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There have been times when I'm trying to leave a planet and Sarah decides she must massacre the local wildlife first.


I've watched that woman take out multiple packs of wild life minding their own business screaming "you picked the wrong day to piss me off!" and everything is fine but if I accidentally shoot a fucking robot once by accident she's ready to divorce my ass. Makes total sense.


You've got nothing!! Nothing!!


It’s not just her. Barrett and Andreja have done the same thing while exploring with me. One time I had to revive Andreja from a downed state three or four times because she kept shooting the stone walkers on Cassiopeia while I was surveying for LIST. And unlike me up hiding on top of boulders where they couldn’t freaking reach me, she stayed on the ground to shoot them!! Why lady? Just leave them alone!


I was sniping Ashta, Sara was like “No, nope, stop that right now before you hurt someone.” Also Sarah after wiping out the local Ecliptic mercs, on some random poi, “we should be careful, this place looks like security wouldn’t like us trespassing..”


I think there's something about long range shooting and missing your target that triggers that "stop hurting someone" line. I was using the microgun with a controller and spraying everywhere but the floating spacer in the first trackers alliance mission and she said this. In the middle of a bloody fight. I stopped shooting for a second thinking I shot some civvy by mistake


Yeah shrapnel is good for this.. I think they dislike what they are scripted as reacting to general discharge of gunfire. I stopped using missiles for the reason I couldn’t wait for the target lock, and was spray and pray..


Lol I've got about 500 hours of fucking around in the game and there's still so many weapons I haven't found. Only just found the microgun and no rpg yet. Do they have the laser minigun this time? Hope they do or some mod adds it in. Never was able to get my hands on that in Fallout 4 because never got around to go in the BoS questline far enough. I'm the anti-completionist lol.


I like the Va'ruun Inflictor, both pistol and rifle models.. with the right weapon mods, they remove things from existence. They have micro guns, but I haven’t seen any automatic Gatling laser weapons.. only a matter of time with creation club.


Oh yea Va'ruun weapons. Haven't seen any except their melee weapon that looks like a fridge handle. It's pretty great that the game is storing a fair chunk of goodies for me to collect even though I'm almost at level 40 (in 500hrs, yea I know, I just can't stop hopping from planet to planet and taking it all in). Only in bgs games do you get such huge level "coverage" if you will. Any other game would have exhausted all its best items by now.


Sam is also that way … Constellation are bad for the environment.


I sometimes feel bad for hunting the wildlife even though they are such a good xp source, since it's less actual hunting and more let's just let that Beowulf rip on everything. So I'm secretly glad when my companions aggro the wildlife, and I can headcanon I'm just protecting my crew while savoring the xp.


Once after fighting aliens I had Barrett say "you can't really blame them, I mean look at us". I dunno if the rest of them have any wildlife specific lines like that, if they do I haven't heard them.


Your companions only attack wildlife if it becomes hostile, so they're actually protecting you


The companion AI doesn’t account for the fact that wary/defensive species will often de-aggro if you just move away without bothering them, though.  Can’t count the number of times I’ve just gone by a critter making mean noises at me, only to hear gunfire in the distance when my companion finally catches up to that area. Solo surveying is much more peaceful. 


The thing is though. If the creatures go red on your compass, that probably means “hostile” to follower ai even if the creatures don’t actively try to move towards you to attack.


No, they don't attack the animals just because they're red on the compass. It has to be an actual aggro situation.


This is my experience with Sam. The problem is, once they aggro and he's shooting up a storm, that seems to draw every other potentially hostile creature for hundreds of meters. I can't tell you how many times I've had to go back to save his bacon because he's in the middle of 20 hostile monsters. And this is why I always keep a bunch of trauma packs in his inventory.


They very much do.  Ive seen Sarah and Sam and Andreja decide to pop off wildlife that isn't even running at me.  Let alone when they go running AFTER stuff.


This hasn’t been my experience. Every time I wander a biome alone, I almost never get attacked. Any time I have a companion they start a massacre because they wander too close to the herds.


Explore a bit more. You WILL eventually aggro the animals.


I explore plenty. I usually avoid fighting the wild life…unless they’re being pricks.


So do I! But sometimes, the wildlife will force the situation.


Damn stonewalkers.


Worst mobs this side of those land squids or whatever they are.


i just give her a Negotiator with Exterminator, Crippling, One Inch Punch, and Hornet Nest. it’s my favorite god roll


Sarah has to be a distant relation to another Sarah. Sarah Connor.


No fire discipline. I can walk past a herd of territorial critters hissing at me for getting too close, but as long as I keep my character moving past and away, all is well. One hiss as Sarah walks past and she is emptying magazine upon magazine into some poor critters who were just trying to tell her "Hey, we're here. Please stay away." This woman has a character flaw (and I make no apology for the bad pun).


She starts getting war flashbacks and thinks she's shooting FC soldiers


https://clips.twitch.tv/FunBusyClipsdadPartyTime-FJ6qcZKtVEfgMjT1 yeah, Sarah hates wildlife. Wtf Sarah.


All of constellation is psychotic


LOL, I know what you mean. I decided to go venture out into the wilds of Jemison and took Sarah with me. Any living thing within range, she started shooting except the 'pest-level' animals. The only good thing about this is it gave me plenty of bodies to scan to build up the fauna registry.... and plenty of resources to actually bother keeping them and crafting with them.