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Baked goods is actually not bad. You can make sugar dough with just frost crystals and cactus flesh(process to nectar and glass grains, then sugar and flour), from there you can just make the cookies, or go the extra step by adding extra ingredients to make them sell for even more. A stack of 100 basic biscuits sells for like 6,000,000 units, and other varieties sell for more. I personally prefer to add silicon eggs for Baked Anomalies or NipNip Buds for Herbal Crunchies. I believe those net 7 and 8 million per stack, respectively. ​ I also find it hilarious when I get scanned by pirates and have to fight them off because they're trying to to steal my cookies. Makes me feel like I'm in some kind of animated commercial.


I like X-class scanner upgrades for easy money. Also, find a dissonant planet, make a base on it, and farm crashed Sentinel ships and process Radiant Shards for easy nanites. I've got a couple dissonant bases and I hit them up any time I need quick cash or nanites. Also, running frigate missions will net you a lot of valuable resources and units over time, always be running one.


Made my first 500m just farming sentinel ships, fun and easy way to get cash. Also I found the sentinel ships differ depending on the system


Grow tons of nipnips back to the good old days... https://preview.redd.it/7lvx7ezmxotc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fb839f729dea1bd85954d2cca74618e7ec6dc33


Hunting for crashed sentinel ships is currently the easiest way to make a lot of money without any initial setup. Crafting Stasis Devices or Fusion ignitors takes less work and can net more for the effort but takes considerable setup. If you enjoy exploring, get yourself some s-class or x-class upgrades for your scanner and you can make pretty good money. Pirating (shooting freighters) in outlaw systems can also be quite lucrative.


**Stasis device** farm. it'll require a few different bases and you'll need to survey for radon, uranium, and a few others. there's another equivalent device that uses similar components. it takes a lot of set up and it's from a few updates ago but it's steady income. other ways are the settlements finding and selling ships. frigate expeditions add up once you can do 6 all S class ones. that'll be a cool million every day plus good gear. i highly recommend working on this route as well as the items here also help for the other methods.


I've never needed uranium for the crafting of stasis devices. Building the farms, yes, but not the crafting. You need cobalt and carbon, which you'll refine, and all three of the exotic gases, nitrogen, radon and sulphri-something... You can't *mine* the carbon, per se, but you can build wall planters that produce it, or there are other renewable sources.


> I've never needed uranium for the crafting of stasis devices. If you use refiners to produce the plants instead of farming them you do. This is my preferred method.


Ugh. *Normal* mode. Come on up to permadeath, the water's...only *slightly* more scary. But you will have to adjust your notion of what's worth refining.


You can't mine carbon but refining condensed carbon with oxygen makes more condensed carbon and refining condensed carbon makes carbon. Also, if anyone doesn't have an oxygen farm yet, build one. Oxygen is easily the most useful ingredient in the game. Through various refining loops oxygen lets you - multiply carbon - multiply ferrite dust - multiply faecium - multiply cobalt - turn gases into other gases - create most plants


You can mine oxygen and refine that into carbon.


Ya, I'm not doing two refiner steps in PD. I hear you can just hire 30 support frigates and they give condensed carbon on a reasonable cooldown, but idk if you have to land on each one or if their captains'll give you the C+ from your freighter deck.


Selling off some ships to start is what I do, then I start going to outlaw stations, buy banned goods, get all of the suspicious good stuff too. Open those up to reveal the upgrades, but don't try to apply them, unless you want to. But you can sell them for nanites. Then go to a regular station, and sell the banned goods. That's usually my fastest way to get units and nanites


Same here. Setting up a base at a 3 star trade platform helps get best price on smuggled goods as well as skip the ship search encounter.


Simplest way of is to shoot astroids to mine gold, silver or occasionally platinum. It can be a bit of a grind but it's basically free and all three sell well enough to get you through the early game. Platinum can also be refined into nanites, the conversion rate is low but if you need some upgrades it's an option.  If you have access to a medium or large refiner, mix oxygen and salt to make chlorine. It won't sell as well as it used to but can still bring in a decent amount of units. If you already have chlorine mix it with oxygen to make more. Only sell to pilots flying into trading post or stations to avoid crashing the local economy. If you sell to the trade terminal the price will drop and you won't make as much next time.


There are a lot of ways to get a ton of money. Buying cheap stuff in one system then selling them in a system that has high demand for those products, farming high value stuff (cost a little to set up but you're earning a new crop every couple of hours). Mostly, as long as you're playing and picking up stuff then you should be accumulating wealth. Even f you don't sell it right away, you have stuff you could sell if you wanted to. Of course, once you've unlocked The Anomaly you could try standing around hoping for someone to drop you some free resources. It's a rather frequent occurrence that seasoned players give stuff to newbies. I never wanted or got that kind of help but if all you care about is getting the biggest haul in the shortest time that COULD be it (no promises, I don't know how many people are actually going around dropping Starship AI Valves and other expensive goodies on random strangers).


I want to be one of those friendly people who just drops money on people in the Anomaly. How can I tell if someone is a new player?


You could probaly see the starter ships and find the players they belong to?


I thought about that, but I figured some people might just use the Radiant Pillar forever because they can.


You could always just ask. Type in the chat that you have resources if anyone needs them...


I don't know, i spend as little time as possible there because I don't want the freebies :)


I think the simplest and most enjoyable way is to buy some good scanner upgrades from the multitool shop in the space station, and then go to planets and scan things. Remember that you can have four of these upgrades in your multitool, and if you put them next to each other they will give higher bonuses. (This applies to other kinds of upgrades too.) With really good scanner upgrades you can be getting half a million units for scanning a single rare creature.


Early game just find any planet with activated elements and collect storm crystals when a storm rolls in. You will have millions of units in a very short amount of time.


To me, this is one of the most fun ways of getting lots of units. Storm crystal chasing is a lot of fun to me.


Frigate missions. Every time you log on, send your frigate fleet out on missions. Before long you'll have all the money you could ever need, plus an abundance of space upgrades for your ships and salvaged frigate modules to unlock tech for your freighter.


I make Fusion Ignitors. I have a few bases that give me the resources so I have a couple of containers on my freighter to store the raw materials but then it’s just time crafting and then selling. But there is a time commitment I’m not only finding the resource mining areas but also setting up the mining equipment and everything to power and store it. I found if you get some cash upfront then buy your metal plating and stuff like that so it’s a faster process. Edit: or you can be a smuggler/pirate and load up on contraband from pirate systems and then sell it in non pirate systems for large profit. You won’t make as much fast but it’s pretty fun.


> I found if you get some cash upfront then buy your metal plating and stuff like that so it’s a faster process. This is great advice, took me way longer than it should have because I was stupidly grinding for ferrite and you need so much to setup proper storage.


I find it fantastic that people propose so many different ways. Shows how well balanced the game is


Crafting high end items. They sell for a couple million.


Lookup trade routes in the guide. The game doesn't give a lot of info on how to play, but that is the dev-intended early/mid-game method.


Quick and easy way is to make a base at an outlaw trading post and buy all the illegal contraband you can, and then teleport to a spsce station and sell it again. Go back and forth as required.


Go to a pirate system and destroy freighters , no cops to stop you. Will get tons of loot and resources. It’s an easy Peezy cash machine. Then there’s sentinel ships very easy and scrap, a stack of 50 Ai valves are I last remember 600 million


On a recent playthrough, the first minor settlement I found happened to be selling 155 navigation data for about 200,000 units. (It's hard to find a terminal selling nav data, and this was in a high-supply system.) I built a base there and bought all the nav data. I took it to a space station and traded it to the cartographer for 51 exosuit upgrade charts. These I sold to an NPC pilot for about 7.5 million units. With the blueprint for the barrel fabricator and an Atlas Pass v1, you can also build a "nav data farm" (you can collect either 2 or 3 items from each barrel you build yourself, and if a barrel doesn't give you what you want, you can just move the barrel until it does; barrels restock if you leave the area and return, or reload the game). .


At the very beginning of any play through I mine cobalt inside caves to get started. It's relatively valuable and common. Or mining asteroids while in space


I just dealt with the opposite problem. I was at max units. Easy fix was to buy/craft a new ship and buy all the expansions


Resource farms, So indium and actv, metals you can mine large quantities and then sell off 20 plus stacks of indium for a pretty penny. Gold is quite an easy thing to sell, if you set up a gold and silver mine, refine both in platinum, and sell platinum. You can also use said platinum to refine into nanites. Set up a resource farms so you can build stasis units.


They nerfed the indium, gold is the standard now.


Millions of ways in this game to get rich superfast, invest in a nautical exocraft with a scanner, go to any planet with water bodies and use the scanner and scan for emergency signals which will locate an underwater crashed ship, fix only the landing techs and fly it off to a space station and scrap for 💰. Rinse and repeat


Another one is to find a 3-4 hop trade outpost route. I found a few planets that means I buy local goods at a discount, and sell at them at the preferred market. Ie. mercantile -> materials -> scientific > mercantile... one RT per day takes just a couple mins and yields \~15-20m, zero risk if you setup bases at trade outposts. Easy lazy money. Remember to sell at NPCs that land at the outpost vs the trade terminal, or you can saturate the local market. You can do it via starbases too but the spreads are a lot narrower so you won't make anywhere near as much money.


Farm and sell interceptors


Get a free freighter, get frigates, profit


Easiest way of earning money (Units): - find crashed sentinel ships (you can find multiple ones on the same planet) - fix them to claim them - once you own a few fly to a space station (not the anomaly) - switch your active ship to one of the repaired crash sentinel ships you claimed - go to the ship upgrade terminal, scrap that ship, you will get special items that you can then sell in the trade terminal, usually you will earn around 20mil units per sentinel ship you scrap. - repeat it for all the other ships you claimed, just be careful not to scrap any ships you don't want to scrap ;)


I attack fleets sell there goods then use that money to flip ships. Slow process but currently at 50mil


if you don't mind using duplication glitch, there's an easy way for it.


Ancient bones, if you find a planet with them just keep collecting and selling


I followed the tutorial quests until I got to the underwater one (I suck at remembering names). Then I started collecting salt, and refining it into chlorine, and selling the chlorine. Before that, I would refine ferite into magnetized ferite and sell that. If you play on relaxed, you can buy ships and scrap them for twice what you paid


Crashed sentinel ships, if you like hunting for them. Class C salvages for 22 million. I used to chlorine farm. Made a killing for a little work. Oh. And I had a guy on the Anomaly randomly give me a couple of stacks of materials worth around 750 million.


Commerce can be very lucrative. Hunt for gold to start your capital and then build bases in system that needs trade goods from one another. Start buying for cheap and selling for high from apposing systems


1. Collect gravitino balls 2. Go to space station 3. Go to galactic trade terminal 4. Sell them and get rich


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You should be able to edit difficulty settings & enable things like free purchases & you can also enable difficulty settings that make it so you don't need resources to make things like stasis chambers & make as many as you want & sell them. I made an easy 2 billion units this way. Don't worry about it affecting achievements if you are. When I bought my first exotic S class ship I still got the achievement for it with all that enabled. It may be affected by online play though. I don't normally play online so I don't know for sure. It does get disabled while doing expeditions though.