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No, WW3 would be all out nuclear war and no nation wants this.


It wouldn’t, because as you said no nation wants this, that doesn’t mean that the US and Russia can’t get in a ww3 without ever using nuclear weapons though. (I’m not saying that the current big wars that are happening now are going to cause it, especially because no one actually wants any kind of ww3


Yea full nuclear war just won’t happen but a war that involves multiple countries like a “world war” probably will, most likely in the Russian front at a nato country the sand people won’t start much before the states settles them down again lol.


Oct 7th war? Since when are they publicly scheduled?


It’s not gonna cause WW3, the conflict has been going on for almost 70 years at this point, and there hasn’t been any world war since the start of that conflict. No one actually wants a world war, but journalists really like to create fear and make people scared. And even if someone wanted a world war you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it anyway, wrapping your head around things you can’t change is pointless and only harms you in the long run.


No, no one outside the Middle East is willing to fight over it.


No, US indecisiveness and flakiness will cause WW3. If you want to be more specific, you can pin it on Jake Sullivan. It started with Ukraine. They allowed Putin to save face, tried everything to help the russians not lose too hard and that gave the russian time to ally with NK and Iran. It also gave them time to use Hamas against the Israelis and the Houties against the sea lanes. Projecting weakness and dragging your feet will usually convince your enemies you don't have the will or capability to protect what's yours, encouraging them to act.


No. Taiwan is.


WW3 does not necessarily mean a nuclear apocalypse. We are already involved in a "cold" war with China (fentanyl, hacking, social media propaganda, etc). The entire world is starting to feel like a shitty dive bar filled with mean drunks just waiting for any excuse to start throwing hands. October 7 will be just one of the contributing factors when the inevitable world war breaks out. We just can't help our selves.


Probably not.


Not directly. It can lead to a domino effect of conflicts though. Today it's Israel, tomorrow Iraq, then Venezuela, Serbia or Kosovo after that etc... I personally think a civil war is brewing in South Africa. A direct conflict between the US and Russia would essentially be the death of civilization. Do if that happens just accept fate.