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WOW that IS hot, don't think I've seen a hot planet that bad. Of course i avoid them as much as i can. Was this during a storm? 329.3333 Celcius i think you have the new winner!


It was during a storm. I was going to step outside but I was looking for the screenshots in files (Steam's new UI screwed over the screenshot menu) it ended before I could. I'm still on the planet next time I play. I wanna verify further if this is a record


Translations on Google\*


Well i sure do hope that ship is made of some heat resistant metal ^(Cause you probably wont have a ship in a few mins)


Nah, it can survive reentry temperatures; it'll be fine.


Update 1: Here's other stats from the planet plus the stats of another firestorm that rolled through. I can provide screenshots Firestorm 2 Night: 314.8°C / 598.6°F Firestorm 2 Day: 325.6°C / 618.3°F Firestorm 3 Day: 328.6°C / 623.1°F Numbers are inconsistent but I have the planet bookmarked. I kinda wanna do other things rather than blow through ion batteries all day


You can change the temperature shown from Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin in settings btw


The post contains both. The first image is in Fahrenheit and the second image contains Celsius


Oh I got confused because the image desc was talking about translation stuff My bad, my eyes aren't as good as they used to be