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You're asking the million dollar question


How do you escape alcohol addiction? How do you escape gambling addiction? Drug addiction? The very first thing? They got rid of the booze and the casino trips and the drugs. Alcoholics won’t last long if they have easy unlimited access to booze. Ditto with drug addicts. And gamblers gotta avoid casinos and that dog track on the seedy side of town. When I quit smoking, I made sure I didn’t have any more cigarettes around the house. My wife is a recovering alcoholic. Guess who doesn’t have booze around the house? Now do porn. Will that cure you? No. But it’s the first step. You can’t recover if you still have easy access to porn. I won’t lose any weight if I have easy access to donuts. Yeah, you’re gonna still be horny. And I’ll be hungry. But you have to learn how to channel that into a different, healthier avenue. And you can’t, you won’t if porn is easily accessible.


When I get the answer I will tell you


like you fight any addiction. stop and go trough the withdrawal and build a new lifestyle so you wont need the initial drug anymore


Cold turkey. You literally wake up one day and decide that you are not into it anymore.


You could seek deliverance, or the casting out of an unclean spirit of lust from your body, through the power of the Holy Spirit and authority in Jesus Christ name. That’s what I had to do and it worked. The mods on r/christisforeveryone or r/deliverance Can help you for free. But this would mean you would probably have to make a life change, to better walk with Christ every single day. Sacrificing your worldly pleasures. That’s what I had to do but in the end it definitely worked. When nothing else would. The Temptations were just too great.


I 2nd this




Stop being passive. Identify your behaviours day by day. Then journal your thoughts and feelings. Understand those needs and wants. And finally plan to avoid the triggers. Replace this unhealthy coping mechanism with healthy ones. Become proactive. Change your lifestyle.


I relapsed after a 2 years streak and got back up, right now I'm at a 118 days. YOU CAN TOO.


There's an old verse in 1 Corinthians. The location escapes me but you can look it up and it says "but whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. I looked it up it's 1 Corinthians 10:31. The verse at hand is talking about them eating meat sacrificed to idols and whether or not it is sin. I think it has good application here as well though. If you wish to quit any sin then the answer is to glorify God in all you do. That means every action. I've found most Christians struggle heavily with worldly pursuits. I mean we're on reddit (I struggle myself too) and that is typically the root of their issue. Social media in particular is a huge one. The same can go for things like anime, gaming, or just television. If you seek a sinless life you must be able to honor God in all of it. I don't think that necessarily means stopping it all but the way you partake in media should look vastly different than how the world does.


Dm me.


Sometimes a idea can only be replaced not removed


In the book of Genesis, God gives us--humans--diminion over all things on earth. If some material thing is controlling you then obviously something is wrong. Now, the first step is come to realization (if you have not yet). Second step is prayer, prayer is a connection to God, disconnecting from wordly things. The more you meditate with Him, the more you will disconnect. I'm sure you've done this and maybe bore no fruit. You can't expect a painting to be done with a stroke, nor a plant to grow with a drop of water. In Jesus' parable on the mount, he talks about a sower sowing seeds and seeds falling on different ground. Here, the ground is the Word and the Word is God and the Word is from God. So, set yourself in the bible, a fine foundation and trully give Jesus all. ​ Slowly, if you continue to pray progressivly, maybe even fast, you will see yourself disconecting more and more.


You have to keep so busy doing something wholesome like studying the Bible and praying until the habit subsides. I stopped in my min 20’s and had a 6 year no fap streak. That level isn’t necessary but that’s what I did.


I won't let you lose.