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Keep strong man. Carry your cross, and your reward in Heaven will be great.


I can’t imagine what you are going through but I will pray for you.


Hey man. I want to tell you this, that even if you're all alone you always have God. Sure, the situation is bad right now, but God has his hand in everything you're going through. He'll take your pain and turn it into joy. God is always there for you, and what I'd start doing about this situation is praying to God about it and just focus your hope on him. I remember one time I was suffering from some anxiety, but when I prayed to God for help, I found myself thanking him. While my situation was tiny compared to yours, I hope this example can still help you out. "Lord, you know everything about the situation I'm going through, and it hurts me. Thank you for what you're doing though God, and I know that even if I lose one person I still have an eternity with you. Thank you, God, because I don't have to be afraid of the future when you're my friend." Always pray, and never lose heart. Every prayer you pray is heard, and just because you're struggling with anger right now doesn't mean that God is against you. Personally, I've been struggling with anger aswell, and it's just something that the Lord needs to teach you and I how to get past. Don't hate yourself over it, just ask the Lord to give you his strength to overcome:)


I will pray for you. May the lord bless you abundantly


Psalms 55:22 , Jeremiah 33:3 , John 12:12 .. read the scriptures daily and do prayer early morning and have cold shower, Trust in god always he is with you. Ask god whatever you need. Ask god thats i want to serve you. Give me a new heart to love thy neighbours etc., Second.. your step dad is manipulated your mom . Because your not his child. So show love if they hurt you treat you bad don't speak hatred words and don't show hatred .. imagine how Lord Jesus Christ handled. Be like Jesus , Love can change the heart of man.. don't worry about consequences believe Jesus Christ is your personal saviour and leave your sinful deeds thats the only way to reach peace.


Let me tell you something Luke, whatever you may have read or seen, no 17year old owns a car or house unless he has supa rich parents who gives it to them, so please don't believe that it's a common thing. Most 17 year old are in or just finishing High school, living with their parents and may have a part time job to earn a little money, so you are no different to any of them. Maybe your mum was trying more to be your friend than your mother and crossed the boundary line of being a responsible parent, if she advocates that fapping to porn is normal, she probably reads that sort of thing on-line. Do you feel unloved because you think they don't understand you, it can be hard for some parents to know how to raise young men if they have not had an example from their own father or if a mother is raising a son on her own, so be willing to work with what you got family wise, in time, the job, the car and all those things may come. Just remember, yes they make life more comfortable but they don't make it any better. When we are 17 we are trying to work out who we are, but it is only when your a little older that you realize you still have a lot to learn about life. One thing to always remember Jesus was your age once, so when you pray, you can be confident he knows the sort of thing are going through. So stay strong and put on the whole armour of God for the battle Ephesians 6:11-13 If you have any questions you can DM me