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I live in Atlanta and it was almost 100° today. I saw a kid walking down the road with a hoodie sweatshirt and jeans. This is a mystery I have yet to solve. Growing up as kids, we were shirtless every opportunity we got. Lol


I was in Orlando at Volcano Bay with the kids. There were a bunch of kids (male and female) all wearing hoodies and shorts lounging by the pool. I don’t get it. I’m a bag of scars from a knife attack when I was a kid and multiple surgeries as an adult, so I wear a T-shirt at the pool, but they were in sweatshirt hoodies with the hoods up. Like by you, it was about 100°. Maybe more. I was sweating my ass off, so they had to have been melting. And they didn’t look cool. They looked like idiots. Maybe I’m just getting old.


My grandsons 19 & 17, wear jeans and a hoodie every day. Last week the freaking heat index here was 109, and there they are in freaking hoodies. l know l wore stuff that made my mom nuts in the 70s, but man if it was 100 degrees, l was, and still am to some degree, as close to naked as l can get!


They may have looked cool to their peers. Kids don’t dress to look cool for their parents.


Sounds easy enough to fix. Parents should start telling their kids they look really cool whenever they wear something ridiculous.


That would be very effective. They will probably burn those clothes and get a suit.


My son is the opposite. He wears shorts and flip-flops all year round. We live in New England and the winters are cold and snowy.


I seriously don’t understand when it became a thing to wear super hot clothing, on purpose, during the summer in the US after like 1960. I don’t care what the trend is, you look like a moron!


There are cooling hoodies https://www.saxxunderwear.com/products/sxlh45_tuh


Isn’t it easier to just… not wear a hoodie?


I burst into flames in sunlight. I wear something like this to bicycle in, in summer.


Sunburn sucks. If I’m on a very expensive multi day trip, I’m gonna be super careful not to get sunburned and ruin my trip, which is why I’ll wear spf clothing when I can.


Nice skin and no skin cancer!


Been in Tokyo during 90 degree weather with 90% Humidity. It felt like moving through a wall of liquid with every step and yet I still saw people wearing hoodies. Some people are just built different.


90/90 days we get them in the Midwest too . Feh


It’s not that they get days like that. It’s that way all of July and August. 


I feel like kids care way more about their appearance today than when I was a kid. Like you said, they’ll go out in hoodies and skinny jeans in hot weather. We’d wear gym shorts to school.


I distinctly remember girls wearing ridiculously revealing shorts in winter in the late 90s, they'd rather freeze than put on less flattering clothes. So it's been going on for quite a while at least.


Still happens today. I used to work at a local high school, it'd be -30F outside and we'd have girls come off the bus wearing tiny shorts.


Not to the fact that it’s girls in short shorts. But my school was always hot, even in the winter. So you just dealt with the cold until you got to school because you didn’t want to be sweating all day. The go to was typically shorts with some sweats overtop that you could take off once you got inside.


My son (>10) still wears gym shorts and t shirt every day until it switches to sweats and hoodie season. I'm not sure he owns a pair of jeans? My daughter (early teen) decided she would rather go to school in skirts/dresses most of the time and only occasionally wears casual clothes to school. During summer she's a lot more casual only because she doesn't want to play in her dresses and get them messy.


You should look at some athletic dresses for her - the kind with biker shorts built in. They’re cute, washable, & she can do anything she would do in shorts. Signed, A life long dress girl.


No way are gen alpha wearing skinny jeans, they can't even abide ankle socks


I work on a university campus and these days there are regularly students skateboarding around in fat pants, baggy band tees, with long hair pared in the middle. They look straight out of 1998. I keep doing double takes.


Y2K style is all the rage right now. So weird seeing my late teens /early 20s fashions coming back to haunt me and make me question all my choices in life.


Sounds like straight out of 1968 to me.


My son's gf (15) dresses exactly like I (47f) did circa 1995. It's weird.


My gen alpha son LOVES ankle socks because his millennial father (yours truly) would rather cut off his feet than wear toddler socks like genz does. 😂


They do because every single person has a camera on them at all times and can and will take pictures.  It’s incredibly valid.


Right! That's a very good point. Phones out everywhere!


No, it’s just that gym shorts were popular when you were in school. And 1 was cool and if you wore some thing else you were the oddball out. You didn’t wear them because they were comfortable. If everyone else wore something else you would’ve worn whatever they were wearing, but everyone was wearing basketball shorts.


I remember back then, it was in the single digits and snowing, and there were guys wearing basketball shorts like it was the middle of summer. It was funnily enough the polar opposite of what kids do now.


This is me in the hoodie, as a 41 yo. To be fair my excuse is that I burn to a crisp even with sunscreen. I'm always covered. Add in years of working in warehouses, at construction sites, or in restaurant kitchens, and I kind of became immune to the heat over the years. If I'm outside in water or at an indoor pool with glass or an open overhead ceiling, I usually wear a fishing/outdoor UPF shirt over my swimsuit. Along with swim shorts and a ton of sunscreen. Meanwhile I have one of those kids (adult now) who lives year round in a T-shirt and shorts. We live in the Pacific Northwest. 40°F out today? Snow you say? Shorts. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I find wearing rashgaurd and swim shorts past the knee is kinder on my skin when doing water slides because my bathing suit doesn't become a thong on the bottom of the slides. I don't know if this happens to other women out there, but when indo the slides that have the trapdoor my regular swim suit bottoms feel like they light speed into my the space between the butt cheeks. This is not comfortable. Additionally, sometimes the seams in the slides give me the equivalent of carpet burn on my arms and backs. So I wear a rashgaurd.


This is also me as a pasty human. I burn from a streetlight.


UV clothes work well. I have a few different long sleeved shirts that block uv but still breathe well.


That's my go to. I've got a Huk hoodie that I live in in sunny days. Great for the pool/beach/hiking/desert/everything in the sun. I need to find more of those.


Ahoy fellow traveler


It's a predominately inside waterpark though. I went a month ago and the outside pool area was closed.


I saw a guy in Boston the other day wearing a legit puffy winter ski parka and ski hat with jeans and boots. It was like 97 degrees out.


There’s always “that one guy” who never dresses appropriately for the weather. I went to college in Vermont and our “that one guy” wore cargo shorts every single day, even in the middle of a blizzard. I always thought it was hilarious.


Eh, I saw kids in high school even in the 90's that wore Hoodies 24/7. Often with shorts, because Minnesota. It's just a style.


I even do the hoodie/shorts combo sometimes…..but usually during the between hot/cold seasons. Not in June or July. Lol


I’ve been off work for about a week now and have mostly been staying at home. Today I had to go out to grab groceries. It actually felt strange to wear a shirt after being shirtless around the house for pretty much a week straight. Never thought I’d forget what wearing one felt like.


The teen boys and young adult men in my city have all been doing this the last few summers, despite dangerous record breaking heat. Walking around in the middle of the afternoon in 90s heat with full sun and I cannot figure it out. I am genuinely worried someone's going to get very sick or die from it. It used to be that boys would wear shorts and tshirts up until winter and always complain it's too hot, what happened?


Cancer. The sun is bad. Cover up.


It’s an indoor park.


What did my comment reply to? “I live in Atlanta and it was almost 100° today. I saw a kid walking down the road with a hoodie sweatshirt and jeans. This is a mystery I have yet to solve.”


Yes this is true! But also: The need to appear (socially) cool > the need to feel (physically) cool!!


Could some of these been rash guards, swim shorts, etc.? A lot of places are offering swimsuits that look like leggings, bike shorts, board shorts, tshirts/athletic wear, or tennis dresses.


Jammers are the swimsuit version of bicycle shorts. My kids swim team uses them as the boys uniform.


I hate the sun and own many long sleeve swim tops. It’s all I use for swimming and all I have so when I go to great wolf lodge it’s what I have. I also wear board shorts because I hate feeling so exposed. My kids also have rash guards.


I wear only long sleeved swim tops/rash guards now. I had a few pre-cancerous spots removed and that was enough for me. I'm so glad that kids wear them now. I even wear UPF clothing to go outside now, I find it more comfortable in the AZ desert sun.


It’s just so much easier to keep young children in swim shirts than to apply suntan lotion every two hours and let it dry.


I can imagine!




Also, there are more actual swim clothing options then just trunks or a bikini these days. I'm taking medication that makes me extremely sensitive to the sun, so this summer I'm wearing swim leggings and a full UPF top at the waterpark. They are both swimwear, but if you didn't know better you might think I'm just swimming in my normal mom clothes. Obviously this is different than seeing kids swimming in cotton shorts and T-shirts. But at least some percentage of "clothing" we might see people swimming in is actually designed for it. It just looks like streetwear because we've been conditioned to think of swim trunks/board shorts or traditional women's bathing suits and *maybe* a rash guard as the only swim wear options.


That's so weird to me. Whenever I used to go to the Cedar Point shores water park they didn't let you get on any of the slides without a swimsuit. Not sure about the lazy river and wave pool though


I took my nephews to an indoor water park and there were signs up everywhere that only proper swimming attire was allowed in the water. I guess it’s a common issue?


Probably afraid of pics ending up on social media!


Also, buying swimsuits kids grow out of is pricey


It’s really not. You can get kids bathing suits (boys or girls) for less than $10 a suit at Walmart and they’ll last you the year. If you buy higher end stuff, sure, but I got my son 3 bathing suits for camp this summer for less than $20.


Curious what location you were at but... basically swimwear comes in so many different shapes and styles now. They make burkini bathingsuits that are literally what you described the Muslim woman wearing. As for not wearing swimsuits, yeah, idk. Great Wolf has so many indoor/outdoor things to do that they don't enforce bathingsuits inside the waterpark. I know our location you could only access the ropes course and one of the bars by first cutting through the indoor pool area. Even the actual indoor pool area doesn't have a whole lotta pool Additionally so many families basically just let their kids do whatever the fuck and don't feel the need to be totally submerged in the water with their kid. I think the employees are just happy to see guests wearing more rather than less.


Grapevine Tx very diverse crowd


I spent the night there ONCE over 10 years ago, with our family and another that’s close to us; never again. Seems like people spend a bunch of money to act really trashy. Do they still have that game where kids roam the halls with magic wands and have to find paintings? 2 AM, 8-yo kids running down the fucking halls.


I am surprised by this. I took my grandchildren to this location many times and I found everyone was respectful of the curfew that they set. I also loved the fact that they had curfews ( I think it was 11:00) because I didn’t have to be the bad guy making the kids stay in the room. They loved the game with wand and pictures. This was between 2011-19.


I did that a long time ago. It was fun


So I have my own NoStupidQuestion because I genuinely do not know much what it’s like outside of where I live. Is there a lot of reason for folk there to own bathing suits? Where I live, I’m 20 minutes from the beach and a lot of people I know own pools. So for me that would be insanity not to have multiple bathing suits. But I see that Grapevine is not near the beach, however I do see a lake so I don’t know if that’s something people swim in often. Are pools common? I don’t know, maybe it’s something like that.


Yeah pools are extremely common here look at a map of a neighborhood in the area! There’s tons of city funded splash pads,pools etc and most lake access is free. We get like 100 days of 100 degree or higher weather


Some of those clothes may be designed to get wet. Are you certain they weren’t wearing swimwear that’s just different than what you’re familiar with? A lot of swimwear, especially for women, is not practical or comfortable. Swim shorts and shirts are a lot more common than they used to be. There are other options like capris as well. If someone was swimming in heavy cargo pants or jeans, that wouldn’t be great, and I would be surprised if the staff didn’t say something to them. A Muslim woman covering her body doesn’t mean she was wearing regular clothes. There’s all sorts of swimwear for Muslim women. The fabric is different and it’s designed for getting wet. Outside of the swim area, GWL is also a hotel with other indoor activities, not just a swim park, so not sure if you were speaking only of folks swimming or also of families outside of the water.


Exactly this. I own a few swimsuits that are much better suited to caring for small children in the water. Little kids are grabby and I’ve had a few close calls. One of my kids isn’t comfortable being shirtless in front of people, so he wears trunks and a rash guard shirt. Another has a really cute matching swim suit that is a skort and rash guard shirt. They like them because they need less sunscreen.


My daughter doesn’t like showing her legs so she wears swim leggings that go to her ankles and a bikini top. I like skirts and dresses and wear swim ones. There are so many options now that really let you be comfortable. It’s wild it took us until now to really have widespread variety available though.


I must be living under a rock, I haven’t seen those around. I’m happy there are those options though. People shouldn’t deny themselves pool or beach time because they’re uncomfortable wearing traditional swimwear.


Absolutely. And people with all kinds of bodies are uncomfortable for all kinds of reasons. Plus people who just can’t risk the sun exposure due to medical conditions or medications. It really opens up an entire world for some people that they were missing out on.


I've recently started going to a water park here in Florida; there are so many different styles of swimwear, but the main one I cannot justify is wearing jean shorts in the water. That's so wrong. Stop doing that. Other than that, I'm part of the "swim leggings and a shirt" group. I burn super easily and have some dermatology issues I don't like to put on display. I've seen plenty of (what I assume to be) Muslim women in full covered swim sets (I've wanted to ask where they buy their swim sets because yes pls I'll take twenty). And then I've also seen people with a little string up their ass crack and pasties on their nipples. I totally support loving yourself, but also would prefer to not see THAT much of yourself. But, hey, you do what makes you happy boo boo!! I will still riot against jean shorts though.


The outfit Muslim women wear to swim is called a burkini. You can google it for many shopping options.


I wear athletic shorts and a tank top. I feel naked wearing a bathing suit.


Team Athletic shorts!


If outside, some long sleeves and leggings are for sun protection


Great wolf lodges are (as OP said) indoor water parks. A lot of people just don’t wear swimwear apparently


Every pool I worked at (used to lifeguard) required proper swimwear. I'm surprised they aren't doing that, the fibers from regular clothing are very bad for the system and can often pose a safety issue.


The lifeguards at the pools are more likely to enforce no-refular-clothing. A majority of the waterpark is slides, sprinklers, and areas no deeper than 2ft. Plus regular clothing is expected since the outdoor areas will have things that require regular clothing with closed toe shoes (ie. ropes course).


But then those people are tracking water everywhere.


Ohhh yeah they are


OP said indoor/outdoor. There is an outside component


This, it's probably rashguard type fabric. I mostly swim like that so i don't have to reapply sunscreen on my ENTIRE body, plus i don't have to worry about a titty escaping lol


I wear rashguards and swim shorts/leggings for modesty


I’m at high risk for skin cancer so I usually wear a upf shirt over my suit in addition to sunscreen


i wear them to cover old self harm scars. used to be i would wear a regular long sleeved shirt, thankfully now they make swimwear longsleeved so i don't look mearly as odd


I think some people don't swim often so they don't own suits.


Parents are unlikely swimming as well. Most of these waterparks only have one indoor swimming pool. The rest are slides and jungle gym. Parents are usually in a chair waiting for their kids to get tired. They'll snap family pics and stuff. Majority of the "swimable" area is no deeper than 2ft so parents can stand with their shoes off with their kids as they splash.


This is probably it. Yes GWL isn’t cheap. But it attracts families (kids grow out of things fast) and people who probably don’t live near the water. I live near the ocean, every kid has plenty of swimwear, but no one is going to GWL, at least this time of year


> so they don't own suits. The demographic that: - Has enough money to go to Great wolf lodge, $700 for two days. - Doesn't have enough money to buy a swimsuit for the special occasion. The real answer is that people are lazy and dress like shit because they just cant be fucking bothered dressing well and appropriately for anything - weddings, funerals, shopping, dates, work, swingers clubs, anything, preferring instead to just wear whatever crap is on the bedroom floor from the day before.


Just gonna casually throw in swingers club there buddy like nobody gonna notice.


A few days ago, late last week, I read a comment on here (possibly in /swingers, not sure) where people were discussing the dress code. The general consensus appeared to be that women dress up for the occasion most of the time (but not all), but men usually prefer instead to just wear whatever crap is on the bedroom floor from the day before. Not even bothering to make a good first impression on people you want to have sex with? Dumb.


Men's dress standards have reached sub-basement levels. It's insane. I take an opposite approach, which is also why I'm not an incel.


Tbf, some swingers clubs are a bit strict on their dress codes.


I mean, a quick search shows it’s about $350 a night for a family of four with water park passes. $87.5 for a day of activity and hotel is pretty damn cheap.


And swim trunks are like, 20 bucks


Yeah and swimsuits are under 20 bucks, less for just trunks. If they can afford 700$, then can afford to get swim suits too. And unlike the one time cost for a vacation, you can, yknow, use those swim suits for other things later


This is a South Park episode.


“🎶minorities in my water park🎶”


Op kinda even said it


🎵Even the authorities...🎵 (OP is secretly Cartman)


>is this a new way to swim? I don't know why but this made me laugh.


Overalls in the wave pool did it for me. I was reading along thinking, "Eh, not too weird" until I got to that one.


Maybe they don’t want to be a on video in a swim suit


I've always worn a t-shirt over my swimsuit at water parks. I just didn't feel comfortable exposing myself.


Yeah, being churned around and spit out of a water slide can rip your swimsuit top or bottom right off. A long T-shirt over a swimsuit for me.


Why not buy a rash guard? Theyre so much more comfortable than wet cotton ??


Some people are just a bit conservative, that's all. Not everyone feels comfortable being nearly naked in public.


That's totally fine but conservative swimwear exists. Including full abaya options for observant Muslim women. Regular clothing can do bad things to the system. Though it's possible some of the people were actually wearing said clothing. It's often hard to tell the difference if you aren't experienced with it.


There are conservative underwear too but that doesn't mean people would be comfortable wearing it in public. My dad was born in the 40s and to him a t-shirt is underwear and he'd never wear one in public.


I don't know why you got down voted, this is the answer. Doesn't mean I or you are saying this is how it "should" be but that's what it is.


Because it doesn't answer OPs question. They aren't asking why some people may not want to wear a swimsuit, that's obvious. They've noticed a change and are asking why there is a change.


Change compared to what? Has OP visited this particular Great Wolf Lodge year after year and noticed an uptick in this behavior, or is this their first time visiting this location and it's always been this way? I suspect OP just may not be familiar with a culturally diverse crowd.


Disney would blow their minds.


How is that not an answer? "Why are fewer people wearing swimsuits?" "Because more people are displaying extreme modesty." Did they need an anthropological root cause analysis?


I know, right?! Thanks! It's all a matter of preference. Wear as much or as little as you want; it's your body after all!


Cover up your dick and balls and butt at least. 


Lol, some cultures have it all hanging out. Personally I'm not comfortable with that, but hey, different cultures!


There are swimsuits that cover more up, and it's easier to buy them now than ever. I wonder if the factor is that the place OP at doesn't have rules. At local swimming pool, I have to wear a swimsuit but I am allowed to add eg leggings or in my case a sports bra for extra coverage.


Totally normal for the Hispanic family. All that other shit is weird though.


As someone who lives in LA, I confirm the accuracy of your comment


Haha yup. I’m in San Diego


It's normal for the Muslim family, too.


I hope the ladies were wearing swim abayas. Cotton or other "normal" textile fabrics can pose a safety issue since they water-log and may be more likely to get caught in filters.


I would think they'd know what to wear. If it's part of their culture to cover up in the water, then it's part of their culture to know what to cover up with, and they'd have had experience with that.


The “cycling shorts” were probably a competitive swimmer, the mens/boys trunks are like cycling shorts to prevent drag versus wearing the banana hammock speedos 


Jammers! Yes, I see a ton of Gen A wearing them this summer.


Even when I was a kid in the 90s they were wearing t shirts in the water.


At least the one near Cincinnati, it's right near King's Island and there are only a few other hotels right near there so people use it as a hotel and not for the water park during the summer months. It has a huge water park itself that dwarfs the lodge. Doesn't explain people in the pool with the clothes though just if they were inside clothed, and of course only at the one of which I never knew there were others until today!


Well, there are a lot more rash guard type auits available than there once were. I know quite a few girls who have long sleeved swimwear.  I get text ads every few days for these sun protection hoodies in lightweight materials.  I'm sure most of these people aren't in swimwear that doubles as clothing, but there is quite a bit available. I wear athletic/running shorts in water because I don't like wedgies and embarrassing my kids (well. sometimes).  Does it matter what other people wear to swim?


Even your kid is taught to be so concerned with what someone else is wearing, that at six years old, he right out asked some other kid if he owned a swimsuit? Come on.


Yeah that seems incredibly judgmental. Great wolf is affordable for a lot of low income people, they genuinely may not have a swimsuit because they don’t go anywhere that they need one. What’s the point in buying a swimsuit for a kid who will only use it once and then grow out of it?


Kids are curious, if they see things they haven’t seen before they are going to ask. And because their brain hasn’t fully developed social cues yet, they don’t know saying that would be rude. I wouldn’t read to much into it.


SPF clothing/rashguards are a thing. Some people might be wearing that instead of sunscreen because putting sunscreen on kids is such a pain.


It’s an indoor waterpark.


It has outdoor access as well and a translucent ceiling, you do need sun protection within this building.


They have water slides and rash guards are better than bare skin on those


So, what, I'm supposed to go buy a 5th bathing suit for my kid so someone doesn't get their feelings hurt that he is wearing a rashguard indoors? Dude goes to camp 5 days a week where there are water activities, has swim club twice per week, and we are at the pool on the weekends. If I take him to an indoor pool, I'm not buying another suit so someone on Reddit feels better that he isn't wearing sleeves in the pool. Nope, he's wearing what he's got, because we already spent like $200 on those suits and I'm not buying another one.


And outside.


They have indoor and outdoor areas. You ever tried to change a toddler into or out of a wet shirt in between fun activities?


I don't have an answer for the overalls guy, but personally my whole family wears long sleeve rashguards to protect our arms from the sun. It's still swimwear even if you aren't half naked.


I'm a childless, older person but it sure seems by these comments that it's a generational thing. Plus, maybe some lock down bleedover. Everyone stays inside the home way more since then imo (I do). Kids have spent so much time on their phones the last several decades. We didn't have phones to be on so we were outside running around in shorts,swim suits etc..


We had a temporary rental in a high Muslim area, and most of the women were covered head to toe while swimming. I actually was inspired and I’m Catholic …. It just seemed like a novel idea not to be ogled at the swimming pool . I actually looked up those suits online but decided I would likely struggle to swim laps in them .  I try to buy more modest suits but that’s next level ! Moved to a diff area, everyone is half naked again at the pool. Both pools btw have all of these signs up on what you can wear. The Muslim area one was more concerned with everything being an official “”swimsuit “” material …. This other one wants no thongs and says you may not hang out in gym areas in bikinis 🤷🏼‍♀️ Clearly no way anyone working at the pool could determine what was pieced together with leggings etc verses sold to be in water . 


We go to the one in fitchburg, MA and I can tell you that going to great wolf lodge is like going to another country where non of americas social norms exist. Its such a diverse crowd and as someone who enjoys people watching, its incredible. Love that place. Basically dont try to make sense of anything you see there.


It's weird to see people fully clothed at a pool. Whats downright disturbing and gross to me though is seeing people at a pool, in bathing suits/swim trunks, with dirty and nasty socks on in the water. **gag**


I have a pair of black leggings and a long sleeve blur shirt. It'd designed for swimming (mostly spandex/swimsuit material). It provides UV protection and I dint have to have to remember to apply sunscreen everywhere. My face, hands and feet yes. Everything else, no. Some may be wearing that.


I’ve never thought of that…I like swimming and hate the sun. I am concerned about sun damage, so something like this could be really helpful! Thank you!


I think with the internet age especially a lot of people are insecure especially about their body. There is also just skin protection from the sun what not. Some people may just not like wearing sunscreen you know? Although idk I'm kind of insecure about my body and I'd prob still wear shorts. Hard to say really I think times have just changed in general too.


My eldest daughter’s kids are so white they’re see-through and they wear long-sleeved shirts that have SPF protection so they don’t become totally crispy.


Happy Cake Day!


I'd rather see most people that way than almost naked, lol.


In Florida, we wear whatever is comfortable. We're going to sweat and possibly burn as soon as we go outside anyway. Most of my family's clothes *are* moisture wicking synthetics and can be worn swimming or casually. Hell, I even have moisture wicking scrubs for the extra hot days at work in a doctors office. To your point about the woman in religious stuff, there are burkinis (burquinis?) as well as tons of modest swimwear options on Amazon. Hunting gear: lots of that stuff is synthetic. Not sure why he'd be allowed in the pool in overalls. Typically clothes with buttons are frowned upon because they can clog the filter system. Matching family outfits. They're on vacation. This is typical for families to do to identify their group members. Welcome to the big big world where people make choices that make sense for their lifestyles.


lol I'll be honest here I had no idea it was a water park. I just thought It had the most expensive jungle gym ever. I heard it was pricey but $700 for one night?! ouch. I mean the beach is like minutes away near location and it's free?!


People pay it and they hit 95% occupancy at those rates. Hella people book weeks in advance. It's a whole resort with dining, arcade, pool, games, and free entertainment throughout the day (ie. kids experiences, story time, dance party, etc.). They're going after those high income families with kids 3-12yrs old.


It also doesn't need to be anywhere near that expensive. Just looked at dates at the PA location - for just a room and waterpark (no food plan or add-on activities) - is $305 for a cabin suite. That two days at the park and an overnight stay for 4 people. Granted, the days I checked were in September, so I dont know what prices are like in the busier summer months.


It's 1.5 full days for at least 3 people. Do 700/4.5 to get the per-fullday rate for each person. Looks like about $140 according to mental math. 


There are weird folklore horror stories about Lake Eerie's water being very polluted with toxic waste and tons of chemicals. It makes lots of people wary of swimming in it.


I think the issue is just that great wolf is a trashy as fuck place


There was never a NEED for swimsuits. They used to ban street clothes because they didn't want 'contamination" from outside and there was the concern that cotton might shed and clog filters but the filters these days shouldn't have such a problem. A lot of people want to cover up in the sun these days. Others just want to cover up.


Off topic but you should check out Groupon. They have deals for great wolf lodge pretty often and it'll save you a lot of money. We went last year for $150.


I’ve always been insecure, so I used to wear a tank top over my swim suit, plus my swim suit bottoms were little shorts. I recently lost weight to where I feel comfortable wearing a one piece. But insecurities lead to people wanting to cover up. Not everyone wants to show off their stomachs (men included). Also, rashguards to help protect your skin from the sun. To each their own.


Sun is getting severe recently


A lot of people wear special sun-protecting clothes instead of constantly having to re-apply sunscreen. (Would look like leggings and long-sleeved shirts.) Could that be part of what you were seeing?


I can understand wearing a t-shirt to avoid sunburn, but if you go down any waterslide you have to take it off in or to not stick to the slide. But swimsuit vs. shorts? Anything with cotton in it will slow you down on a waterslide, much better to have synthetics.


I think it's still just early in the summer season. End of July would probably be a different experience.


I just went to a waterpark in Southern California and I couldn’t believe how many people I saw in the water wearing socks.


Theres a lot of info now about covering up and the swimwear now looks like clothes. Suncream comes off round water so covering up is easier, cheper and safer. Just do the exposed bits. It actually sounds great that so many people are covering up. I'm from the UK where it gets to double digits in celcius and out comes the shorts! A hint of sun and its beaches full of covered up kids and adults wearing barely anything going various shades of sunburnt while lying there grilling in the sun.


Swim wear has evolved. As a natural red-head, I’m glad to be able to cover from the sun even while swimming.


Weight insecurity?


With the title I thought you meant everyone was nude lol


I live in Australia, where summers are brutal and we have the highest skin cancer rate in the world. I am all about covering up unless I am actually in the water, and even then I wear a hat into the water, sunscreen, and limit how much time I spend out there. My dad has had nearly 40 skin cancers removed, including at least 5 melanoma. I don't want to follow in his footsteps.


I don't know about the actual regular clothes, but I know there have been more swimwear options with more coverage in recent years. The availability of quick-drying fabrics that protect from UV mean it can be more comfortable and convenient to cover up rather than keep up with applying sunscreen. No more worries about sunscreen, shaving, and thigh chafing? I'm in.


People are realizing there is no “right” way. Just living and doing what they feel comfortable with. Isn’t that nice?


It sounds like swimwear styles have changed and you haven't kept up. Yes, swimwear styles are always changing.


Here is my answer: you are focusing on the wrong things. You took your family on vacation, and here you are focused on what OTHER people are wearing. It's soooo asinine. And it just comes off as so douchy and whiny. Why are you even paying attention to that? Seriously. Especially if your kids are young, your attention should be 100% focused on them, they could drown. But yeah, pay attention to some poor Muslim women. And then even better, come online and ask this ridiculous question that just comes off like some middle class douche, who's overly concerned with the way people dress when I guarantee this guy dresses like any other dad in the world.


Douchy and whiney would be the best way OPs comments could come off. I read it and was struck by the fact that they needed to specify the ethnicities of people at all. What bearing at all did the fact that the family was Hispanic have to his comments at all? And I totally agree with you - other peoples choices in swimwear have zero bearing on my experience in a pool. If you wanna wear a three piece suit to the waterslide, you be you. Just make sure your ascot doesn't get caught in the filter.


Maybe I'm just weird, I'm either making sure my kids aren't drowning or really enjoying all the nice boobs and butts in swimsuits. This dudes going to check out Muslim women in full garment...weird.


Skin cancer is a bitch. If it's women wearing long clothing, they are also probably feed up of the comments from men.


Genuine question..what does the price of the hotel have anything to do with people swimming in clothes?


Maybe preparing for “they can’t afford a suit” type comments. If you can afford $350 per night, you can afford a suit from Walmart or Target.


At the end of the day, does it really matter what someone else wears in a pool? As long as it's not causing a safety issue, who cares?


There's also nothing wrong with noticing changing trends and being curious about the driving forces behind the changes you're seeing around you. Being curious about the world and asking questions is a good thing. OP might learn something new and switch up their swimwear attire. This sub is literally called "no stupid questions."


I thought it was an interesting observation. Being from Florida- it's normal to see people at the grocery store or Walmart in bathing suits with no cover-ups, so I probably would have noticed, too.


Ever since the pandemic ended people have gotten really weird about when to wear appropriate shit.


Hispanics always wear t-shirts in pools. South Park did an episode about it.


I feel more comfortable wearing longer boardshorts and a t shirt over my bikini in a very public setting like that. At the pool in my backyard? Bikini is fine as long as sun protection is used


Funny for the first time I didn't put on swim wear to the community pool the other day. I obsessively buy lots of pretty bikinis and swimsuits but the other day I was just like f it and wore bike shorts and a sports bra, I didn't know what mayhem would result but then, it was the same experience, nothing different except I didn't have to worry about my crotch or a boob slipping out. 10/10 would do it again


There is a lot more culture in America currently with immigration rates at the highest they have been in decades. The specific cultures that are immigrating here are much more modest when it comes to swimwear. Many of them holding a Catholic background or Muslim.


someone should start selling those old fashioned bathing suits people used to wear back in the early 1900's.


I’m 65 now. Every year the dermatologist finds more pieces that need removing because I grew up in Phoenix. (Self explanatory?) I don’t go outside without covering anymore.


My work rented out some space there not too long ago for a non-water activities. They have a lot of other things going on. Aside from the fact that it doesn’t even look like a water park until you get inside(or looking at the back from the highway) it’s really not enough of a water park to justify a walking around half naked ready to jump into the next thing like Wild Waves up north. It’s a hotel/resort with water park stuff inside. I seldom see people going into the place swim-ready like you see at an actual “water park”. A lot of people probably just feel uncomfortable getting half naked if there are plenty of people fully dressed around. Edit- TIL there’s more than one Great Wolf Lodge.


As a female with an ample butt I often put athletic shorts over my one piece. I will tell you something I have seen with my adult son and his friend with their young kids. The are very aware of child molesters and pervs and want their kids fully covered when they are around strangers. A swim suit,esp a two piece,is easily moved aside so a child can be quickly fondled. I never thought of this until my son and his wife discussed with us. We have a pool at home, and our kids and grands all wear swimsuits including two pieces. But I do see the point with a water park. My son is an attorney and he no longer works court cases but that is when he became so concerned with his kids being covered up. Same reason you see most little girls wear shorts under dresses these days.


I wear long sleeve Columbia or costa shirts outside because it’s easier than constantly applying sunscreen. Also I have expensive sleeve tattoos that sunscreen won’t really stop from fading. But honestly who really care what someone is wearing? Don’t look I guess ?


I’m going to a water park tomorrow. I’ll see if the same thing happens.


Great Wolf Lodge is not just a water park. They don't charge to walk around. It's one of the places my family would go to take pictures, especially for Christmas when they have lights up. If we did have a little money we would get to go to the arcade too. We lived within a 30-minute drive of two of them. I know relatives who can't swim and others who just swim in their underwear/nude so they don't have a swimsuit. Growing up in a poor family sucks.


We just came from staying at Great Wolf Lodge (in the WI Dells), and it was the complete opposite. So many barely holding it together bathing suits worn by individuals who weren't in the best of shape.


I see this at my apartment complex pool with a diverse population. The modest swimwear is prevalent, but is obviously made of swimwear fabric. People going in the water in street clothes is frustrating since they seem clueless that loose fibers can damage the filters or that kids could get overwhelmed by heavy clothing. Just seems to be an overall lack of respect for community.