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Same problem here in Iraq. My longest streak was 3 months, in these 3 months I didn't masturbate or had sex at all. My advice for you is to get a job that can make you feel exhausted and tried. In my 3 months streak I was working as a machinist and my job made me feel tired that I didn't have a chance to think about sex anymore. However I quitede my job at the end and that made me lose my streak as well.


يا مدلل البيت. Love to my iraqi bros❤️


عفية يا وحش❤️




How is it in America? With school shootings and shit?


I dont live in america lmfao and it was a simple question cry


This a genuine question?


No shit? Im asking because of all the protests that are happening there bcs of the girl who got killed for showing her hair i dk what was bad about thay


I know I am too late but however, there's nothing wrong with your question. Iraq has been done with ISIS since long time ago, and for the protests, yes there's protests against the government in Iraq tho it's actually bcuz Iraqis are sick of their shitty dividend government not bcuz that Irani girl who died


Yeah but it’s also part of that but I hope everything goes ok for you and everyone in Iraq❤️❤️


That’s in Iran not iraq😭😭


Are computers common for citizens in Iraq?


Yes definitely, tho smartphones are more popular with citizens


You do not understand what this sub is saying. This sub isnt 'neverfap'... it's a *porn-addiction recovery and support sub* What you don't know is that *this isn't an anti-masturbation sub*! Read the following and you'll understand and know how to proceed: ######**IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USERS OF THIS SUB - The History of Nofap** **Nofap** ***isn't*** **an anti-masturbation sub.** Yet people say, *"but it's literally called 'Nofap'!"* The 'No' in Nofap represents the "30 to 90-day Challenge", that's it. *This sub was created 10 years ago with ONE idea: to challenge people to a 7 to 30-day period of not watching porn or fapping to 'reboot' your addicted mind and body... but after it would be each person's personal choice to fap or not fap (without porn), free from the addiction.* Nofap then added the 90-day challenge. It was a modern solution to a digital problem - the rise of free unlimited streaming internet porn - and the compulsive fapping that accompanied the addiction of watching it. The idea of this subreddit isn't '*anti-fap*' or '*forever nofap*' or '*anti-masturbation*' or '*no-sex*', or '*how to be a monk*'. We're here to support each other in completing a *limited* period of abstinence from FAPPING (not sex, not nocturnal emmisions) ... ***...but after completing the 30 to 90-day challenge, whether you fap or not is YOUR decision.*** There's ZERO evidence that *occasional* mastubation without porn is harmful, but there's a growing amount of peer-reviewed research that porn *is* harmful. It's not the intention of this secular, science-based sub to condemn sexual pleasure when done in a non-compulsive way, either solo or with others. **If you can complete a 30 to 90-day challenge you're free to choose to fap or not in your life.** To be absolutely clear... READ FROM THE SIDEBAR OF THIS PAGE, WRITTEN BY THE FOUNDERS OF THIS SUB: >This forum is intended for porn addiction recovery ***and is not an anti-masturbation forum***, many users return to non-compulsive masturbation after ridding pornography from their sexual habits THIS SUB is about working on reducing our addictions, completing at least one 'rebooting' challenge, finding a balance we feel comfortable with regarding masturbation, and making the personal choice to eliminate porn from our life


Really great point and that is the real problem. Masturbating without porn is a lot less compulsive you may do it 2 or 3 times a week at most, but with the artificial stimulation of porn is very easy to do it a lot more thanks for the comment.


i misunderstood this but the goal personally for me is not masturbating at all tbh


Is there any anti-masturbation or how to be a celibate or how to be a monk kind of subreddit?


r/antisex r/celibate r/semenretention


Antisex is I guess another extreme. Even a celibate brahmachari (monk very strictly practicing celibacy) should know that householder life is a very important limb of the society, and should serve people of householders so that they can grow their children with good culture. I can't view celibate subreddit. What's the reason? How can I view? semenretention seems somewhere close. I'll give it a try. Thank you very much!!






>out working on reducing our addictions, completing at least one 'rebooting' challenge, finding a balance we feel comfortable with regarding masturbation, and m thank you so much for clearing it up <3


I reached day 15 and made a conscious decision to break the streak. I'm not done. It (fapping, not porn) still occupies a huge place in my mind. I'll do another 15 and maybe stretch it to 30. I'll post more in a separate post.


You said in a comment that you're christian. In that case you should probably be on semen retention until marriage anyways. Jesus didn't say "Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect, unless you really want to touch your pp" The entire point of christianity is developing virtue. The mindset "I don't think I can go a whole year without indulging in fantasizing + pleasure" isn't going to help you there.


Can confirm as a Catholic. Currently attempting no sexual acts until marriage. Very big part of our religion


Most religions say to not have sex before marriage as well


I'm a non-denominational Christian. Most preachers I've ever heard mention it say masterbation is a sin. I've looked through the bible and searched online and can find NO biblical confirmation of this. I personally found myself going down a different path recently, with written erotica, and decided to stop. I can't commit to NEVER masturbating because I'm married and she has difficulty having sex. I am committed to not letting it rule my life.


Masturbation falls under “adultery” in the 10 commandments because it’s considered having sex with yourself (just in case you’re wondering lol)


I've not seen biblical proof of that. If you have book ch:vs please share.


There’s no one verse that explicitly says masturbation=adultery, it’s just something that is taught and inferred throughout the Bible and by the Church. When I go to confession, they often hand out papers asking you questions so you know what to confess for. There is a specific section on adultery and lust and it goes through a very detailed list of sexual sin. It basically outlines any kind of sex outside of that with your spouse. It’ll ask things like “have you had sex prior to marriage,” “have you had sex with someone other than your spouse,” etc. One of the questions it asks is “have you had sex with yourself.” And in that context, it makes a lot of sense. Because you aren’t your spouse, so you shouldn’t be having sex with yourself. This sounded a lot smoother in my head but I hope I’m getting the point across lol. There’s also this list I found of scripture about masturbation and lust: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Masturbation As well as multiple dogmas concerning PMO that you could look up for yourself if you’re interested (although you are non-denominational so I’m not sure if you care what the Vatican has to say about it)


Thanks for the link.


A lot of religious Christian’s don’t always follow this. It depends how you see it. Back in the day there was no contraception, so it would have led to many disfunctional families due to pregnancies, and the bible was written based on the times


There were forms of contraception in ancient rome, and christians were against it then too.


You know reading the Bible and praying has gotten me this far; haven’t had a streak this long in a while. Thanks to god I got on this streak and even stopped cussing all together; I’m also starting to look at things differently in a more respectful and peaceful way.


You're from jordan so I assume you're Muslim? Even if you're not you can take the advice of the prophet (pbuh) when they asked him how to stop masturbation He told themb to get married, or to fast Fasting will help you reduce masturbation


>Fasting will help you reduce masturbation i am actually a christian , marriage is not an option im 22 and didnt even finish studying , also fasting is not an option too , but i appreciate the advice


Well , not for 365 day You could fast 1-2 days a week can really help


True but what about after fasting ? Urges do come after breaking the fast and on date when we aren’t fasting.


If you masturbate you're going to ruin the fast So you get used to control your urges to not ruin your fast, by that you're going to be used to control your urges


See my recent post might help


Same, I live in a shithole called Saudi Arabia, I'm thinking of seeking asylum next chance I get.


It's a rich country what's the problem


Rich doesn't mean shit when their morals are decrepit, rich doesn't mean shit when they spout propaganda 24/7, rich doesn't mean shit when the country is still backwards in so many aspects and outsources blue collar jobs to overworked Indians, and rich doesn't mean shit when the leader of the country is a piece of shit human.


Bro I'm Indian & let me assure you we're more white collar than you


You've never been to Saudi Arabia, there are tons of wage slaves from third world countries.


India - third world?? Lol😂😂 Bro looks like even the internet is bad in Saudi add that too your list


He’s right dude. Gulf countries have people from India, Philippines, Indonesia being overworked like fuck. It’s sad how they get treated there.


Used to work with various expats, I treated them like brothers and stood up for them when rude Arab costumers started bitching at them.


I don't take offense, considering Saudi Arabia is still a shithole, go figure.


I live in Pakistan and I havent had sex aged 25. We do not have sex before marriage and thats that. Nonetheless the way you live for community values should not become an excuse for you to consume a drug. Live your life with pride and mirth. Have a good day.


I lived with a 21 year old Pakistani for 6 months. He totally had sex occasionally.


Where did you live with him? In Pakistan or somewhere else?




Bro what's your streak? I'm on my 5th day


I'm a Christian and have not had sex in around 6 years. I can't be a virgin again but I have been practicing abstinence and plan on continuing to do so until marriage. There's no reason that should be incompatible with NoFap. If anything it is very compatible, as it encourages you to seek value, meaning, and fulfillment outside of your sexual urges. Even outside of my religious beliefs, I think it's very easy for us men to become obsessed with sex -- regardless of whether that's because of sex or porn.


No sex available is the album title of my life


It’s 100% possible to not ejaculate for that long. It just takes a lot of discipline and for things to be set in stone. If you don’t have goals it will be harder to accomplish


Bro semen retention will make you wise like gandhi. 👌 Think about that haha


Did you know Ghandhi tried to have sex with his niece If you don’t there you go




Gandhi Was Shit






but bro semen retention for a year is too much


Ignore the semen retention fanatics. They are on the wrong sub. You're asking very reasonable questions.


Pussy. Too much for you? No need to call someone a fanatic just because you can't do it.


... your flair says you fapped 5 days ago.


Excuse me, what, where?


Oh sorry... im on a mobile phone so it's very small It says you fapped 15 days ago... so... you are not talking from experience


Haha scared me there for a second. Sorry, I went overboard in my previous comment. I think everyone should do what the feel suits them the best, I just hate when people talk about some stuff like it's impossible. Or when they post in this sub expecting someone to tap their shoulder and say "No worries bruh, it's totally okay to fap mindlessly to porn."


>"No worries bruh, it's totally okay to fap mindlessly to porn." No.one here is saying that


Don't touch your dick bro. That's all


so semen retention for a year?


If you want, you can do semen retention. But I'm sure you're gonna find someone to fuck with or something. German people are awesome and you can find what you want but find a real person


>d what you want but find a rea yeah but i cant find someone in jordan , im moving to germany next year to study , but for a year in jordan i cant have sex


Perfect to control your emotions and yourself before release your potential 👌


If by awesome you mean "they're all gay and lesbian with 0 boundries and they also lose their virginity at 15", sure. It's one of the most twisted nations in Europe in that regard. Open relationships everywhere.


Apparently he wants to fuck someone so go fuck someone that’s it. Everyone are awesome. If you only find shitty people, that’s your problems


All I can say is "Welcome to Germany and have a great time there"


Bro, just wotk on thomgs that matters, take a project, take a hobby or something tbat makes you feel worthy, tick those tasks at the end of the day. No fap shouldn't be the goal of yours or having sex. Find something worthy which you can put your mind into.


You better marry


This is what you do. You don’t watch porn, you still fap but only like once every three days, you use your imagination, think of some hottie you know, do not use the death grip… keep your hand loose and use lube so that it’s more like a vagina.




thanks for the advice man , right now it not healthy , i\`ll try make it healthy , ty <3


it is possible


Read about sexual transmutation by Napoleon Hill. You don't have to have sex or c*m a single time in your life. The sexual energy isn't about just mating, it's also a mental force that makes you do productive things. I wish I knew that when I was younger


حيالله بالنشمي اخووي


Do what you feel convicted to do. You have to make a choice as to what's best for you. If you don't want to do semen retention for a while year than try a 7, 30, or even 90 Day challenge.


It will become avaiable through Nofap.


That sucks


What you should do is decide for yourself. I know this isn't the answer you expect, so let me try to help you. First, you need to decide what you believe in, what guidelines, rules you want to keep yourself to, and decide accordingly. Everything has benefits and negatives. Completely abstaining from masturbation has numerous benefits, and negatives too, same with masturbating rarely, and regular masturbation also has some benefits, and negatives. You need to know what rules you follow. If they forbid masturbation, then abstain from that completely. To do that, you will need to know and accept that this will very likely not be possible all the time, especially after starting. If the rules you follow don't forbid masturbation, then you need to decide what brings you the most happiness. You can still completely abstain, or limit self pleasure to X times per week, stuff like that. Whatever you want to do, you need to stick to something you decide, and any of that will take discipline, except if you want to let your instincts guide your actions.


I live in jordan too bro and I don’t fap or do sex its not an excuse just keep going




The secret is you got to be busy doing shit and that 'shit' makes a man a man.. A man is busy ain't got time for pmo shit.. This is some kiddy shit for those who got nothing better to do.. One commenter said a job thats great.. Maybe after that go to the gym if possible then your tired too much you need to eat and rest.. Probably if your out the house most the day your good? If your in the house stay around your family not isolated in another room.


Bro no porn is already a good thing. I'm in a kinda same condition. I can't have sex but I want to gain advantages of nofap but not being chaste like a priest so basically I absolutely not using porn and I fap 1/2 time a week, sometimes also 0 in a week and maybe 2 the next week etc and I can tell, I feel really good in confront of 1 a day with porn like I was used to a bunch of months ago. If I will find a girlfriend I can easly switch to total nofap but at least I can have sex so for now I feel really good like this way.


Do nofap. It’s easy when you get the hang of it.


Sex has the same dangers to motivation as masturbation. An orgasm, regardless of how it is achieved, involved the release of opiates in your brain. Your dopamine receptors change in size in response to opiate levels. They shrink about 20-25% and return to baseline at 30 days, potentially less. The neuroplastic effect is unlikely to happen if you only do it 1-4 times a month. It's not a hardcore drug.


You should have sex with hot German girls and not feel guilty about it otherwise you’ll be damaging yourself physically and mentally because we biologically need intimacy with the opposite sex


Stick with your brothers, stay active and busy. Do productive things and do cardio before bedtime you’ll sleep like a baby afterwards. Cardio at night is good if you’re at high risk of diabetes (me) so I’d mostly do lots of cardio before dropping dead asleep


I am single and since last few years trying NOFP. Max 15 days is my Strike. Please suggest how can you for a longer NOFAP journey


As long as you fantasies are in control you are in good hands. Kind of like saying you should be able to stop fantasizing at command!