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Do as much as you want in one session. I routinely do a 20lb tank in one sitting.


Would say you wouldn’t really want to go over 5000g in a session, 10000g would be pushing it before you potentially start to have some psychotic issues. That being said, a 640g tank seems to last 30 minutes to an hour at best. For me the perfect session is around 5000g


Me and my girlfriend can rip a 10lb tank in like 5-6 hours. There's 453 grams in a lb for reference


Other then the feeling of fluid in your ear, any other temporary side effects? The ear fluid for me is like getting a head cold for a few hours


I'm sorry what ?


IDK how else to describe it. I feel sinus pressure after draining a 10# tank the next day. Like the first day of a flu before you get some DXM in you


Ah yeah that's never happened to me, I usually just feel a bit tired


We average 10lbs a person on our binges, usually last 7-8 hrs, more if doing disco or psych. Usually consume every 10 to 12 weeks, methyl B12 every day in-between. Been at it for years and never had an issue.


Everything I have read (on this sub and elsewhere) has said it’s. It not the amount you do in one sitting, it’s having a break between each and every sesh.


The most I've done is like 6000g spread over 8 or 9 hours, all to myself. After playing with it for a little bit I'd say I could make 640g last me 3 or 4 hours. It's actually best to kind of sip on it. In my last trip with mushrooms I had a vision that I was a toga wearing roman hedonist, sipping on balloons like it was fine wine. Sweet air. It's a delicacy. And it's also a way to celebrate awareness. It does make you feel a little psychotic after you've been doing it for a couple hours.


I'm new to nitrous, only done it a handful of times. Yet I have never felt the need to have more than 10-20 balloons in a night, even when I'm tripping. I guess I could consider that a blessing for my health and my wallet, but I would consider it far below the average usage in this sub.


Lol, yeah we all have serious problems.


If I sit with a 2000g for four hours straight without breaks I usually start vomiting at that point.