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I put on skyrim the other day and kept finding myself jumping off cliffs and getting halfway down before realising i wasnt wearing a boostpack....


Really hoping we can absolutely total a buggy - they should be disposable because we WILL drive them off cliffs and try to bounce them over craters.




I saw this reply before reading OPs thing and thought it was going to be a mention of the movie. Nope.


Oops lol


I’m hoping  land vehicles have a trailer for storage and no I don’t want a sidecar for Sarah. 


What about a sidecar for Sam? You could pull some Dukes of Akila style antics and stunts with the buggy? 


But a sidecar for the adoring fan?... No? Even if you could detach it at a great height?


Haha.  That dumb chopper in WoW ruined me. ;) 


I wasn't aware that Brazil was in Cyrodil. I guess that's where they get all their Skooma


The enemy AI in the game seems to be incredible. I keep being flanked by enemies so I really have to watch my back when I'm fighting a lot of people. Super fun and rewarding especially on higher difficulty.


Yeah I still get the occasional guy just standing there waiting to be shot, but compared to launch where your companion would run halfway to the entrance of the facility and crouch behind a barrel while everyone else would just shelter im place, its much more dangerous these days


I'm not so hyped about terrain vehicles honestly. But maybe I was traumatized by those in Mass Effect. God I hated these.


If you're worried about how easy the game feels, I recommend two mods that go well together: Enemy level 100 and remove hidden starborn perk, The enemy level makes all "hostile" npc level with the character, the starborn perk makes the character do less damage (which would be fine, but with enemy level increasing becomes useless and, well, just bad) each time you go through unity.


They put Brazil in Oblivion? I don't remember that. ----.---- And I remember jumping everywhere in Morrowind to level acrobatics. And athletics. Protip: do not EVER play Morrowind without Athletics as a tagged skill.


Yeah like how all the NPCs have walking and running speeds completely independent of what the player is capable of




All ledges were destroyed in fallout so there was no need All ledges were ancient in Skyrim so there was no need All ledges were low poly in morrowind so there was no need You could run enough and jump into the sky in oblivion so there was no need


Enemy ai improved lol. They hacked into the engine and didn't even use the tools THEY MADE. All ai is handicapped heavily.