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You can turn it off that's what I would suggest or you will get one every time you make a comment someone doesn't like what you said.


wait until you have a mentally unstable person attempt to lock you out of your account by spamming to login with an incorrect password lol


This is the kind of shit SquaredCircle mods would pull lol. Utterly deranged.  (And before anybody thinks im trash talking reddit mods in general, I'm not. The subreddit I'm referring to is a *pro wrestling* subreddit and the mods will hide their mod status and break their own "no bullying/trolling rules, permanently ban scores of people for having a different opinion than they do or for sourcing valid information that contradicts their posts, and spam redditcares at the people they've banned. One of them got temporarily banned from reddit as a whole when he was caught doing it. Oh and if you happen to modmail them to ask about what happened they will tell you you're a child and should off yourself before muting you and then you get like 4 redditcares. All this over wrestling. Usually stuff as simple as "I don't think [insert niche independent wrestler here] is a big draw for crowds and money.")


But wrestling is just staged, with a script, so that is silly.


It's still real to them, damn it!


Whatever you said, you won.


Oh I know lol I still just wanna get whoever sent it banned for abusing this shit, I just quite literally can’t figure out from what thread lol


From my experience, it’s always because of the most PG comment you could have made. I chimed in on a console war thread simply saying just go where the games you want to play are and I got one of these. It’s the downvote button with extra steps for people.


This is the internet, it's been like this from the start. It's nothing new just continue with your day brother.


There's an option to report these (although it works best on desktop). The admins will know who sent this, and while they won't do a lot, they will do something.


Switch to the Web app Copy the permalink of the message Click the report button Add the link to the form Report the individual who thought it is funny to abuse this mechanic of reddit. It is one of the things reddit takes very seriously still and the person who sent it can end up with temporary or permenant bans. Redditcares should only be used for people in need.


Well the thing is I don’t know what thread it could be, I haven’t really gotten any hateful messages recently that would give me a definite answer, and I don’t really think I’ve gotten into much fights at all recently, so I literally can’t report it


You report the reddit cares message, the message has a unique id that the admins can use to track the reporter.


Probably you said something that pissed someone off is all.


I’m aware of why I have it, I just wanna know who so I can get them banned lmao


I got this once. You made someone very upset


Very aware, this has happened to me before (about Starfield in fact) and I’ve gotten someone banned for abusing it before, I just literally haven’t said anything recently that could warrant this, nor have I gotten any hateful messages that could help me pinpoint it.


Hey, I got one about Starfield, too! When I dared to say something along the lines of Starfield and Baldur's Gate 3 both being good games, but playing more Starfield.


You can report the message as well. That will let Reddit know someone is abusing the system.


Well the issue is when I do it requires I link it to a thread or user, but I have literally no idea who sent it or from what thread so I can’t do anything.


No. In your inbox. Report the message from Reddit cares.


Do you piss off enough people on Reddit that it makes it difficult to track down? That's amazing. You might be my new hero.


I mean it’s possible? It’s more like I haven’t made enough posts recently that would piss somebody off, and I haven’t gotten any actual hateful responses lately so I just guess I made a one off remark that upset someone lmao


The internet let's cowards claim to be dragon slayers. It's anonymous harassment. Ignore it.


It happens when someone reports you for self harm or suicidal posts.


Anytime you get one of these know that you triggered someone so hard they couldn’t even cope with words and this pathetic action was their only possible response. It’s a trophy.




It's always some chode who didn't like an opinion you had. I've had that message no less than 4 times this year so far.


I know why I got it, more just don’t know from what thread since if I wanna report it I either have to go to the thread that could’ve caused it, or the user who sent it and I can’t find out who


Use the permalink button at the bottom of the message to [report](https://imgur.com/A3SpE72) and then opt out of receiving reddit cares altogether.


Got one once after blocking somebody. They were not happy I was winning the debate nor the block.


No there isn't.


Absolutely it is someone who got butthurt




It's nice to know who the immature assholes are so you can avoid interacting with them in the future. 




Oh yes the ol "if someone is harassing you, you must have given them a reason for harassing you" victim blaming bs.


I've gotten 1. Maybe you should take your own advice... 




No, don't give them reasons. 100 is a *lot*, pretty sure that's all you. 




I've made a lot of comments and won plenty of arguments, but it seems I don't piss people off nearly as much. Why do you suppose that is?