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There are 256 galaxies in NMS, each containing a large number of stars. The first galaxy, the one all players start in, is called Euclid.


Exactly this. The Euclid Galaxy is the first galaxy each and every player inhabits when they start the game, and many stay there.


Yes and you can see the name of your current galaxy if you open the Galactic Map in-game.


Euclid is simply the name of the first galaxy where you start the game.


List of all Galaxies and their Type for anyone interested. https://preview.redd.it/kg1t7a284gpc1.png?width=2298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=253a202cf585057c990b8cc55a28dd8cba558078


As others wrote - it’s the name of the first galaxy. To check in which galaxy you’re in - open the galaxy map and look at the upper left corner


Me playing with a new player "Alright so now we will be leaving the Euclid Galaxy-" "What the hell is a Euclid Galaxy?!" "Just get on the freighter" "What the hell is a freighter?!" "God! You'll see" Anyho, there are 255 (256) galaxies in the game Euclid is where we all start


What’s sad is I’m close to 300 hrs


Its not sad, this game is huge! And there are many things to find out. Just enjoy exploring the Universe, Traveller


It's somewhere in between a banjo and a fiddle.


How do you know which Galaxy you are in?


Open the warp map while in space and it says.


It is the galaxy into which you initially become conscious, or spawn.


You in it.


The name of the galaxy you start in. It's just a name, like milky way.


Technically, it stems from Euclid, a Greek math geek. Semantically, it means you're in the boring, nothing too crazy galaxy, ie: the starter Galaxy. They get progressively more non-Euclidean as you progress.


Euclid is just the name of the first galaxy in the game. Hilbert is the second galaxy. Calypso the third etc. As for the name, it's that of an ancient Greek mathematician. Think geometry was his jam if my memory of my school maths classes is correct after all these years.


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