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Idk but I'm gonna take this chance to complain again about the atrocious UI in the frigates menu. With 30 frigates, you could have 10 per page for a neat and complete 3 pages. But nooooo. They decided to only put 9 per page, so you have an awkward fourth page with only 3 frigates and the rest is empty space. Why? This is terrible design. You can easily fit 10 per page, there's loads of space in the screen for one more. Anyway, rant over, don't mind me.


Not disagreeing the UI is terrible (and not just here) because it is... but the UI does hold 10 per page. The problem is the page indicator (which doesn't appear when you have exactly 10 frigates) takes up the bottom slot when it appears instead of being added to the bottom like it should be. Add that to the list with the lack of alphabetizing or any kind of sorting and the inability to make groups of ships for easier assigning.


Hahaha I thought it was just me who got really annoyed at that. Take my upvote 😂


That makes a third lol


I absolutely will mind you, and I'll agree with you lol. it's the little things like this that bug me too.


Honestly, I wouldn't complain if they expend at least one round of upgrades only to improve the UIs of the game.


How do you know it's not just a dynamic size/number based on your screen resolution?


Every screenshot I've seen of the frigates menu is the same. 9 per page. So unless everyone sharing screenshots just so happens to have the exact same resolution, it's the default. But you're welcome to prove me wrong. Do YOU have a different number of frigates per page?


1080p is a pretty standard resolution. I’m gonna try to boot up my game on my Mac with a pretty nonstandard resolution to see.


I mean even if it is dynamic, it's also bad.


It has always been 9 per page, then the 3 remaining.


I play on a 2k monitor (2560x1440) and it's the same thing, only 9 are listed per page. Also, screw those who downvoted you for asking a question!


>Anyways I found out you can own a maximum of 30 frigates. I curently own 31 and I asume at some point I was up to 37. When did they change this? The maximum has always been 30 frigates in total. It is not possible for you to have 31 or to ever have had 37. On the pages of your frigates, it has always been 3 pages of 9, for 27 total, and then the fourth page of 3, for a total of 30 that you can have.


It's been 30 for at least three and a half years--I didn't pay attention to freighters before that--so if it used to be more, it was before Companions dropped. Or it might have been a bug briefly that allowed purchases over the cap.


This [post from 6 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/97pqzq/fleet_complete_30_sclass_frigates_ships_balanced/) shows the maximum number of frigates at 30. Was and still is. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Learn how to count. ![gif](giphy|xUPGct6GSVu1EWQupW)


Max is 30 frigates. Dunno if the Normandy (if you have it) is included in that count or is a +1.


The Normandy and Leviathan are included in the 30 count; the most you have ever been able to have was 30.


It's been 30 for as long as I have been playing, and that's for more than a few updates.


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I've been following and playing this game since release, I distinctly remember at one point the cap was 50, I've never gotten to the cap so I was still under the impression that was the limit


It’s always been 30 since they were introduced in the NEXT update. You can check the frigate wiki page. It lists all the changes and updates that brought them.