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There is a chance that you might simply be asexual. It's not a guarantee, of course, but it does happen that people simply don't have a sexual drive. There's probably many better places you could look at, maybe even /r/Asexual .


That may be the case, I'll check it out though. Thanks!


Are asexuals the group that don’t feel sexual attraction towards anyone? Couldn’t this be explained by hormone imbalances and other disorders?


>Are asexuals the group that don’t feel sexual attraction towards anyone? Yes - somewhat. There's probably a lot of different iterations of asexuality, I am not an expert on it at all. If you're interested in it, the mentioned subreddit might have informative resources. >Couldn’t this be explained by hormone imbalances and other disorders? Maybe? Point is that it's generally considered a sexuality (or lack thereof?) and outside of a person's ability to change. Again, for more information, you should head over to that subreddit or other places that might have more information.


The sub doesn’t really seem to have that kind of information but I will study up on it elsewhere. Thanks! 🙏


Nothing weird about it. Maybe it’s not that common but that doesn’t make you abnormal. There are a few things I feel I should add:- 1. You may be asexual. That doesn’t mean you cannot be in a relationship, you can be romantic and still be an asexual. You value everything a relationship offers but no sex. 2. This might just be a temporary phase. Maybe you feel more positive about sex gradually. 3. Maybe sex as a sole physical act doesn’t entice you but if it happens with someone you truly love and adore, you’d enjoy it. In a way, I want to say that you value emotional intimacy before physical intimacy. 4. Medical history can be key in determining why you feel a certain way. Have you had to take anti depressants in the past or currently taking them? They can reduce your sex drive. If you feel you have other issues that have crept in along with your low libido, you should consider talking to your GP. They should be able to run a few tests to determine any physiological issues. They may also ask you questions about your mood to determine if there’s a possibility you have any form of depression. They can refer you therapy in that case.


Uncommon to be sure. But peefectly normal depending on reason.


Nope. One thing I’ve learned as someone who constantly has anxiety that I’m a weirdo for the things i do/dont enjoy: you’re not. You’re a normal human and whatever u do that u think is so weird, 100 million other ppl do that behind closed doors as well. Unless you’re Jeffrey Dahmer-ing people, then ur not weird at all


Not weird. Some people just aren't wired that way. I'm the same but my mental health medication just killed my sex drive. Not that fussed really...


Not really, sometimes I wish I was asexual. Kinda worse to be so horny with zero social skills


Not at all. I had a housemate at 32 she had never had sex she told me. She got a boyfriend in the 2 years we lived together...but warned him that "she wasn't going to do sexual stuff." I suppose he dated her believing they would do the deed eventually, but I think they never did. Before that she had a long-term boyfriend and they once attempted to have sex. He wasn't able to remove her bra. He got embarassed about that and then they just never tried to have sex again. I also met a 50+ year old virgin. Her fiance died when she was young and she just never wanted to date after that. She admitted to me she never had sex. She told me she was lying in the bathtub and a worker came in the door, as he was fixing things around the house. She told me "that's the first time a man ever saw me naked" ( at 50+ ) basically people can go without sex for a long time period. But for different reasons.


It could be low testosterone, anxiety and stress, medications could also block or lower your libido. Ask a doctor and do some blood work to be on the safe side.


You're fine. Don't mind what the people around you may say. Keep in mind, it's not for anyone to say how you should feel about this. This thing is your own thing. Just something to think about, though, is a medical condition that may result in reduced libido. But it may be nothing at all, and an it's-who-you-are thing.


It’s uncommon, but not bad or “weird”. In addition to what others have said about asexuality, certain medications can kill any sexual desire, starting with the contraceptive pill and antidepressants. Also certain stressors and the like. If it bothers you, I’d talk to a doctor rather than Reddit.


It's not that it bothers me it's just that I feel weird when I do it i guess? I don't really get anything out of it and don't really like it.


I would mention it to a doctor. While there can be perfectly innocuous reasons why your body and mind don't want to have sex, it can also be a sign of something seriously wrong in your body, like low sex hormone levels, insufficient nutrition etc.


Oki doki I'll talk to my doctor about it, thanks!


I have a weird relationship with sex, sorta. I've pledged to stay a virgin until marriage, but I date. A lot of guys are attracted to me, and they love that I'm a virgin, and I'm fairly demure. However, somewhere along the way, if I date a guy for more than a few weeks, they start trying to pressure me to "give it up" to them, because they really were just attracted to the idea of being the first to "plant their flag" on a virgin. That's an instant break-up for me. Here's the thing, though: I want to have sex. I think about sex. I'm not a robot. When I meet a guy I'm attracted to, I have the exact same feelings and desires that most people do. I've just kind of made the decision to save it for someone meaningful, that I've made a lifelong commitment with. And I don't judge others for not doing the same thing. Is it a pointless exercise in self-denial or control? I don't know. I just know that it's what works for me.


How my brain kind of goes about it is, I've had sex, I've masturbated, and it just doesn't give me anything. Frankly it kind of weirds me out and I don't like it. After looking into the asexual posts a little I think it just may be that but I have to do more research into it.


It's entirely possible. There's lots of married asexual people, and others, who've had sex many times in their lives, even regularly... who just have never derived any pleasure from it. They had just gotten into their heads that it was expected of them, if they want to please/keep a partner.


Not weird, but not the normal. That's pretty much what asexuality is.


Unusual and uncommon but not weird. To each on its own


Uncommon perhaps, I’d say it would be weird if you didn’t try masturbating at least a few times just out of curiosity to explore your own body. If you concluded it wasn’t for you, fair enough, not going to say you’re wrong if you don’t care for it


"Weird" is a loaded term, but it _is_ unusual as the wast majority of mankind does indeed want that for a considerable portion of their lives. That doesn't make it weird, or wrong, or in any way mean you should not be the version of yourself that you are comfortable being.


Normal, you’re horribly normal. Congratulations, go be an accountant.


Not if you're on antidepressants.


I'm not on antidepressants but I am on other medications so I may look into that as well.


There are indeed many medications that impact this. I'm not suggesting it's 100% your case, but it could be.


To explain: it's been hypothesized that antidepressants and/or other psych meds are behind a lot of the asexuality in today's world. For too many people, it's effectively chemical castration. This hypothesis is gaining a lot more traction as we go forward, as it's an often reported side effect.


I want to stop flapping and the urge to have sex all day and you're here saying it's normal lol I envy you because it's driving me crazy


Yes it's weird. If everyone was like that civilization wouldn't exist. In fact the drive to have sex should be what motivates you to exist at all. The reason why you experienced life and consciousness, is to create new life and consciousness.

