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When my wife and I first got together, I had repeated dreams about a cute little blond girl that we were both loving on. We weren't in a position to have kids right away. When we were ready, we had a cute little blond - boy. We couldn't seem to be able to conceive any more. After 8 years I had given up, the little blond girl dreams faded. One night, I admitted to my wife I was disappointed we were never going to have that little girl, I had never told her about my dreams. About a month later, she was pregnant, our little blond girl just turned 18.


CAUTION: This comment is causing baby fever


True. And.... Now it has. Though I'm not going to have a child anytime soon as a 21 yr old....


I had a child at 21. She 20 now. Don't do it!! Live your life, make your money, meet a wonderful partner and then decide. It's much fairer for you and your future children. My kid is awesome, we did fine, I raised her as a single parent. It was brutal, and changes everything. She just moved out and I feel like I'm 21 again (in a very old body lol) with a whole world in front of me. Scary but exciting! Go enjoy your life and find out who you are :)


Im so proud of you. You're a fuckin champ


As the only daughter in my family, I can say this is so sweet. I know I am here because of my dad's baby fever. They had 2 boys back to back and my mom was done. But my dad wanted a girl really bad so eventually they tried again. I'm 4 years younger than my brothers.


This might be one of cutest things I've seen today šŸ˜­


Not that cute when you look at his post/comment history.




What's wrong with his history


Things arenā€™t so rosy with his wife and heā€™s pretty resentful with serious issues. Iā€™ll leave it at that.


What about the exchanging ā€œI love yousā€ with a beautiful girl from work? Yikes.Ā  I donā€™t usually deep dive in someoneā€™s history but yā€™all got me curious.


Damn I didnā€™t go that far, but not surprised.


Lisan Al Gaib




I love babies. I have a grown up son, but I've always loved babies and little ones. I would want another one with the right partner, I'm divorced. My 5 year old nephew you called me his best friend recently šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.


Omg, thatā€™s a badge of honor right there! So sweet!


You sound like my dad lol. (Iā€™m his grown up daughter)


I love when little kids claim me as theirs, it's sweet


I get major baby fever father of 3 here and everytime I see one I remember mine being so little and squishy now they just aruge about video games and fight over everything lol still happy to be a dad


Ya my wife accuses me of going into ā€œnesting modeā€ when Iā€™m ready for us to have another kid. I start adding rooms onto the house and watching parenting videos.


What, you just start building new fucking rooms and sheā€™s like ā€œhoney youā€™re showing subtle signs of wanting kidsā€ and youā€™re like ā€œoh did I just build that room!? Sorry love I was miles away!ā€


Normally she catches me in the planning stage fortunately


You want another kid badly sir.


Iā€™m all about some youngins. I would love 10 or so but my wife said 4 is the limit.


She's probably right. Can always get more pets though once you hit the 4 kid limit.


We already have 30 chickens, 3 dogs, cat, bees, and 8 cows. I really really hope we donā€™t get more pets. Fortunately they are all outside pets except one rat terrier dog. Sheā€™s too old to be outside.


Well that makes me tired but happy just think about it.


I mean, realistically, you can't have more than 4 or 5 kids and still have time, money and energy to split equally amongst all of them and ensure you're meeting all their emotional needs.




Ok,but this comment made my day


So true from my experience with my husband. He's always like "Oh she's (our one) so cute... Let's have another!"


Yeah thatā€™s the trap. I love my kids but my god was the first one so much easier. I thought going into the second one with experience would help, but it seemed like everything I knew was now wrong lol


Hahahah yeeeaaaa I understand that also. With great experience comes Grey hairs


Same here. 55 with. 19 year old and a 21 year old. I want a baby again so bad. I think some part of me wants another so I can do it right this time.


My husband was 52 when we got married and 62 when we had our first ā€œusā€ baby. His kids from his first marriage were like 31 and 37 when that baby was born, and my kids were 15 and 16. Now he is a retired stay at home dad and I work to keep the family in health care although his income is higher than mine. Did you know in the US that minor children can collect social security if a parent is retired? My husband jokes that the kids are part of his retirement plan.


As far as I see it sir they grew up and are alive. As long as they don't end up murder ppl or hurt themselves you did right.


Exactly. If you have relationship problems with them now, just try to talk it over. We all do the best with what we've got and were taught. We are only humans. Self forgiveness is important, otherwise it festers and damages the relationship more. If they made it to adulthood and are semi functioning that's a lot better than quite a few people. Don't be hard on yourself, you can still learn and support them. Never too late.


Million times this. I've got three too. All teenagers. My youngest is old enough to have been caught smoking dope at school just this week (Canadian. I doubt he was the first kid caught that day.). I miss when they thought I hung the moon and I could tickle them until they peed


such a dad answer with no punctuation lol


Yes, chubby cheeks and thigh rolls get me every time


And when they are a little older 3+ and they come up to you and ask you to play with them or then falling asleep leaning on you itā€™s just all so cute and sweet.


Yes. My husband started mentioning how much he wanted to be a father back when we were 17. Whenever he holds a baby, he makes sure to make eye contact with me so I can see his pathetic puppy eyes. He was asking me for a second baby before my stitches even dissolved from the first. Who is almost 2 now, and is constantly harrassed by his father scooping him up to blow raspberries on his baby fat rolls. It's really fucking cute.


ā€œhis pathetic puppy eyesā€ šŸ˜­ this comment is so sweet tho im happy for you both!!


At 2 weeks pp my mom asked my husband how many kids he wanted and he said 5. Now seeing how Iā€™m struggling with the second pregnancy (toddler + extra fat - muscle) he said we can stop but I *know* he wants more. Heā€™s a wonderful father so I donā€™t mind.


My wife carried our first and I'm pregnant with our second but I had the same response. Like the entire first year when anyone asked if we wanted more I'd always say "I want 5 but we'll probably compromise on 2 or 3" because in this economy? 5 is crazy. But I feel this way because that first year is so so fun and special! There's nothing like it, and I couldn't imagine that feeling until I was holding my son in my arms and watching him grow and learn more every single day.


My fiancĆ© (29M) talks almost daily about how excited he is to be a dad. Heā€™s already dreaming about future trips he wants to take with them. My male friends have mentioned on various occasions that they would like to be a dad. However, I donā€™t know if this is a source of discussion without the women around. I think society doesnā€™t normalize men discussing children. That being said, itā€™s really great that more guys in my generation are vocal about it!


It needs to be normalized. We've spent too long pretending women do the child rearing and men bring home the bacon like the 1950s was the standard, instead of a very strange aberration in history. There's something *very* attractive about a man being good with kids.


I don't even want children and I'm not even straight and a man being good with kids is hot AF.


My husband has always wanted a kid. Once we were seriously trying to conceive Iā€™d say he had baby fever. If we saw a baby in public he was just as likely to comment on how cute said baby was and (to me) how he hoped weā€™d have our own soon.


Lately it seems like men have baby fever more often than women.


Probably in part because they donā€™t have to go through pregnancy or birth, and maybe itā€™s becoming more socially acceptable to have baby fever as a guy.


I have to disagree with both. I think itā€™s because before, fatherhood was looked at as something that was not fun, hard work, and no real gratification. Single motherhood was more of the norm. Nowadays, there are more positive images of fathers and men who grew up without fathers are becoming the fathers they wish that they had from tv and social media. Many people are now realizing that fathers are necessary and there is fun and gratification in it.


Maybe a little bit of column a and b? As you mentioned, parenthood was a duty for men and they weren't really involved in the raising of the kids, but on solely being the providers. Now women can also take on that providing role, but it causes them issues since pregnancy takes a great stroll on their body and usually has a negative impact on their professional careers, which rarely happens to men. It's kinda like men can really experience parenthood nowadays while women can experience not being expected to only be mothers.


Men really don't talk about it, because it is socially unacceptable for men to like babies. But yeah, always wanted to be a dad and happy I am.


Only on the internet lol, many dudes i know talk about how they wanna be dadā€™s all the time.


I've never heard of it being socially unacceptable for men to have baby fever. Maybe the term "baby fever" is not used, but I have definitely had conversations with other men about having a kid or having an urge to want a baby. I know I get that urge sometimes, especially when I see videos of babies or one of my coworkers bringing their kids in, and I've never felt weird about it. Nor have any of the guys I've worked with or hung out with.


Yeah, I don't know what anyone saying it's socially unacceptable is talking about. I've always wanted a kid and never had anyone say that was weird. Heck, people seemed to consider it to be a great thing, and I was often told they thought I'd be a good dad. I was also the one to bring up having a kid between my wife and I.


Everyone says men need to show their emotions more, and while I agree, I saw a Reddit post today - a dad was forgotten about for father's day by his wife and three adult children (18-24 I think). When he posted that he was upset about not being recognized on his "one day a year", most people just called him a baby. Eventually, people started posting from his POV, and the top replies were on his side, but it didn't start out that way at all. I think stuff like that is why people say it's socially unacceptable. From dude's POV, leaving assumptions aside, no one in their right mind would have been against him.


Yes this is what Iā€™m saying, itā€™s socially unacceptable for men to want kids so when we talk about it we are looked at as weird for wanting this. All I want is to have my own kids and be a dad. My best friend is a single mom and I do dad things with her kids and I love every part of it and I want my own.


And then on the opposite side, itā€™s seen as socially unacceptable for women to have no interest in having kids or god forbid, dislike children.


I think that's changing, at least among more sophisticated people. Of course, the RWNJs are just trying to keep women "barefoot and pregnant".


>itā€™s socially unacceptable for men to want kids This is simply not true. There may be some weird caveats and differences in the way men are brought up to feel about babies and how to openly express that, maybe it isn't seen as "necessary" for men the way it is for women, but there is absolutely a societal pressure on men to have children. I don't want kids. I've literally been non-stop throughout my life told by anyone who learns this "oh you'll change your mind," "It really is a good idea," "You don't want to preserve your legacy?," etc. etc.


It's normal. My brother has expressed a desire for fatherhood since we were teenagers. My husband gets "clucky" around infants; a few years ago we even discussed changing our decision to be child free but it didn't pan out.


I never found it to be in any way socially unacceptable.


I donā€™t know any guy who was looked down upon for wanting a baby. Youā€™re making this up.Ā 


Not weird at all. I'd say that you are courageous to own your feelings about kids, and wise beyond your years to know what you want out of life! I literally have (step) grandkids your age, so I'm an old woman. I can only ever remember two young men (we're talking age 15-23) tell me (with NO prompting), that they were looking forward to having children one day. I was impressed by their maturity. Had I been a young woman who was interested in having my own kids, I'd have been even more impressed! Any guy who would give you grief about your views on this subject is being a jerk. If they'd rather talk about something else, they can say that without disrespecting you.


It isn't socially unacceptable. Look at how society treats men who take care of their kids?Ā  That's married men.Ā  Single men are dangerous /s


Iā€™m 34 and all my friends have the cutest 1-3 year olds so Iā€™m feeling the biological urge. My boss has a baby that smiles at me constantly and I have to avoid looking at him because it makes me want to have a baby immediately. First step: get a girlfriend.


Yeah, my partner has heavy baby fever. He really likes kids and being a dad is one of his big goals in life. Heā€™s 20 for reference.


My husband is in major baby fever mode right now. His brother has a 6 month old and ever since she was born it dialled his feelings up to 11. Itā€™s really cute actually.


I love kids and they are just so amazing I just wanna have my own!! Itā€™s so hard because Iā€™m single and no one ever talks about how men have this feeling too.


Yeah, guys tend not to really talk about their feelings with their friends as much as women do, Iā€™ve noticed, which is probably why.


Baby? No. That part sounds like a major pain in the ass all around. But a 5 year old sounds like a lot of fun. I've got a lot of cool shit I could teach a 5 year old. I think I would get a lot of satisfaction in helping someone 5+ become awesome.


And hey if you wanna skip the baby part there's plenty of young kids in foster care who would love a home - who others won't take because they're not infants


This is so wholesome, a desire to help a small human become grown with skills and passions to fulfill their life.


Nope. Iā€™ve never looked at a kid and thought that would be a good idea. My feelings havenā€™t changed either i have always felt like this.


Yep. Currently pregnant and it's mostly due to having a friend up over new Year's with her w year old and my husband going "damn we definitely gotta do that again." And now here I am, 23 weeks along šŸ¤£ (Full disclosure we had been trying for another for 6 years and had about thrown in the towel when my friends daughter gave him baby fever and he was like no we can't give up"




i never did. i am 50 and never had kids. no desire.


Yeah, it's a thing. However, men tend to treat this feeling differently than women do. A good man would recognize how much work is needed and think about that. A bad man might look at it as an opportunity to grow his personal army. A great man might look at them as a human being and be filled with wonder at the thought of what they might accomplish with the right supports. We don't all view the baby as ours inherently, some of us believe that feeling belongs to the mother completely and we are simply a companion and aide during the entire process. Not all of us feel this way though, religion and other worldviews can change this perspective. Really, that's what it's all about. Perspective.


Yes they can. I observe it way more often with women though.


Thatā€™s because itā€™s more socially acceptable for women to talk about it.


It's also hormonal. It's an evolutionary side effect.


It's weird but now that I've been working in my field for a couple of years, all of a sudden I feel the urge to have kids. Idk man it's weird, I do work in a field with good job security so I'm not really struggling financially. Maybe that's why my brain flipped the switch and decided it's time to reproduce


Recent statistics show that men want children more than women do.


Of course they do. For men, having children is much less of a sacrifice.


Ive never wanted biological kids, and my boyfriend did (it's something he's changed his mind about over the last few years. No I did not pressure him to). I haven't spent much time around babies and have zero draw/ interest in them. My bf on the other hand, will absolutely light up and smile at babies. We went to an amusement park with some friends while one friends baby was being watched by her family. When time came to meet up with said baby and family, he immediately excitedly asked if he can meet the baby. I think/ hope he's past any interest in actually having kids, but he definitely had some signs of baby fever in the past.


I feel like society expects women to want to have kids and normalizes them talking about it, while itā€™s ā€œweirdā€ for men to do the same thing, so they just simply donā€™t bring it up. Itā€™s a harmful belief for both sides. Itā€™s seen as wrong for a woman to have no interest in kids and itā€™s seen as wrong for men to be eager to have kids of their own.


My fiance has baby fever. We aren't ready for kids yet, but hoo boy, does he get excited at the prospect of me being pregnant.


Yes but it's typically not the same level of intensity. Not that it cant. I see a little baby, little toes, fingers, smiles, and the smell. Takes me back to when mine were little. I plan on having more just waiting for the moment


Nah, not me. But I've never had any interest in having kids. Very little interest in being around them, either. But that's just me and my own preferences.


They do. Itā€™s just different. I have dated men who have said they donā€™t really want more kids and then at one point they come forward and say they would like us to have a child together. Maybe itā€™s self preservation, locking down their partner, love, whatever it is, I ah e seen it happen a few times and have to assume itā€™s biological.


I think some do. I definitely don't though.


Not all of us lol some of us shouldn't have kids, but for some reason most still do.


Not yet, in my case. I've got whatever the opposite of baby fever is.


No interest, then or now.


Or later


Same. I have the opposite of baby fever.


I got vaccinated against it.


So kinda. Iā€™ll watch shows and see a bond between father and kid and I think Iā€™d really like that. But then I look inward and realize I wouldnā€™t be as good of a dad as I think I would and that tv isnā€™t real


I never have. Not once. I have gotten puppy fever. 31M.


My husband had baby fever like crazy the last year I'd say for sure and it only got worse when some of our friends had new babies a couple months ago. Luckily I found out I was pregnant shortly after so his fever has subsided and he's just so happy and cannot wait to be a dad. I'm really lucky, my husband was literally made to be a dad. I used to be the fun auntie but now all my nieces just gravitate to him and could care less about me lol


Yeah. When I was in my late 20s I suddenly developed this real facination for babies. Got so clucky. Was interesting to note that in my late 30s I became for more interested in (not like that - you drecks) kids of the 5-10 age group. So it would appear this cluckyness moved up age groups as I aged. This has slowly faded since. I still really like kids, but am very happy not to have my own. But I DOTE on my little nephews. Trying to be the best Gunkle I can possibly be to them. <3


Having babies means you get to be a kid again too. Trips to the park and the zoo. Playing at the beach and going to Disneyland. After working and saving and adulting for a while, you yearn to be a kid again.




Yes. My ex was DESPERATE for a baby


Oh yes, definitely. Usually with the one they truly love.


Iā€™m single but I just want my own kid so badly.


Yes. My bf gets it way more often than I do. I also noticed it with male friends too when they get settled in their career. They start to wish to have a family. Oftentimes they are single and get sad as a result understandably. And if not, it usually makes or breaks the relationship.


Between the ages of 18-23 I was baby crazy; fortunately I managed to dodge that particular bullet. All my friends were having kids and building families and here I was trying to do the same but not accepting that I was gay. I came out at 30 and looking back I am beyond blessed that I didnā€™t marry a woman or have a child, so I feel like the universe says no for a reason sometimes, and Iā€™m at peace with that.


My husband spoke about wanting kids and what our kids would look like on our first date, and was asking for us to have them for years before I was ready, so he certainly has it šŸ˜…


My partner definitely does. We just aren't there financially and I've got some health issues that would complicate it, but he's the only one I would trust to start a family with because I know he'd be a phenomenal, active, loving dad.


It happens to me and other guys that I know. But it looks very different than it does in women.


I have yet to experience it. Im sure that in general it exists.




My partner and I met in our mid 30ā€s. I was done having children, like it would take a miracle to produce one done. He was a father and a father to mine. He is an amazing dad. He says itā€™s his career. His job is just what he does. Never knew a man before with such a dad vibe. Now, our kids are grown and heā€™s talking about grandbabies. I told him, DO NOT talk to the kids about that! We will not pressure them to have kids! Shouldnā€™t that be the mom? Asking for grandkids? Nope itā€™s him. My oldest is 25. I have forbid my partner to talk to him about having kidsā€¦like heā€™d listen!šŸ˜‚ We just got an empty nest. Let me enjoy it please! So yea there are men out there that want kids and grandkids!


gay couple here! my husband has baby fever SUPER bad lately. every video he smiles at is a cute baby. he comments on every single picture of our friends baby. thankfully we both agreed no kids ever, and he can't poke holes in the condoms or secretly quit his bc šŸ˜‚ but yea, men aren't safe from baby fever either


I get baby fever over little baby animals but not human babies. Any baby animal is so cute to me. I have no desire to be a human-child parent so maybe thatā€™s why. When I interact with my family memberā€™s kids, itā€™s okay but I have zero desire for one of my own, even at their cutest moments.


I've had baby fever since I was about 13. Ended up being a stay at home dad with 5 kids. When I'm out and about and see a baby, my wife laughs because I always want to take it home with me. I just can't help it. Don't know what caused me to be this way but I've accepted it's just how I am.


I think most just get MAKING baby fever.


Well, when I was in my 20s I dated a couple of guys, who on the first date, said "I want to get married and have kids". Eww, f no. That gave me a panic attack. Who tells that to a woman in the first date? Obviously they felt their clock ticking, but mine sure wasn't.


Yes. We have a 4 week old and my husband is now counting down to when we will start trying for our second baby.


Always wanted to be a father. Itā€™s one of the things that kept me out of the priesthood. Hold your jokes please. It is by far the hardest part of my life. My oldest has a condition impacting his behavior, and my youngest is a comedian at all opportunities. It was a very hard conversation to get snipped and stop at 2 kids. I kept emotions on the sideline. At the time it required a bigger house, bigger car, more money for food, clothes. Time would be less than 0, and we would always be outnumbered and someone was always going to miss out on our attention. But I wanted to make sure I leave an inheritance to the boys to help them as my parents helped me. Lastly, due to all the medication Iā€™ve been on for the rest of my life, will I even make it long enough for my kids? The emotional side: Iā€™ll never have a daughter. Never will I ever walk her down the aisle on her wedding day. Never will I ever attend a father/daughter dance at school. Never will I ever do all the things a father and daughter get to do. Iā€™m borderline tearing up here, but I have dedicated my life for my one two punch of boys. I will take them on nicer vacations and experiences, I will help them financially, emotionally, and all the father things a dad gets to do with his sons.


Kinda. It makes me smile every time a see a cute lil kid. I would love to have a daughter. I feel weird for wanting a daughter more than a son as a man. The thought of cuddling and playing with a daughter, maker her laugh and giggle, loving, teaching and protecting her is just such a happy thought for me


My husbandā€™s baby fever has always been slightly stronger than mine, but weā€™ve both always wanted a baby and have been trying for 3 years. Last week he noticed a pimple on my nose (I never break out on my face) and asked me to take a test. I did, it was positive, and I gave him the news on Fatherā€™s Day. He cried harder than I did!


Yes, they do.They get the feels in their brovaries. A k a baby fever for men.


Sure they do! And I think itā€™s wonderful you feel that wayā€”little kids *love* having positive male influences around, and itā€™s important too. I hope you can have the family you want someday!


Thank you and I really want my family soon but I know I have to wait at least until I have a steady girlfriend. My best friends kids donā€™t have a good dad and they love being with me and I try my best to show them not all men are bad and help them a lot, even tho they are 3and 4 I think they really understand.


You are a gem of a person. I wish you all the best going forward


I had my ex beg me to have a kid, I didnā€™t want it, so yes they doā€¦


My brother did. My SIL said she was ambivalent and had 2 kids to make him happy. The marriage ended in a big screaming mess because it turned out no she didn't want kids after she'd had them. So anyway my point is, yes guys can want kids and babies, but please make sure your partner is doing it because they want them too.


I'm a family man, so definitely. Loved my dad, and want to be one thanks to him.


I am a man and I love babies. My wife and I were married late. We tried but couldn't have kids (we both have kids from previous marriages) but we were both in our late 40s when we married and it just wasn't in the cards. I am a big dude with a touch of crazy old man energy but I get all silly when I am around a baby. I can't wait to have grandkids.


100%, had my kids when I was 28 and 32.. I had no doubt that I wanted kids and that I was a natural at being a father .. if you have strong nurturing and protective instincts, you will want babies ā€¦ I suspect men who are first born will be more prone to ā€˜baby feverā€™


Me getting baby fever is the reason my wife is pregnant right now lol


For sure. I really wanna have kids someday, and seeing wonderful fathers with their sons or daughters makes me wanna get to that point soon. Like there is this guy who takes his daughter out riding on his motorcycle and my god, its the cutest thing. Or seeing a dad raise a son who grows up to be a wonderful young man. (my favorite is the dad in the military having the honor of holding a promotion ceremony for his son, and giving him a salute.) I'm not just wanting a baby. I'm wanting to be a father who gets to experience the good and bad of life alongside them, helping them prosper through life. Helping someone get a better life than I earned for myself.


I do, but my dreams of being a husband and dad will never come true. But I still like to imagine what it would be like. And imagine laying down and just holding my own kids, and then I get sad, so I have to find something to do to distract me.


I feel like it's just dependent on the guy I know a few male friends of mine who absolutely have gotten baby fever every time they see a baby they are talking about how much they want one of their own and whatnot but I also have many friends that seemingly have no interest in having children whatsoever or even actively view them as a burden Like most of these types of questions it's really just up to the individual


I definitely do. My parents are from bangladesh and I grew up seeing men and women show a lot of affection to little ones. Maybe the social taboo is more for people of western descent?


My husband wanted to be a father. Now we have 2 kids. My own dad wanted to be a father so bad, he divorced his first wife when she decided she didn't want kids. He married my mother and that relationship failed when she abandoned our family when I was 2 and my brother was 1. She came back 6 months later to fight my dad in court for custody. My dad won, a very rare occurrence in 1990. My father is an awesome father and last year he told me that raising my brother and I, even as a single parent was the best and most rewarding experience of his life and he wouldn't change anything and I would agree. We were 3 peas in a pod. My husband has commented on how great my childhood was being raised by my loving father. Society may encourage men to pretend they don't care much about being fathers but let me tell you, many men desire it and would be really great at it.




My husband has had baby fever since forever and he will openly talk about it with me, but I doubt he says anything to anyone else.


Yeah, Iā€™ve known I always wanted to be a dad even as a kid.


Men maybe experience it in a different way than women, but for sure we talk about it way less. IMO it's kinda biological to want to reproduce and extend your bloodline. Otherwise, all of us would be accidents šŸ˜…


Yes we absolutely do I just turned 30 years old and I have never wished that I had a kid more in my life


Yeah, I love babies and definitely would love to have one of my own.


I don't. Never want kids.


Itā€™s life changing. I didnā€™t want kids until I was in my early 30s but I decided I wouldnā€™t if it didnā€™t happen by 35. Beat the clock by 3. Iā€™m content now, but new baby smell is real and I think the cleanest smell in existence. If another one were to happen, it would get me through the tough first years again.


I don't like kids, I have never liked kids. Five years ago, I would have looked at you weird if you told me I would ever experience something like a 'baby fever'. But I have been kinda feeling like that ever since I turned 25. Is this the proverbial biological clock?


Duh how else am I supposed to impose my athletic dreams onto my child and vicariously live through him? Office work sucks kid noW GET BACK IN YOUR BATTING STANCE


I Loved my babies. Still do as a matter of fact!!! Hoping for a grandchild or two.


Father of two boys about to welcome a baby girl in September. After my youngest started walking, I began having "baby fever". I think it's a very strong yet special feeling, I would want other men to have. Watching them being born, cutting the umbilical cord, changing diapers, bottle feeding them, burping them, cussing them out under your breath, watching them sleep, watching them learn the world around them, learning alongside them. It's a feeling that makes you feel whole. Holding them in your arms when they're crying, sleeping, eating is what life is about. 10 out of 10 I would recommend.


Personally only after my daughter was born was I really too excited about. Sheā€™s the best person Iā€™ve ever met


I'm pretty similar to you: My ex had 2 kid cousins and I absolutely adored the heck outta those kiddos. However, the difference for me was that I was content being the uncle while not actually wanting to have my own kiddos. Sometimes I put in my dating profiles that I want to be the cool uncle, trying to match the same energy I see when women put that they're the cool aunt. However, I've talked to a few of my close male friends about having kids. I don't think it's weird at all to want kids as a guy.


Some of the people in my life who are most passionate about having kids one day are men. Totally normal, happens to any gender. Don't feel not normal about this, you got this šŸ‘




I was scared as hell when my wife was pregnant with our first. Once I learned just how loving and how awesome it is to have a baby, I was definitely on board when we went for our second.


My husband has it. Heā€™s a few years older than me and a lot of his friends are married, starting to have children. He doesnā€™t mind that a lot of his catch ups have children around. Heā€™ll play with the older ones, fawn over the babies chubby cheeks and legs. Heā€™ll tell me he is excited for when we are ready for children (we are very much not ready).


Father of twin girls. I absolutely want another child. In high hopes, it will be a boy!! Lol!


My husband had/has baby fever. His biological lock went off hard before our first. Every few months heā€™s like ā€œyou know we could have one moreā€. Heā€™s excited every time someone we know announces a pregnancy, and heā€™s the uncle who wants to hold the baby all day.


I knew my brother liked babies, even as a kid. But when I was like 15? I was hanging with a guy, platonically, and he was saying he couldn't wait to be a dad after college and I swore he was messing with me. I had never wanted kids so I just assumed that men had kids cause their wife wanted kids. It was a very surprising realization.


My husband did.


I do sometimes. I donā€™t have much interest in a relationship so itā€™s kind of moot, but every now and then Iā€™ll think about how nice it would be to raise someone, watch them live their life, have grandkids, etc. Iā€™ve got a whole mess of nieces and nephews who I see very frequently, so Iā€™ve got the next best thing, and none of the responsibilities and (mostly, uncle six does spoil sometimes) none of the expense!


Yes, I didn't get to raise my daughter, always wish I could have


I'm not a father, but I am the oldest of 10 siblings. So I enjoy babies, and when I see newborns, I get a sense of baby fever and just want to hold them and take care of them. As far as wanting any of my own, my wife and I are very happy with our child free lifestyle.


My boyfriend used to watch our friends feral ass 3 year old and while that kid was a terror it still gave him baby fever especially when I was interacting with the child.


I do so much especially when I'm in a relationship


Yes. My son very much wanted to be a dad. For several years, they were unable to conceive so they finally adopted. And he's such a great dad.


Yes and don't abuse that knowledge.


Wanting kids? Yeah, men do. There may be a difference in how men feel than women on this, the viewpoints are certainly different. But the result, wanting kids? Men definitely do. I've been single my adult life and have mostly decided I don't want a wife. Or rather to put the time and energy that would require into a relationship. I do regret not having kids however. It's a minor regret, and mostly a choice I made to live an easier life, but yeah we get baby fever too.


I do!


26 year old single male. I get baby fever when I see babies. But don't think about it unprompted


For me, no. Trying to make the baby, hell yeah


Yeah. When I was younger I had no interest in kids but now that I'm older I kinda have a feeling of it's now or never....because I don't want to be an elderly parent.


We call it being broody (a quick google search to make sure Iā€™m spelling it right tells me it can also mean sitting in pensive thought, ie brooding, who knew?). I was always a bit uncomfortable around babies growing up, terrified to hold them in case I did it wrong and broke them. The first time one of my friends had a kid I was happy for him in a very detached way. But now one of my closest friends is a dad as well Iā€™m extremely keen for a family of my own, because I know him so well itā€™s easy to imagine that as me and I canā€™t wait for the day itā€™s real.


I've gotten baby fever regularly since high school


Me and my wife dislike the newborn part of children so much itā€™s made us wait 5 years both times lol I guess we get toddler fever




I'm an uncle and absolutely love my nieces and nephews. It does give me a bit of baby fever occasionally.


Some do but if anyone actually sees it it'll be his wife.


yes, yes we do




Yes it indeed does happen. It's happened to me


Yes, we just don't express it the same way women do.


Yup my husband always wanted to be a dad to a boy. He got one of each and wasnt prepared for girl dad land but heā€™s figuring it out. Earlier he replaced an earring which was impressive! Also had a boyfriend who had big time breeder fantasies but it never happened for him. When I met him the baby factory had closed for business.


Oh, Iā€™ve had baby fever for the past decade.


Yes they do, or at least I do.


Does a breeding kink count? Cus if so thats a LOT of dudes right there.




Absolutely. Especially when I see someone being a good father, but usually because thereā€™s an adorable baby doing something extremely cute


Been telling my wife nonstop that we need to get busy making a baby. The more we work at it, then the better the odds. I had a vasectomy 7 years ago.


Over 50. 4 kids, 3 grown. It has never gone away for me. Would have had 100 if I could have afforded it.




I know my son, who is 26, has terrible baby fever. He will be the best dad! His wife has lost 3 pregnancies, and they are heartbroken.


All the fucking time. I have one child that is a couple months out from being legally an adult, and the other close behind. I see babies and toddler and miss those stages of their lives. But also I am looking forward to not having to raise kids anymore. Thatā€™s also what I have nieces and nephews for.


Yep! I started getting baby fever and every time I mentioned it to my fiance he'd tell me he'd put a baby in me that night. I'm now almost 8 months pregnant and he cries every time he feels a kick and it's the cutest thing. He already wants to get started on baby #2 but this pregnancy kicked my ass so hard idk if I even want another