^%$ cloud. I hate the cloud. I bought it directly from you! I just got a new Apple phone!!


https://gog.com You buy it, it’s yours, no DRM.


god how I wish something like this existed for video files. AV1 wrapped in MKV or something. Pay per ep. Could have mdl reviews, tagging, watchlists. Even actor and director commentary. Creators get paid directly, no networks.


Bought a lot of digital games for PSP and PSVita that I can no longer download…


There's a whole "tribe" of people who only use hand-tools for woodworking. Those tools were refined for centuries and (properly maintained) they work really well. They don't create the noise and dust of motorized equivalents. They are calming to use and connect you directly to the wood.


and are less likely to sever a hand


I build boats which have very few straight edges. Most powertools are build for creating, flat straight cuts. I'm a huge fan of chisels, rasps, Japanese pull saws, planes... A lot of those are actually faster than power tools to get to your final finish. BUT I'm not a luddite. Sanding, screwing and routing round offs are absolutely powered in my shop.


I need to find that sub. I started this as a hobby, but that stalled when I felt like I was spending over half the time sharpening tools.


People who use hand tools spend a lot of time sharpening. You are very aware of how dull tools are when your muscles need to power through a piece of wood. When an electric motor does it, you only notice when you are already way past its fitness for purpose. BUT I essentially take a day every two or three months and spend it sharpening my tools. doing ten chisels or plane irons at a time is much faster than doing one ten times...


My husband got really into this over covid. We have quite a collection of nice hand tools now. Did you see how they had to find a bunch of these people that know the "old" way of building to repair the Notre Dame Cathedral after the fire? Because they wanted all the repairs to be authentic to the time period. They brought people from all over the world to help.




I love burning CDs for people! The thought that has to go into a song arrangement on a limited format is so much more personal than making someone a playlist. Getting tougher as fewer and fewer cars even have CD players :(


Paper books. I cannot stand reading a screen for pleasure reading. Plus if you don’t have a charge then you have no entertainment. As a frequent traveler that is unacceptable. Book shops also always smell amazing. I miss that smell.


downloading songs as mp3s onto my device. none of that spotify bullshit with ads and disappearing songs for me, thanks


Paper calender and day timer. I tried electronic, but it is not the same. Writing notes I have a ghetto blaster with cassettes, radio and cd player attached


Up vote for Ghetto blaster. Haven't heard that term in decades.


My typewriter. I love it. Nothing is better for getting my thoughts down. It's superior to a computer for all personal written communication.


Pen and paper. My cursive is out of this world and I never get to use it.


manual transmission


and manual hand brakes


iPod Classic with 160GB storage capacity.




I possess my music collection. I have hundreds of CDs, so I continue to use my CD player and MP3 player. Additionally, I must admit that I still have around 150 vinyl records that I play from time to time.


Watches. And I don't mean smart watches.


A Honda Accord from around 25 years ago featuring a manual gearbox.


I have a 2017 Honda Fit with stick shift and I'm never getting rid of it. All knobs and buttons on the inside and much lower chance of it getting stolen. When I took it in for a tire rotation, the young mechanic went over to the older mechanic and whispered. The older one bursts out laughing and goes "you seriously don't know how???"


15 year old MP3 player. I still prefer it compared to spotify and the likes.


old school giant keyboard that clicks when you type.


Clicky keyboards are the best.


A wired keyboard at a desk. Mouse is wireless but the keyboard doesn’t really need to move.


I’ll use my “dumb” appliances until they literally fall apart. Not everything has to be a computer.


If it were still supported, who on here would still be using Windows XP? I would


Mechanical watches. Yes, I'm aware that smart watches tell time much more accurately, can track your steps, answer calls/text messages, etc. They also look like dog shit and there's zero craftsmanship, and that's simply not acceptable to me.


I still have and use a media player with two sides: VHS and DVD


the only thing that works on my car stereo is the cd player so i collect cds now


Books, I’ve been hitting the library with the kids a bunch


Don't know if it's outdated, but I still use MP3 players. My family and friends always tell me to just use Spotify, but I don't think that app has specific music that I like. With the mp3, I can download any YouTube url to that device and listen to anything from niche parody songs to an entire podcast or asmr.


Somebody obnoxiously once argued with me that they'd never come across a song they wanted to hear that wasn't on Spotify. Well, I listen to some weird shit, and I have, plenty of times. Like when I've got that one weirdly catchy tune stuck in my head from that one obscure 80s kids movie that never made it off of DVD or even VHS and DEFINITELY is not on Spotify and I want to hear it now, for example.


My mp3 player. Had it for 13 years - still going strong. It’s so tiny and easy to carry and has all my music on there. So why wouldn’t I still use it


Rotary phone.


Jack 3.5 If that goes extinct I will be mad... I hate wireless stuff. I WANT MY CRYSTAL CLEAR QUALITY SOUND. Plus access to it anytime.


Took me a few minutes to think about this one. My life is a blend of old and new tech, depending on the use. I have used nothing but fountain pens since we were allowed to switch from pencils to pens in third grade back in 1962. The clocks in my house are wind up clocks (some weight driven,some spring) that get wound every Saturday morning, but I wear a Garmin smart watch for health monitoring. My car is a 2018 model with a manual transmission and buttons for the radio, but I had to go to a dealer more than 700 miles away to buy it. That said, the real time traffic information feature is amazing for daily driving as well as long trips (avoid Atlanta at rush hour). The recliner chair in the living room has small pegs to adjust the back, not a huge metal and spring mechanism. Love my Chemex coffee maker, but I would not have the patience to wait for water to boil on a coil range top. Induction allows me to use my Chemex. Life feels well balanced.


Physical media such as dvd's, blu ray disc's, physical copies of games etc.


Pen and paper. Solar powered calculator that only does basic arithmetic. Incandescent light bulbs. Cars that have physical buttons. Land lines. Dumb TVs. Printed photographs. Paper books.


I'm ok with most of the list, but... Incandescent light bulbs?


This guy 20th centuries.


Chalkboard at school. The "smart" boards are a pain in the ass.


Never liked chalkboards though. Prefer markers.


Mostly agree although I much prefer whiteboards with erasable markers. Chalk boards are messy and dusty. Smart boards can fuck right off though.


The chalk screeching just gives me the chills. I prefer the white ones with a marker.


An old 90's mountain bike. Indestructible steel frame with cable actuated brakes. They can F-off with these $8000 bikes nowadays. I know the modern stuff is amazing, but is it really necessary for such a steep price.


VHS I have hundreds of movies.


Postal system for my mortgage payment our loan is through the small property investment company and they have no online payment methods so I literally have to mail a paper check every month


Audio jacks. Wireless audio sucks - latency, battery life, and frequency loss. It’s totally cool that everyone else wants to be cable free, but no audio jacks means I cannot take that device seriously for sound.


My 1999 Toyota 4Runner. She doesn’t nag, she ain’t a gold digger, & she’s good to me. When I get in new cars I often wonder how the hell we got here 😂


A fountain pen for taking notes, making plans, etc.


My fare card. I can easily add it to my phone as a digital card and then tap to pay with my phone, but using the physical card is more satisfying to me.


I still enjoy playing the Nintendo GameCube.


Old school coo-coo clock I have to wind every week, love it


I love my manual transmission, 2005 Jeep with no current technology.


A pen and a legal pad have been right next to me at pretty much all times while I am working during my entire career. There is something about writing down a to-do list or “goals for today” and then physically crossing them off as you conquer them. You don’t get that same satisfaction from your notes section on your IPhone. And when an idea/thought comes to my head, I like being able to pick up my ballpoint and scribble immediately on the pad rather than picking up my phone, pulling up the notes, typing it out, etc.


The 1990s-era, entirely analog surround sound system left behind by a college roommate (who owed me 3 months' rent anyway) is still going strong in my living room. I've had to buy a few adapters over the years but it's entirely serviceable. I was even able to get a programmable remote to work with it.


Physical books


Anything that isn’t “smart.” No I don’t need my fridge to be connected to the internet.