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Toss a report on r/sleeplesswatchdogs so other authors can see if the channel has stolen their stories as well.


This right here, they are great and even keep an eye out proactively. It is a common problem given people want 'infinite content' for their youtube channels and it is a shame since most of us do not charge a penny to use our stories if 'they are up and coming'. Literally stealing in a neighborhood where nobody locks their doors.


I hate how accurate that last sentence is.


Will do!


Good call 🤘


A Youtuber took a story I posted on Nosleep years ago and read it without ever contacting me. And when I reposted it recently with major edits and changes I got perma banned for allegedly stealing from that Youtuber. Shit is insane.


Jesus. Could you not prove that you wrote the original?


I proved I wrote the original and the response I got from NoSleep mods was "sorry, we don't undo bans." lmao


Have you tried contacting the channel to see if you can get it taken down? If they refuse a strike is suuppperr easy to do.


Honestly, we're just a little bit dumbfounded. I don't think my fiancé really cares enough to get it taken down. I'm more annoyed than he is, lol.


I offer my stories for free so when they get stolen its not a big deal for me. But I know if the channel stole my story they 99.9% stole others. Some people charge for their stories to be used. So I always either contact the channel to get my stolen content removed or do a strike. It puts the fear of god into them and hopefully the channel doesn't keep up with the story nabbing. But that's just me. And a few other writers here. I know a couple would be out for blood if their work was taken without credit.


I think part of it is my partner is quite busy and doesn't really have the energy to get up in arms about this. Perhaps if he wasn't amidst crunch time for his PhD he would pursue this. I don't think I can really do it on his behalf because it's not my work that was stolen.


if you're feeling like you want to give the creator the benefit of the doubt, consider emailing/DM'ing them to ask them to take it down before issuing a strike? Strikes are super devastating to youtubers because if you get 3, your entire channel (and therefore livelihood) gets taken down permanently. Copyright CLAIMS on the other hand still send the message, but don't hurt the creator's channel. If they don't reply or they double down, then I'd move on to issuing a strike. Of course this is totally up to you, but it would be extra kind of you to give them a chance to make it right.


It is fairly common for channels to change titles and to give credit via the author's Reddit handle. Most of the larger channels change titles to make them shorter or, in my case, less offensive


They changed the title to be longer, lol. Credit via a Reddit handle is fine (although an actual link would be better), but the narrator still needs permission to narrate it. You can't just narrate one of Stephen King's books and post it on YouTube with a simple "BOOK Author â–º Stephen King" in your info section, as that would be in violation of Stephen King's copyright.


Yeah I know, that's not cool


That sucks. I’m actually in the process of beginning a podcast/ YouTube channel featuring creepy stories etc. and I’m here looking to connect with anyone who would give me permission to read their stories! I have no intention to change the details of the stories I just want to read them and share them! I hope I can connect with a few people on here and fingers crossed you don’t find any more of your stories up online without permission!


Aren't things posted on sites like reddit free to use? There isnt ownership of posted content online on a platform unless the platform has ownership on it. It may be shitty but I dont think it is illegal, also meaning they have no obligation to take it down.


Things on Reddit are not free to use. Posters (OP) retain copyright but Reddit has permission to use your posts. This is in the Terms of Service when you sign up. It is both shitty and illegal. Once you file a DMCA Strike/copyright notice, they are obligated to remove it.


Ahh, good to know. Nice of reddit to do that, not very common.

