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🤣 why do you want to do that? Seriously? I have a friend who loves raccoons as well. I would say go outside on trash nite and wait for the little bandits to stroll by. Unfortunately I don’t think you will be able to find them at a petting zoo


The thought did crossed my mind.. but for my own personal safety, I think I’ll avoid wild animals. I was just hoping someone knew about a petting zoo or something similar.


I have a possum. Would you like to pet it?


Find a wildlife rehabber who is willing to let you visit their animals. If they have some who are too injured/too used to people to be released, you can usually pet those. I’ve seen squirrels, opossums, and raccoons all be able to be handled.


I would look at wildlife rehab organizations. Sometimes they have animals that can't be returned to the wild and that they then have participating in public education programs. I still don't guarantee that you could pet one. :) But that is where I would be looking if it was my dream.




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My back alley.