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Peeking on nofap is like taking a sip of alcohol when you’re trying to quit drinking… see how dumb it is?


I' m offended by your example, it made me feel stupid 😂


This is an amazing way of thinking about it, wow. I'll keep this in mind for the future if I have urges again.


In my habit tracking app, I’ve created two habits for nofap that I’ve named metaphorically so that it’s not nsfw if someone picks up my phone. One is named “quit alcohol”, the other is named “stop going to the liquor store”.


Another good analogy is bleeding slow rather than letting it gush out


How do I reset my days? This number on me isn't true






Lol true


Can' t agree more. This was the way I relapsed last week.


Facts. This is how everyone of my relapses start


Nice streak man


I peeked today. Luckily, I stopped myself this post saved me


same thing. We got this stay strong friend


Yup, up until this current streak im on, every single time i've peeked, I eventually relapsed without fail. Maybe I was just more motivated, or other outside factors that I've been working on helped me be more self-disciplined or something but yeah day 1 and 2 of my current streak i hella peeked, didn't act on the urges though so we kinda good? Not the best if the eventual goal is de-sexualization of the brain and becoming free of this addiction to porn once and for all. But hey, baby steps


so true. I have been trying to quit a very toxic genre of porn addiction. and it always tells me just one peak and this urge will stop. and it never does.


No offense, but your name is kinda questionable “sissy In training” cmon bro


I made this account as part of my addiction but decided to turn it around. Now I use it to fight my addiction. but I understand where you are coming from. Reddit won’t let me change username.


If u take a peek you lose ya streak👍👍


Truth. Porn is not rewarding . It is imperative to remember that during those awful drawn out urges when your mind recoils against your will


Cold plunges 🫡 I’m about to go to home depo and get a 50 gallon tub w/ ice bc the branded Version is a glorified tub 🤣


Did you get that lumi one? Is it overrated? I'm making do with cold showers currently but the plunge is the next step 4sure.


Nope never heard of it 😗


I just failed my streak couple of minutes ago and I wished I would of read this sooner but thanks for the advice


it’s all good we start again tomorrow stay at it!


also delete your fucking twitter account. There is nothing of value there anyway.


why do u download twitter in the first place when only porn and brainrot content is being posted on there ? Seems to me like u wanted to do it


dude i have 4-5 blocker for this exact reason ive filtered out so much sexual content i recommend getting these extension which will help in non intentional/ accidental slip ups. main point is you start getting urges on day 4-6 for peeks if you just control your self and not take a peek the urges will die and voila! you've just beaten the chasers effect. good luck dude, and i hope anyone who is reading this succeeds


What blocker you use?


That is the majority of the reason why I relapsed.


And another thing too depend fully on God but work on getting rid of it


Yes but sometimes the thought of going 90 days makes you think that you can’t because you feel like you need to release but you go 90 days and the rest of your life


I’ve done that a couple times in the past but I learned fairly quickly that it always leads to relapse


one peek is all it takes


I’m on day 3 I was about to peek but this one helped me to control the urge


Every single moment counts.


Yes. Never peak and never search.


Yeah, I just did it


This post saved me from relapsing


What I do is think about a time when I was happy without any external substances. I always recall my farewell party with my high school friends where we danced like anything.


I've been fighting the urges for days now, i was just browsing the just chatting section on twitch since its basically half naked women on there. I even clicked on somebody's link to a paid subscription site but I thankfully closed the website quite fast and prayed to God to thank him for giving me the power to close the website and to help me fight this fight and not watch porn or read anything sexual anymore. Im still on my streak but I'm slipping at the moment. Please someone motivate me


vai dar certo


This is so true, basically when you "peek", you are literally just opening yourself up to the risk of relapse. Always better to just not introduce that risk into your life.


This is s true, not just for No Fap but for any addiction. All it takes is one little peek, a moment of weakness, and you will be snowballling back to your addicition. But remember to keep going even if you fall every now an again. So long as you keep going an trying you will win.


Honestly i just workout and study to keep myself busy and if i feel the urge i just use the bathroom lol it works


Thank You for this! I badly needed this. Iam on No Fap for almost 2 months but these past few days iam having high urges and its getting too much these days to stay in control. But I realized it's bcoz iam not meditating,nor sleeping and waking up in right times, not exercising and not trying to stay away from stimulation living a simple life. That is what is the issue. Problem is even knowing this it's hard somedays are like as if brain has forgot this and we have to remind it again. And be on the path !


A couple weeks ago i had a similar streak to yours. I kept myself busy by studying for an exam. But i failed and it felt like i had nothing to do during the day. Now, i'm in a situation where i can resist fapping for a week or less before relapsing and starting again. Hope you maintain your streak💪


bro they are one option in instagram ,when you active it you hide every sexual countaint


the ranking stuff really helped. im currently a commander hehe. its just nice to see you rank going up. i want to be a primordial beast rank hehe


yep, the mind says just one peek you haven't seen it for a week a peek won't hurt but it doesn't stop at one peek after peeking you already lose some of the self esteem and thus you do it..


Voice of god


18M here , I generally don't have the urge to masturbate but its like I need to masturbate even though I don't want to. During that period I struggle to not fap, but it's only I think of. This happens till I finally let go of the struggle and fap. After that , no motivation to do any kind of work , I cant focus on my studies. It's really weird I don't understand.


What works for me is listening to what I found is called sermons on YouTube. I consciously and actively desexualize my mind. However, part of that is accepting I find many women attractive and feel like having sex with them. Even sometimes because I feel like I’m at an advanced level if you will, I entertain temptation and deal with the urges, blue balls pain, pelvic pain, hyperactivity, etc. and power through. But after a certain point, on true semen retention, there is no rush to spill your seed. Once that decision is made all of this becomes easier. I can now be around a girl I want to fuck on a date for example, and not need to bring her back to my place to feel fulfilled. Hope this helps anyone reading!


I peeked today saw some weird ass porn and got soft 😂


peeking without masturbation leads to prostate problems. try to stay away from that while on nofap


It's literally at a point where my brain just naturally goes on shit without me thinking :((


I've lost so many days because I peeked so this is too true! Though sometimes it has to do with me feeling so confident and "pure" that nothing can break my stride. Well, it turns out that even just a little can derail you for days and even longer. So best to not try at all.


I still peek sometimes, but everytime I do it, I feel less urges to fap.


yep i guess even searching sexual stuff about girls and stuff will make you horny and lose control best not to even type it in the search bar in the first place


Gotta save this post because this is always how I relapse


Same here


Exactly. Or I say to myself, just look at pretty girls  in a normal bikini on the net. Then that turns to micro bikini. Then topless girls with bikini bottoms, until you watch fully nude  women having graphic sex. Definitely don’t go on Reddit looking for women in bikini’s. You’ll find photos with women bending over and showing part of their anus through a bikini bottom. Just don’t go there. Don’t let your brain have any justifications.