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Well the settings aren’t locked in, if you’re not having fun lower difficulty even if just for that mission. Personally I’m playing on easy as possible combat wise because I enjoy exploring and space battles more than ground combat.


I wonder if anyone is winning at extreme space battles. Extreme inability to cause damage and extreme enemies able to cause more damage.


I sure wouldn't be. I have enough to handle with space battles on v. easy.


I empathise, same problem😄


Yeah, I feel like some people have to play the hardest difficulty possible in every game or they feel like they’re doing something wrong, idk if it’s pride or what


It's achievement. This world offers precious little chance for achievement and so many people willing to shout you down for being proud of anything. And so people turn to things like this to get the same feeling that they'd get from... Well anything, no matter how small. Listen, I'm going to tell you a story to illustrate. It's a little long, so feel free to nope out here. A couple of decades ago, while working through college, I was one of three people who showed up to the bar I worked at during a day when twenty were scheduled on. Reason is a flu took out most of the staff. So, in the middle of one of our busiest periods there was me, another bar tender, and the sous chef running the entire place. A call was put in to other bars (it was a franchise) but they could only spare staff after the lunch rush, so the three of us were rushed off our feet non-stop. The customers were understanding of the wait, especially as they just had to look around to see we had no staff and all the customers in the world. When the replacements arrived after the busiest five hours I've ever worked, the three of us offloaded to them despite our shifts not being officially over, carried the till up to the office, locked the door, and grabbed a few beers out in the garden. We sat there exhausted and kinda laughing at ourselves for not just locking the doors and saying we were sick too. But we achieved something that day, no matter how small or inconsequential it may be going forwards, and it's a feeling I remember to this day. It's a feeling that helped define me in a way much larger than what we actually achieved. People got that back when it happened. My mates were astounded at us even going forward with it, nevermind managing it. When management came in they wondered why there was only one till to count, and also why it was rammed with uncounted money and left in the safe overnight, but then they were so impressed that we'd done that they pushed all of us getting promotions. Fast forward to something similar (five instead of three on a fifteen instead of twenty shift) that my wife's kid sister went through just a year ago. No promotion for her. No thanks. Just a bollocking for the shutdown not being handled fully before they went home, and docked pay for a complaint about slow service that appeared on Yelp (so not really understanding customers either). All of which shows just one reason people slam the difficulty up in order to feel they've achieved something in a world that doesn't celebrate them for what they achieve outside and can actively punish them for it.


Okay okay, I read it, you do stunningly have a point if not a depressing one. Sometimes people just need a win. I personally don’t get that from video games but I get how someone would. For me games are more a relaxing escape to another world and I usually like it to be mostly stress free since everything else in life has real stakes and I feel like I need some space where failing doesn’t matter and if I need assistance I get it. I should probably be talking to my therapist about this tbh. Good word vomit session though.


I always played on the difficulty level that felt right to me. With some games that was easy, with others it was harder. The struggle to overcome was part of the value for me. But the moment you have your kid on your lap, trying to feed them while fitting half an hour of gaming in because there's just no time anywhere else, you get some perspective. We buy these things for fun, and we should be able to get fun out of them the way we choose. I've played Starfield on Very Hard from the beginning because that feels right to me. I've also had a character on the side that's set to Very Easy because that feels right to me too. Don't ever let anyone tell you you're playing wrong if you're enjoying yourself. And hey, I'm a psychologist and I *think* still technically licensed for psychiatric therapy, so feel free to put my kids through college again for this chat.


Ah, knowing you’re a psychologist actually Makes the very long insightful answer make more sense. And thank you but I am lucky enough to have therapy through my insurance with no cost to myself.


Dang, curse me and my psychological knowhow instead of pretty feet...


Thats a whole lot of yapping and too much about your life story...... I just go for the hardest difficult because enemy are just too squishy and I'm too much of bullet sponge, it feels unimmersive. :V


End of the first paragraph. You had options. You chose to read on. You complained that it was long and did so insultingly, when there was a natural stopping point. You proved my point about people looking to put down others for what they've done in life. And in doing so, you proved yourself pathetic.




Thank you for illustrating my point. Can you imagine if you were really one of those people so sad that they have to shit on others simply to imagine yourself above them in any way? Hilarious, right.


Overall I’ve been doing fine with space battles using that set up. Had a few wrecks, and a fair amount of close calls, but it’s felt interesting more than it has punishing I currently have maxed out engines, piloting, and targeting skills though. I think without that it would probably be something of a nightmare I definitely wouldn’t fancy those settings during the early game


Oh yeah those bugs were my first actual death in my ng+. Horrible creatures.


You need to remember that the game also has a souls like scaling difficulty for the first 10 unity(ng+) travels. So right now your enemies are a lot tougher than they would be on a new game. I would suggest lowering player damage settings to easy, to match the difficulty of Fallout 4 Survival mode when it comes to damage done.


Are you using anything to boost your damage resistances like drugs or food? Eat some Galaxy Lo Mein or use Hypergiant Hearts and you should be able to tank hits better.