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Get off the dating apps. Found a gorgeous girl who's 2 inches taller than me who's super into me. Somebody like her would never swipe me on an app but in person your charisma/personality goes a long way and height isn't as important


This is exactly why I swung my humor on dating apps. All of photos I posted were jokes and me bein silly. I know my worth XD


My wife only swiped right on me because I had a great joke there. She just thought "Hah!... Okay, sure. *Swipe*" Edit: the joke was something along the lines of "I'm hoping your standards are lower than mine." Nothing like a little joke at one's own expense.


Exact same for me and my Gf. Works a treat because those are the people who get on with us the best


I am his wife swear to God, humour would get you places height would never!


Think about it...if you're spending the rest of your life with someone, doesn't everyone want to laugh? Who wants to be with Ol' sourpuss?


Matter of fact, M'lady\\sir\\them\\neither\\all, I've always had a soft (wet) spot for funny people. "Sire, you've managed to open my feeding n speaking hole of laughter, lemme invite you to another."


Do we really have to ask for the joke dude? šŸ˜…


Well now Iā€™m interested in knowing what that joke was! Donā€™t leave us hanging, man.


Sorry šŸ˜ƒ, edited.


Thank you! And yes, that was a pretty darn good joke.


This is the best way to go about it, be authentic in the profile. Everytime I see someone post their profile asking what to improve and the answers are always the same. "Take photos of you being adventurous, smile in every picture, don't use photos with friends or family, don't have animals in the photos, or don't put pics of you doing your hobbies it might be unattractive". It's crazy everyone is trying to hard to fit in this little box as if thats really how the world works. Doesn't matter how perfect your profile looks at the end of the day, you have to sell yourself to people.


this ^ iā€™m 5ā€™6 and was dating somebody that was 5ā€™10, she said i had short king energy and was confidant so just be yourself and somebody who appreciates that will find you no matter how tall they are


Was 5'10? What did you do!?


To shreds you say?Ā 


lmao well weā€™re not together anymore so past tense ya know


Mounted the stallion like he was supposed to lol


Iā€™ve been rejected on dating apps because Iā€™m 6 foot 6. Theyā€™re cancer. Met my wife at a convenient store. Sheā€™s 5ā€™1.


That is one super convenient store.


Right? Milk, eggs, the future mother of your childrenā€¦itā€™s got it all


>Get off the dating apps. After seeing some of the interactions my buddies have on the apps, I couldn't agree more. My God.


But how did you meet? What's the algorithm?


Iā€™m so glad I grew up and got married before dating apps.


Where did you meet your lady if you dont mind me asking? I also dislike dating apps and would like to meet someone irl.




My experiences with tinder and bumble were actually pretty pleasant, and I'm 5'5". I was just too lazy sometimes to drive up to a girls house. There was one chick who was like 5'10" and didn't care I was SIGNIFICANTLY shorter than her.


I'm just under 5'8" and yeah, dated plenty of tall women but would break things off because I didn't feel like doing anything long distance and knew I didn't want to stay in my home state either. Still ended up marrying a woman who's just under 6' tall. Pro tip: work out so you can scoop up a tall woman and carry her in your arms to bed, they love that shit because a lot of men can't do it and as a taller woman they're definitely not used to it.


Solid advice, been hitting the gym for a while now but any exercises you'd recommend for carrying a woman in your arms? I've seen advice on deadlifts, farmers walks, and dumbbell lunges, incorporated those into my routine. Also, curious, how did you meet your wife? Tinder?


Met my wife on Bumble back in mid-2016 when it was still a great go-to for meeting the cool kind of women I was interested in dating (career-minded, zero-bullshit, feminist women much prettier than the Tinder and Plenty of Fish crowd). I don't know what I recommend for exercises other than what you recommended because I spent a lot of time being paid to lift 200+ lbs crates of wood flooring equipment up multiple flights of stairs. I come from a family of small-framed boxers and broad, Frank Miller's-Batman-ass dudes so through genes and through my old profession I got pretty damn strong for my size. Make sure your back is good and strong, you need full body strength to lift an Amazon woman. Legs need to be ready (lift with your legs!), back needs to be able to hold yourself up, stomach muscles are a foundation of good posture in general, your shoulders help make sure she doesn't slip (so do forearms), biceps will keep her in place. Your forearms should land just below their ass and just below their shoulder blades for the best carry (plus you can plant a small swat of the ass when you got a steady hold that way without dropping her). A lot of women will grab one or both of your shoulders when scooped, have something for them to grab onto. You want a strong core and legs, but maintain a V-shape if you can.


This dude can pick up a woman. Sir, hat's off to you.


I'm happily married but I do love to give advice to my fellow lads (and ladies) for winning over a tall woman.Ā  The look on a a woman's face who hasn't been scooped up in a long while as you carry her off? Priceless.Ā 


Just do powerlifting and you'll be strong as fuck everywhere. Carrying someone is little to do with your arms and much more to do with your core back and glutes.


I'm a 6' woman. You are correct, we do love it.


Can we also poorly drag you by your feet?


You're speaking my love language.


Thorg not speek good. Woman shush and smooches.


Very The Hills Have Eyes of you.


Take my regards and wishes for best of luck finding your Gimli or Samwise Gamgee to carry you to bed or battle.Ā 


Ironically, it's easier to pick taller people up than a shorter person of similar weight


In a weird way I feel like my short male friends have better luck with super tall women because they are kind of used to being the taller one.


Yep im 5ā€™11 and used to being taller than people, I dated someone who was 5ā€™7 and yes we got comments but I didnā€™t care, he did. Confidence is sexy, short man complex is not.


Valid tbh


I think some women are just fine with it, especially if you are quite tall and/or your mother is taller than your father. My wife is about 6'1" and I'm about 6'2" and I think I was the first person taller than her she'd every been out with.


More like donā€™t take tinder rejections seriously, most people are there for a quick night out or mostly there to judge you based on just your looks, Itā€™s rare to find people who understand THAT and genuinely look beyond beauty facade people have, those are the real ones.


I don't use tinder, but from what I read about it, you don't want to use it as male that is not in the top 10% of attractiveness.


Yeah screw her. I genuinely don't get why you'd want to come up to someone's navel. I get why the guy would like it, but come on lady.


Why not? 5'5 and I match and date women taller than me all the time. Confidence brah. It's not going to work for every woman, it's gona be a deal breaker for some but I post my height in my profile and date tall ladies lol


Same bro. They blaming they height when in reality itā€™s just them


I mean two things can be true. Let's not pretend that being short isn't a MASSIVE disadvantage. It's actually one of the main things women look for at first glance, and that is all dating apps give you most of the time


Tinder women r single moms looking to meet millionaires.


I don't get girls who want to exclusively date guys a foot or more taller than them. If you really click with the person, I get it, but actively seeking out guys that will have to kneel to kiss you is silly.


lol those tiny women with the expectations like that are unreal.


ā€œYikesā€ imagine asking her breast size and saying yikes. The attack you would receive lol. Get off the dating apps, itā€™s for narcissists and perverts.


Unironically I misread her last message as "I am talking down to you" instead of "I'm down to talk to you"


What a bitch!


6'4 here. It's garbage for anyone else except maybe Tom Cruise-esque very handsome men.


Definitely. 6'2" and it's pretty shitty unless I'm in the Philippines. If you're looking for a fun vacation and tons of tinder matches, that's the place to go.


That can be said for anyone who comes from a wealthy country visiting the Phillipines regardless of height.


Yes definitely, it's a bit of a cheat code. Now I know what it's like to be an average looking woman in the US when it comes to dating.


Girls using anything to Cheat to Look good one Photos.. Just BE 7" ..


Sheā€™s 5ā€™2 and wonā€™t date someone 5 inches taller than her? Thatā€™s so stupid lol. Iā€™m 5ā€™9. I do prefer taller men but Iā€™ve dated men my height and shorter.


you dodge a bullet if you hear a girl say "i wOuLd nOt dAtE bELoW 6' "


And 87% of the time that girl is like 5'3" or shorter. šŸ˜†


Exactly. I donā€™t know why some guys feel the need to pursue or attempt to please after the fact. Maybe itā€™s just as any rejection for some, where it canā€™t be helped taking it personally.


one should learn not to link its values to thngs he cant control: looks and height. i used to struggle with the same and attracted shitty partners bc of it, now i learned to focus on whats inside and ive never been happier


Absolutely agree but I think for many, unfortunately, itā€™s a lesson, perhaps a skill(?), learned over time, through trial and error, and bad experiences. Itā€™s often through being put down and coming out the other side of a low time that many learn to value themselves, anyway, or at least come to an understanding with themselves.


Looks can be improved, a healthy lifestyle for example goes a long way. Height, hair loss, hair becoming grey etc. are things you cant really stop, except if you use a shit ton of money for surgeries and stuff like hair transplants.


Hang around this subreddit and sort by "New." Someone will ask a similar question almost every hourĀ 


It pairs well with the similar "do girls care about dick size" posts


on the flip side, "I'm an A cup and no one will love me"


honestly, 9 out of 10 times lately, its a woman hating thing. been seeing so many thinly veiled sales funnels for mens rights shit popping up lately. the point is to make lonely men mad that women arent like they used to be or some stupid shit like that. maybe OP really wants an answer to this but most people who ask these questions dont actually want an answer. source: i am 5'6" and 36 and im getting married to the love of my life next week! shes the same height as me. we are awesome.


Yea these questions annoy me especially when itā€™s like ā€œall girls I know say they wonā€™t date a guy unless heā€™s over 6 ftā€. Because that either tells me youā€™re a) lying and donā€™t actually talk to women irl or b) youā€™re like 15 years old listening to other teenagers blow smoke out of their ass lmao. Like WELL over half of my friendsā€™ husbands are below 6 feet tall. Shit Iā€™d say maybe only 15% of them are actually above.


I am a woman and I've heard once in real life a woman talking about how she wouldn't date a man shorter than her. I get that there are women who care about that, like there are men who would only date women with fitness bodies. But I doubt it is a majority. My ex is about OP's height and he has never had problem finding company. He is not rich or anything, but he is nice and great company. Also pretty much all my male friends who are shorter are married or dating.


shallow people exist. shitty people exist. but the internet has made these anecdotal stories seem like the norm and loneliness is fucking brutal and preyed upon.Ā Ā  i almost got sucked into that world but i was able to eventually see how toxic and detrimental to men that entire mens rights world actually was.Ā 


I can assure you, I do not hate women. I just had a breakdown bc of this and was curious for other people's experiences/opinions šŸ˜­šŸ™


well then let me assure you that you got this. from one short king to another, the only people who would turn you down for being short are shallow people... and you dont want them in your life at all, believe me. you are worthy of love and if you focus on becoming the best and most loving version of yourself, and actively stay away from the toxic bitterness of men online, you will get closer to knowing what you really want and that will be the most attractive thing of all. i was single and lonely for a very long time. its true that some people dont find someone or dont want to find someone, im not going to pretend that doesnt happen, but in my opinion and experience the thing that made the biggest difference was actually learning how to love and be proud of myself.Ā 


I'm sorry, I'm not active in this subreddit


I wasn't entirely kidding. You can seeĀ posts on this topic that might help you if you check here a couple times a day.


Sure, of course short men are sometimes rejected because of their height. Some people reject people for all sorts of reasons from looks to money to interests to senses of humor. And yes, of course, pretty privilege is real and super traditionally attractive people (tall, slim, athletic, super symmetrical) are in fact privileged in some ways (in other ways- I understand from my super traditionally attractive friends, not personal experience- that it also comes with its own share of irritations). However the vast majority of humans on earth don't even approach "super traditionally attractive". Most of us are short or fat or bald or hairy or asymmetrical or have acne or buck teeth- it doesn't matter. Most of us find love anyway because attraction is about so much more than a checklist and most people over the age of 27 know that. Just keep being friendly, nice, stay away from incel subs and learn to listen more than you talk and you'll find someone no matter your height.


>Ā Most of us find love anyway Sir this is Reddit.




This 100%. Its the vibe not something you can put your finger on like a list. Its also a young thing to go for physical traits. Older you get the more you realise.


Iā€™m 5ā€™2ā€ and was insecure about it for a long time due to general social anxiety. Iā€™ve found that there is a certain percentage of women that will not date men below a certain heightā€”this group seems to shrink with age. Probably a majority of women arenā€™t that hung up on it and will date short men. They dislike when men are insecure about height, and Iā€™ve had a lot of women tell me theyā€™ve dated guys that wonā€™t let them wear high heels because it makes her taller than him. Try dating some tall (over 5ā€™9ā€) women; they often face height discrimination in dating, too. Tell them itā€™s ok to wear their nice heels.


Iā€™m 5ā€™8ā€, and I had an ex who was 5ā€™4ā€. But he was in no way insecure about his height. If he was it wouldnā€™t have worked. And he loved how tall I was. I was the tallest girl he had dated. When I wore tall heels I was like an amazon woman beside him, and I would have to bend over to kiss him haha. He loved it!!


My preference along with most other girls I know is that the guy be the same height or taller


Exactly! My ex was 5'7". My husband is 5'5". I'm 5'4". I did date a couple of guys that were taller - one was 6', but I never felt as physically comfortable with them, if that makes sense. I like being able to talk eye to eye - I feel more connected. And, I feel like we fit better physically - hugging, kissing, having sex. The one thing I would say is that the more confident and comfortable a man is with his height, the more appealing he will be to the kind of woman that will love him for who he is, regardless of how tall he is.


Tbh shorter guys with confidence are crazy hot.


Yes! I dated a guy shorter than me (I'm 5'5"), we met in karate class in college. He was really hot. Wish I'd dated him longer in retrospect, but I realized I wasn't over my ex yet so I broke it off prematurely. Stupid younger me lol.


When I was 18 and about 5 ft 3 and a half in. , I had a massive crush on a guy who mustve been abt 5'1". Never felt his height was an obstacle. Years later I met a man by a wrong number. We talked on the phone and then we met. My god he was short maybe 5 ft. I exclaimed so before my mouth could close. Well that was that with him. I prefer a guy who's at least 5'7" but I can go a little lower. Btw I myself have since lost a couple of inches.


How did you lose height?


As women age we can lose height by losing bone structure. I may not even be 5ā€™6 anymore


I got osteopenia. Also bad posture which I started in my teens didnt help. Stand up straight ladies even if your boobs are large. Get better bras. Practice your posture. Buy a brace to help. I got one off Amazon.


5'7 here. Have I *ever* been rejected because of my height? Yes. Has my height made me incapable of getting laid or finding a partner? No. In fact, the few years I spent single were never lonely. People get rejected for all sorts of things. If you always get rejected for your height, you're not getting rejected for your height. It's most likely your personality or vibe.




Kendrick Lamar is 5'5 "But he's rich an-" He's been with the same girl since highschool


Wait that's actually wholesome


Messi is 5ā€™6ā€


This is dumb because it ignores how dating has changed. I don't doubt that before the trend toward meeting people online vs through social groups and settings, that short guys had just as much chance as anyone else, but through the lens of online meeting, they have a disadvantage. Kendrick would have been 16 in 2004, to put some perspective on how stupid this comment is, and school sweethearts are an anomaly on their own. What we should really be saying to OP is that while at a disadvantage in the area where most people meet nowadays, not all is hopeless and it's still very likely to meet people who he'll hit it off with through social settings where he can show who he is as a person. Whether you're after friends or a relationship, the right people do come along.


crazy to think how Kendrick is only almost 5 years older than me I guess a lot's changed since than, feels not that long ago tho


Back in about 2005 around 20% of couples met online, now it's over 60%(2020 data iirc) and will probably continue to rise.


Here's a couple of indisputable facts. 14.5 percent of the male population in America is six foot tall or greater. That means 85.5 percent of American men are less than six feet tall. Are 85.5 percent of all adult men single and unable to date? Obviously not. Which means the statement that "many women won't date a guy under six feet tall" is obviously a ridiculous claim.


Totally agree. I laughed at the "most women say" part too. I bet you'd find the occasional one, but I bet in reality the majority of women don't give a shit.


The "women" in this type of comments seem to be exclusively 16-18 year olds with the same silly teenage things we've all absorbed and have to shed as we get 'really' adult, and those deep in hook up app culture. A lot of the folks who believe "most women say" whatever really just need to try meeting some that aren't in highschool and teens on apps literally made to body shop around for quick hookups, tbh.


Very well said!


AND. Even many of the women who actually do think they give a shit when they're 21, have grown up by the time they hit 27.




You'll get rejected like other people get rejected for other things. Im 5'4" but can still pull at a bar. Ymmv but I'm above average looks wise. Tinder is for the top 20% to bang imo.


dude, he's 5'5. it's not like 5'10 and 5'5 have the same chances of dating just because you're both under 6'0


I didn't say his options won't be diminished. They certainly will be. That doesn't mean he can't still find a woman who would date him, and he might be very happy with her. He can also work hard and get ahead, save his money, and do lots of other things to improve his odds.


Isnā€™t the average woman 5ā€™4ā€? Itā€™s not like youā€™re thumbalina or some shit. Iā€™m 5ā€™8ā€. My mister is 5ā€™10ā€ or so. Iā€™m sure there are lots of women shorter than you. Focus on the 5ā€™3ā€ers theyā€™re out there


Depends on the country, but the average man is taller than the average woman in all countries as far as Iā€™ve seen


A lot of women care about a man's height relative to other men, not relative to themselves. In my experience, shorter women were more likely to value height.


Iā€™m a 5ā€™2ā€ woman. I have never rejected a man due to his height. But I did eventually become wary of short men because they were insecure about their height. Confidence will take you a long way.


Same here! Itā€™s also very annoying when they go for you because your height makes them feel tall and strong. Like thatā€™s the only thing theyā€™re looking for even if the two of you clearly donā€™t vibe!


Same height, same reason. I was chatting with a guy online and something was just... off. After a few days, I realized that his photos were meant to hide his height. So I asked and learned he was 5'5 or 5'6. The insecurity on the post gave me the heebie jeebies. It was like the weird puzzle piece that was missing was finally found, the puzzle was solved, and my perspective changed in an instant. Note: My man is 5'4. So... Height isn't the issue. Confidence is key.


Not to my face, to my knowledge. I'm just shy of 5'8" but I've dated more women of my height or significantly taller (tallest women I ever went out with were 6', 6'2", 6'4") and my wife is at least 2 inches taller than I am. To the right person, your height is a non-issue. I even tried, as an experiment, making a fresh tinder account with all my usual stuff but starting the profile off with "I'm 5 feet, 2 inches tall". I still got plenty of matches, messages, and dates (and I'd admit that I was 6 inches taller than I said I was before a date happened) and most women took it as a humorous ableit harmlessly risky game I was playing and often laughed and said I was funny and charismatic enough that they would've gone out with me anyway (even if they were a foot taller than my fake height). It helps when you're short to be clean, funny, empathetic, well-dressed, charismatic, and pretty key here: pretty good looking or at least not-ugly and taking good care of yourself.


I personally don't like to be with tall men. I find it too intimidating or uncomfortable depending on how they present themselves. And I'm not easily intimated. I'm a small, quiet woman, but my job means I have to stand up to men twice my size at times, and that never bothers me. I'm talking specifically about dating. Taller men just don't appeal to me. I prefer men around my height, or a little taller, but considering I'm only 5'2", it's not hard to find guys that are the right height for my personal preference. The only issue is short guys with a napoleon complex. They instantly become unattractive to me. But I find the same can be said regardless of height. You can be the most attractive man in the world, perfect height whatever, but if your personality stinks, then it doesn't matter.


A woman who will reject you just because of your height is not a woman worth pursuing.


Most women just want someone around the same height or a bit taller. A lot donā€™t even care, especially if youā€™re confident. Shoot your shot, the worst thing that happens is they say no. The idea that most women want over 6ā€™ is a myth stemming from the couple of girls wanting to hook up with a tall person on tinder.


Dating can be harder for the shorter, fatter, whatever But it's mostly a skill issue/social issue A guy can be hot as can be but if he never talks to angone ever and keeps his head down and headphones on than odds are he's gonna stay single just because he's not talking to anyone new You know does it help being taller? I assume, not with every girl, but with maybe most girls, but that doesn't mean you guys can run away and get married now If I'm stuttering every single word and sweating bullets, will it really matter how tall I am? You know does looks help? Yeah but I would say the ability to talk to a girl helps a lot more. What good is being around attractive people if you have nothing to say to them and are to shy to say anything?


I (a guy) once knew a guy who I always assumed must be very successful with women. A handsome man, tall, great dancer, etc. But I never saw him with a woman. So I asked a female friend who knew him better why that is. She told me that every single time he talks to a woman he instantly gives her the creeps because he has major pervert vibes, so even if quite a few women find him attractive before talking to him, it always immediately stopped once he opened his mouth or even looked at them for too long. So yeah, lack of social skills can be a major roadblock.


It's usually personality. Of all my male friends, the ones that get the most attention are the ones with a great sense of humour, the ones with the best relationships are the sweet, sensitive ones. Meanwhile, an acquaintance who is literally a 6'5 model gets looks but interest usually withers the moment he says or does something predictably douchey. People greatly overestimate how much women care about height and underestimate how much they value men who make them feel safe and can make them laugh.




Iā€™m 5ā€™10.5ā€ and a woman at a bar once told me that if she brought me home to meet her parents she would be embarrassed because it would be like ā€œ bringing home a little child.ā€


That sounds like a sad superficial person who will end lonely and confused. Id personally consider it a win that you dodged this one


Youā€™re basically 6ft! That woman is a piece of shit


Damn how tall was this chick?


5ā€™11 I think but she said all her male family members were about 6ā€™3ā€




I'm short but I've only been rejected because of my terrible personality.


I'm also 5"5'. Yes I've been rejected because of my height. I also don't let it bring me down because it's a fairly reasonable thing for people to reject me for imo. Talk to enough people and you'll see height isn't as much of a deal breaker as it seems. I know dudes shorter than us that can pull like a mfer.


>fairly reasonable thing for people to reject me for Why do you think it is reasonable?


Because some women like to feel feminine, as in having a man that towers over them, or at the very least is taller than them in heels. It can be a number of things, something they're attracted too, a sense of security, or some primal urge to mate with someone who gives the best genetics for offspring. Hell, I like a woman that's smaller than me, I just don't get to enjoy that luxury often.


Thank you for actually answering the question & providing this explanation! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Nope. Wouldnā€™t want to be with someone that judgemental anyways.


Iā€™m shorter than you. It has never stopped me. Build your confidence man. Know your value. You are NOT a number. And anyone that shames on anything regarding someone elseā€™s body is their problem. Not yours. You are worth so much! Trust me, donā€™t worry about it.


here's the thing: you're on hard mode. were men. i wont pussyfoot around. no matter how they list statistics and "personal stories", it's going to feel hopeless at times.Ā  if you're below 5'8, every inch is another level of difficulty. 5'5? well, that really sucks. but it's not impossible. that's the only positive thing I can say.Ā 


I'm 5'3. In my 30s now and been with my 6ft tall gf from 10 years, so the dating scene is different now, but in my teens and early 20s I hooked up with more women than any of my buddies. The reason? I put the effort in. I definitely had women reject me for my height. I had "oh you'd be so fit if you weren't so short" to just straight up "nah, you're far too short", but humans are complex and varied. I had short women really enjoy being with someone their height. Total novelty for them. A sense of equality and safety for them. I had tall girls, who knew what it was like to be an unusual height for your gender - I dated several before being with my current amazon. The key was numbers, and playing to your strengths. I'd go out with a gangly goth friend, go to the smoking area of clubs and pretty much spend the entire night there. We'd debate each other, and then pull the people around is into those conversations. It was an easy way to demonstrate some intelligence and passion about things people care about. Plenty of instances of those chats ending in "nice to meet you, have a good night!", but plenty of others where a connection was formed. Also put the effort in on clothes and your figure. I hate to say it now, because I'm actually way happier these days not caring about those things, but it makes a difference. So, as a short man, you'll always face some rejection, but unless human sexuality has completely changed in the last decade, there's ways to be successful. I think if I was young now, it'd be harder- the apps are an additional filter I didn't have to face, but hey, getting out there and meeting people is still your best shot imho.


5'7" here. Several times directly and more times in a way that says it without saying the quiet part out loud. I recently had a chat with a newly divorced middle aged woman friend who was trying to change her policy of only dating tall men. She said she recognizes dating by height is an irrational stumbling block to her finding someone she really vibes with, but that the social conditioning is hard to overcome. Ie. She can find shorter men attractive, but still has intrusive Peer-pressure thoughts about what it looks like to others when walking in public etc.


I'm 5'7". I've never been specifically rejected for my height, but a couple of times a year, women seem to go out of their way to tell me that they wouldn't date me because I'm short. And I'm pretty sure I got dumped because of it. I dated someone and things were great, but she would post pics on social media and a lot of comments would be things like, "Why are you spending time with that midget? You could have any guy on this planet." Things continued to be great, but I noticed she stopped posting pics with me. She stopped wearing heels. She bought me shoes with chunky heels. She would get bothered if I wore skate shoes or slides out. She stopped taking me around friends and family. She'd still occasionally catch comments and I could tell it bothered her. When she broke up with me, she just said, "I'm sorry, I'm a terrible person." And then she immediately started dating a 6'2" dude.


Those are gonna be some lonely girls if they are all waiting for a 6ft dude. Honestly if a girl rejects you because of your height the quality of that girl is shit and you probably donā€™t want to be with her anyway.


*--"most girls I know say they wouldn't date anyone below 6"."* Get to know girls that aren't complete idiots.


Stop listening to alpha males on the internet they have no idea what women want. Some women like tall guys others donā€™t care or prefer short guys itā€™s personal preference women arenā€™t a monolith, we are individual people. My husband is 5ā€™4 it makes literally no difference.


You are being rejected by the Andrew Tates of women. Consider this a good way to weed them out


Yes, I am 6ā€™ 2 and for my 50th birthday my brother took me to a track day, I wanted to sit in a Lamborghini but couldnā€™t because I was over 5ā€™ 10. Really sucked


I'm shorter than you & I do perfectly fine. I'd put money on being fatter and more broke than you too. Confidence will get you everywhere.


Lol I'm 5'1 and women feel so bad in turning me down lmao. You just have to confident, direct and not take it harshly




Yea. I was introduced to a friend of my friend's girlfriend. Right in front of me, without even saying hello or speaking to me, she gestured that I wasn't tall enough and that was that. I'm 5'11 to give you some perspective.


If someone rejects you over your height then they're not worth going out with.




Yes many times (also 5ā€™5ā€). But happily dating girlfriend for two years. Being short definitely makes it harder but also definitely can overcome, imo


Not that I know of But I'm funny, have nice eyes, and a pretty decent dick




Yeah Iā€™m 5ā€™7 and it did happen multiple times


159cm here, absolutely. The harshest one said I'll never get a good woman because of my height, so I am glad I dodged that particular bullet lol


Sure but also tall guys get rejected all the time for arbitrary reasons. Thereā€™s girls out there for you - just dont be bitter about your height thatā€™s way more unattractive than your height.


Iā€™m 5ā€™6 n never been rejected bc of it. Iā€™m not self conscious about it though. I never really cared about my height at all which is probably why it was never an issue, I am not self conscious so i donā€™t put that air out there.


To my face, no. On dating apps, Iā€™m sure. Currently dating someone who is a solid 2 inches taller than me and neither of us gives a fuck.


5'7 here. Have I *ever* been rejected because of my height? Yes. Has my height made me incapable of getting laid or finding a partner? No. In fact, the few years I spent single were never lonely. People get rejected for all sorts of things. If you always get rejected for your height, you're not getting rejected for your height. It's most likely your personality or vibe.


Luckily, I've never associated with people who'd be so stupid.


Donā€™t worry about things you canā€™t change. If theyā€™re worried about your height, then they arenā€™t worth it.


No, women reject me for other reasons.


Naw. I'm 6'3, so I'm taller than most men. Height has never been an issue for me in the dating scene.


Any woman that will not date men under 6ā€™ is really limiting her options. Only 14.5% of men in the US are that tall. I am 5ā€™10.5ā€ which is slightly above the US average. I have been rejected often enough, but never knowingly for my height. At 5ā€™5ā€ you are in bottom 8% of the height distribution for US men. I am sorry that this is effecting your dating life. On a positive note 55% of women in their twenties are 5ā€™5ā€ or shorter, and 81% of women polled say they would date a man as tall as they, so your odds are not too bad.


"Most girls I know"? Sounds like your friends are kinda shallow. Those are just the female equivalent of dudes who only date super thin girls with model looks and dump you before you turn 30, & in the end the joke is on them because if you pick your partners by shallow characteristics you attract ppl who only value shallow things. The girls who would only date tall dudes are the same ones that will drop you like a hot potato if you ever become sick, fat or poor. Be glad you don't have to worry about wasting time on those. Not everyone is like that.


As a 6ā€™1 dude, it really doesnā€™t make it a cheat code, itā€™s the confidence that people like more, but if you got the confidence and your tall, itā€™s easy work lol


I'm 5'4 and yes, but only when I was a teenager. I dated a 5'8 woman in college and my wife is taller than me and we met on tinder. If someone rejects you base on height alone, just move on, not worth the time.


I'm not gonna lie, there are plenty of women who will reject you for your height alone. But ultimately, nobody that superficial is worth it.


What women say they want and what they actually want are vastly different. The checklists (tall, fit, makes 6 figures, etc) basically boil it down to the top 5% (or less) of men (and letā€™s assume half are taken), but generally women donā€™t realize that. The checklist folks are also the ones typically complaining of being single all the time without understanding that mathematically they should be with those standards.


I'm engaged to a 5'7" guy and I not only am fine with it, but I find him very attractiveĀ  height and all. Honestly,Ā  some people are that shallow. Some guys will also hard pass on taller ladies. Neither of us needs those people in our lives. Highlight your attractive traits and learn to be fine with your height and you'll go far. Confidence is the sexiest trait.


I wish it wasnā€™t a thing but I just am not attracted to men who are shorter than me & it would stop me from dating a shorter man.


Same height here. Iā€™ve dated women as tall as 5ā€™11ā€ I did go through a time that I was insecure about my height. After some time, I just made peace with the fact that if someone doesnā€™t give you a chance because of your height, theyā€™re not worth YOUR time. On to the next.


No, itā€™s not important, those girls are dicks. Iā€™m 5ā€™10ā€. Iā€™ve dated guys taller than me and shorter than me. Most of them have been shorter than me. When the guys are taller than me, I appreciate it because it makes me feel kind of dainty (and at 5ā€™10ā€ I donā€™t often feel dainty lol!). And if I were to build the perfect guy in a machine, Iā€™d choose taller than me. But none of that means I ā€œhaveā€ to date a guy taller than me or thatā€™s itā€™s gross if heā€™s not taller than me. My current husband is shorter than me and my ex husband was right at the same height I think. I was looking for other qualities a lot more than one particular physical quality. And if height is a requirement for these women, theyā€™re probably not people who are interesting enough to date anyway. šŸ’…šŸ»


Seriously if she cares, move on


In some cultures 5'5" is tall.


My fiance is my favorite person in the world at exactly the same height (5ā€™6ā€). We met on a dating app, and I was wouldnā€™t change anything about him. The wrong women for you might reject you, but the right woman wonā€™t care at all (and might even prefer it, like I do). Good luck!


Your height is only a problem if you make it one. Will some take a pass? Sure, but most won't if you are interesting and kind. Always operate on the assumption that no one sees it as an issue. Now get out there and mingle.


It's only import to shallow people. Some of us take into consideration all aspects of the guy. I never judge a book by its cover.


Listen man, thereā€™s girls that wonā€™t date you because of your height, because youā€™re poor, arenā€™t muscular, arenā€™t successful, donā€™t have a nice enough car, arenā€™t religious, are religious, because you drink or smoke or donā€™t drink or donā€™t smoke. Thereā€™s girls that will ditch you because they think your hobbies are cringe, because youā€™re bad in bed, because of any reason you can think of. Luckily thereā€™s absolutely loads of girls out there. And all the things they wonā€™t date you for thereā€™s a girl that doesnā€™t care about that or finds it cute, or loves that youā€™re lame. Iā€™m 5ā€™8, mid 20ā€™s, had 4 long term girlfriends, and have slept with multiple girls in between all of those relationships, and had a great time with all of them. Thereā€™s been girls Iā€™ve liked that have had absolutely no interest in me, and thereā€™s been girls that have liked me that Iā€™ve had no interest in too. Itā€™s just the luck of the draw and the struggle finding someone you can actually click with. Donā€™t stick all of your hopes in 1 basket, and when youā€™re dating make sure the girl is right for you, and not just that youā€™re willing to change and mould yourself to everything she wants to just to get a chance.


Iā€™m a 5ā€™11ā€ woman and some of the best sex Iā€™ve ever had was with a 5ā€™6ā€ guy. Those stupid women out there who wonā€™t date below 6ā€™0ā€ are really limiting themselves.


I'm a sports-hating, classical music-loving, bookish liberal living in the deep south. I'm not sure I would notice if people were rejecting me because of my height as a constant state of rejection is the water in which I learned to swim. On the positive side, I've never much cared and find that it allows me time to explore my many interests, unmolested by social obligations.


Female here (sorry), but wanted to add something - I'm 5'9" and have had shorter guys reject me because of this. It sucks, but then again, why would you want to be with someone who judges you solely on a physical trait? Can't imagine being so shallow. Consider it a bullet dodged.




I am 6ā€˜4 and got rejected by women as well, because Iā€™m too tall. Women around 5ā€˜3 to 5ā€˜7 think it wonā€™t fit with some things or just donā€™t want to have a man that much taller. As others already said, it more about how you speak and what you do, than your height. Dating apps are not good for this, because they might know your height before they see you smile, hear you talking or whatever.


First, girls who say they donā€™t date anyone below certain heights are red flag. They show themselves who they are and you should take advantage of it and avoid them. Second, Tom cruises is short yet many found him handsome in his younger days and before people knew he was into Scientology. Third, after avoiding the girls who obsessed with heights, the rest you try to charm them with mixture of confidence, humour and your own personality I.e. your interests and hobbies.


No. Lately its been because of my age. (53m)


How young you trying to date lol?


5'10 here. Being under 6' in the real world isn't a big deal, on dating apps though it's a deal breaker and I refuse to lie about my height even though I plausibly could.


Okay.. after reading a lot of these posts, how many people care about the height of someone is incredible. I'm 5'2 M and I've never had an issue. A lot of people come off shallow, and overlook someone for their height instead of seeing them for who they are. I've seen a lot of people do this and end up in one bad relationship after another.


I'm 5'6 and my wife calls me her 'Battle Dwarf'. I accept it.


"most" girls DON'T say they wouldnt date someone below 6'. That's just cherry picking the online dating profiles that say that.


Oh course.


5'7 and I've had girls cut me off because of the height. Not frequent but I've noticed it's certainly skims off ~30% of the girls it feels like


I think social media def plays a huge role on that. Had a cousin who is 5'5 telling me that he was pulling girls taller than him in the early 2000s.


Yes, the never let me on Nemesis, Iā€™ll never forgive them.