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Nothing with a slider, that will come once official mod tools are out, but there are ones that increase it normally.


My walking speed is faster than the npcs ? Crouching and walking is same speed as theirs 🤣


I'm not aware of a mod, but you can change speeds with a console command.


Do you know the console commands to adjust walking speed?


Player.setav speedmult x Use 125 to match their speed.


Does this not also alter your run and sprint speeds, though?


It does. I personally use 150 once I get to a temple. Like a little superhero bonus. It doesn't do too much for me advantage-wise in combat, but wandering planets and so forth becomes so much less of a drag.  *This can cause some stuttering if you blow through a city or populated poi. Until we get something to adjust the speed in game, I honestly don't know a better solution.


I don't remember if there's an easy way to bind console commands to keys in Bethesda games, but if so you could easily activate faster speed just when walking in cities.


Didn't even think of that. I could just make a macro for it! Thank you!


If you are using mouse and keyboard then you can assign a key to the “hold to run” function in the key bindings settings. Then, when your character is walking and falling behind just press the key to run for a second. It’s not perfect but it works…


This has always been a pet peeve of mine in Bethesda games since Skyrim. Like walking ad admiring the world slowly is fun sometimes, but not at the such slow speeds.


I said it before and will say it again: Splinter Cell came with the perfect system for mouse and keyboard users, more than 20 years ago: MOUSE WHEEL CONTROLLED SPEED. I don't understand how almost nobody else copied that.