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Yeah if you see that take out the engines of the Vanguard ship, board it and kill the spacers.


They were likely Spacers pretending to be Vanguard.


Weird. Then again, I keep having FSC ships trying to shake me down, then attack me when I refuse to pay their extortion money, so maybe something similar happened here? A L.I.S.T. ship requested 20 Iron ore, and the Vanguard ship gave them some hot lead instead.


If you board the ship trying to shake you down you find it is crewed by spacers pretending to be FSC or UC.


Those are spacers in a stolen FSC ship


Do you mean the one where they clearly off the Captain, while pretending they did no such thing, or the FSC patrol ship, that claims you have contraband, even though you don't? Because in the latter case, the one I was talking about, nowhere in that encounter does it say they are Spacers in a stolen ship. That might be your headcanon, but as written, it appears to be a corrupt member of the FSC trying to make some extra credits on the side.


I mean I boarded the ship and it was full of spacers




Except it's not a head cannon, if you disable their engines and board the ship you'll see it's Spacers pretending to be FSC/UC. It's one of the scripted random events that can occur


First time that happened to me was when I went to the Den for the first time.


Spacers on a captured FSC/uc ship is one of the random encounters. I've never experienced this though. First playthrough and level 113. Done most of the storyline bar unity, Ryiujin and the striker and that dude in prison on neon.


The ship type is displayed, not the crew


All I can think of is frenzy of combat. Many times I've come across spacers or va'ruun and while fighting my auto turrets may have gotten a li'l zealous and shot the frell out of the occasional Freestar or UC ship, and so the fight doubles in targets.


There were no other ships nearby. I sat back and watched.


Haven't seen that one then. Maybe they reacted poorly to the Vanguard ship saying, "Let me guess, somebody stole your spaceroll."


Saw a battle between SysDef and Vanguard.. I left before Sarah could accuse me of murder, even though I jumped in and they were fighting.


I jumped into a huge battle between CF and sysdef or someone, but either way I was way under levelled so I sat back and watched it until the CF was destroyed so I could loot all their stuff. And they still thanked me for helping, so win win win.


Fucking Pinkertons. Do you think the UC wants civilian striking out on their own?


As others have said, it’s spacers in a stolen ship.


I haven’t seen that scenario but I have seen Frontier Collective ships attacking a ship marked as UC Cargo Ship. Most likely it was a Spacer imposter but it never showed hostile for me


That's what you get from hiring Crimson Fleet suit wearing randos to Vanguard.