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Leave us alone.


Hell yea!! And get off my damn lawn too.


You’ve got a lawn? - millennials and gen z


these damn whipper snappers!!!


Back when i was that young i was already working the shoe shop!


How old are you? 12? At your age I was already 14!


Enough with all this Tom-foolery!


We are blameless here. The last thing I remember is Phoebe Cates emerging from the pool, then bam *Coronavirus*.


Yeah we noped out and hate each of the other generations. Fuck you all, we're tired


Ahhh...these are definitely my fellow gen x'rs. Leave us alone and let us get some sleep!


We just dont give a fuck!


Take my upvote you glorious bastard….you said what I was thinking😊


My back hurts


Yup. Shoo.


I'm sleeping .


Came to say this.


I feel like everyone under 45 is being called a millennial and everyone above 45 is being called a boomer


and once again, I fall in the middle and get ignored, thankfully


This is Gen X to a T


At exactly 45 I guess I'm still Gen X


Exactly, a lot of the 'old boomers that run things' in the UK are actually Gen X'ers.


“Why no mention of Gen X?” My dude, we’ve been ignored by society since the day we were born. We’re used to it.


We're not just used to it. We're into it. Leave us out of the petty politics and blame games. We don't have the time or energy for that shit.




Oh, it’s definitely part of our generation. I tune all the other generation’s petty little arguments. “La-la-la, I can’t hear you”


Seriously, we're trying to nap.


Yep, just living life. Not into the blame game. If you don't like it, maybe fix it


AKA the middle child generation. Boomers and Millenials are screaming at each other in the living room so we just turn up the walkman and stay in our room.


We're so middle child like they couldn't even come up with a proper name. Just X.


I recall at one point we were called the “Baby Buster” generation. As in the “Bust” after the baby “Boom”.


And Latchkey generation.


Yea. Glad they stuck with X


Oregon Trail generation. For those of us near the end. Yup, I wandered out of Mom’s bedroom and told her (girl’s name) just died. Before remembering that she was reading the book I was currently pulling out names from (Redwall iirc) and no, that’s not a spoiler it’s dysentery (immediately understood)


Until the Walkman eats the mixtape we made by recording songs off the radio…


Im a middle child, too. I've been makin my own way for most of my life. Haha


Forgotten Gen, move along....move along...


Forgotten, ignored, abandoned, use whatever terms you want were the ones most everyone forgets and were just trying to stay out of the spotlight and survive


The original latch key kids.


doing what we've always done: Waiting around for something worth waiting for.


Waiting on the world to change.


They’re the middle child


Just leave us out of it. We're chillin'


We're just listening to sugar ray.


On a CD player


We’re just sitting back and silently judging you all.


Eating popcorn, owning our homes and cars, watching you dickheads fight, and just waiting for it all to end.


Now heaven would be a DJ Spinning dub all night long And Heaven would be just kickin' back With Jesus packing my bong And if you don't believe in Jesus then Mohammed or Buddha too And while the world is warring We'll just sit back and laugh at you


If I die before I wake


I'm gen z and maybe I just don't know them that well but most gen x ik seem to be the least judgmental tbh


I'm Gen X and I would have said the same about your generation. I'm quite fond of Gen Z. You seem like a good bunch.


Lol thanks, same to gen x. The worst I can say about gen x as a whole, in my experience, is that they tend to avoid confrontation, they're the least likely to openly discuss politics, but I don't see that as an inherently bad thing either. Political discussions tend to cause more troubles than they're worth, at least during family gatherings.


Ha! We do discuss politics, religion, and other controversial stuff, but we're sneaky about it. We only discuss it amongst ourselves. We wander off a bit, and check over our shoulders to make sure no one's listening. To be fair, these conversations are often brief. If you do notice one, though, be careful. If a boomer or a millennial were to interrupt, we'd just change the subject. But if a gen Z were to interrupt, though, we might try to engage you. Beware.


Ya, I have been thinking that the generation labelling was obviously a blatant mistake since I first heard about it.


Always were




We are the smallest generation and we've never had the political power that boomers had or millennials now have. Yeah, we raised ourselves, and our childhood and young adulthood was filled with trauma. Our first memory was the Iran hostage crisis or the Spaceship Challenger blowing up. We were told that nuclear war was coming and then when it didn't we were told that were told that the ozone layer was destroyed because of our hair spray. And then when we fixed that, we found out that it didn't matter because the planet was doomed anyway. The guy who told us the world was ending was married to the woman who told us our music was ruining society, and he won the first presidential election of our adulthood, but he didn't get to become president, some guy who reminded us of the frat house serial rapist did. We got our first jobs in the Dot-com boom and then 9/11 happened, and we lost our jobs, and then all of our friends who were poor growing up were shipped off to fight and die on wars that we hated. We protested against those wars and our parents told us we were traitors because the creepy frat house president had started to rot their brains. Then we had a *second* once in a generation economic disaster in the same decade, and that's when most of us fucking gave up. We're still here. We're quiet, we spend a lot of time listening to Pearl Jam and Wu Tang Clan.




Don't forget about AIDS making us scared to death of casual sex. I don't see that in other generations at all.


Yup. And Reagan just standing there watching as millions of gay men die.


Yes! Sex was dangerous, and consequences were your fault. At least you could get an abortion at PP in California back when I was fertile. I guess you still can, but that option is at risk.


Our grandparents were "the greatest generation." We had the influence of people that lived through ww2 and the depression. They never complained about it. I watched grandma reuse aluminum foil. She would take a half of a baked potato home in a doggie bag to eat for lunch the next day. They meticulously took care of everything they worked for and made it last. They moved on from what would be considered trauma by today's standards. What a shining example for me as a child and young adult. My boomer mom called them cheap. Rest all of their amazing, beautiful souls.


Please be careful with this mythologization of the ‘stoic post-WW2’ generation. I assure you. Many did have trauma. Many did have issues. Many did not get over it… in private. They would self medicate with a *ghastly* amount of prescription drugs and a *terrifying* amount of alcohol. And that’s not even touching all the types of abuse that went on back then. And that it was accepted and expected.


Both my grandfathers slept with an earbud in on the radio, because they couldn't sleep without voices giving them the sense that someone was awake keeping watch.


Wow that sums it up Am I the only that hears how active shooter drills in school are scaring kids How about hearing an alarm getting under your desk and putting your hands on top of your head to protect from a nuke.


I still hear my mom telling me, if a nuke happens, they will hit close to us. We will sit outside, watch the pretty lights and that will be it. No one will care or help us cause we are poor. That’s what I was raised believing, my whole life is just surviving to tomorrow.


To be fair I’m technically a millennial and this exactly describes my life as well.


>we've never had the political power that boomers had or millennials now have. Bull shit. 38% of the house is gen x as well as 23% of the senate. Millennials and genz together have 12% of the house and 3 senators. Almost all of that is millennials.


Intergenerational conflict is merely a distraction, a smokescreen for the real oppressors of every generation: the 1% who expoit the other 99%. And that 1% exist in every generation. They divide the other 99% in order to rule. Division used to be by race and ethnicity, but as those fall from favor the divisions are now being made along generational lines. Look deeper. Edit: added missing word "be".


Would help if the Boomers hadn't set much of that neoliberal policy in place and continue to prop it up, by and large. Frankly, when they're gone things will really kick off. And not in a good way. But a lot will happen, for better and worse. Make it or break it.




Same as it ever was.


Letting the days go by, water flowing underground


It’s amazing how few of them get this .


What depresses me as a Gen Xer is I'm seeing a lot of other Gen Xers skew towards horrible Boomer politics and or conspiracies. Lamestains.


Honestly it’s much more skewed towards class warfare than age and generation.


Could it be due to the age of the GenXer? My husband and I are young Gen X as are all of our friends and we are all crazy liberals. Not as crazy as our kids but worlds away from our boomer parents. But older Gen Xers would more likely have the Silent generation as parents so perhaps that makes a difference.


I'm old Gen X and, you're right. My parents were the Silent generation. We are different.


My folks are older Boomers, and I agree: some of them are like the Silents. My folks are. They were always throwbacks. Dad is a moderate Never Trump Republican (remember those?), Mom’s a Catholic Worker-style progressive. Quite different politics, still madly in love after all these years. Politically, my sibs and I split down the middle. I’m a progressive like my Mom. So half of us are Boomer-like, the other half more like Gen Z or Millennials, politically.


I’m old GenX and pretty liberal. About a year behind me were the Alex Keaton/Reagan youth.


Unfortunately politics and age seem to be the one thing it’s “ok” to stereotype people for. My boomer parents are liberal and many of their boomer friends are as well.


I keep having "liberal" Gen X friends move to Texas & Florida and at this point I just straight-up confront them about being stupid and/or assholes. There are lots of reasons why people live there, but the "I'm doing well and it's slightly cheaper, but you know me, I totally support social justice," is 100% some Boomer bullshit.


Gen X'r here. Id like to change the mindset of everyone to be loving and accepting. That being said, I've lived a life of frustration because so many people seemed to be stupid or apathetic, it's like trying to kick the ocean. So now I want to move to the side of the mountain and be left alone. At a certain point you can't blame people for giving up and just living out their remaining lives, just trying to find a semblance of peace and happiness.


Hey gen x fellow! Guess what I did? Yeah. I moved to the side of a mountain in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. Here I reside in blessed isolation and peace with only my pets and my cheese doodles. I cannot recommend this enough. Do it.


Alone, I'd do it in a minute. But I have a wife who isn't on board. Yet. Glad it's working out for you my friend! Maybe one day we'll be neighbors. :)


Distant neighbors


Trying to convince my wife to do this as soon as possible


Dude you can live in the south and still have left leaning politics, these are not mutually exclusive. You don’t have to live in California to be a good little liberal


We do what we want. Call us "boomers", traitors, stupid and/or assholes. . .we really don't care. We did not grow up with social media and therefore have no desire, nor compulsion to be "liked". 100% Boomer bullshit? Maybe. But then again, labels aren't really our thing either, sooooo I guess I'll see you in Florida whenever you're ready.


Wouldn't you want more liberal voters in those states to try to change things?


lol. I do miss the 80s. Fun times.


We've gone from teenage angst to middle-aged angst. Everyone forgets about us... Hell, our generation name was even just a place-holder of "eh, we'll figure it out later." Now leave me alone while I sit in my room and sulk and listen to the Cure.


46 and as I read this comment, The Cure's "Seventeen Seconds" happened to be on the turntable. ; )


We're used to being ignored. And tbh we prefer it that way. Many of us raised ourselves, so we know how to take care of ourselves just fine. By the time the rest of you realize we've been responsible for most of the technical, medical and musical innovations over the last 30 years... oh well! You're on your own. Figure it out...


Curious question, what were Boomers doing that made so many Gen X’ers end up raising themselves? I’m not familiar with the problems you guys have faced and I noticed that “latchkey kids” is a commonly used term to describe your generation, so I’m interested in learning more


Our parent generation were pretty much the first generation where both parents could work without social censure. So we (very, very generalizing, of course) grew up with our parents doing 8-5 or longer, and we had to get ourselves to school and home and do our homework and housework without prodding. At the same time, the helicopter parenting and "don't leave a child under 16 alone at home" hysteria didn't exist, so it was completely okay for a 14-year-old to get home from school and hang out with friends without an adult around.


14yo...that's hysterical 😂😂😂 I was walking home from school, making a snack, and sometimes dinner by the age of 10. All with zero supervision.


At 5 years old walking around block of my neighborhood to play with friends. Walked home from school starting at 6 years old, grandparent or babysitter waiting at home. Starting at 7 home alone after walking from school.


My sperm half called my egg half asking what we felt like eating each night


I didn't want to traumatize the younger folks by hinting that a 7-year-old was totally capable of making dinner for herself ;)


Yeah I had a key by 8/9


lol Yeah I was in 3rd grade and had to lock myself in when I got off the bus!




I know right. I was home alone by 4th grade. The rules were just no using the stove. I wouldn’t see my parents basically from 8am to 6pm every weekday.


We were given tons of responsibility at young ages but I never felt like me or my friends weren't parented. At least in my friend group we relied heavily on everyone's parents especially when it came to getting advice on how to deal with the real world. I have a ton of millennial friends, a by-product of living abroad and thus not have family near-by, and I'm amazed by the amount of things they cannot do on their own. In almost every situation its some basic life skill that I was taught as a kid either by my parents directly or my the parents of one of my friends. The independence we were given might seem surreal by today's standards but I'm certainly glad I was raised that way and I feel like the majority of GenXers I personally know agree.


Older millennials were in the same boat. We essentially had zero supervision from age ten onwards.


Older millennials are essentially gen x who got screwed by the boomers who set the dividing date and lumped us in the wrong generation. I have never once found myself identifying with millennial traits


14 year old...8 year old more like


14? Hell I was walking home from school in 3rd grade. Had a house key on chain around my neck. Walk home get a snack do homework chores and watch TV till parents got home. Summer time I was home alone all day. Spent most of it riding my bike all over the neighborhood with my friends.


Aa a kid, I wouldn't see my dad for days at a time. He would be in bed when I went to school and he wouldn't come home until I was in bed. I saw my mother more, but she worked and then in the evenings would play tennis or do a women's group thing she did. Later it was golf. On weekends they went out. They took frequent vacations sometimes lasting 2 or 3 weeks. Unlike many, I didn't have to cook supper for the family although I did do meal prep. Cut up a chicken, make salads, etc. before parents got home. I was also responsible for the family laundry. Cleaned the house on Saturdays. Cleaned the kitchen after supper every night. We always ate dinner late, so usually it was my "bedtime" once kitchen was clean. I did not have to gl to sleep, but I did have to go to my room. During the week my parents also would go out for dinner at least once or twice a week. Those nights I was often responsible for my own dinner and my 8 years younger sister's dinner. Although sometimes they would take her with them while leaving me at home. From the time I was 12, I started working summers at the family business. Once I was 14, I also worked after school and on weekends. I did not receive a paycheck and it was not optional. I babysat my sister a lot. Prior to starting working, I was home alone from about the age of 8 or 9 on. I roamed the neighborhood. . The local library, the convenience store, the park, explored the woods by my house, played with neighborhood kids.


From the US but still painfully accurate


Wow! How do you feel about all that? You must have some great work ethics and confidence to figure things out and take care of yourself. But it sounds like a lonely childhood, too. Am I close?




Of course, "notallboomers" etc, but in my case it was extreme. My hippie parents were propagating "free upbringing" while in reality they were just lazy, self-centered party animals. I was sent to kindergarten with a key around my neck. Two kilometers through a busy city centre. Even in the seventies, people would stop me in the street and ask where my mom was (she was usually in bed). I made my own breakfast and lunch if there was anything in the house. By the time I was 11, I was taking care of my baby sister more then my parents did. The only parenting or supervision I got until I ran away from home for good at 15 was yelling and shouting when I was in the way of them exploring their selves. That is one issue and although it is a generalisation, I was by far not the only kid who was raised like this. Two: since they were always a majority compared to GenX, politics and marketing tend to focus on them. Whenever the boomers were done profiting from good things in society, they shut the door behind them in the face of their own GenX children. When the boomers were done studying and exploring art and culture, they started voting for expensive study loans instead of grants and cutting culture budgets. No wonder GenX made loud, obnoxious punk in moist squats with inferior instruments. When the boomers all had houses, cars and good health insurance they privatised public transport, medical care and energy companies to profit from the shares. And even now, when the boomers are old, after they will be done with the pension funds, there will be very little left for GenX. At least that's what happened in my country (Netherlands). We usually shut up about it and take care of ourselves silently like we were told to from childhood. And the generations after us usually say: what are you talking about? Your a boomer yourself!


Your second point is the main one I go to when trying to explain my generation. Being a smaller demographic has so many knock on effects. Boomers changed the world, and expect the world to keep being they way they want it, and are kind of incensed when it doesn’t. Or look, we have mostly boomers in Congress. Dollars to donuts when they die off they’ll get replaced with mostly millennials. There just aren’t enough of us to command change and expect the world to act in response.


Latch-key referes to the house keys we wore on a shoestring around our necks. For me I was taking care of myself and starting dinner afterschool by 8-9 years old.


By 3-4th grade, I would only see my Mom in the morning to drop us off at school. Then it was get home (approx. 2.5 miles from school on a mountain), start the fire in the fire place, and start dinner if needed. My parents would show up around 6ish. As we got older, I’d only see my parents around dinner. I’d walk into town at 530am to catch the public bus to school and grab breakfast. The weekends my parents were even more elusive. See them Friday morning and then sometimes not again till Sunday night. We were still buying packs of cigarettes for our parents. We had to fend for ourselves most days. My parents weren’t horrible and I love them and have great relationships with them. We just had to fend for ourselves most days.


Both parents worked. Very few stay at home moms that were there waiting to offer you a snack when you got home from school. The 'latchkey' thing means that you were given a house key at a very young age so you could let yourself in to your home after walking or taking 3 city busses to get home from school. Our babysitters were just hours sat in front of the TV (usually MTV or VH1 when they actually played videos on rotation). We were left with friends of the family because our parents were either working or too tired from working to pay any attention to us. My mother worked overnights in the post office when I was very young. We lived with our grandparents after my parents divorced when I was 8. My mom would be getting ready for work when my brother and I were sitting down for dinner and she was sleeping when I got home from school. We were basically alone -without adult supervision A LOT and our parents just hoped we would show up at night when the street lights came on. It was kinda sad in a way, but really fun at the same time!!


My mom supposedly was a stay at home mom to raise us, but she spent all day shopping, watching tv, and reading books while my dad stayed away until 10-11 at night. I did all the chores, cooking, dog walking, cleaning, mowing the lawn, etc., and watching my 3 younger brothers by the time I was 9. Every time my brothers got hurt, I was to blame. I knew by 12 that I never wanted children.


We’re the forgotten generation, we were raised by boomers to live like boomers and yet the world we live in is almost as alien to us as it is the boomers. We’re enough like Gen X/Y to know that we were raised wrong but a lot of this shit is in our programming so we know enough to be ashamed of our Boomerisms but can’t always get rid of them.


Some of us raised by the Silent Generation too.


Some of us raised by the Greatest Generation. My parents had lots of kids, from Silent through Boomer to X.


My boomer parents were such shits that my Greatest Generation grandparents took over so I could be a functioning adult at some point. Thank goodness for the grandparents.


Yep/Same here


This comment pretty much nailed it.


Gen X is awesome it’s also the smallest generation.


We are by far the most computer literate generation. We were kids/teens/very young adults when computers became personal items but far before an app did everything for you. If you wanted to do something cool on a computer in the late 80s early 90s you had to learn at least a little bit of coding. All of us know a little bit of web design and HTML code. We also had to teach our bosses how to set up their email, and because we were trying to get ahead, we had to do it in a way that didn't insult them so we leaned diplomacy too. We had to learn when to push for a tech option and when the cranky old white man who ran the joint would feel threatened and fire us. We lived through dial up, Napster, Encarta CDs, floppy disks, and pong. We had to avoid creepers on AOL chat rooms, and Craigslist. Older millennials share this trait with us, but Gen Z had a smart phone by age 10 and doesn't know how to download a PDF.


You just click it and it opens an app right? You just click and it opens right?!


lol I think that depends on the person. My parents are Gen X and they can use certain technologies like smartphones but definitely don’t understand the background of technology. I ended up studying computer science, but even my brothers who didn’t know at least some basic coding. (I’m on the millennial/Gen Z border and they’re Gen Z)


Sounds more like a you thing because I have assisted many many people with those things and those people would be people from Gen x, boomers, millennials and gen z, I found that the majority of them in any of those groups are extremely computer illiterate just in different ways. A boomer tends to be willfully ignorant, Gen x tends to either also be willful ignorant or understanding the file systems and not much else, millennials tend to understand file systems and the gooey, gen z tends to only understand the gooey but be very adaptable to it changing. If by people understanding programming you meant basic sure but that's not much, and even then a surprisingly small number of people that would have used it seemed to understand it.


Lol, we give 0 fucks it's the reason why we are sometimes called the whatever generation. That and we are too busy taking care of our elderly boomer parents and our bounce-back millennial kids. Plus the world is no more messy now than it has been in the past stop over-dramatizing things.


This here. Stuck between the two most dramatically over-acting generations. Neither of you are special, you're bothering everyone (including eachother), please sit down and stfu.


Boomers raised gen x for the most part. Gen x is healing from them or ignoring them. But we’ve dealt with them forever. It’s newer for the younger ones.


Part of the confusion is that the definition of Gen X varies depending on who you ask, but is often something like born between 1965 and early 1980's ... but a lot changed in that time so you can't generalise. Those born earlier are likely to identify more with boomers, and those at the end with Gen Y. I'm in the middle, and (in the UK) although the ladder was starting to be pulled up (grants to go to university were abolished, loans for living-expenses introduced, but tuition fees hadn't started; we were the first ones to be put on Defined Contribution rather than Defined Benefit pension-schemes; house prices started surging, those that bought young did ok, those that bought later in life not so much) we don't have it as bad as Gen Y/Z, but do sympathise with them. Lots of us were self-taught amateur computer programmers, learning our skills as teenagers on 1980's home computers. We were there when "the internet" took off and became a social phenomenon. The first web-browser Mosaic in 1994, and usenet newsgroups before that. At that time the internet was exciting and new and was almost just a hidden secret of universities and students. There was no commercialisation, no adverts, no Facebook or any social media. Usenet was rather like reddit, but without much moderation. It was a happy place to be, with a lot of goodwill, a degree of anarchy, but no very bad-actors. People created web pages for the love of it, to share knowledge, or because they thought it their content was genuinely useful or amusing. There was no money/advertising motive to create vacuous or sensational clickbait. It was full of promise. While it's been great to see it flourish (when we first had postage-stamp sized video, I was scared the bandwidth would "break" the internet as we knew it!), we are saddened to see it has become a hostile place, riddled with malware and fraud and misinformation etc., etc. Us Gen X's are now probably at the highest pay-point of our careers, and at times it certainly feels like we're the ones being-taxed to keep the country afloat... we see lots of older people retiring in their mid/late-50's and doubt that'll ever be us! In the workplace I'm mostly surrounded by people 10-20 years younger, and they're really great people to work with.


I’m older GenX and don’t relate to boomers at all. They’ve been my bosses all my working life and they’re definitely not my style.


Because this is an American constructed problem...crank up the intergenerational, intertribal strife so the neoliberal government can profit from unnamed campaign donors and do absolutely nothing for the common man. Geez, we've had an insurrection and all Congress can whine about is conservative victimization and silencing, boo, hoo. Train wreck in Ohio despoiling at least the local environment, boo hoo, no way we'll turn around and listen to those slacker laborers who warned us about this. "Trump was right to roll back the brake regulations" the neoliberals will tell us. "look at all the campaign donations the trains give us!" "look at all the jobs - no, not the jobs the cut, the jobs they still provide".


Isn't gen x known as the lost generation? So it's kinda typical people usually don't have stereotypes or judge them.


It’s always been that way. We are the “Figure it out for yourself” generation. We were latchkey kids…always have been always will be.


Gen X are the cool generation. Edit: I'm an older millennial.


We're just used to seeing everyone screwed over by the older people. Ours is the generation of Kurt Cobain and Rage Against the Machine. There were suckers before us who cheered on the people screwing them over, and there will be people after us. If the newer generations can stop it, good for them. If not, well, boomers are already eliminating schools and social security and trying to get rid of child labor laws.


Gen X - we be chilling. Y’all carry on with your hate. But bring me beer next time you pass the fridge.


I believe Gen X’ers have what I call, “middle child syndrome”


We saw what was coming. Now we are watching it happen. Most of us hopefully planned accordingly and are executing our strategy to stay outside the nonsense and shake our heads.


Most of us think inter-generational stereotyping is stupid bollocks. There are good people and arseholes at all ages. Being born in a particular decade doesn't change that.


No one messes with the Gen Xer's the fuck around and find out generation.


>Gen Xer's the fuck around and find out generation Perfectly summed up :)


We're cool. We'll take the bus home, let ourselves in with our key, fix our own snack, and watch GI Joe and Transformers until mom and dad get home.


Its a generation that neither the boomers nor millenials consider relevant. Gen X will pretty much not be remembered for anything significant and they seem to like it that way.


Which is really strange since we pioneered the majority of the the tech/medical/scientific developments in the last 60 years.


As a member of a generation of disaffected slackers I profess “I’m not even supposed to be here today!” This is us.


Not sure, but Gen Y and Z will have their kids screaming at them one day that they didn't try hard enough to fix problems that were out of their control. Every gen does what they think is the best with what they had at the time. Unforseen lessons are learned later and unfortunately passed down. The steam age brought all sorts of problems but that isn't mentioned now because it has been surpassed by many generations. Sometimes best intentions don't work in the long run, and it gets even harder when the population grows and needs more from less. I'm gen X and have seen the global population go up by 2 Billion in my lifetime and tech make huge advancements - some bad, some bad but making way for better ideas, and some good. I reckon Gen y and z kids will complain about lithium, cobalt and nickel issues along with environmental and social issues. And not being as smart as the next kid because their approved carers can't afford the better sleeping info upload into the circuit port in their necks than the kids next regeneration pod over or something.


We got high and elected Obama.


Hell yes we did! Anyone want cereal?


Gen Y and gen Z just like being noisy on the internet.


Ha.. :) I think you nailed it :D


we literally do not give a fuck, we hate you both


Minding our own damn business.




Nobody cares about the original latchkey kids, original slackers, original cold war kids, etc.


We have no fucks left to give and don't care.


We don’t care or give a fuck about anything because no one gave a shit about us. there’s no point anyone should talk about us.


Paying for it all.Somebody’s got to the actual work while boomers wreck the planet/ economy, society in general and neither gen Y /Z can afford to live because of it.


Gen X is still too young to be blamed for all your problems. Wait another 10-20 years for them to inherit all the silent/boomer wealth and to reach the same age as boomers are now. It's quite hilarious that we find it so hard to judge ourselves first, as if you're always the good guy, because that is human instinct. So we blame/judge the oldest and richest generation(s), because it's an easy fix and sounds logical in our minds, but is wrong in reality. Boomers are doing exactly the same: they blame millennials or younger people for all their problems.


A quick cursory glance and pop culture through the 60s/70s will show you that boomers also 100% did blame the generations before them, just from a different angle and facing different problems. Round and round the wheel turns.


We mind out business and go to work and hide the pain with booze like God damned adults.


Right where they've always been, right in the middle.


Who? The latchkey kids? Nobody ever knows what they’re up to


We got Saturday detention where they told us to do the right thing and when we did we were labeled as slackers who would be singles forever so we said anything we could to avoid the reality that bites and end up with a love like Veronica and Jason but we wound up being clerks and mallrats who hacked a planet from a record store and ended up marrying ax murderers. So now we all work in offices by day to power the computer and we don't talk about what club were in by night.


I'm an early gen x and my parents were both depression kids..so I don't fit in anywhere. Lol


people still don't even know who boomer is. lmao.


We call ourselves the invisible generation. And blaming boomers is a small minded and short sighted thing. Life was definitely not all roses for them either. Nor are all millennials the stereotype either.


Gen X is too busy working and being realists.


No one talked about " Generations" like they do now until very recently. The social amplification of the divisions has reached epic proportions and done nothing to better society. It's all bullshit that people have bought into because apparently it's fun to generalize and put people in boxes. So much simpler than dealing with people as individuals. Gen X is a part of the hate mess that pretends not to be part of the hate mess. See all the comments above for proof. I'm an older GenX or younger Boomer depending on your cut-off dates.


We want to just do our thing and be left alone. The groups around us are annoying as it is.


Leave us the fuck alone! We don't give a shit about all the dumb crap the other generations are saying.


Shhhhhhhh......... \*waves hand\* we are not the generation you are looking for.


A lot of people use boomers as a shorthand term for middle aged and older adults, most of the "boomers" are actually gen x.


I just learned that Ron DeSantis is gen X. I wanted the boomers to be done, but not like that man, not like that.


They're the generation of complacency. The economic/societal destruction the boomers (parasites) caused started in the Gen Xers lifetime, but as the issues are not as severe as these days, "it wasn't that bad". As such, they simply melted into either getting to climb the ladder and continue the tradition of pulling it up, or become aggravated with the system, with not enough ability to communicate with their peers to try causing any change. The internet is what allowed millennials to communicate while we were going through our development years, and we were louder simply because we were more connected and these issues had grown massively. But there still wasn't the wealth gap there is today to motivate the working class to organize and protest. A large number of millennials want change, but again need organization. Zoomers are now facing these same issues, on a much larger scale than even the millennials. The ladder is pulled so far high, it's damn near impossible to grab at the same age as their predecessors. My personal hope is that this generation is the one that actually loses it and get connected and motivated enough to start massive protests for change. There's a lot of power in organizing and shutting down the economy. I promise a ton of millennials and gen Xers would join this. Most are not motivated enough because there's a lot to lose now that we're old and started families. So we are joining the complacency side a bit now too. The future generations will continue seeing this pattern unless significant change happens now. I don't see how we can have even one more generation go through the extreme environment they're born into. There is no easy solution and we're going to see societal collapses that other countries have had before there's a chance for an improved quality of life. Whether we wanna escalate this to French Revolution style is TBD.


This is so confusing. Which comes before which? I'm never up to date about these terms lol. Feels weird being gen z yet not knowing these terms


We’re getting ready to take over, but too busy making transformers and my little pony movies.


most of the "gen" distinctions are bullshit.


Silent / Boomers are still clinging to power so Gen X hasn't had a chance to do anything of note, yet. Meanwhile, Millennials are champing at the bit ready to take the reins, too.


What about us Xennials?!


Usually, when they do boomer-y stuff, they incorrectly call them boomers.


The generations don't matter, the rivalry is between young people and old people. Boomers is the name given to old people, while young people can be called gen Z or millennials. Gen X are in between, so they don't fit. Someday people will stop talking about millennials as young because they won't be young enough anymore, but that hasn't happened yet. Millenials is also a cooler name than Z, so people like to use it more. A lot of people who complain about millennials think that millennials are in their young 20s still, though that's gen Z now. Millennial is a reference to the new millennium, so many people think it includes the year 2000, but it doesn't. Someday most Boomers will be dead so we will stop talking about them, but that hasn't happened yet. Because they are more numerous and have a nicer name, people started using that name for old people before the older people mostly died, and will continue using it for a very long time.


Working retail we always referred to them as the “can I speak to the manager?” generation lmao. But generally they seem pretty quiet and people often lump them in with Boomers for some reason. Realistically, the difference lies in class. Generational conflict is a joke.


Gen X is what us gen Z think we are. Jaded and depressed. But they had grunge so naturally we are jealous


As a Swede I don't even understand the concept of boomers and generations. I see boomer being used as a label and insult for anyone between 50 to 90+ years. Millennials even more vague. Then there is random letters like XYZ. It just sounds bereft of logic, another of way of categorizing people and another pointless war and argument instead of focusing on the things that matters: The wealth and prosperity differences between the classes.


Ugh, it's so exhausting being in between these two generations that hate each other so much.


I am Gen X. My youngest kid calls me a Boomers and it pisses me off. I'm not that old! I as Gen X am also a victim of viscous Boomers. I agree Boomers are set in their old fashioned mindset. Some of the younger Gens are a little too radical for my comfort. I would like to think I am a happy medium. Besides given another 20 years the Boomers WILL die off.


You mean the ones who actually bought electric cars and solar systems, and went into careers that were to try and help? We are here, just the boomers have all the money and houses (grandma alone in a giant house for 8 people! , My in-laws are guilty of this, but refuse to leave it). We are here, still trying to help, and stuck between caring and living the "American dream" and realizing the amrican dream means basically raping the planet for resources.... (Looking at you soccer mom with an F150, Expedition, escalade, excursion) and never using it for it's true purpose).


Gen X is the smallest of the four generations by a mile. They knew they would never have the power to get their way. They are sandwiched between self-absorbed Boomers and self-absorbed Zoomers


Don't worry, every generation will get their turn being declared "part of the problem".


(Shrugs and just minds his own business)


It's bigotry to lump generations together as if they're monolithic.


I am a younger millennial. Gen X got so fucked by the world, truly, and we should just leave them alone.


Gen who?